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Who was Muhammad? David Wood debates Ali Ataie

Since I recently posted my debate with Shabir Ally over the topic “The New Testament Picture of Jesus: Is it Accurate?” (watch the debate here) I thought it would be worthwhile mentioning another debate that is well worth seeing for those who wish to evangelize the over 1,000,000,000 Muslims in the world, namely, David Wood’s debate with Ali Ataie over the topic “Who was Muhammad?”  Few Muslims are willing to debate what Muhammad was like, and Dr. Wood does a great job exposing the truth on this matter.  Dr. Ataie, who teaches in Berkeley, California, is an intelligent man, but he has his hands full defending the indefensible.  While Dr. Wood is not a Baptist separatist and I do not endorse all his theological positions, the discussion between the two is still very valuable to watch.
I would encourage Muslims reading this post to read The Testimony of the Quran to the Bible here and also consider Dr. Wood’s tract “Has the Quran Been Perfectly Preserved?”  Dr. Wood’s tract would be worthy additions to a Biblical church’s tract rack.
Part 1 of the Wood-Ataie debate, “Who Was Muhammad?” (Dr. Wood’s opening remarks)–very powerful.
Part 2 of the Wood-Ataie debate, “Who Was Muhammad?” (Dr. Atai’s opening remarks)–he kept going off topic and making ridiculous misrepresentations of the Bible, but he had a very difficult job.
Part 3 of the Wood-Ataie debate, “Who Was Muhammad”?  In the cross-examination it becomes even more apparent how indefensible Dr. Atai’s position is.
Part 4 of the Wood-Ataie debate, “Who Was Muhammad?” Overall, a clear victory for Dr. Wood and for God’s truth.

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  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
