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A Paradigmatic Example of New Age Medicine and How to Expose and Analyze it, part 5

The following is a continuation of part 4.

All methods of testing
demonstrate that Chiropractor Jay Fox’s methods are harmful and should be
avoided.  1.) His practice fails the Biblical test, for the Word of God
commands that occultism should be avoided, and his muscle testing, homeopathy,
and chiropractic practice are rooted in the occult and the New Age.  2.)
His practice fails the (Biblically based) scientific method test, for his
muscle testing, homeopathy, and chiropractic practice all have no physical
mechanism that connects their methodology with their alleged results. 
Their methods cannot possibly work on the basis they affirm.  Furthermore,
science indicates that some of his procedures are actually harmful, and can
contribute to death by cancer, strokes, or other physical dangers, as well as
causing harm by preventing one from seeking rational methods of
treatment.  3.) His practice fails the practical test employed immediately
above, since it produced results affirming that toxic mineral spirits, toxic
silica gel, toxic rat poison, and other poisons were good for human consumption,
and that certain of these substances should be consumed by me daily.
Since Chiropractor Fox’s
practice fails sound criteria for the legitimacy of its practice, why has he
been recommended by one person to another, commended by word of mouth, and had
his practice make thousands of dollars from $55 sessions, plus sales of
expensive supplement products from his office, with people whom we know? 
I fear that my household has contributed to this situation by not employing
Biblical, rational methods, as commanded in many verses cited above, of
evaluating allegations of health benefits from particular methods.  Rather
than requiring that a method actually works on the basis of its stated
principles, and requiring evidence from properly conducted studies, we have
accepted personal testimonies of feeling better after engaging in sessions as
proof that Chiropractor Fox’s methods work, although many alternative
explanations for improvement in feeling exist, from the God-given ability of
the body to heal, to answered prayer for physical health, to the placebo
effect, to the comforting feelings one gets from being in a pleasant looking
office with someone who offers one much sympathy and says what one wishes to
hear.  Since there are many reasons, other than cause-effect, that one can
feel differently subsequent to the employment of a particular treatment,
personal testimony is not accepted as evidence for effectiveness in medical
journals—but my household has employed it as a method of determining scientific
fact.  While, as saints, we have a justifiable tendency to accept the
testimony of others, especially other believers, and those whom we love, trust,
and are close to, and this is, in many areas of life, a good thing, it does not
make testimonial a valid method of determining medical facts.  Also,
simply accepting personal testimony about a particular unconventional method
has saved us time in our busy schedules, for we have simply assumed that the
testimonies are proof, and we have then spent time on other things that seemed
more pressing or things that we were actually more interested in. 
Unfortunately, since God’s command for us is to “Prove/test all things” (1
Thessalonians 5:21), by not spending the time to evaluate methods of improving
our health Biblically and logically, Judy and I have allowed ourselves to get
involved in things that are impossible on their stated mechanisms, opened
ourselves up to occult influences, and participated in things that are actually
harmful to our health (like full spinal X-rays), not to mention wasted a lot of
money.[1]  Our ability to be healthy and serve
the Lord with our lives is very important, and Judy and I have not done well by
taking the easy road that does not employ 1 Thessalonians 5:21, and thus
allowed ourselves to come to invalid conclusions. In the case of Chiropractor
Fox, Judy and I have spent large sums of money going to him, and Judy has
received “treatments” that are actually dangerous, because we have accepted
testimonials about how great someone is who cannot tell the difference between
rat poison and healthful diet products.  I fear that I have been a bad
steward by wasting sizable sums of money, contributed to the spread of false information
about the cause and nature of disease and therefore had diseases prolonged,
unintentionally born false witness about invalid treatments, and even exposed
my family to threats from the devil and his angels—and thus grieved the Holy
Spirit—through the acceptance and promotion of occult-based practices.  I
would not want my brethren in Christ to do the same—thus, this analysis. 
Accepting methods that do not work by not thinking Biblically, can, for
example, lead someone with cancer to reject God’s gift of surgery (Matthew
5:30; Mark 9:43, 45) to remove tumors to adopt an occult or unproven technique
that simply does not cure the disease, and either by delaying adopting
treatment that actually works while the cancer spreads, or by not adopting it at
all, die for no good reason.  As for me, in light of how my household has
been deceived by Chiropractor Fox, it seems like it would be wise to make sure
that, from now on, I am evaluating information in the medical realm in valid
ways.  May we all consider such topics as prescribed in Scripture: “Prove
all things; hold fast that which is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21), and “keep
sound wisdom and discretion” (Proverbs 3:21), and consider what is “true . . .
honest . . .[and] just” (Philippians 4:8), and “reason” (Isaiah 1:18; 1 Samuel
12:7; cf. Acts 17:2; 24:25; etc.), “see, and know, and consider, and
understand” (Isaiah 41:20), and “produce [a] cause . . . [and] bring forth . .
. strong reasons
” (Isaiah 41:21), and
“gird up the loins of [our] mind . . . as obedient children” (2 Peter 1:13-14)
and have a “sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7), and “be not children in understanding
. . . but in understanding be men” (1 Corinthians 14:20), and “prove what is
that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” by “the renewing of [our]
mind” (Romans 12:1-2) and based on reasoning from the scientific method
(Genesis 1:28) be “persuaded” (Acts 18:4).

to John Doe’s study by TDR:
Based on the
information from John Doe, it was noteworthy, in both a positive and negative
way, to find out what the reactions were to his study and his evaluation of Mr.
Fox by Judy and he.  John found out
that Judy was convinced, and her thinking was changed for the better, to
conform more closely to that of Scripture in this area.  Unfortunately, when the study was
shared with others, some of those who had assisted Judy in following her earlier way
of thinking that left her open to New Age and quack influence, had a sadly different reaction.  In one particular
group of people who were going to Chiropractor Fox—Baptist fundamentalists, at
that—there was not the least expression of gratitude or word of thanks for the study.  The facts about Mr. Fox’s New Age
practices were set aside.  There
was anger, not at Chiropractor Fox for the lies he promoted and the money he
swindled people out of, but at John Doe for conducting the experiment that
showed that his muscle testing was poppycock.  John Doe’s experiment was wrong.  He should not have done it.  John Doe had neglected the Conspiracy by the evil drug
companies and the government to make people sick, you see.  John was bad, and Fox was good.  Fox had “helped” a lot of people;  they felt better after going to him.  They were going to continue to go to
Mr. Fox, and to recommend him to others. 
John simply did not understand.
So, dear
reader, learn from John Doe’s example. 
Evaluate everything Scripturally, including medical claims.  Love your neighbor as yourself.  Expose and warn about New Age and quack
“medicine.”  Some people will
listen—Judy did.  Some people will
not, but will get angry with you. 
Some of those people will die young, and lead other people to die
young.  Many more will be worse stewards of what God has given them than they would have been otherwise because they will waste many thousands or ten thousands of dollars in their lifetimes on New Age therapies. In either case, if they are believers, they
will give an account at the judgment seat of Christ for their poor stewardship
of their own lives and finances and the lives and finances of others of God’s image-bearers who unnecessarily
go to an early grave. But do not have blood on your hands.  Tell the truth.

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  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
