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A Paradigmatic Example of New Age Medicine and How to Expose and Analyze it, part 2

The following is a continuation of the letter of part 1.
Not only is muscle testing an occult technique,
it is scientifically impossible. 
It does not follow the Biblical model of subduing and having dominion
over the earth by investigating created processes through the scientific method
(Genesis 1:28).  It fails the
Biblical imperatives to “Prove all things; hold fast that which is
good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21), to “keep sound wisdom and discretion” (Proverbs
3:21), to consider what is “true . . . honest . . .[and] just” (Philippians
4:8), to “reason” (Isaiah 1:18; 1 Samuel 12:7; cf. Acts 17:2; 24:25; etc.), to
“see, and know, and consider, and understand” (Isaiah 41:20), to “produce [a]
cause . . . [and] bring forth . . . strong reasons” (Isaiah 41:21), to “gird up the loins of [our] mind
. . . as obedient children” (2 Peter 1:13-14) to have a “sound mind” (2 Timothy
1:7), to “be not children in understanding . . . but in understanding be men”
(1 Corinthians 14:20), to “prove what is that good, and acceptable, and
perfect, will of God” by “the renewing of [one’s] mind” (Romans 12:1-2) and
based on reasoning be “persuaded” (Acts 18:4). 
There is no scientific, rational
mechanism that can explain how moving one’s arm can indicate problems in
muscles in other parts of the body. 
There is no scientific, rational mechanism that can explain how these
alleged muscle problems can cause all kinds of other diseases, as muscle
testing claims.  There is no
scientific, rational mechanism that can justify the “Neuro-Emotional Technique”
idea that emotions are stored in an organ, such as the pancreas, liver,
kidneys, etc. for decades, and that these emotions stored in one’s liver or
some other organ can cause disease. 
(Fox stated that Judy had stored emotions in one of her organs that had
been hurting her health since she was twelve years old—and that then, by
tapping on her back in one place, the locked up emotions were released and she
was now made healthy again!)  One
does not even have the same cells in most of one’s organs that one had two
decades ago—they are all long gone.  There is no scientific, rational method whereby eating parts
of various cow innards and related products sold by the Standard Processing
can “rebalance” my non-testable, non-verifiable
chi, as the NET materials in Fox’s office claims.  There is no scientific, rational method that can explain how
Chiropractor Fox can “test” my arm—as he
did when I was there—as long as I am holding on to Judy, to figure out what
nutrients Judy’s body is missing. 
There is no scientific, rational mechanism that can explain how, when
Chiropractor Fox or anyone else employing muscle testing, pronounces the words
“one” or “two” or “three,” one’s arm muscles will somehow hear and respond to
those words in the English language and will either stay firm or relax, and that
this will enable one to know whether or not one needs to take, one, two, three,
etc. pills in a bottle that one is holding.  There is no scientific, rational mechanism that can explain
how when someone says the words “two weeks,” “four weeks,” “six weeks,” etc.
and then moves someone else’s arm, that the English words pronounced will
change anything at all in the arm muscles, much less be able to predict the
state of one’s body in two, four, six, fourteen, etc. weeks.  How can pushing on Judy’s arm while pronouncing
different words possibly determine what is going to happen with any of her
organs whatsoever, unless one’s intestines, liver, etc. can hear, speak, and
understand English and can themselves predict the future?  When Chiropractor Fox said the words
“fourteen weeks,” moved Judy’s arm, and then said that she needed to come back
in fourteen weeks because that was how long his treatment would keep working,
he was doing something in the realm of predictive prophecy, not something that
is in any way possible scientifically, so unless we are going to say that the
New Testament gift of predictive prophecy has not ceased with the completion of
the canon of Scripture (contra 1 Corinthians 13), but it is now given to those
who are not even born again, his method of determining what will happen to
Judy’s body in the future is impossible. 
This is why muscle testing fails when it is tested by the scientific
method.[2]  Accepting muscle testing as true not
only exposes Christians to occult influence, it also requires the abandonment
of the Biblical commands to employ reason and logic, important elements of our
creation in the image of God.  Its
explanations do not work in the realm of the Scriptural scientific method, but
only on the false assumptions of Eastern paganism and the New Age, developed by
the devil.

The exceedingly strange idea of NET that
different emotions are related to our different organs has no scientific
evidence in its favor whatsoever. 
For example, Chiropractor Fox’s wall chart stated that a pancreatic
problem is associated with “low self-esteem.”  A gallbladder problem is associated with “resentment” (and
his chart further indicates that this problem makes one “indecisiv” (sic)).  If
one is “dogmatically positioned,” the large intestine is the culprit.  One notices that there are allegedly
helpful remedies to these things from earth, metal, water, wood, fire, and
“visceral polarity.” The chart indicates chiropractic “subluxations” (which do
not exist, as will be discussed below) that are associated with these problems
and remedies, as well as sounds, smells, and times of day for remedies.  The muscle groups and spinal bones
associated with these emotions are also listed.  And, as mentioned before, the chart, at the bottom, claims a
connection with chiropractor George Goodheart (who, as we have learned,
developed its contents with occult means) as well as chiropractors Victor Frank
and Robert Ridler.

