If you are reading this post, you should vote for Donald Trump for President of the United States. Do not vote for Joe Biden. Do not vote for the Constitution Party candidate. Do not abstain from voting. Vote for Donald Trump. Here are three reasons.
1.) If you pray 1 Timothy 2:1-4, you should vote for Donald Trump, since he will defend religious liberty.
The New Testament specifically tells us to pray as follows:
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:1-4)
When you pray for something, you should put “feet” to your prayers. When you pray for daily bread and are trusting in God (Matthew 6), you then go to work, because God provides through the ordinary use of means the vast majority of the time. Donald Trump as President will allow you to live a quiet and peaceable Christian life in peace. Trump will appoint judges who believe that the First Amendment means what it says. His justice department will not force you to violate your conscience to keep your job. He will not force Christian adoption agencies to place children in the “families” of filthy sodomites. He will not try to shut down and destroy Christian schools and colleges. He will stand with business owners who are unwilling to violate their consciences and call good evil and evil good.
Joe Biden and Democrat leaders have promised to pass the Orwellianly-named “Equality Act,” which would add sexual orientation and gender identity as protected categories in federal law. You want to have a counselor help your son, who is getting brainwashed into thinking he is a girl in public school? Even if he wants to be normal and not a pervert, it would be against the law to help him. You realize you have made a big mistake in putting your child in a public school and so you put him in a Christian school? Biden would try to destroy your Christian school by forcing it to hire teachers that are sodomites. You have a business that offers health insurance? You will be forced to pay for employees if they want to mutilate their bodies and pretend to be the other sex. You don’t want a grown and morally twisted man taking off his clothes with your daughter alone in a locker room? Too bad, so sad. Sodom and Gomorrah, here we come!
You don’t want to pay for the murder of little baby boys and girls in the womb? Joe Biden will not only force you to pay for abortion with your tax dollars, you will be forced to pay for bloody murder with your own dollars–your conscience does not matter. Even without the abomination of the “Equality Act,” Joe Biden has fully endorsed the Obama administration’s policies when it tried to destroy Wheaton College because the school would not pay for abortion. Obama wanted to destroy the Little Sisters of the Poor because they would not pay for health insurance that included abortion and contraception for nuns. Forget helping the poor–destroying nuns unless they were willing to pay for abortion was more important, even to the point of making celibate nuns pay for abortion. Biden will appoint judges to the Supreme Court who will through judicial tyranny destroy the First Amendment in favor of the sexual revolution.
2.) If you sigh and cry over the abomination of abortion, you must vote for Donald Trump.
Donald Trump has enacted many pro-life policies, and it is very possible that his judicial appointments will finally result in Roe v. Wade being overturned. Joe Biden is extremely pro-abortion. He is committed to making sure that children can be murdered all the way up to birth. He is part of a Democrat party that opposed the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act–even infanticide is acceptable. Babies do not even get the painkillers given to dogs and cats before the children are ripped limb from limb in excruciating pain and thrown in the garbage. A vote for Biden, or a vote for the Constitution party candidate or any other person who has 0% chance to actually win, is failing to do what you can to help stop this continued mass murder.
3.) If you value free speech and oppose communist Antifa thugs Burning, Looting, and Murdering (BLM), then you must vote for Donald Trump.
Donald Trump stands against Antifa and all other violent criminals who burn, loot, and plunder, whether anarchists, white supremacists, black supremacists, etc. Joe Biden has been very weak and wobbly on condemning left-wing political violence as it rages unchecked through Democrat-controlled parts of the country. Kamala Harris, Biden’s Vice President who, in light of Biden’s age, is very likely to seize power if Biden wins, has made ridiculous statements in support of the anarchists in Portland–oh, and by the way, she would confiscate your firearms too, and do so even without Congress solely by executive branch tyranny, so you can’t even defend yourself when the bad boys come for you.
Right here in San Francisco, last Saturday (as I write this) when I was driving home from work, I saw a lot of police in riot gear. I did not stop to find out what was going on–when you see a lot of police in riot gear, keep going. I found out later that they were there because of a protest in favor of free speech organized by a black conservative man, Philip Anderson (pictured below):

Mr. Anderson and other supporters of free speech had peacefully gathered to petition in favor of free speech. (It wasn’t even a rally in favor of Trump–just in favor of free speech.) They were greeted by mobs of Antifa thugs holding BLM signs. One of the BLM /Antifa thugs punched Mr. Anderson in the face twice, bloodying him up and causing him to lose several teeth:

Mr. Anderson had done absolutely nothing to justify this vicious assault. The Antifa crowds helped to protect the thug who battered Mr. Anderson while they shouted “nig-r” and various four-letter words at Mr. Anderson while holding their Black Lives Matter signs. Another one of the supporters of free speech was taken away in an ambulance because of Antifa violence, and several police officers were injured–and that was all in about 15 minutes before the police ended the free speech rally and whisked away the conservatives before the rest of them were bloodied, beaten, or killed.
