Books By David Cloud Read Aloud: Can You Help Truth Get Out?

Way of Life Literature, run by Bro David Cloud, has many excellent resources.  David Cloud has also written many excellent books, as well as useful videos one can find on his website.  While not infallible, of course, they are well-researched, sound in doctrine, and something I could recommend highly to almost any Christian.  I am very thankful for David Cloud’s works.  His books, along with those published by Bible Baptist Church Publications, helped me to become a Baptist separatist instead of a mushy evangelical after I was converted by the grace of God.


Today, sadly, many people do not read.  Brother Cloud has given me permission to have at least some of his books read aloud and then made available on fora such as YouTube, Rumble, and Audible.


If you would be interested in reading aloud some David Cloud books, such as his works on Biblical preservation, Bible texts and versions:

Faith vs. The Modern Versions

For Love of the Bible

The Glorious History of the English Bible

Bible Version Question and Answer Database

The Modern Bible Version Hall of Shame
Why We Hold to the King James Bible

or some of Cloud’s other books, such as:


Dressing for the Lord

The Future According to the Bible

History and Heritage of Fundamentalism and Fundamental Baptists

and you have a good reading voice–speaking clearly, with expression, and not one that will put people to sleep–and enough commitment to finish something once you have started it, please contact me and let me know.


Thank you.

A Useful Exploration of Truth about Christian Nationalism (Part Two)

Part One

Seeds of Christian Nationalism

Scripture teaches nothing about anything remotely Christian nationalism for the New Testament church age.  Christian nationalism must arise at the most from principles through scripture that permit Christian nationalism.  Is that possible?  I think a semblance of that is.  True believers in Jesus Christ, Christians, could hope for that. However, before I write about that, I will deal with the Christian nationalism movement in the United States, as I see it.

The Christian nationalist movement in the United States arises from the false eschatology of postmillennialism and a false ecclesiology of paedo baptism and communion.  I suggest that several factors have contributed to this theonomist style or Christian reconstructionist postmillenial revival.

Recent Embrace of Protestant Theology

Not necessarily in this order, but, one, postmillennialism proceeds from recent new embrace of Protestant theology, some being a new Calvinism, or the “young, restless, and Reformed movement.”  Many factors, I believe and have witnessed, led to the attraction to this faction of professing Christianity.  The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 1:22:  “For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom.”  The latter wisdom, one might also call, “intellectualism.”  Perhaps an insipid, superficial evangelicalism swung the pendulum to theological seriousness and the greatest allure to a muscular, Puritanical determinism with heavy historical roots.

Attack on the Male Role in Society

Two, the elimination of and attack on a male role in society and growing egalitarianism pushed young men toward a more masculine view of the world.  Postmillennial theonomy embraces not just complementary roles for men and women, but thoroughgoing Patriarchy.  This also explains the great popularity of Jordan Peterson, who promotes the significance of the Patriarchy and a unique place for men in the culture.

Other Reasons for the Rise of Christian Nationalism Propositions

Three, men responded to the degradation of the culture.  The United States slouches toward Gomorrah.  The weakness all around begs for an answer or a reaction.  Men don’t like what they are seeing.  This corresponds with the decline of the United States on the world stage, a porous border, and decrepit leaders.

Four, the Postmillennials have some effective spokesmen, that contrast with the ineffectiveness of the alternative.  I would compare Russell Moore, now editor of Christianity Today, and Douglas Wilson.  The former capitulates and whine and the latter puts on the battle fatigues.

Five, even though Trump himself is not a Christian, Christian nationalism dovetails with the rise of Trump.  It would take some explaining here, which I don’t think is too difficult, but I’ll leave it at that one sentence.

Premillennialism the Truth

Scripture is plain on the future or how everything will end.  It is not postmillennial.  Premillennialism represents a grammatical, historical interpretation of scripture.  It is how the Bible reads.  Premillennialism does not correspond well to a biblical presentation of Christian nationalism.

Based on this understanding of the future, Scott Aniol has written a different position than Christian Nationalism, that he calls Christian Faithfulness (he further argues here).  I can’t disagree with anything Aniol says about this and generally agree with his criticism of the positions of Stephen Wolf and Douglas Wilson.  I haven’t read Aniol’s new book, Citizens and Exiles: Christian Faithfulness in God’s Two Kingdoms, so I don’t know how far he goes in his vision for the nation.

The Likelihood or Unlikelihood of Christian Nationalism

Without having read Aniol’s book, I’m certain I would go further than Aniol and propose something toward Christian Nationalism without actual Christian Nationalism.  I explained some of this in part one.  In a refreshing way, Aniol calls himself a Baptist.  I am a Baptist.  Baptists as one of their distinctives claim the separation of church and state, even if the United States Constitution does not claim that.  Baptists have taken strongly a very anti church state doctrine.  The Baptists promoted and ratified the first amendment of the Bill of Rights.

Aniol has coined a new position related to the Christian Nationalism debate:  Christian Faithfulness.  My thinking has not yet congealed into a position.  Maybe it won’t get to that and I could hold some version of Christian Faithfulness.  I want to and will explain where I am right now.

