Home » Uncategorized » Douglas Jacoby – Thomas Ross Debates, Baptism & Eternal Security, on Livestream, Saturday May 9 and Sunday May 10!

Douglas Jacoby – Thomas Ross Debates, Baptism & Eternal Security, on Livestream, Saturday May 9 and Sunday May 10!

Note: We have had to update the times for the discussion below.  Please note the corrected times below.

You can now view the debates on YouTube by clicking here.

Lord willing, on Saturday May 9, at 11:45 AM, I will have the opportunity to discuss the question of whether baptism is how one is born again with Dr. Douglas Jacoby, a member of the denomination founded by Alexander Campbell that calls itself the “Church of Christ.” His website states that Dr. Jacoby “has engaged in a number of debates with well-known atheists, imams, and rabbis. Douglas is also an adjunct professor of theology at Lincoln Christian University. Since the late ’90s, Douglas has led annual tours to the biblical world. With degrees from Drew, Harvard, and Duke, Douglas has written over 30 books, recorded nearly 800 podcasts, and spoken in over 100 universities, and in over 500 cities, in 126 nations around the world.” Readers of this blog are probably more familiar with my background.  We were planning to have our discussion at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, but everything has changed because of COVID, so at this point we are planning to record and livestream the event.  You will be able to submit questions as a virtual audience to us which we can answer during the question and answer times! Please stay tuned for more details.

Also, please pray fervently that God’s truth will be glorified, His kingdom advanced, and His name magnified through the discussion. Please also pray for me as I prepare and present and for the technical details of livestreaming and recording.

Debate / Discussion Topic part 1:  We are born again before baptism.” (starting Saturday May 9, 11:45 AM Central  Standard Time)
Affirm:  Thomas Ross
Deny:  Douglas Jacoby
How the time will go:
Brief introduction to the speakers and an explanation of the character of the debate
Opening presentation: 20/20 (minutes)
Cross-examination #1: 8/8
Second presentation/rebuttal: 10/10
Short break (c. 10 min)
Cross-examination #2: 8/8
Third presentation/rebuttal: 10/10
Concluding statement: 5/5
Break before part #2 (livestream viewers can send questions in for us to answer!)
Debate Part #2:  Saturday, May 9, 2020, 3:00 PM (Central Standard Time)
Debate Topic part 2:  We are born again in baptism.”
Affirm:  Douglas Jacoby
Deny:  Thomas Ross
How the time will go:
Brief introduction to the speakers and an explanation of the character of the debate
Opening presentation: 20/20
Cross-examination #1: 8/8
Second presentation/rebuttal: 10/10
Short break (c. 10 min)
Cross-examination #2: 8/8
Third presentation/rebuttal: 10/10
Concluding statement: 5/5
Short break to get questions from people on livestream
Questions from people on livestream the rest of the time
On Sunday, May 10, early in the morning before Sunday worship starts, we are planning to have a somewhat shorter formatted discussion or debate over the following topic:
Debate Topic:  Those truly born again can never finally and eternally perish.”
Affirm:  Thomas Ross
Deny:  Douglas Jacoby
How the time will go:
Brief introduction to the speakers and an explanation of the character of the debate
Opening presentation: 15/15
Cross-examination #1: 6/6
Second presentation/rebuttal: 7/7
Short break (c. 7 min)
Cross-examination #2: 6/6
Third presentation/rebuttal: 7/7
Concluding statement: 5/5
Short break to get questions from people on livestream
Questions from people on livestream the rest of the time

The time for the Sunday part should be updated soon, Lord willing.



  1. Note: We have had to update the times for the discussion above. Please note the corrected times in the post.

  2. Looks great. I will look for the recording. I will pray for the truth to be clear against this false teaching.

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  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
