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Preservation Seminar Audio

I recently had the privilege of teaching a seminar on the perfect preservation of Scripture at Mount Zion Baptist Mission, a church-planting work led by Bro William Hardecker, who is sent out of Mount Zion Baptist Church in Pennsylvania.  Bro Hardecker and his wife are faithful servants of the Lord whom I have known since our time together in the Master’s program at Fairhaven Baptist College.
The students present at the seminar. Bro Hardecker is right in front of my wife and I.
A goodly number of Filipino pastors and other church workers were present at the seminar, for which we were thankful. The audio for the seminar can be downloaded by clicking here. If Christians understand the twelve Biblical principles of preservation explained in the seminar, the question of the Textus Receptus and KJV versus the modern versions and the critical text is easily decided. There are also a few sermons I preached and a Sunday School lesson I taught that can be downloaded as well.  The syllabus can be downloaded here.
While in the Philippines I also had the privilege of preaching at Soulwinner’s Bible Baptist Church in Tagbileran City, a solid, separated, KJVO, local-only ecclesiology, pro-Lordship Baptist church led by a local man sent out from a Baptist church with its own seminary on a nearby island.
The lady in the very front of the picture is an abortion survivor and a faithful servant of the Lord at the church.  I thought it was a blessing as well that, despite the cultural acceptance of getting to church late, the brethren at Bible Baptist had been trained to value the Lord’s church by getting there on time.  The Bible, not culture,  must dictate how a church practices.
Lord willing, Heather and I will be back in the Philippines in the second half of November after the Word of Truth Conference at Bethel Baptist Church with Bro Brandenburg.  We would appreciate your prayers for wisdom about how best to serve the Lord while we are back in that part of the world at that time, and I’m sure that the Hardeckers and other servants of the Lord in the Philippines would likewise appreciate your prayers that “the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified” (2 Thess 3:1).  There are many people in that needy nation who are open to listening to the gospel–I do not believe a single person refused to take a gospel tract the entire time we were there.

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  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
