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Biblical Preservation and Canonicity: Bible study 1B
By the way, if you have heard the canard that no two Biblical NT manuscripts contain the same text, note that the video displays copies of several MSS that are identical to the letter over the course of entire Biblical books.
King Jesus, the Least of the Commandments, and the Destructive Essential/Non-Essential Doctrine
In the flow of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5, He preaches the requirement for entrance into His kingdom (5:1-12) and then the present identity on the earth of its citizens, salt and light (5:13-16). Salt presents the negative identity of influence against decay or corruption (5:13). Light presents the positive identity of the declaration of God, speaking righteous doctrine and living the righteous life, all in accordance with the kingdom of Jesus Christ (5:14-16). Saltiness is distinctiveness, the sacred life impeding the profanity of the world, and light provides the revelation of the knowledge of God for others for their salvation and sanctification. What is the basis for salt and light? It is the Word of God (5:17-19).
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
The Lord Jesus Christ was contrasting biblical teaching from that of the scribes and Pharisees. They would say they were God’s people, but they weren’t keeping all of God’s Word. They were teaching men to do the same. They ranked doctrines into the greatest and the least, because they were self-righteous, which was impossible. They tried to make it possible by leaving out what was hard, what they didn’t think they could keep, or they just didn’t like. Evangelicals today are the same. Almost all of what calls itself Christian is the same.
Test Your Theological Knowledge!
Baptism Debate Questions Answered: The Jacoby / Ross debate questions we ran out of time before answering, part 2 of 2
11.) You brought up early church teaching that mentions baptism. Today, we have more translations, more books, and more teaching. Why has it gotten foggier with time? Were there errors? New realizations? Contradicting material discovered?
DJ: I wouldn’t say this is quite right. When more ancient manuscripts are discovered, our translations become better—either by a more certain knowledge of the originally wording, or by improvements in translators’ understanding of the biblical languages. This is not to say you aren’t on to something. There are tens of thousands of church groups, each claiming to be authentically representing pristine, apostolic Christianity. Not everyone can be right. Dr. Ross and I both agree that the “new-fangled doctrine of 1835,” the Sinner’s Prayer—embraced by most of the evangelical world—has caused much harm. It’s not only unbiblical, but tends to actually dilute commitment to Christ.
between Ancient Near Eastern treaties and baptism. (Which isn’t exactly a treaty.) I’d be interested in what Dr. Ross says.
DJ: It would be good to go back and reread the passage in full (Acts 22:1-16). Paul doesn’t “preach” prayer, fasting, healing, etc.—he only tells his story. And he wouldn’t have been saved by going through a checklist of activities or experiences anyway!
DJ: The second question I thought I squarely addressed in my presentation. I emphasized what is normative (not exceptional– and of course the Lord can make any exceptions he likes), as well as the hope that God’s grace may cover not only moral errors
but even doctrinal ones.
DJ: This is a great question. Please see my comments on question 11. It’s always good to strive for biblical understanding. And we always need to be open to truth—to be rethinking, open to what the Lord is showing us. Yet the Bible never says perfect understanding is essential for us to receive God’s promises.
The Religion of Social Justice And Its Infiltration of Churches
For my entire lifetime, liberal theology has presented an alternative to the biblical story. Man arises progressively through naturalistic origins. The Christian story is superstition, proceeding from mythology in various cultures with hopes of explaining the past and the present. Instead of taking the Bible literally, use it as an allegory, a source of archetypes for the physical well-being of mankind. Truth that might spring from the metaphor parallels with conventional thinking, so the message can change. Since man advanced progressively, improvements for man come from progressivism. Cultural change mainly in the way of equaling social outcomes is salvation. Liberalism is religion in all the ways I’ve just described. For instance, ‘presenting your body a living sacrifice’ is enduring personal loss as an object of change through education, government, psychology, etc.Before the coronavirus, I talked every week to liberal Methodists, liberal Lutherans, liberal Catholics, liberal Presbyterians, liberal Congregationalists, and liberal Baptists. My next door neighbor, an elderly man, who just died in the last two years, was a conservative Lutheran, who grew up in a Missouri synod church in Northern Wisconsin, but lived his adult life in California. There was no Lutheran church for him in our area, because all of them had turned liberal. He lit up when I talked to him. It made sense, except for the salvation by grace through faith alone. He would not accept that he couldn’t be saved through his good works.Social justice could be said to be a branch of the larger denomination of liberalism. Liberalism accepts social justice in its hierarchy. Membership of a certain generation within evangelical or fundamentalist churches would not accept liberalism, it’s denial of the bodily resurrection of Christ, the virgin birth, miracles, and the blood atonement. The door stays closed to classic liberalism, but it opens to social justice, which is a denomination within big liberalism. In fact, liberalism makes its way into churches through social justice. Evangelicals have made way for the denomination of social justice into its churches through the lies it has told about social justice to pander to potential constituents. For instance, they leave out the liberalism of Martin Luther King, Jr. They embrace to a degree a Mother Theresa as if she were a saint.Even conservative evangelicals present themselves as a face of social justice with stories of stands taken during the civil rights movement against the racism of Southern Baptist churches. Those types of stories are confusing, because they