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Christians Who Weaponize Secular Psychiatry: Ghosting Again and then Narcissism

What anyone who claims to be a Christian should know by now is that modern psychiatry isn’t science.  It can’t be trusted as an assessment of human behavior.  It’s essentially a product of modernism, which denies the supernatural or divine intervention.  It prefers a human interpretation of everything.  Romans 1 calls this suppressing the truth in unrighteousness.

Mechanistic naturalism moves someone into explanations or evaluations of people’s conduct in accordance with secular views of man’s origins. Rather than turning to scripture as sufficient, and with the wisdom of God, the Creator and Sustainer of mankind, he chooses subjective speculation in whatever way he feels it works best for him. Instead of quoting the Bible, he quotes a psychotherapist.  A large percentage of the “studies” or “research” are debunked as utter falsehood.  It isn’t science, but it is the illusion he embraces over the truth.

Today professing Christians weaponize secular psychiatry, even though it’s false, to excuse bad behavior or justify their own allure for the world.  Last week I wrote about generation Z and millennials and their “ghosting.”  After I wrote that piece, someone interacted with me:

Yes,”ghosting” is hateful in the extreme. Often it is preceded by thinking or statements like, “You are a toxic personality or a narcissist, so I need to completely cut you out of my life so I can take care of myself, my well-being…” Obviously, there is a lot of “judging” going on by the one doing the ghosting; usually very ironically since the “ghosters” are typically very concerned that they are being judged.

Later I was sent:

It is something that I have just observed  has been wildly popular in the culture the last few years. I have seen it all over Facebook and Twitter. There are tons of YouTube videos on it.  

I noticed that a lot of the younger crowd is sold out on the idea of “positive only” and that translates into cutting off anyone they deem is bad for them.  

They obsess on their “wellness,” and anyone or anything that gets in the way of that is bad. Of course, they really don’t get rid of stuff that actually is bad for them but it is more about just having what they lust for and getting rid of anything that gets in the way of their lusts. 

There is a constant consideration of what is good for their body and mind but not really what is truly good for either one. — “whose God is their belly…”

All of this was familiar to me, because I had read similar or the same.  The authors of secular psychiatric works do not look to the Bible as an authority — very little to no scripture in their writings.  Those reading them do so without discernment and with little to no Bible knowledge themselves.  They aren’t looking for a hearing from God.  They tolerate only an echo of their own feelings.  They have almost nothing to combat the deception and lies.  I don’t think they care, because they want something that isn’t in the Bible, and this faux authority suits them like it did with the Pharisees in Jesus’ day.  They didn’t depend on God’s Word, but on human philosophy.  It is of which Paul warns when he writes in Colossians 2:8:

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

Furthermore, younger people want acceptance or approval, even if they’re disobedient to scripture or disrespectful of authority.   In the tradition of criminalizing hate speech, anything disapproving or critical, they categorize like criminal assault, words causing psychological harm akin to physical injury.  “Ghosting” is finding a safe space from a “narcissist.”
Those who don’t give approval are now, yes, narcissists.  From what I’ve read, they’ve also got narcissistic personality disorder, maybe.  They don’t, but it works to explain the disapproval.  The ghosters haven’t done anything wrong.  Their critics are narcissists.  Who has narcissistic personality disorder?  Whoever disapproves of a generation Z or millennial.  This disorder has caused one of these young ones psychological harm, based on what?  Their own opinion.
Yet, psychoanalysts and psychotherapists call “ghosting” “narcissistic.”  The ghosts are narcissists, they say.  They say it’s a kind of psychological manipulation, like “bullying.”  The ghosts want to show that they devalue you.  They want to leave you feeling responsible and terrified that they’ll never return.  They lack the character or the principles that define what once was called “adulthood,” but it is actual Christian character that desires reconciliation out of the love of Christ.
Ghosting is the equivalent of what I call “clearing or tossing the game board.”  If you don’t approve of them, they’ll toss the game board.  “Wanna play?”  “Nope.”  Dipping from the reservoir of psychoanalysis, someone wrote:

If someone behaves poorly in a healthy relationship, upon reconciliation, there is generally an admission of wrong-doing, atonement, and a change in behavior. In a relationship with a Narcissist there is never a desire to have an open dialogue about the ‘problem,’ there is never an admission of wrong-doing and the behavior goes on as it always has. Astonishingly, they act like nothing ever happened. If you bring it up or try to talk about it you will be ghosted again until you learn not to talk about it and you will learn too, because you will remember the agony you were left in. 

Anyone can find anything in the field of psychiatry to support his position, if he wants.  It’s highly subjective.
Looking at ghosting from a judicial standpoint, one of natural law, it doesn’t give due process.  The ghoster takes the role of judge, jury, and executioner.  He wants justice for himself, but he doesn’t give it to others.  Psychoanalysts would call this “lacking in empathy” (like a sociopath), but scripture says it is unloving.  He doesn’t love his neighbor, and he can’t and he won’t, because he doesn’t love God.  Love is fruit of the Spirit.
The desire to receive approval exceeds personal responsibility.  His (or her) concern is only for himself (or herself), and in particular, his own approval.  The Apostle Paul could write his epistle to Philemon, because he knew Philemon, like Paul wrote the Philippians, esteemed others better than himself.  He looked not on his own things, but in the case of Philemon, he looked on the things of Onesimus, his former slave, and now a brother beloved.  Paul could mediate between two brothers, who both would want reconciliation.  No ghosting for a true, biblical Christian.

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  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
