Home » Uncategorized » “The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 1
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 1
The post below is the first, Lord willing, of a series I will do on the relationship of faith and salvation. The study took me a number of months, is part of my Ph. D. dissertation, and was spiritually refreshing and a definite blessing. I wanted to first note, however, that Tuesday was the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the decision that legalized abortion in our land and has led to the murder of over 55,000,000 children. Are you doing anything to oppose this terrible evil? We pass out thousands of copies of the gospel tract here. You can get this tract personalized for your church by contacting my church here, and then print as many as you wish on 8.5×11 paper on your copy machine.
One reason such a wretched evil is legal is because churches have become confused on the gospel. If even 50% of the people independent Baptist churches led to repeat a sinner’s prayer were truly converted, we would have a radically different country. This study will help you be clear on the nature of justifying faith. It will also bless you as you see the role faith has in your sanctification. I would encourage you to read all the parts that will follow, meditate upon the truths in them, and put them into practice.
Please note that the Accordance Bible software Greek & Hebrew fonts will be used in the study below. You can get these fonts by downloading a free trial version of Accordance here.
The study in this post is now part of a larger study available online by clicking here:
You do not need all this nausating Hebrew to prove anything. The King James Bible is CLEAR about saving faith, and the faith that saves is the same faith that is required to live justly and holy in this present evil world. All is required to understand this is to read the Holy Bible, study it "precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little" (Isaiah 28:10). After 30 years as a son of God, and reading my bible over 75 times, The Spirit of God, the King James Bible and spiritual men who believe as I have NEVER FAILED to "guide me into ALL truth" (John 16:13). There is still much more of that eternal book that needs to be revealed, but no man needs to waste his time in other languages to prove anything that has and always will be revealed in simply believing the inspired scriptures as found in the Holy King James Bible.
As someone rightly said, "What saith the scripture" and not what one finds in lexicons and the parsing of Greek and Hebrew structures unless he is trying to prove something that is not found in the scriptures! If he is not, then why waste anyones time proving what is already found within holy writ? We should be focusing on EVERY WORD of God that is found in the Holy King James Bible and teaching those truths knowing "For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe (1 Thessalonians 2:13)".
Dear Mr. Calvas,
The only Hebrew in my post is God's Word. I would be very afraid to call God's Holy Word, dictated by the Holy Ghost in Hebrew, "nausating" [sic]. This is blasphemy. God finds your statement nauseating. Public repentance is very appropriate.
I would also encourage you to examine the context of passages you quote:
Isa 28:13 But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; THAT THEY MIGHT GO, AND FALL BACKWARD, AND BE BROKEN, AND SNARED, AND TAKEN.
Also, I would encourage you to believe what the King James Bible records Christ saying in Matthew 5:18. Jots and tittles are Hebrew words. The Son of God did not think Hebrew was a waste of time. And, by the way, when Paul wrote 1 Thess 2:13 the church at Thessalonica had received Greek words.
Perhaps "someone rightly said"–Gashmu saith it–but your rejection of Greek and Hebrew is not something you can substantiate with your KJV.
The Hebrew syntax of Genesis 15:6 indicates that Abraham's belief began at a prior point–Ur–and continued to that time. Please show me how you can verify this fact with only the English.
However, unless you repent of calling God's Word nauseating, I doubt there is much point in discussing anything with you.
By the way, I passionately love and defend the KJV, as can be verified on my website. Your unscriptural method of KJV "defense" leads many people to reject the KJV/TR for the critical text
"The only Hebrew in my post is God's Word. I would be very afraid to call God's Holy Word, dictated by the Holy Ghost in Hebrew, "nausating" [sic]. This is blasphemy. God finds your statement nauseating. Public repentance is very appropriate."
The King James Bible IS given by inspiration since it is scripture. Usurping its authority using dead languages is not to be tolerated by ENGLISH bible believers. Blasphemy?? Yea right.
"The Hebrew syntax of Genesis 15:6 indicates that Abraham's belief began at a prior point–Ur–and continued to that time. Please show me how you can verify this fact with only the English."
Wrong. Beginning in Genesis 12:1, the Lord spake concerning his promise and in v4 it says "So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him;" The belief is implied based on his actions (James 2) in contrast to years latter, the interaction between the Lord and Abraham in Genesis 15 the Lord made a promise that Abraham seen as IMPOSSIBLE apart from the direct intervention of the Lord. Therefore, he BELIEVED God to perform it (v6 cf. Romans 4) and the Lord counted THAT action as righteousness APART from Abraham doing anything.
The King James Bible will always correct those who "run to the Greek or Hebrew" to try to prove something that is not there.
