Home » Kent Brandenburg » DeSantis, Trump, or Otherwise

DeSantis, Trump, or Otherwise

2024 and 2020 Elections

It looks that the Republican side of the 2024 presidential election will include a hard fought battle that spends millions and millions of dollars for candidates trying to defeat one another.  Apparently, our side could not work together to agree on a candidate to support without a huge war in the party.  Meanwhile, the Democrats will pour huge amounts of money, almost incalculable sums, to further perfect their ballot harvesting strategy.  Instead of preparing themselves for this same tactic, Republicans will spend it bashing each other before general election time.

Evidence shows large numbers of varied entities rigged the 2020 U.S. presidential election, including Covid related ones.  The Durham Report alone proved that and then there’s Hunter Biden’s laptop.  Despite all the forces against President Trump during his presidency, he accomplished much.  I wish he became president in 2020, like many of you readers.

Giving Trump His Due

In addition to all the good things that came out of the Trump presidency, he changed the Republican party in a positive way.  He influenced many other leaders to take a similar combative toughness as he.  He showed them the way.  I thank him for that.  If another Republican besides him wins in 2024, Trump will have made a significant influence to that victory.

Republicans or conservatives should give Trump his due.  They should stop disrespecting him in the manner they are.  This will not help Republicans win 2024.  It will not persuade any Trump supporter to vote for someone else.  Insulting Trump and those who voted for him looks self-serving and virtue signaling.

Everyone knows Trump’s negatives.  Most of what makes him negative is also what makes him positive.  You might say, “He should stop doing this.”  Well, “this” is also what makes him popular.  Trump would not measure what he said for maximum political correctness.  He also pushed back on the mainstream media almost to the extent that it pushes against political candidates it doesn’t want.

Since we will have to choose our candidate, I might still vote Trump, because voters have a lot of time to watch what will happen.  I haven’t made up my mind yet.  The one who gets my vote will stand up and battle for an almost identical agenda as Trump.  I know Trump will fight, because I’ve seen him do it.  Whoever wins for the Republicans will face monumental forces from many different fronts almost like no one in American history.

My Primary Vote

As I look toward the future, right now I predict though that I will vote for Governor DeSantis in the Republican primary.  I don’t know that, but it is what I foresee right now.

Trump did his part.  I give him credit for it, but in the present I believe his time has passed.  He could still win.  I would be happy if he did.  I prefer Governor DeSantis at the moment.  DeSantis could easily pick up the mantle of Trump and do better with it, even if Trump won’t hand it to him.

I get Trump’s anger about disloyalty.  DeSantis could help with this too and bring along more Trump supporters by more strongly giving Trump his due.  He could disarm the Trump disloyalty attack by honoring Trump.  He should have won 2020.  Many Republicans who supported Trump understand why someone would run against him.  Both could happen, a candidate like DeSantis honors Trump and then explains why the Republicans regretfully need someone else.

Advice for DeSantis


DeSantis could pledge to fight in the example of Donald Trump.  He could tick off all the ways he will emulate Trump and then honor him by winning on his behalf and those who support him.  In an analogical way, I can see Trump not as the candidate like David wasn’t the candidate for building the first Temple.  Trump was uniquely suited for the job he did in taking down Hillary in 2016.  Please don’t say I’m saying Trump is David, the latter who loved God.  Trump brought the fight to the party like it needed and will continue to need.  David fought the Philistines.

At the time Trump became a candidate, the Republican Party needed a fighter extraordinaire.  Of course, the spiritual solution is most important.  Some of you critics rarely preach the gospel.  Don’t be critical of spiritual lack in the political area if you are distracted in the evangelistic area.  Are you really that dedicated to the gospel that you don’t have time to think about religious freedom?  Good for you, but I don’t believe it with most of you.  When’s the last time you even made a disciple in fulfillment of the Great Commission.  You’re just, again, virtue signaling.

Trump’s kickstart of fighting for freedom and the American way is the start.  Everyone now has a standard.  All must surpass it.  DeSantis, I believe, must prove that he will surpass Trump.  I’m not convinced yet.  What I am saying is that I believe he will.  I hope he reads this.

Give Trump His Due

The Florida governor could also pledge to homogenize the MAGA support into a unified team.  Some of the Trumpers could make the cabinet.  This kind of approach to Trump is what will make it difficult for Trump to oppose DeSantis.  Recently Trump said he had a hard time saying a bad word about Gavin Newsom because of how positive Newsom was with him.  Trump takes well to positive reinforcement.  Start every speech with a litany of pro-Trump signals before turning to what makes you the man for whom to vote.

DeSantis should set his sights on the enemies out there.  Fire away at them.  In my opinion, he’s tough, but still not tough enough.  The way to impress Trump voters won’t be doing the Chris Christie, talking tough about Trump (especially to the press).  The way to do that is to talk tough to and at the political elite.  Hone that skill.  Elevate the fire not against Trump, but against them.

I write this because it is what I think.  I was just now ready to say it.  Talk amongst yourselves.


    • Hi Janet,

      Thanks for dropping by. The Bible, which represents true Christianity, says you can’t and you won’t leave Christianity if you’re actually a Christian. God saves us. Christians don’t save themselves. Since God does the saving, He also does the keeping. The number one characteristic of a true Christian is that he continues, he abides, he remains, and he overcomes. Once you’re in, if you’re a Christian, you will stay in. There is also good reason from our perspective, because Christianity is the truth.

      The Apostle Paul talks about Demas in 2 Timothy 4:10, and he says, “For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world.” Demas left Paul, because he loved the world. In that sense, he was never with him in the first place, or he would have continued. I would characterize you as someone who loves the world and the things that are in the world. It’s a choice you’re making. However, the world passes away and the lust thereof. 1 John says any one who loves the world, the love of God the Father is not in him. Jesus asked, what does it profit a man (or a woman) if he gain the whole world, but lost his own soul? You can hang on to your views of this world, but you lose everything by doing so.

      Non-Christians want Christians to stay in their lane, so to speak, and have nothing to do with government, education, and almost anything social or cultural. Non Christians control everything and Christians stay silent. You can see that non-Christians in general would like to take away Christians freedom to express what they think. They don’t want anything Christian or biblical in any public institution or in the media. This is the cancel culture.

      We’re going to keep talking about elections, who we will vote for. I can’t see a true Christian voting Democrat, which is pro murder, pro mutilation, now pro war, and would be happy to take away all religious freedom. Actually Democrats are also the racists. They can’t stop talking about race and bringing race into every conversation. You can see how they are treating Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court to see their true colors. Christians liked Trump because at least he pushed back, even if he wasn’t Christian, he had a fundamental belief in freedom and in conserving the American way. DeSantis seems like he has the good qualities of Trump with less of his bad qualities. Many reading here understand that point of view. That you don’t get it is tell-tale.

  1. Let’s not forget that the System is sufficiently discredited that normal political dynamics have inverted: Things that previously would have been disqualifying are now seen as endorsements.

    For many, working within the System is seen as a sign that someone is untrustworthy, while someone constantly being harassed on often-spurious accusations by clearly bad actors within the System actually reinforces the target’s credibility.

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  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
