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Word of Truth Conference 2019: The Biblical Doctrine of Sanctification

November 6-10, Wednesday-Sunday
Sanctification (part one), Bethel Baptist Church, El Sobrante, CA

11/6, Wed, 7:00pm     1st Sermon     Chris Teale
11/6, Wed, 7:50pm     2nd Sermon     James Bronsveld
11/7, Thurs, 9:30am     Salvation and Sanctification     David Warner
11/7, Thurs, 10:35am     Evangelism and Sanctification     Kent Brandenburg
11/7, Thurs, 11:40am     The Means of Sanctification     Thomas Ross
11/7, Thurs, 7:00pm     1st Sermon     Dave Mallinak
11/7, Thurs, 7:50pm     2nd Sermon     James Bronsveld
11/8, Fri, 9:30am     Sanctification and the Work of the Holy Spirit     David Sutton
11/8, Fri, 10:35am     Scripture and Sanctification     Chris Teale
11/8, Fri, 11:40am     Good Works and Sanctification     Kent Brandenburg
11/8, Fri, 7:00pm     Sermon     Dave Mallinak
11/9, Sat, 9:30am     The Church and Sanctification      James Bronsveld
11/9, Sat, 10:35am     The Effects of Sanctification     Thomas Ross
11/9, Sat, 11:40am     Antinomianism     James Bronsveld
11/11, Sun, 9:45am     Revivalism     Thomas Ross
11/11, Sun, 11:00am     Sermon     Kent Brandenburg
11/11, Sun, 2:30pm   Panel Discussion    Brandenburg, Ross, Sutton, Warner

The audio for the meeting will be at https://www.wordoftruthconference.com

The video for the meeting will be at https://www.youtube.com/user/BethelElSobrante


  1. Can't wait to hear Brother Brandenburg! Looking forward to Lord continuing to do the great work in and through you. Appreciate you very much. I thank God for you very much!!

  2. As the conference proceeds, this is a place that you could ask questions, as you listen to the audio or watch video available, questions can be asked here, that will be answered, Lord-willing at the panel discussion on Sunday.

  3. My question is directed to Bro. Ross. In your message "The Means of Sanctification" you mentioned a number of Keswick leaders and a few of their obscure beliefs regarding sanctification. Can you give or cite more examples of names and beliefs that were promoted by prominent leaders of Keswick theology especially since many within the Independent Baptist movement reads after these people (F.B. Meyer, Adam Clarke). Any insight on these proponents would be appreciated. And yes, I am aware of your massive paper exposing Hannah Withall-Smith, I am just looking for a brief run down, please. Thank you.

    Another question, this one is for Pastor Brandenburg. Can you "speak in tongues" again, for us, I didn't get it, the first time. Just kidding. Thank you and thank you for this vital conference and topic at hand. We need it. God bless you.

  4. I sent you an email as with a link as well as a little writing with what it talks about the hoping you and a few guys can listen to it before Sundays pannel discussion in order to then give your remarks from the Word. Would really like a little bit of it to be gone over if that's possible. A brief run down please. Because I'm not trying to take up or steak everybody else's questions and times for answers.

    God bless all of you. Thank you so much for you and your convictions and heart for the truth!

    We definitely need this!! Thank you again for doing this and the importance this brings.

  5. (For Panel Discussion)

    Bro, Tom,
    In your session on The Means of Sanctification, you mentioned that Keswick teaches that God doesn’t change the believer and the believer remains unchanged. Sanctification is the process of God changing the believer, so based on your statement you are also saying Keswick doesn’t believe in progressive sanctification. Would you say that is an accurate statement that Keswick doesn’t believe in progressive Sanctification because God doesn’t ever change the believer?

    Also, the statement you used several times about the believer cooperating with the Holy Spirit sounds very Keswick.


  6. Excellent conference. Just a follow up question, perhaps as the men (speakers) read this and think things over, perhaps any of them would/could respond. What books on the Holy Spirit, Pneumatology, Sanctification (even the ones mentioned in the teaching/preaching sessions and sermons, etc.) would/could be recommended for further edification or study? I have read and liked Octavius Winslows' The Work of the Holy Spirit. Any thoughts on reading materials worth looking into?

  7. Hello Bill,

    Besides reading in systematic theologies, I read John Owen on the Holy Spirit and on sanctification. On sanctification, I've read books that now don't stick out to me, now that I'm studying it by reading and exposing scripture. Those older works should be read, I believe.

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  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