The mayor of San Francisco condemned Antifa and said that free speech must be defended. (Sorry, just kidding.)
Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, and representative from San Francisco, condemned the violence against Mr. Anderson and others. (Sorry, just kidding again).
What actually happened is that the San Francisco Chronicle and other leftist news outlets reported that there were “clashes between pro and anti Trump groups” that resulted in “six injured.” rather than the truth, that communist Antifa criminals had with no provocation violently assaulted defenders of free speech and the police.
This is just one of the countless examples of violence that leftist radicals and criminals have perpetrated all around the country, aided and abetted by leftist politicians like Joe Biden who want their votes. Can you imagine what would be happening if one person wearing a MAGA hat punched and knocked the teeth out of a leftist black man? Would it not be inconceivably more coverage than the thousands of acts of illegal violence orchestrated by Antifa have received?
There are many other reasons to vote for Donald Trump, but the three above should be far, far more than enough.
Please note that one reason to vote for Donald Trump is not because of his character, because he is a great moral example, or because he is constitutionally fit to be President. (Joe Biden has extreme character problems as well.) Trump is very frequently embarrassing and he was far, far from my first choice in the Republican primary. I am not for Donald Trump the way that I am actually for Mike Pence. But by voting for Trump I will be able to cringe at his crazy tweets from my home in peace, or shake my head at what he says from my church in peace, instead of having to do it from prison for standing against the homosexual agenda, or from a soup kitchen line because Biden and Harris have destroyed my business for not paying for abortion, or from a hospital because an Antifa thug has burned my house down and smashed a bottle over my head, or from a morgue–no, excuse me, they don’t bury the babies murdered by abortion, so more correctly–or from a garbage bin filled with little bloodied hands and legs and ribs and eyes that, instead of being able to look up at a smiling mother and father caressing and kissing them, are ripped in pieces and covered with gore–knowing that I am being forced to support this mass murder under a Biden-Harris administration.
Learn more about the Biblical role of government here.
Nah, I am a Christian who proudly voted for Biden. Christians that support Trump should be ashamed. You are doing so for pragmatic reasons; you are playing a short game and you are about to find out how short that game turned out to be.
I didn't write this piece. Thomas Ross did. I think he should answer you too. Are you the one using foul language in comments before?
There are many magnificent Christian defenses of a Trump vote:
I've also read Christian attacks on a vote for Trump and they've been scripturally pathetic. Pathetic! Destructive!
Piper at least didn't vote for Biden.
There are many non-Christian, conservative defenses of Trump. Victor David Hansen comes to mind.
Jack Nicklaus, the former professional golfer, came out and endorsed Trump, and he'll be savaged for it. I thought his defense of a Trump vote was excellent. No one coached him on that. Ben Shapiro gave an excellent endorsement of Trump, an orthodox Jew, and he didn't vote for Trump in 2016. This isn't the "short game." Trump is the short game and the long game. He's the only game right now.
Hi Anonymous,
Expect to give an account for the piles of little arms, legs, and crushed skulls of helpless infants at the day of judgment.
Also expect to give an account for why you are justifying persecution of Christians, when persecuting them is persecuting Christ..
Voting for Trump’s policies is right, whether he wins or loses, and even though he has glaring personality problems, as does the man you voted for.
Not going to spend a ton of time on this. You guys are making the typical mistakes:
1) Pretending like this primarily about abortion. Sorry, abortion is important but it is far from the only important issue.
2) Throwing up the pathetic personality strawman. Listen dudes: Trump may have a bad personality but that is not the problem with Trump. Trump's problems are that he is corrupt, the worse liar I have ever observed, immature, and incompetent. He is also not conservative and a narcissist but those are secondary issues.
I have read the articles you linked to. They are unconvincing pragmatist nonsense. Victor David Hanson may have had a brain at one point but he is now a raving lunatic. Grudem? Pathetic. The Ben Shapiro stuff? Stupid, but then he is just a political hack.
