Here are our kids for the 2014-15 school year Christmas program, 1st through 12th grade. Two of my daughters are in the picture, one at the piano, and the other, the third, took the picture.

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Here are our kids for the 2014-15 school year Christmas program, 1st through 12th grade. Two of my daughters are in the picture, one at the piano, and the other, the third, took the picture.
Since you are biblical, can you please explain why Christmas is part of your church service? Jesus Christ was not born on that day, neither was that day to be set aside by the church as any special day.
The point of the picture was not "Christmas" per se, but to show our kids to readers, give them a glimpse in picture form of stuff occurring here, a window into Bethel. That's all. I don't want to talk about Christmas, and that wasn't the point, but thanks for asking. No offense.
Brother Kent,
I understand. They are a bunch of fine looking children, but why expose them to a "holiday" that has nothing to do with biblical Christianity? Might as well tell them about Santa Clause and the little rein dear since the Jesus of that time has nothing to do with the body of Jesus Christ.
If you wanted to do something special for Jesus Christ, why not pick any time except that time so that they are not confused with the pagan worship of Christ by bible denying Romanists, Protestants and others that are like unto them… many Baptists!
Since you are always drawing finer lines than this, why not be clear on the obvious?
I don't want to talk about Christmas. Let the record read that you really want me to and that I won't. I have a view, but I don't want to take the time. I'm not saying I couldn't change, but it is unlikely.
John Mark IB
Dear Pastor Brandenburg,
I hope you and yours are doing great, brother Marlowe sent me some of the adult performances and they were very professional but more importantly they glorified The LORD! you are very blessed to have such a great Church and talented folks in it too! Forgive me here please but if you'll let me get this out of my system thanks with all due respect: Also my comment to Mr. George Calvas, to whom you gave been way more than tolerant, please show some respect here if you have a question then ask if Pastor Brandenburg can address it maybe privately between you and he, or maybe take it up for a topic idea later, I do believe he has brought up Christmas before, and Dr. Ross has addressed you before after you attacked Jim in his awesome resume, seems you only like to come here looking for trouble rather than learn and appreciate what these very knowledgeable and learned men of GOD have to give to us all! Pastor Brandenburg has been way tolerant of you and your negativity towards the Historic Baptist local Church views which we hold dear as being Biblically and doctrinally sound! Please enjoy the teachings with a bit more reverence is all, thanks Pastor Brandenburg may The LORD bless you and yours with health love joy and peace always in Jesus name amen!
John Mark IB
Dear Pastor Brandenburg,
Sorry lol, haha but in my haste and texting typos above should've been in regards to Mr. Calvas attacked"him" not Jim** and to whom you "have" ** been way more tolerant, not gave**been sorry, hope you're doing great love you guys may the LORD bless you with health love joy and peace always in Jesus name amen have a blessed day and week
John Mark IB,
Thanks for stopping by.
Is your name John Mark? Do I know you? What state are you from?
Dear Pastor Brandenburg,
Hope you're doing great, No, no, I'm sorry for being bad and hiding my caped crusader identity! Nice to meet you it's my humble pleasure, the real name is Mr. Chris(topher) Mark Folds from Homestead Florida, hurricane Andrew in 92, and Katrina and Wilma in 05, we're about 30-40 miles south of Miami, but I like the moniker John Mark IB (independent Baptist) haha
I wish I could say I know you personally! maybe I'll be blessed in this lifetime to see you and Dr. 's Ross and Strouse! Haha my 3 favorites after the real Trinity!
You know Marlowe Robles and his lovely wife' s father in law Jeff Allen and Janet from Goshen Ohio or from their home Church Cozaddale Baptist Temple
Jeff told me about this guy named Brandenburg deep deep thinker and now I'm just hooked haha even though I'm very slow and only public high school educated I'm white male, English Irish Scottish oh yeah and French heritage! tiny bit of Cherokee and 48yrs old! now you kniw all my secrets haha I'm doomed haha if you feel I should if it's Biblical to change to my real self then I will haha desperate to get up to Dr. Strouse to do at least a week module but wish I could go for seminary at his
would be fantastic then I could try to keep up with you and Dr. Ross haha ok sorry I talk too much, oh one last thing I always advertise the Gospel links to Dr. Ross and used to use your old site Bethel Baptist /salvation but now use your isn't there any way to make it like the old link? maybe like Would be a great help and simplify it too 🙂
may GOD bless you and yours with health love joy and peace always in Jesus name amen have a blessed day and weekend