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Dan Barker – Thomas Ross Debate Transcript, “The Old Testament is Mainly Fiction, not Fact.”

I am thankful to announce that some fellow believers in the Lord have helped me to be able to publish a transcript of my first debate with Dan Barker of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, “The Old Testament is Mainly Fiction, not Fact.” (The second debate is also getting transcribed.) I believe that this debate was a convincing victory for the Christian position, and part two, “Archaeology and Prophecy Validate the Bible as the Word of God,” which should be watched in connection with the first debate, was an even more convincing victory for God’s truth and His infallible Word. The debate transcript includes the slides that were employed in the debate (I have been asked if these were available as they were thought to contain a strong presentation of the evidence for the Bible from the book of Daniel.) The debate transcript can be viewed by clicking here.
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