Great to see your support of Trump this turnaround Thomas. Good points you make. Here is an excellent document that concisely identifies Trump vs. Biden: Where They Stand on Every Key Issue: https://api.discoverthenetworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/TrumpvsBiden-three.pdf
I would suggest to the anonymous poster who deceptively claims to be a Christian while voting Biden that he should rapidly examine himself whether he is the faith, for he represents something entirely different than Biblical Christianity. Someone that votes for an anarchist antichrist doesn't get to embrace Christ.
Hehe, two things I knew last night when I went to bed: that the sun would rise and that someone would accuse me of not being a real Christian because I voted for Biden. So predictable…
I know someone who writes "Hehe" in his writing all the time, and your style is much like him, including the foul language. He is a professing Christian, who thinks that curse words are funny and uses them regularly, the worst possible sort. Jesus said that out of the abundance of the heart, someone speaks. James 3 says that bitter water does not come out of a sweet fountain. James also says, be swift to hear, really speaking of scriptural arguments as to whether someone is in the faith, and he does this out of love, anonymous.
Reuben said, examine yourself, which Paul commanded in 2 Corinthians 13:5. Short of a civil war or civil disobedience, the only way to stop abortions, which are murder, professing Christian, is by our vote. Trump has appointed three textualist, originalist judges. Someone's view on the protection of life is the number one job of government. Our interaction of government should protect life and private property. Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal. Redistribution of wealth is a fancy term for stealing. Coming in quickly next should be religious freedom. Are you involved as a Christian to the extent that you even detect a trend towards the loss of religious freedom today? Does it even matter to you? If you lost religious freedom, would your life even change, because you live essentially a secular life at the trough of this world system? Think about it, and resort to something other than mockery and ridicule when you think about it.
What exactly do I have to do with your friend that uses curse words and finds them funny? Is using "hehe" a sign that I am not a Christian too?
Your second paragraph is funny. OK, we disagree on politics and some economics. What does that have to do with my Christianity? Does a Christian have to be a capitalist and support originalist Constitutionalist judges? Is the Constitution a Christian document? By the way, any Christian that does not have the decency to give up their "freedom" to not wear a mask to protect others can shut up about abortion as far as I am concerned. The protection of life is not a consideration that ends at birth.
No, there is no erosion of religious liberty. Christians run this country. Some 70% of the US identifies as Christian for heaven's sake.
Don't talk to me about mockery. I started this with a respectful comment until Reuben decided to accuse me of not being a Christian. I can defend why a Christian should not vote for trash like Trump better than you can defend your position. I find your position despicable but I am not telling you to "examine yourself."
Were you the same anonymous sending me anonymous comments the last three days that used foul language? This is one of the major problems with anonymous comments. I may stop accepting them. You don't know who you're talking to.
Using abortion as a litmus test for who you vote for is silly. If Roe v Wade is overturned tomorrow, abortion law will simply return to the states. Some of the more conservative states (10-15) will ban it according to some studies, and it will remain relatively unchanged in the rest. Studies have shown that abortion rates (legal and illegal) were roughly the same before and after Roe. I also challenge you to look up abortion statistics in Latin America, where it is banned in most countries. Abortion rates are around three times higher there, where it is illegal, than here, where it is legal. The point of this is that if you are willing to elect the most amoral, corrupt non-Christian President in our history because you want to make a largely symbolic vote on abortion, that is your right, but it’s silly in my opinion. If you care about this country and our great experiment in democracy, maybe you should reconsider your support of a man who opposes democracy itself. He still can’t say whether he will accept the election results if he loses. It’s truly chilling that the great party of Reagan, who opposed the Soviet Union and attempted to spread democracy around the globe, wont accept election results that don’t go their way. God help this country.
Trivia question for you: Name the political party whose presidential candidate was advised by the party's previous presidential candidate to "not concede [the election] under any circumstances."
I'll wait…
You won’t have to wait long. Nice try at defection, but Trump is not running against Hillary Clinton, as much as he would like to be. Of the two major party leaders, only Biden has unequivocally stated that he would accept the results if he lost. Trump, meanwhile, has refused to publicly accept the results if he loses and has made false claims of voter fraud in every election he has been in, including the republican primary! His own election fraud commission was disbanded after a few months because they could find no evidence of widespread fraud. And yet, he’s already claiming the upcoming election is fraudulent, before it’s even happened! There are few things more damaging to democracy than for a major party leader to continually cast doubt on the democratic process itself. Will you accept the election results if Trump loses, Mat?
