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Author Archives: KJB1611

“The New Testament Picture of Jesus: Is It Accurate?,” Shabir Ally & Thomas Ross, is now live!

I had the privilege of debating Dr. Shabir Ally, possibly the Western world’s leading defender of Islam, a while ago at the University of Wisconsin at Whitewater.  The University newspaper covered the debate as a front page news item (entitled “The New Testament, Fact or Fiction,”), getting our campus organization a lot of free publicity, for which I am thankful, even if it did not represent the content of the discussion especially accurately.  The debate video is now live, and can be viewed on the What is Truth blog here:
or on the page on my website with the debate video, or on YouTube at the link “The New Testament Picture of Jesus: Is it Accurate?” or at the Christian Debates playlist, where the debates with Dan Barker can also be located and where future debates, Lord willing, will also be updated.  If you believe it is worth watching, please feel free to “like” the video on YouTube, post a comment, and share it on social media or on other platforms.
I have recorded some material reviewing the content of the debate which will also go live, Lord willing, in the relatively near future.  I thought the debate went very well, and that it was clear that the Muslim position had no ancient evidence at all in its favor, but required a rejection of all the ancient evidence.  I am also thankful that I had the ability to defend the New Testament from the historic Christian position of the independence of the synoptic Gospels rather than from compromised and unbiblical positions of too many of those whom Shabir has debated.  When those representing Christianity affirm Markan priority and the dependence of Matthew and Luke on Mark and “Q” they are giving away to theological liberalism far too much and make Islam and atheism’s case against the Bible easier, in addition to simply accepting what cannot by any means be historically substantiated.  I am also thankful that Shabir Ally argued against the Bible the way standard theological liberalism would argue against it, rather than arguing for, say, wild-eyed mythicism the way Dan Barker did when I debated him.  I am very thankful for those who prayed for me and for the debate and those who worked hard on every aspect of what took place, and give glory to the one true God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for the good that can come out of the debate.

Miracle Moss Cures Cancer–watch the video!

The cure for cancer has been discovered–on YouTube!  Watch the short video below to find out about the miracle moss that cures cancer, although the cure has been suppressed by Big Pharma. (Note: I am not endorsing the music on the video.)
Learn about Dr. Johan R. Tarjany, who discovered the Miracle Moss in the 1800s, and how in the early 1800s he found out that the moss could alter the double helix structure of DNA.  He added the moss to his diet and he never developed cancer!  After watching the video, I have done what it suggested and I also have never developed cancer!!! The active ingredient in the moss has been banned by the FDA, but you can find it online–buy now!
Comments are welcome below, but please only comment after watching the entire (two minute) video.
If you wish to buy the moss from me, please note that I also do real estate deals.  The bridge below is one that has a huge amount of traffic in the San Francisco area, and I can sell it you for a very low price.  I can sell it because, as you can see below, I have a picture with the bridge in it:
Both for the moss and the bridge, just so you know, I do not take credit or debit cards, only prepaid gift cards, money orders, and cash wrapped in plain brown wrappers mailed to my international address.

May the video above encourage us to obey Isaiah 1:18’s command to “reason.”

Missionaries, Preachers and Everyone Else Who Travels: ATMs Free Worldwide and No Foreign Transaction Fees

If you travel within the United States, it is nice to be able to use an ATM without having to pay any fees.  If you travel internationally, being able to use any ATM you want without having to pay ATM fees or foreign transaction fees sounds almost too good to be true–for not only do you save a 3% foreign transaction fee and the fee from the ATM, but you also avoid the poor exchange rates that are offered at the airport (especially) and also at other places where money changing goes on–instead, you just pay the actual conversion rate into the foreign currency.  If one is frequently in foreign countries–whether as a missionary, a pastor who watches over those missionaries sent out of his church, or simply as a person who goes outside of the United States, the savings can definitely add up.  There are numbers of banks that I know of that give ATM refunds within the United States, but very few also do the same internationally.  There are two ways to get the above valuable benefits that I am aware of, and one of them is currently offering a very good deal, so I thought it would be a good time to write a blog post about this.

