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COVID-19 / Coronavirus Gospel Tracts

I have written a COVID-19 / Coronavirus gospel tract entitled The Coming Plagues & COVID-19.  You can share the link with people whom you cannot easily contact because of social distancing.  You can also download a Word document version of the tract at the All Content page here (search for “Coming Plagues” and then download the MS Word file) which you can personalize for your church.  The tract fits on both sides of one 8.5 x 11 piece of paper, and if your church has a printer that can do staple binding, you can tell it to “staple” the single piece of paper and it will simply fold it in half without putting a staple in, so you don’t need to actually fold the tract.  The Do You Know You Have Eternal Life?, Prepare for JudgmentGod and Science: Friends or Enemies?Role of Government: Has God Spoken? and other tracts also fit on a single 8.5 x 11 piece of paper folded in half.  It would then look like the pictures below:

You could also professionally print the tract, and it could look something like what you would see if you click here (a version of the Eternal Life? tract printed by Headwaters Baptist Church).

Another COVID tract, a tri-fold, can be downloaded by clicking here.  It also fits on two sides of a piece of paper and looks like the following:

I would encourage you, if you do not already have a good COVID tract or two, or if you picked up one some that are weak on various principles of Biblical evangelism, to see if one of these ones would be something your church could use for the glory of God.

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  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