Rob, I would say that Hillary Clinton is a "major party leader"…
Will I accept the election results or not? What might that look like to not accept the election results? Might it look like spending 3+ years conjuring up a false "Russia" narrative to try to overturn the results of the election? Might it look like the losing candidate (as the "major party leader" Clinton did) repeatedly claiming to have won the election, when she, in fact did not? Might it look like repeatedly claiming to have won the Georgia election for governor, when the results have clearly said otherwise? Might it be spending four years going around saying "Not my president"? Those seem to be the best examples we have of not accepting election results.
My hope isn't in this election or any other. My hope is in Christ. I'm not even a Trump supporter. He's nowhere near what I would hope a president would be, even in a fallen world. But, the Left is clearly aiming for a Marxist takeover of this country, which is far more serious than all of Trump's transgressions put together.
Rob, do you seriously think that Biden supporters are going to accept the results of this election if Trump wins the Electoral College and Biden wins the popular vote? You know that they won't. They haven't even accepted the last one.
Will I accept the results? Of course I will. God's in control. Christ's promise to build His church (which is His actual plan for this age) will still be in effect. I'm waiting for King Jesus, not President Trump.
– Mat
I am glad you will accept the results either way. You are conflating two very different things. It is one thing for a person to say he is "not my president," which is really another way of saying he doesn't speak for me or represent my political wants. This was a common refrain of conservatives during the Obama years. You still can't speak to conservatives without them bringing up birtherism, Clinton's emails, Benghazi, etc. even after Obama and Clinton hold no formal position in the party. It is very different for a sitting President to cast aspersions on the very foundation of democracy, WHILE HE IS STILL PRESIDENT, and to cast doubt on the voting process WHILE PEOPLE ARE VOTING. That truly is unprecedented.
The "Left" is no more hoping for a Marxist take over of the country than the right is hoping for a white supremacist takeover. It is a strawman to try to define either political party by it's most extreme elements. I understand why Trump tries- fear is the only motivating force he understands, be it immigrants, China, Marxist takeover of the country, etc. There is a sizable minority who are motivated by that fear, but I believe that minority is shrinking, which is why this election will likely have a different outcome.
God bless,
BTW, Twitter shut down the Twitter feed of the black conservative who had his teeth punched out by Antifa.
By the way, Trump’s claiming victory when all the results are not in, and claiming he can only lose if there is fraud, is extremely irresponsible and also does nothing to reduce or stop actual possibilities of fraud.
I'm afraid that's what Trump thinks, and this is the way he operates. It is consistent with how he functions. When he says fraud, I believe he sees a lot to it, including the polls before the election that were lies, the fact that he had to deal with the media (print and television and twitter and facebook)/entire education system/Democrat party/deep state (FBI, CIA, State Department). He worked harder than I've ever seen a politician and looks like he might lose as close an election as there has ever been, when you look at the the razor thin differences in about 5 states. Specifically, he is talking about all the individual examples of cheating he sees. He knows about cheating.
He's combative. To him, this is how you win, being as combative as possible. I know people like that with theology ;-D.
If Trump produces proof that voter fraud swung the many thousands of votes in multiple states that appears to have him losing, that is fine. But he needs to produce clear, clear proof, or legitimate voter fraud claims are made to seem illegitimate. Claims that the election are stolen are very, very serious. Imagine if Barack Obama had lost the popular vote and electoral vote, as far as we could tell, but he declared victory and said the election was stolen.
I find it almost amusing that so many people have their heads in the sand. Its so incredibly obvious that the election was rigged. Ballot count stops for no good reason?? All in highly contested states that Trump actually won?! When the covid scam rolled on the scene earlier in the year, not a coincidence at all by any means (no, that is not a conspiracy theory), it was a “gift of God to the left” as Jane Fonda claimed. She only spoke what all the evil, power mad, demonic, left were thinking. There is reason for that. Big reason. It was their perfect opportunity, as long as they could keep the scheme rolling to November, to project and pass mail-in ballot voting, the grand master of fraudulent voting. This form of voting is so fraudulent at so many levels, its mind-boggling that people still think there is some legitimacy behind it. Fake names, dead names, illegal immigrants, republican ballots trashed, etc. It’s all pure evil, smoke and mirrors, and we just saw that over the last few days by the Demoncrats as they pulled out their last resort to sabotage the election once it appeared they were losing.