SoFi–Everything Free & Make $50 or $150 or More in

About 5 Minutes

SoFi Money has a brokerage account that offers the benefits above.  That is:
  • No monthly fees
  • No minimum balance requirement
  • No direct deposit required
  • Unlimited ATM fee reimbursements worldwide (they give you a Visa debit card for use with your account)
  • No foreign transaction fees worldwide
  • High interest rate
  • No hard pull on your credit report–no negative effects whatsoever on your credit score
Furthermore, right now they are offering you $50 for signing up for SoFi Money and depositing $100 (which you can take out again whenever you like).  You can possibly sign up in less time than it takes to read this post and get $50.  The bonus is posting very quickly as well–it shows up within a few days in my experience.  Furthermore, you can get a referral link from within their app and get $100 if you refer someone else, $200 if you refer two people, $300 for three people, and so on.  So if you sign up, then refer your spouse, you will get $50 (you sign up) + $100 (referral bonus for spouse) + $50 (spouse signs up) = $200 very easily.  If you have a lot of siblings you can get a lot of money for an account that is worth having.  You can leave $1 in there and then put money in the account whenever you travel, use the travel benefits, and then go back to leaving $1 in there, or you can actually use SoFi for the various things that they want you to use them for if you find their products attractive.  I signed up and then I referred my wife.
You can use my referral link by clicking here to get $50 and a worthwhile account.  You don’t have to use my referral link, of course, but if you do I will also be benefited financially, and I would appreciate that because we just had to buy some expensive equipment to help with our online classes and video ministry, and we would rejoice if God provided for us while also helping others get a valuable account that can save them a lot when they travel.
I know that advertisements always tell you to “buy RIGHT NOW” and stuff like that, but this is a very good deal with people signing up all over the place, and I don’t think they are going to keep offering it for a long time, so I would suggest signing up quickly before they end the promotion if you want to get the opening and referral bonus(es).
SoFi also makes loans, and you can find out more about them with my referral link about that by clicking here.  I have not looked into their loans much because I don’t need a loan, but if you absolutely cannot avoid debt (it is far better to lend than to need a loan) you can get information about SoFi loans here.
There are advantages SoFi Money has over the Schwab account below–a higher interest rate and a very easy $50 or possibly $200 or more if you sign up now, and no hard pull on your credit report. There are also some advantages to Schwab; I will discuss those below.

Schwab Checking Account–similar benefits

Charles Schwab has a checking account that offers:
  • No monthly fees
  • No minimum balance requirement
  • No direct deposit required
  • Unlimited ATM fee reimbursements worldwide (they give you a Visa debit card for use with your account)
  • No foreign transaction fees worldwide
I have had a Charles Schwab checking account for years and am very glad to have been able to avoid ATM fees and foreign transaction fees when we have travelled to Kenya, various parts of Europe, the Philippines, etc.  (When the ATM charges you a fee Schwab refunds it.) We don’t use our Schwab checking account that much except if we are not local–then we transfer some money into the account (both with SoFi and with Charles Schwab it is very easy to link another bank account) and use the Schwab account while we are away from home.
The Schwab checking account does not have nearly as high an interest rate as SoFi Money, and getting one involves a hard pull on your credit report, just like opening a credit card or applying for a home mortgage, etc.  On the other hand, Schwab is a very well-known and reputable brokerage firm so you can invest with them as well as bank.  I have found their customer service over the years to be excellent.  Furthermore, you can sign up for God-honoring Christian-based mutual funds through Schwab, since they carry them along with many, many other types of investments.  I do not yet know whether that is possible with SoFi Money because my account with them is very new and I wanted to get this post out before the SoFi Money promo ended.  Also, with Schwab you can get paper bank statements; I am not sure if SoFi offers those or not.  Finally, Schwab’s checking account is FDIC insured.  SoFi moves your money into FDIC insured bank accounts, utilizing six banks so it is FDIC insured up to $1.5 million, but if they were to go bust in the one day or two or whatever between when you deposited your money and when it got swept into an FDIC insured account, it might be a less than ideal situation for that particular deposit.  I have no concerns about depositing $100 in SoFi or even thousands of dollars in SoFi, but if I were a millionaire I would be more likely to keep my money with Schwab and I would do a lot more with their brokerage than with SoFi’s brokerage.
If you sign up with this link, you should be able to get $100 from Schwab’s refer-a-friend program.  I do not make anything from this program, but you get $100.  I am not sure if the link I just supplied for Schwab will work for more than the first person who tries it, unlike the SoFi money bonus which should work for as long as they offer the promo for as many people as click on it and sign up.  If you can deposit thousands and thousands of dollars, you can get more than $100 from Schwab–a certain level gives you $200 and if you deposit over $100,000 you get $500, but most people are probably not going to do that.
I have signed up for both SoFi Money and Schwab, and would suggest that you think about getting one or both of these accounts if you ever travel where your local bank does not give you ATM refunds, and especially if you ever leave the USA.

