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Livestream links for the Douglas Jacoby / Thomas Ross debate on baptism!
NOTE: The video links below are available to be watched on the KJB1611 YouTube channel. The book by Thomas Ross, Heaven Only for the Baptized? is available on Amazon.com here as an e-book; a print version is planned for the (relatively) near future. See the work online here as well (a free PDF version).
The links to the livestream of the two-part debate I am scheduled to have with Dr. Douglas Jacoby tomorrow are now available!
Part one, “We are born again before baptism,” can be livestreamed by clicking on the link below:
Part 2, “We are born again in baptism,” can be livestreamed by clicking on the link below:
Part one begins at 11:45 AM central time (USA) and part two at 3:00 PM central time (USA).
The livestream audience can email questions to:
debatequestionsfromyou at gmail dot com
and the moderator will read them and have us answer them after part two.
Please pray for God’s gospel and truth to be glorified and His kingdom furthered through the debate.
Question: it says even the "demons believe" did that mean they repented too when they believed. So how is faith and repentance the same if the demons believe and have faith?
We are going to edit the video and then make it live on YouTube. I am not sure if the links in the post here will keep working. We will get up the complete video as soon as we can.
If they didn't repent, then they didn't have saving faith. Demon faith isn't saving faith. Unrepentant faith isn't saving faith.
I watched some of the second part. Dr Ross presented the biblical case masterfully, and roundly refuted the Campbellite errors.
I especially appreciated his genuine appeal to Dr Jacoby to turn from trusting his own works, to believe in Christ alone for salvation:
Jacoby: Do you think I'm a Christian? Do you think I'm right with God?
Ross: If you think that baptism is part of how you become right with God, I urge you to reject that belief, and repent and believe the gospel, because I would love to see you in heaven.
Will the Once Saved, Always Saved debate be posted?
Yes, we will announce when it is available, as well as the edited video of the baptism debates (the breaks will be cut out between speeches, etc.)