Here are some truthful articles (vs the leftist fake media) on the vote sabotaging, with many more on patriot post:
Project Veritas has exposed some already: https://www.projectveritas.com
Is anyone surprised? Isn’t this how Demoncrats have always rolled? We could go back as far as 1876 (maybe even further), with their fraudulent win in the presidential election by Tilden, through intimidating black voters in three Southern states, Florida, Louisiana and South Carolina, and preventing them from voting. We have lived through four years of lies, fraud, bearing false witness, corruption, plain evil, etc—suddenly the Demoncrats have become legit?
America has been robbed of its legitimate president, Donald Trump; will the people just sit by, idly, and do nothing about it? If they remove Trump by force, the only response must be: war. The left vs the right. History has shown us time and time again that this is the the only means to rid evil out of the land. This is only means to salvage the freedom of the land, so that righteousness may prevail. There is a time for peace and a time for war. If you have any love for freedom, for righteousness, then its time to start packing.
Here's a few more. Everyone should watch these:
Very very bad. Evil almost unsurmountable. This is the behaviour of wicked demonic dictators, doing whatever it takes to win. People really don't understand what will occur in the next four years, if the fake "president" is allowed the Whitehouse.
President Trump is the winner, I think by a long shot, and he must never concede!
Hi Anonymous,
I read the Patriot Post regularly, and they don’t go to your kind of crazy extremes.
Project Veritas has good documentation on some fraud, but that does not mean it was enough to make Trump lose in swing states—some of which are Republican controlled, like Georgia.
If Trump goes nuts like you are advocating, expect Republicans to lose special elections in Georgia and expect Pence to be a lot more likely to lose to Harris in 2024.
It is interesting that you can advocate war—murdering lots of people—but you can’t put your real name on a blog post. Bravery?
Why did the Republicans hold the Senate seats if everything is fake? Do you think maybe Trump lost places like Arizona because he insulted their Republican senator, John McCain, for being a POW and never apologizing and acting totally unpresidential, instead of fraud?
You are undermining liberty by your extremism.
Here we go, some proof starting to come out on how absolutely wicked the Demoncrats are!
Wait Just a Minute! Some Very Good News May Be Coming
By Jay Valentine
'Like many, I spent the last few nights waking up at 2:03 A.M., no reason, then looking at my phone for news, any news, that might be positive for President Trump. I survived on Rush, Bongino, Mark Levin. When the news continued to be ugly, I even checked in on ridiculous bloggers promising that ballots were watermarked and D.J. (our household name for a president we love) was actually launching a sting on the Deep State.
Enough already. Stop the madness.
Hey, I have a degree in statistics, and I have some level of critical thought. If there is such pessimism in my tribe, I am not going along.
So today, I started to dig into the numbers, and as I did, I fought my confirmation bias at every step.
I realized that I, like millions of others, had been numbed into despondency by the overwhelming press, media, social media push to certify President-Elect Biden. (I put that in there so you can see how repellent it is.)
Hey guys, this thing is not only not over; it is scary for Biden. I mean really scary, and most of all, the media know it. Thus, the rush to get everyone in line with the narrative that a 78-year-old, early-dementia former V.P., who could not draw a crowd larger than a dozen, just beat D.J. in a fair election.
Process that for a moment.
Start with Pennsylvania. Biden, as of this writing, is at 290 electoral votes. Pennsylvania is 20.
I read the Justice Alito opinion, and it is pretty clear that he wants the after election night at 8:00 P.M. votes separated for a reason. Biden is going to lose at the Supreme Court, and they know it. Four justices already said the Pennsylvania Supreme Court cannot adjust voting rules. A new arrival, Justice Barrett, says she is there to apply the rules in the Constitution. OK, wanna bet she does?
Remove the after 8:00 P.M. ballots, and Biden loses Pennsylvania. Biden 270.
Let's visit Nevada. I have lots of friends in California who have condos in Nevada to evade state taxes. There are not a couple of people doing this; there are tens of thousands. Everyone knows it, and California seeks them out.
Our old pal Harry Reid knows it as well, and he apparently has them voting in droves in this election. Probably not a big D.J. constituency. Within 72 hours of the election, the Trump team found, validated over 3,500 of them. I do not suspect that Trump's people stopped counting.
Every one of these is a ballot reduction for Biden
Nevada, as of now, is well within reach for DJ and the Trump team — particularly when the California crowd is reduced. And a few of them may testify since a false vote is a very bad thing, with jail time if convicted. Maybe a bigger story here.
Remember where we are, people. Biden is at 270 after a highly probable Supreme Court decision (read Alito and concurring opinions).