Translations are not inspirations. Whenever a translation is made into another language something of the original is not seen as clearly. Yes, the Protestants who translated the King James (including William Tyndale) were godly men, but God's Word was already inspired in the TR and Appropriate Hebrew Text (I think it was the Ben-shammin, but I might be mistaken in that). To say that the KJV is inspired in the same way is the heresy of double-inspiration. While it may be the most-reliable and accurate translation, it is still just that: a translation. One might as easily claim that the LXX was inspired because it was the Old Testament in Greek.
Dear Mr. Calvas,
You are the one who is undermining the King James Bible. The King James Bible records Christ saying:
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
The King James Bible says that Hebrew words would be perfectly preserved, v. 18, and that those who do and teach those Hebrew words would be great in the kingdom of heaven, while those who do not do so will be least. You do not believe the King James Bible.
When you call the holy Words that Moses wrote down in the Pentateuch, the Words of Isaiah, David, etc. Words that make you want to throw up, you are committing awful blasphemy. Nothing in the King James Bible states or implies that the Words God gave in the Old Testament should make you want to throw up. You do not believe the King James Bible.
I did not ask you if Genesis 12 taught that Abraham left. I asked you if Genesis 15:6 indicated that Abraham had faith from the time he left Ur until the time of Genesis 15. Furthermore, if you really believe what you stated in the last comment, then you must think Abraham was not righteous before God until Genesis 15, which contradicts many passages in the Bible.
In the Bibliology section on my website, http://sites.google.com/site/thross7, you can read several articles that explain Biblically in what sense one can and cannot call a translation inspired. I would encourage you to check those out. We don't just get to make stuff up about this matter, as people like the divorced heretic Peter Ruckman or the very confused woman Gail Riplinger so often do.
People who argue like you, Mr. Calvas, turn those who love God's Word off and make them reject the King James Bible for modern versions and the critical text. Your blasphemy against God's Hebrew and Greek Words is a tremendous reproach to the defense of the King James Bible. If you really loved the KJB and wanted to defend it, you would stop blaspheming the God who gave the Hebrew and Greek.
Public repentance is still in order.
A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject; Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself. (Titus 3:10-11).
Public repentance is still in order.
Nonsense. As I have stated, the Holy King James Bible IS scripture and therefore according to the scriptures IS GIVEN by inspiration. All this foolishness about "double inspiration" so you can glory in your education is nothing more than a yawn in the sight of God. Whether it is in English, Polish, Spanish, German or other languages, the bible is inspired based on the faith and belief in the scriptures by the body of Christ, being of one mind and one accord in the common faith that "when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe."
It really is not that difficult except for those who complicate the simplicity that is in Christ, the Word of God.
Seems that the first and second admonition have been given and not received….
"Seems that the first and second admonition have been given and not received…."
In my defense for the ENGLISH scriptures which is given by inspiration of God and are still profitable ("it maketh no matter to me for God accepteth no man's person"), I must correct those who usurp authority of the scriptures that have been proven faithful by the body of Christ for 400 years.
Do you understand that what you are espousing, holding to, teaching here, actually denies the preservation of the Bible, that the King James Version itself teaches? Your statement alone here does that, when you say that you are following Scriptures that are 400 years old. Did the Apostle Paul follow the King James Version? You are not a King James supporter when you take the position that you do. You truly undermine it.
"You are not a King James supporter when you take the position that you do. You truly undermine it."
Just the opposite. Since the scriptures are without error, infallible and inerrant, then why would anyone run to the Greek or Hebrew? What is there to prove unless someone is trying to correct the Holy Bible? The Greek and Hebrew have been set aside for over 700 YEARS in light of languages such as English, German, Polish, Spanish, etc. by which the scriptures are known today and proven by the historical movement of Christianity during those years.
For example, if a missionary opens the door of the gospel in a foreign country because he believed the King James Bible as being the very words of God, then learning a foreign lanuage to communicate the scriptures, and many saints get saved, then it is EASY to understand the COMMON FAITH when a new language bible is translated using the scriptures that FIRST brought the gospel to that country!! You need NO Greek, Hebrew or any other language for the work of translation to be done, but rather the scriptures of those brethren who were called and faithfully went to proclaim the truth!
By the way, Greek and Hebrew are DEAD and are confined to those countries which have done NOTHING to bring the gospel and Jesus Christ to the world. There is no need to prove anything to the world or anyone else if you believe the Holy Scriptures, for our preaching and teaching is "not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. (1 Corinthians 2:4-5)"
WOW-sometimes they come out the woodwork.
Mr. Calvas,
So, are the italicized words in the KJV inspired?
I do not want to debate with you. Obviously, that would be pointless.
A simple yes or no will be sufficient.
"So, are the italicized words in the KJV inspired?"
Of course they are. They are infallible and inerrant, the very words of God.
"WOW-sometimes they come out the woodwork."
That is my view of those who try to always find fault or try to correct the Holy Bible.