One who wishes for further information on
muscle testing can examine Ankerberg and Weldon’s book Can You Trust Your
cited earlier, the work by the
Christian Medical Association,
Alternative Medicine: The Christian
by Donald O’Mathuna & Walt Larimore, the articles analyzing muscle-testing
Biblically and scientifically on the Internet by conservative evangelical
Christians at http://www.ccgm.org.au/Articles/ARTICLE-0002.htm;
http://www.cinam.net/AK.html, & http://www.watchman.org/na/namedak.htm,
and the sound scientific material—promoted in the Christian Medical Association
work listed above for doing research into unconventional therapies—at http://www.quackwatch.org (cf
. the
article “Applied Kinesiology: Muscle-Testing for ‘Allergies’ and ‘Nutrient
Deficiencies’ at

A second severe problem with the practice of
Chiropractor Fox is his endorsement, following NET, of homeopathy.  On the wall of his office, a “home-run”
chart to health is listed with four bases, one of which is to employ
homeopathic remedies.  Homeopathy
was developed by Samuel Hahnemann, who “was a follower of the powerful
spiritist and medium Emanuel Swedenborg . . . [and] was steeped in the
mysticism of Swedenborg . . . Hahnemann was also a Freemason . . . One of his
biographers writes . . . [‘]He took offense at . . . Jesus of Nazareth[’] . . .
was an admirer of the occultists Paracelsus and Mesmer . . . [who employed
practices] often indistinguishable from modern forms of psychic healing . . .
[was] also influenced by animism and Eastern religion. . . . Finally, Hahnemann
himself claimed to be ‘inspired’ in his homeopathic writings . . . there is
little doubt that Hahnemann . . . was ultimately inspired by the spirit world.
. . . The occult influence in homeopathy is transmitted to the individual,
bringing him consciously or unconsciously under demonic influence.”[3]  Homeopathy is thus spiritually
dangerous and entirely inappropriate for God’s people. 
is also scientifically impossible. 
This is why it is an abysmal failure when tested by the scientific
method, and why homeopaths themselves who have attempted to prove their system
scientifically have ended up renouncing homeopathy.[4]  Homeopathy involves diluting solutions
containing a particular “treatment” to such an extent that there is often not
even a single molecule of the “treatment” left in the remedy.  When one creates a homeopathic remedy,
one takes one drop of the alleged cure, say, for example, arsenic (which is, of
course, a deadly poison, not a cure, but this is what someone we know was told
to take upon going to a homeopath!). 
One drop of arsenic is mixed with a large quantity of water (dilution
1x).  One drop from this mixture is
then taken and mixed with another equally large quantity of water (dilution
2x).  One drop from this mixture is
then taken and mixed with a third equally large quantity of water (3x).  This process is repeated until the substance is diluted to some fantastic proportion,
such as 30x (the amount mentioned on the NET website, http://www.netmindbody.com/patients/homeopathic-support.asp).  The problem is that
at this
dilution, there is not even a single molecule of the original “treatment”
left—one is consuming nothing but very expensive water!  (Of course, if the “treatment” is a
poison such as arsenic, that is actually a good thing!)  One who does the mathematics will
discover that amount of water mixed with the original “treatment” in a 30X
solution is more dilute than what one would get if he put a drop of a substance
in the Pacific Ocean, and then told someone to drink a random glass of water
from the Pacific to get cured by the drop mixed in the ocean—the likelihood is
statistically almost 100% that there would not be even a single molecule from
the dropper in the glass of water from the Pacific![5]  Homeopathy is demonic in its origin and
practice and is scientifically impossible.  Its connection to Chiropractor Fox is a second reason, in
addition to muscle testing, why Christians should not in any way participate
with his practice.

Process products have been promoted with preposterous claims for more than 40
years . . . the company and its founder [have been] prosecuted for criminal
misbranding” (“The Shady History of Royal Lee and Standard Process
Laboratories,” Stephen Barrett,
example, the Journal of the American Dietetic Association
for June 1988 contained an article by James J.
Kennedy, et. al., entitled “Applied Kinesiology Unreliable for Assessing
Nutrient Status.”  Utilizing
provable methods such as placebos, retesting, and a computerized dynameter to
actually measure muscle strength, the diagnoses obtained by applied kinesiology
were found to be no better than random guessing.
315-319, Can You Trust Your Doctor?

cf. pgs.
263-314, Can You Trust Your Doctor?

[5]  http://www.theijs.com/blog_latest.php?latest=214.

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  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