Lose Nevada, lose the election.
But wait: it gets better.
Let's visit Wisconsin. Right now, it is 20,000 votes in Uncle Joe's direction. Lots of stories out there, well below the Google fold, that there are way more Wisconsin votes than there are registered voters. OK, maybe the dead can vote up there — probably a Midwest thing.
Well, last night, we found that Wisconsin election clerks were told, and followed the direction, to modify mail-in ballots and fill in the blanks where witnesses left out critical info.
I am sure it was just a good customer service thing and they meant no harm. The problem is every such ballot is now toast.
There were "thousands" of such prima facie wrongful votes. Oops. Biden up 20,000 — now that number is in question. No more truckloads of votes coming in, so every ballot D.J.'s team eliminates gets President-Elect Biden on step closer to former V.P. Biden who lives in a basement. Not good here.
North Carolina. That one pretty much looks like as though it is over and D.J. won it. Fox News is rumored to call it for Trump around April 2021.
Remember where we are here. Biden is probably going to lose Pennsylvania, so if he loses even one state, even one Electoral College vote, ouch!
Either D.J. wins outright, or it goes to the House, which means that D.J. has four more years.
We're not done yet.
Michigan. Oh, yes, the land of the "glitches" in the voting machines. Six thousand votes for Trump given to Biden in one of 47 counties where that software is used. About 150,000 votes in Biden's favor right now.
Google the 130,000 Biden votes that showed up in the middle of the night, and you can see how the wonderful people at Google are fact-checking this "debunked" story. In fact, for fun, Google "Michigan voter fraud," and you get literally three pages of "this was fact checked and proven to be false." Why would Google be so assiduous?
They too see that if Amy votes with the four, Biden is one vote away from the basement.
Lawsuits in Michigan and the other states are being launched, and discovery will take place. Google will not be there.
Voter fraud is kind of like larceny. A little is OK. It is even kind of entertaining.
Dead people have been voting for a hundred years in Democratic cities. It is such a constant that one would think the Republican Party would consider a Dead Voter Outreach program to get their share.
But voter fraud on this scale is just not sustainable. It does not pass the common sense test.
We have bloggers with lots of time on their hands going through voter rolls and showing that person after person who voted in a swing state also fought in the Civil War or maybe the War of 1812. It was funny at first, but the overwhelming number now goes beyond humor and rubs our faces in it.
I think D.J. has to swing one state. Actually, one electoral vote. Not only is this thing not over, but the Biden team must be sweating bullets.
Voter fraud at scale seemed like a really cool idea until D.J. went to the mattresses. Now that he is fighting it out one voter at a time, with the Supreme Court likely to create the starting point at Biden 270, Biden has everything to lose.’
Did you notice that Republicans gained seats in the House? That they gained seats in the Pennsylvania legislature? That the conservative Republican senator from Pennsylvania, Pat Toomey, is asking Trump to produce real evidence that tens of thousands of ballots were switched? These fraudsters are doing a really bad job here.
Instead of going to social media, why not go to where you are supposed to go for a crime like you are alleging–the attorney general?
You are advocating murdering lots of people–war–because of social media. Maybe you need a break from social media. Your position is certainly not Christian or in favor of liberty.
There is no point in playing by the world's rules. See John 16:33. "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
Yes, the general attempt by many to invalidate this electoral process is clear. And this goes much beyond the results of one election, even with stakes as high as they are. It strikes at the legitimacy of the representativeness of the outcome.
I will admit that statistical anomalies do apparently exist. How do you do almost zero campaigning, do amazingly in five cities, but then perform worse everywhere else in the country, county-by-county, worse than either of the previous two candidates. This is hard numbers, folks; And the amazing turnout in these anomalous places, they all came in after mailed votes, after the count mysteriously stopped for a day. They are doing this intentionally, I will admit this. I think it is intentionally a broad daylight attempt to destroy confidence in the electoral system, regardless of the outcome. If they destroy confidence and trust, this is their actual win condition.
The only thing we can do is wait for the courts to decide. The media is not part of the government, they do not decide the outcome. We all know they are biased. Wait for the courts to decide whether to count the provisional ballots to see whether they are "legal" (even if we can be certain they do not represent actual people casting votes). This is how we continue along. Maybe the "legal" votes are no longer representative of individuals actually casting votes. Maybe this becomes the new reality. But at least we remain a country of law.