don’t give a clear delineation for who is preaching what. There was racism in the United States, but did that mean that the black church leaders were preaching the same message as the white churches? Even if the varied factions could have put aside the racial differences, would they still be meeting together, aligned with a common doctrine? Common ground should not be attained by ignoring doctrinal error, including on the gospel.A good source for racial history in the United States is the massive amounts of writing found in the fourteen volumes of the Booker T. Washington Papers (look at the index here). C. Vann Woodward called them “the single most important research enterprise now under way in the field of American black history.” Many years ago, I read large chunks of these for hours in order to write a docudrama that our school performed on the life of Booker T. Washington. Washington was relentless and harsh in his criticism of black clergy. You can read this even in the classic Up from Slavery, which should be required reading in schools and especially Christian schools. Washington and George Washington Carver would not be receptive to the social justice movement and its actual, real effects on black people in the United States.How is social justice even infiltrating conservative churches? It comes into the church with themes similar to and apparent counterparts to orthodoxy. Those themes fall on the ears and minds of younger members through school and media, unprepared to diagnose the counterfeit. In many, if not most cases, they also might just be unconverted. They are thorny ground, raised with the acceptability of worldliness, because their leaders did not inform them well enough on cultural issues. They even attacked those who did in order to indulge potential members for church growth. They covered for this with the concept of “gospel first importance” or “essential doctrines,” not found in scripture. The church lost saltiness on the earth and dimmed light to the world. It’s probably too late to do anything about the damage, but the churches and leaders should repent, and take the true Christians they have left and stand where they didn’t. I’m not hopeful.The infiltration of social justice occurs with first a well-known theme of sin. It is a perversion of the doctrine, but the sin and guilt relates to apparent injustice, which really is differing outcomes based upon socio-economics. The law broken isn’t the law of God, but political correctness. There are even standards that must be kept like the Pharisees or the Judaizers of the day of Jesus and the Apostles. If those standards are not kept, separation occurs like not eating with the Gentiles. These are almost never real sins that are committed. Judgment comes on not accepting political correctness or following its standards. They are changing standards, called progressive ones, but they can change based on progressivism.Younger church members embraced the idea of group guilt for an entire race of people. Sin and guilt doesn’t work that way in reality. Sin and guilt are individual, so this is a perversion, an important one. God says the “soul that sinneth, it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:20-24). Group sin and guilt then changes the nature of redemption. If no one committed a sin, just found himself already guilty for lacking in pigmentation, then there is also no individual redemption or forgiveness. He must attempt to do penance by showing all the indications that he is woke. He must use the correct language, take the correct posture, which might include kneeling, and then perhaps to pay an indulgence in the way of reparations, a kind of tithe to the system. Redistribution of wealth is part of membership in the new group of the redeemed; however, never really finding redemption because the indulgence must keep being paid.The canon of social justice isn’t scripture, except for allegorized scripture. It is leftist propaganda and psychology. Members become duped in psychology and sociology. Members of the Supreme Court have already joined this church by calling transgenders a sex. There is no outcry in the country, even from evangelicals, because of the fear of retribution of some kind, a shaming way past the level of the shunning of the Amish.Psychology and sociology have been canonized even in churches. My father hit me when I was a child. Social justice would shun him. If I mouthed off to my dad or my mom, one or the other might smack me in the mouth, not in an injurious way. I am a victim. I could claim victim status. This is part of the psychology. The fear actually kept me from evil. It wasn’t sufficient, but it helped me in the short term, until my beliefs were settled. The next generation resents spankings and if it received any physical discipline beyond spanking, that stands as justification for almost any behavior choice in contradiction of authority.Saints in social justice are victims, even if they are wicked criminals, who have robbed and raped. Victimhood itself is a form of sanctification, where blame shift occurs. Someone is released from all blame as a victim, a kind of redemption from guilt.Patriarchy is a social construct as a doctrine of the denomination of social justice. Women are elevated in their position, so that any criticism is also a violation of political correctness in the canon of social justice. Anyone who says a woman should take a required role is misogynist. Men themselves in the general canon are misogynists. Any man who continues on male patriarchy should be shunned.You can see that the doctrine does not center on the condition of the heart. It is external behavior. The kingdom teaching would be progress until there is a classless, sexless, completely equal society. As you might know, this won’t or doesn’t happen. It will be turned into an oligarchy much like the nation of Chaz up in Seattle right now, ruled by violence.What I’ve described in this post won’t end well. It is against God. God is still in charge. There is a real, true God with a real, true Bible, that is the standard by which He judges. Someone can invent his own world in his head, but he still lives in God’s world where God is the judge. True saints should reject the denomination of social justice in the religion of liberalism. Yes, today you will be persecuted. You really are salt and light and you are being persecuted for righteousness. Standing against the religion of social justice is righteous.