The King James Bible Research Council Defends a False Gospel

In 2015 I wrote a blog post entitled “The Dean Burgon Society and the King James Bible Research Council:  Would I Join Them?”  Despite their commendable and Biblical defense of the Received Text and the King James Bible, I had to answer the question “no” for a number of reasons which can be examined by reading my earlier post.  The clearest reason not to join–although the others were also enough–was that neither organization defended a pure gospel.  I illustrated that with the fact that in 2015 the King James Bible Research Council met on the premises of Quentin Road “Baptist” Church, home of Dayspring Bible College, two affiliated religious organizations that boldly, blatantly, and unashamedly reject Biblical repentance and even call it a counterfeit of Satan.  The statement below, from the doctrinal statement of Dayspring/Quentin Road, explains what Quentin Road and Dayspring Bible College believe about repentance:

Repent (metanoeo) means a change of mind. Repentance in salvation means a change of mind from any idea of religion that man may have and to accept God’s way of salvation. Repentance does not in any sense include a demand for a change of conduct before or after salvation. Matthew 21:32, Acts 20:21, II Corinthians 7:8-10. One of the counterfeits Satan is using today is the misuse of the word repent. To insist upon repentance that in any sense includes a demand for a change of conduct either toward God or man is to add an element of works or human merit to faith. Penance is payment for sin. Penitence is sorrow for sin. Works add something of self in turning from sin. But repent (metanoeo) means a change of mind. Repentance in salvation means a change of mind from any idea of religion that man might have and accepting God’s way of salvation. Nowhere does Scripture use the phrase, “repent of sin to be saved.”
Such a statement greatly corrupts Biblical repentance, and is neither Biblical nor Baptist (learn Biblical truth on repentance by clicking here). 
Sadly, the King James Bible Research Council is meeting again this year–2019–at the Quentin Road religious organization’s meeting place.  Furthermore, people advocating the anti-repentance false gospel taught at Dayspring Bible College and Quentin Road “Baptist” Church are on the board of directors of the King James Bible Research Council:  Phil Stringer, Vice President of the King James Bible Research Council, is also Vice President of Dayspring Bible College.  Thus, the KJBRC did not meet at Quentin Road by mistake.  (I personally contacted the president, Dr. David Brown, before the 2015 meeting–he is fully aware of what Quentin Road stands for.) 
The King James Bible Research Council, in addition to acceptance of an accursed false gospel, should by no means call itself a separatist or fundamentalist organization.  When people who believe exactly opposite things on the gospel itself can sit on its board of directors, it is plainly committed to anti-separatism, and to a rejection of Biblical separation of a kind that even many conservative evangelicals would not hold to–for the KJBRC is unwilling to separate over even the gospel itself.
It does not do much good if you hold to the King James Bible but go to hell because you believe a false gospel.  Do not support, associate with, or commend the King James Bible Research Council, but reprove it as an unfruitful work of darkness. If you run across one of the men who holds to a false gospel on its board of directors, preach the true gospel to him so that he can be saved, and warn those people on the board of directors who profess a true gospel to separate from the KJBRC.  Hear and obey the risen Christ’s command:  “[H]ave no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” (Ephesians 5:11).

Jessie Penn-Lewis: Christians Demon Possessed (part 12 of 22)

The content of this post is now available in the study of:

1.) Evan Roberts

2.) The Welsh Revival of 1904-1905

3.) Jessie Penn-Lewis

on the faithsaves.net website. Please click on the people above to view the study.  On the FaithSaves website the PDF files may be easiest to read.


You are also encouraged to learn more about Keswick theology and its errors, as well as the Biblical doctrine of salvation, at the soteriology page at Faithsaves.