And in the process of waiting, I would say there are three things to do that are good context for these days. 1) Never apologize for doing the right thing, 2) Don't be tricked into ever thinking that a majority decides the truth – or that, if enough people are fooled, that something thereby "becomes truth." Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. And finally, number 3) do not sink to the same level of repeating "convenient alternative facts" or to "believable falsehoods," sinking to the same level of demagoguery, which is the game of the people who we are standing up to. The devil is the best at that game, and the only winning move here is not to play it, but to play by God's rules.
I would also add I find it interesting the covid vaccine was finally announced this past week, just so that the Democrats will forever have the talking point that the stock market went up because of them. The truth is not with them. They played up this whole covid thing and are trying to play the rest for fools. They think we are all disposable and deplorable. They are still mad they lost in 2016. So are now continuing with bringing the whole system down through unfair play, a continuation of the Mueller hoax, Kavanaugh hoax, impeachment hoax, which they apparently believe becomes plausibly deniable in the unlevel playing field of the media that is constantly running defense for them. They will lose. The only answer is with prayer and Christ and belief in him. Maybe God wants more to see that.
Here is why the Patriot Post actually said Trump lost, which is right on, and not advocating murder, like you are with your claim we need to go to war to put in Trump despite his actually losing:
His ugly attacks on his own former staffers may have elicited cheers from some in his base, but he didn’t win many friends — maybe because he hired all those people in the first place. James Mattis, John Kelly, Reince Priebus, Rex Tillerson, Steve Bannon, and a host of other former White House employees all found themselves on the receiving end of brutal rhetorical attacks from the president, who could have benefited from being humble and gracious instead. Haranguing Mattis and Kelly, both respected military men who served their country faithfully for their entire careers — Kelly even losing his son in Afghanistan — almost certainly cost Trump votes in the military.
While the assertion Trump once called dead soldiers “losers” was a mendacious lie repeated by Biden, it got traction because some folks believed Trump could have said it, given his history of fratricidal attacks. Trump’s ugly spat with John McCain, and then the McCain family over the late senator’s funeral, cost him many Republican votes in Arizona.
Even with that history, it would have helped enormously in recent months had Trump led the COVID pandemic response with humble confidence and clarity. But too often his comments derailed his administration’s successes. Given the relentless Democrat/media campaign to blame the pandemic deaths on Trump, it’s understandable that he would get defensive. But too often he was overly so, and his daily briefings became a disaster.
Let’s do be clear in the president’s defense: Donald Trump is not a liar — certainly not in the same way that Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama are liars. They say false things with the intent to deceive. Trump’s rhetoric can be braggadocios and sometimes has over-inflated his case. He has sometimes been, to put it mildly, imprecise.
We warned in 2016 that Trump didn’t possess the character of a George Washington or Ronald Reagan, though his opponents in both elections most certainly have far less character. It is, of course, far more important that Trump’s policies were often exactly what the country needed at exactly the right time, and his legacy is both admirable and secure. Unfortunately, in a personality-driven culture, Trump couldn’t overcome his communications handicap.
Did you know that the person who made the 130,000 claim backtracked on it himself a little later?
Maybe before you advocate killing people in war who voted differently than you did you should get your facts a bit more straight–but then again, since by advocating war what you are advocating is anti-Christian and anti-liberty and anti-conservative, facts just possibly may not be on your side.
Dear war-mongering Anonymous,
One last thing–you said:
there are way more Wisconsin votes than there are registered voters
but that actually is simply not the case, and, furthermore, with same-day voter registration, which is legal in the state, you can have people, and will have people, who legally vote, producing their state-issued ID like you must in that state, despite not being pre-registered.
Before you advocate shedding blood maybe you should study what Scripture says about it, and get your facts straight. Maybe you should also learn how to do real research, with old fashioned things like books, instead of surfing the web and watching YouTube, and studying social media.
Statistical anomalies do exist in those five cities. The quantitative facts do not lie, the evidence is clear and open for all to see and compare. The Biden campaign was nonexistent. It bombed in the vast majority of counties other than the anomalous cities. He barely carried a majority in places like Flint and Miami, falling as far as 20 or more points in areas easily carried four years ago. The secondary counties in Ohio, Wisconsin, Florida, even in deep blue areas, county after county, all tells the story of a very weak turnout for the man in blue, other than those five cities. Those five anomalous, statistically speaking, areas, which also just so happened to also be the places where we see counting strangely stop in the midst of the first night.