Baptism Debate Questions Answered: The Jacoby / Ross debate questions we ran out of time before answering, part 1 of 2
DJ: Jesus told them (before Pentecost), “You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you” (John 15:3). Keep in mind that the apostles were Jewish; as long as they were faithful to the (old) covenant, they were right with God. It is unreasonable, in my opinion, to hold that they needed to become “lost” so that they could become saved through Christ. A number of them submitted to John’s baptism. The Spirit came on them at Pentecost (Acts 2), though some interpreters take the Jesus’s prophetic action in John 20:22-23 to be the moment they received the Spirit.
DJ: Yes. This is the audience out of whom some 3000 persons—this is a male-only count, as in Acts 4:4, Matt 14:21, etc.—accepted the message and were baptized. Their response is recorded in v.41.
DJ: Exactly right! It wouldn’t make sense that we’d receive the Holy Spirit (through faith), only to have to later be baptized to receive the Spirit. Salvation isn’t split into sections.
DJ: The significant difference between the baptism of John and the baptism of Christ is the gift of the Holy Spirit. Both baptisms involved water, yet only baptism in Jesus’ name confers the Spirit. Most Christians I know distinguish the “Holy Spirit baptism” from regular water baptism. I am not so sure this distinction is valid, especially in light of verses like 1 Cor 12:13.
DJ: If you mean that faith and repentance are the same, they are not. It’s clear the demons don’t have saving faith. If they did, they would repent.
DJ: Now Paul doesn’t say he baptized none of the Corinthians, only that he didn’t remember all those he baptized. Which was just as well, because anyone can baptize, but only one could die for our sins. Factions had been forming among the Corinthians (1 Cor 1:10-13; 3:3-6). People were identifying with human leaders instead of with Christ. Baptism is in the name of Christ—not the name of Paul or Apollos. “Was Paul crucified for you?” (1:13) suggests we are baptized into the one who crucified for us. (Rom 6:3-4 shows us that baptism is a participation in the death of Christ.)
Why David’s Life Would Matter
The background of Psalm 30, written by King David, was his numbering of Israel. 2 Samuel 24 and 1 Chronicles 21 mention the event. God offered David his choice of punishments: three years of famine, three months of war with Israel’s enemies, or three days of pestilence. David chose pestilence. About 70,000 people died in three days.
I cried to thee, O Lord; and unto the Lord I made supplication. What profit is there in my blood, when I go down to the pit? Shall the dust praise thee? shall it declare thy truth? Hear, O Lord, and have mercy upon me: Lord, be thou my helper.
Contemporary Indications of the Reprobate Mind
In Romans 1:28, the Apostle Paul writes, “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind.” The flow of Romans 1 is that men knew God, but they suppressed that knowledge. God turned them over to what they wanted, as His act of judgment. An indication of God’s turning them over, is their “reprobate mind.” “Reprobate” is depraved.
A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.
But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.
What mean ye, that ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge?
Eternal security debate: Douglas Jacoby & Thomas Ross, now live!
The Apostle Paul’s Response to A First Century Gospel-Destroying Cancel-Culture Wokeness Plague on the Church
The Apostle Paul had woke credentials. He lists them in Philippians 3 in case anyone might wonder. No one was more Jew than he was. He took great advantage of that in Gentile cities when he visited the synagogues first. If he went to the Gentile first, his hearing with the Jews would be diminished. If anyone could say, “You ain’t Jew,” it was Paul. He attended the top of the Jew only schools. He could be on speed dial to talk about oppression, because he was raised in the minority environment of Tarsus, a Gentile province.
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