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Come to Israel! Join a Bible-Lands Tour in Early 2021

Unless the Rapture happens first, there should be relatively normal life on earth once the COVID-19 scare has passed (and you are tired of sitting at home wondering if you are going to get sick.)  As has been mentioned earlier on this blog, we are planning to move to the Bay Area to assist Bethel Baptist in the early part of 2021.  We may be able to lead a Bible lands trip to Israel (and possibly Jordan) in late January 2021 or possibly in February or March.  It is an incredible experience to visit Israel and see where so many of the might acts of God took place, and the land where the incarnate Son of God preached, healed, died to redeem mankind and rose from the dead.  When you come to Israel, you can see things in person such as:

The place where the Apostle Paul was imprisoned, as recorded in the book of Acts;


The place where the Lord Jesus was likely born in Bethlehem; 
Inscriptions such as the one above, which mentions Pontius Pilate by name, validating the accuracy of Scripture (as thousands of other archaeological evidences one can see in Israel do);

Visit the site where fire came down from heaven, validating that Jehovah God of Israel and God of Elijah was the true God, and Baal was not god, 1 Kings 18;

Visit the Garden of Gethsemane, where the Lord Jesus “being in an agony . . . prayed more earnestly; and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground” (Luke 22:44)

Visit Masada, where the Jews made their last stand against the Romans after the fall of Jerusalem in A. D. 70, in fulfillment of the prediction of Christ (Luke 21:20ff.) and of Daniel 9:24-27;
See inscriptions such as the Tel Dan stele, which validate the existence of King David and his kingly house, mentioning the “house of David” by name;
and much, much more, from seeing Peter’s house by the Sea of Galilee, to swimming in the Dead Sea, to seeing the place where Christ conquered death and rose from the grave!
Visiting Israel really opens up your eyes to the evidence for the Bible and can make Bible places come alive.  If you are interested in coming, please let me know and supply your contact information and I will plan to get details to you if there is enough interest.

1 Comment

  1. By the way, I am comparing price information for more than one tour agency so that, if there is enough interest, we can get the best price.

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  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