The attempt was out in the open. It was even meant to provoke a response. So I think you are right in your impulse that we should follow the legal judgment rather than take unlawful or even downright illegal actions, such as the armed mobs on the other side do when they smash store windows and loot. There has to be a side that stands for law and order, and I suppose the other side then stands only for sodomy and crime and nothing else and kneels for the flag.
There should be a legal response, and I think that is the course of action to take. But even more than that, there needs to be a revival at the individual and spiritual level in response to these kind of things. There has been too much replacing of God with other things. Too many have compromised with the state religion and secular humanism and the entities that promotes it. I can see how this can and should cause us to take more time to pray, to kneel before the throne of grace in times of need.
Having said all that, the supposed "spats" between the current President and former staffers is little more than a media mountain. When you zoom out of the frame, you see that they have made mountains out of nothing. People who act offended at this but shrug at the un-personing of thousands of unborn who are scheduled to die today and tomorrow, and who want to make us all pay out of tax money for our own liquidation, to defile the American people and make us all complicit, to make as many people possible indirect murderers, have their priorities messed up when they complain about lack of niceties. The fact is though regardless that many statements have been made on both sides. You only ever hear one side of the story with the media. They have chopped and edited sound clips to say things they never meant to say. So the simple fact is we cannot trust a single clip from the media to be accurate or in context. Probably the majority of the things you mentioned, @KJB1611, never even happened.
The dishonest people are never held to anything like the impossible standards of never saying anything that could be taken out of context and edited. In fact, nobody can meet such a standard in the first place, and I do not believe a single clip I have ever heard out of the media, it is all edited and clipped out of context in multifarious ways beyond all imagining when it comes to Trump. I simply do not believe the majority of the things you refer to ever even happened in the first place, KJB1611. But as I have already discussed, it is beside the point and completely irrelevant when you look at the issues. What people ought to be doing if they know what's good for them – Not this millenial whining!
Hi Rob,
Voting against abortion every election is legitimate. These people want far more than just that abortions to happen unhindered as well. They want to cause all of the rest of us to devalue all of our own lives as animals, and cast each other's lives aside as disposable. They want to make us fund planned parenthood. This is actually a fundamental part of their true worldview.
It would be equally legitimate to always vote against, if one side were pro-slavery, or pro-drug trafficking. Hmm. But what is outrageous about all of this is, how the media and the public education system successfully downplays the severity of this issue, avoiding talking about it as much as possible while just barely mentioning it enough to remain beyond outright censorship.
And make no mistake, they try to shame anyone who does raise the issue themselves. They want us to feel guilty and try to make us feel guilty for raising any issue against the progressive agenda: especially important issues like this. That is why you see Big Tech such as facebook banning pro-life ads. It is because they are so effective. This is by far the one issue which cuts to the core of whether or not we even value the lives of our own citizens, whether they are inherently worth defending, whether there is any inherent value at all, so it is of utmost importance. Big tech, the progressives, they all want no discussion on this issue. Even while they ingrain their own activism into everything they do. It is time to revoke all section 230 protections from these platforms. It is long past time.
"If Roe v Wade is overturned tomorrow, abortion law will simply return to the states. Some of the more conservative states (10-15) will ban it according to some studies, and it will remain relatively unchanged in the rest."
Imagine if you were talking about slavery. You say there is no point in overturning Dredd Scott because some slave states will continue the practice anyway. You act like there is nothing that can be done about it. But what this is, is the perfectionist fallacy: acting like just because something is not immediately and 100% effective, that means there is no point in doing it. What you do is reveal how nonchalant and blasé your own view of this life-defining issue, on par with slavery, is. I meanwhile am the abolitionist in this scenario.
"Studies have shown that abortion rates (legal and illegal) were roughly the same before and after Roe."
What if the point is to make a moral stand that the whole practice is illegal though. That killers should be ashamed of what they do, not proud of it. That we actually value the lives of the American people, all of them and that we are actually not mere animals that can be disposed of when politically expedient. This is the message that we get, when loopholes are abused in the legal system to imply killing one another, under any circumstance, is moral. Let me tell you, it has a big effect on the way people in this country think, compared to all places where the practice is banned and being banned.
It has an effect on the way many people are made by the state to believe, that we should devalue other lives as politically un-useful and therefore, if a quick and convenient way comes to get rid of them, they want no repercussions for ending it. It extends to the devaluation of all of our lives.
May the Lord continue to lead us toward the abolition of this wicked practice.
Here is another amazing article breakdown on this subject: https://thefederalist.com/2020/11/23/5-more-ways-joe-biden-magically-outperformed-election-norms/