Clear Gospel Tracts

At various times people have asked me about clear gospel tracts that they can use in their ministries. I have a number that can be downloaded and used by Bible-believing Baptist churches at the “All Content” link on my website.  There are many Independent Baptist printing ministries that will publish gospel tracts and pamphlets as well as printing the Bible, and you can compare what they would charge to print gospel tracts with what a local publisher would charge to see if it is better to print tracts with a church-run work or whether the shipping costs involved make a local publisher superior.  The tracts below can all fit on one 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper, and can be printed professionally as bi-folds or tri-folds, or even have many copies made on a simple copy machine.  I have passed out large numbers of tracts with the content below, and numbers of other churches and brethren have done likewise.  An example of what they can look like as tri-folds is below:
1.) The tract the “Most Important Message” can be downloaded as a Microsoft Word file here.  I like the “Most Important Message” tract because it has a clear
gospel presentation and links at the back for common questions people
have; you can personalize that information to fit your church’s ministries.
2.) The “Do You Know You Have Eternal Life?” is a careful standard gospel tract; the MS Word file can be dowloaded here.
3.) “Prepare for Judgment” contains a clear presentation
of the positive side of the gospel, but it is mainly designed to awaken
the lost, which is very worthwhile.  Today the vast majority of the lost are unawakened and careless, and they need to hear strong warnings on the coming judgment of God.  “Prepare for Judgment” is available for MS Word here.
4.) The “God and Science” is a simple overview of why God and science are friends, not enemies; it is not specifically a gospel tract, but it deals with a very common reason people reject the gospel. It is available in MS Word also.
The tracts above can also all be downloaded at the “All Content” link as well.
If your Bible-believing and practicing church wishes to use any of the tracts above, I would be happy for that to happen.  If you translate them into other languages, please let me know and I will be happy to make the translations available as well.  I do not mind if minor changes are made to these tracts, but if your church denies the Biblical doctrine of repentance or holds to other corruptions of the gospel, such as the false teaching that justification can be lost, annihilationism, etc., please do not use my gospel tracts.  Write your own.  But if your church is sound, please feel free to use them if they help your proclamation of Christ’s glorious gospel.

Jessie Penn-Lewis: War on the Saints (part 11 of 22)

The content of this post is now available in the study of:

1.) Evan Roberts

2.) The Welsh Revival of 1904-1905

3.) Jessie Penn-Lewis

on the faithsaves.net website. Please click on the people above to view the study.  On the FaithSaves website the PDF files may be easiest to read.


You are also encouraged to learn more about Keswick theology and its errors, as well as the Biblical doctrine of salvation, at the soteriology page at Faithsaves.

Preservation Seminar Audio

I recently had the privilege of teaching a seminar on the perfect preservation of Scripture at Mount Zion Baptist Mission, a church-planting work led by Bro William Hardecker, who is sent out of Mount Zion Baptist Church in Pennsylvania.  Bro Hardecker and his wife are faithful servants of the Lord whom I have known since our time together in the Master’s program at Fairhaven Baptist College.
The students present at the seminar. Bro Hardecker is right in front of my wife and I.
A goodly number of Filipino pastors and other church workers were present at the seminar, for which we were thankful. The audio for the seminar can be downloaded by clicking here. If Christians understand the twelve Biblical principles of preservation explained in the seminar, the question of the Textus Receptus and KJV versus the modern versions and the critical text is easily decided. There are also a few sermons I preached and a Sunday School lesson I taught that can be downloaded as well.  The syllabus can be downloaded here.
While in the Philippines I also had the privilege of preaching at Soulwinner’s Bible Baptist Church in Tagbileran City, a solid, separated, KJVO, local-only ecclesiology, pro-Lordship Baptist church led by a local man sent out from a Baptist church with its own seminary on a nearby island.
The lady in the very front of the picture is an abortion survivor and a faithful servant of the Lord at the church.  I thought it was a blessing as well that, despite the cultural acceptance of getting to church late, the brethren at Bible Baptist had been trained to value the Lord’s church by getting there on time.  The Bible, not culture,  must dictate how a church practices.
Lord willing, Heather and I will be back in the Philippines in the second half of November after the Word of Truth Conference at Bethel Baptist Church with Bro Brandenburg.  We would appreciate your prayers for wisdom about how best to serve the Lord while we are back in that part of the world at that time, and I’m sure that the Hardeckers and other servants of the Lord in the Philippines would likewise appreciate your prayers that “the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified” (2 Thess 3:1).  There are many people in that needy nation who are open to listening to the gospel–I do not believe a single person refused to take a gospel tract the entire time we were there.

Jessie Penn-Lewis: Welsh Revival and Pentecostal Preparation (part 10 of 22)

The content of this post is now available in the study of:

1.) Evan Roberts

2.) The Welsh Revival of 1904-1905

3.) Jessie Penn-Lewis

on the faithsaves.net website. Please click on the people above to view the study.  On the FaithSaves website the PDF files may be easiest to read.


You are also encouraged to learn more about Keswick theology and its errors, as well as the Biblical doctrine of salvation, at the soteriology page at Faithsaves.

Jessie Penn-Lewis: Worldwide Keswick Impact (part 9 of 22)

The content of this post is now available in the study of:

1.) Evan Roberts

2.) The Welsh Revival of 1904-1905

3.) Jessie Penn-Lewis

on the faithsaves.net website. Please click on the people above to view the study.  On the FaithSaves website the PDF files may be easiest to read.


You are also encouraged to learn more about Keswick theology and its errors, as well as the Biblical doctrine of salvation, at the soteriology page at Faithsaves.


  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
