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Repentance: What it is: Bible Study 5B in “How Do I Receive the Gospel?”

Last week I posted “Repentance: What it is Not: Bible Study 5A, ‘How Do I Receive the Gospel?’” This week I am posting part 5B, on true repentance.  Parts #1-3 of the foundational Bible study were posted in the past, while part #4, on the Person and work of Christ, is not yet ready to go live.
As in the section on what repentance is not, I found Joseph Alleine’s Alarm to the Unconverted helpful  in this part of the study.
Have you ever truly repented, or have you been satisfied with a counterfeit that falls short of true conversion?
I would encourage you to consider training people in your church to use these Bible studies in their gospel preaching, and to share the videos on YouTube or at FaithSaves
with others.  Some have also said that they have used these in their family devotions.  Please watch the embedded video below or watch the video
on YouTube, and please feel free to share your comments here and there
and to “like” the video if you believe it is valuable.
Bible Study #5B: What True Repentance is, in
“How do I Receive the Gospel?” Bible Study #5:


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  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