More to Come

A Useful Exploration of Truth about Christian Nationalism

Probing Christian Nationalism

The mainstream media now uses the words “Christian nationalism” as a political cudgel against Republicans.  Rob Reiner, the former “meathead” of Archie Bunker fame produced a documentary against his caricature of “Christian nationalism.”  The left labels new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, a “Christian Nationalist.”  This last week, Politico writer, Heidi Przybyla, made news herself with this statement on television, attacking Christian Nationalism:

The thing that unites them as Christian nationalists, not Christians because Christian nationalists are very different, is that they believe that our rights as Americans and as all human beings do not come from any Earthly authority. They don’t come from Congress, from the Supreme Court, they come from God.  . . . The problem with that is that they are determining, men, are determining what God is telling them.

Apparently this is news on the left, that people believe that rights come from God.  This was, of course, found in the Declaration of Independence (1776) by the apparently Christian Nationalist, Thomas Jefferson:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Not long ago in 2018, professing conservative commentator, Jonah Goldberg, wrote something akin to Przybyla in National Review:

Let’s begin with some somewhat unusual assertions for these pages.

Capitalism is unnatural. Democracy is unnatural. Human rights are unnatural. God didn’t give us these things, or anything else. We stumbled into modernity accidentally, not by any divine plan.

Christian Discussion of Christian Nationalism

As much as the left picks Christian Nationalism as a talking point, Christians are discussing it.  Here are important books in the debate:

The Case for Christian Nationalism, by Stephen Wolfe

Christian Nationalism: A Biblical Guide For Taking Dominion And Discipling Nations, by Andrew Torba and Andrew Isker

Mere Christendom: The Case for Bringing Christianity Back into Modern Culture – Leading by Faith to Convert Secularism, by Douglas Wilson

Citizens & Exiles: Christian Faithfulness in God’s Two Kingdoms, by Scott Aniol

Also several have written many articles on Christian Nationalism, both pro and con.  I understand the rise of the terminology.  I’ve written posts here with a consideration of Christian Nationalism, but the very idea of consideration drew fierce opposition for even broaching the subject.  Never have I said I agreed with Christian Nationalism.  However, I have questions that did not and do not relate to the popularization of the concept of Christian Nationalism.

Basis For Considering Christian Nationalism

My questions and then thoughts, perhaps answers, arise from the following.


One, the first amendment of the Bill of Rights and to the United States Constitution guarantees religious freedom.  The first sentence of the Bill of Rights starts with this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

Analysis sees two clauses: (1)  no establishment of state religion, and (2) free exercise of religion.  I contend there is already the establishment of a state religion and that free exercise is at least abridged.  The latter proceeds from the former.  I like saying, “If there is a state religion, then it matters which one.”  There is a state religion and it is against God, not even for God.  Everyone does already subjugate to the anti-God state religion.


Two, if the United States functions according to God-given rights, then it should not ignore the one and true God.  All truth comes from God and it is a lie when the state will not acknowledge this.  Going back to number one, it is a religion that rejects this, not neutrality.

The vacuum from great desire not to establish state religion acquiesces to false state religion.  God is truth.  The Bible is truth.  The one God and His Word, the Bible, are not some tier of religion, which is separate from reality.  This is our Father’s world.  A nation cannot and will not function according to truth and laws without the acknowledgment of the true God.


Three, God wants application of His Word to everything.  The Bible is sufficient.  God wants application of scripture to employment, to culture, to art, to government, yes, to everything and everywhere.  To occur, this must be open, welcome, and purposeful.  It should not be a process incessantly hidden or camouflaged, so as not to reveal its occurrence.  Let God be God.


Four, free exercise requires openness in conversation about everything in God’s Word.  It requires quoting scripture like scripture is in fact authority.  This means saying, we’re going to do this because God wants us to.  God founded government.  It isn’t matter and motion.  Truly discussing rights, since they do come from God, requires including God in the discussion.

Opening the Can of Worms

I believe I can give more than the above four, but that’s enough to percolate thinking and expressing on this matter.  The closing of the Constitution of the United States does not mean the end of discussion on the Constitution.  It is not inspired.  It is not God’s Word.  Did it fail in the first amendment and really throughout the Constitution because of that failure?

Before the completion of the United State Constitution, Hamilton and Madison spent hundreds of pages discussing these ideas.  Did that yield a perfect masterpiece?  Is any kind of correction over?  Questioning it is not akin to challenging the Word of God.  I believe it is just the opposite.  The Bible requires someone to prove it and even go back to the drawing board.

More to Come

Church Planting Methodology: Where Should a New Church Meet?

In relation to church planting, where should a new church meet?  On this blog we have, in the past, learned the history of how Bethel Baptist Church in El Sobrante, CA was started by Jesus Christ; see part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4 on that encouraging topic.  Grace and Truth Baptist Church is a new church planting work in San Francisco that is seeking to follow the Lord and obey and practice all of Scripture.  They currently do not have a building to meet, and the preacher there–a friend of mine for many years–had discussed the qustion with me, and asked us to pray for them, as they sought a place to meet.  I asked the advice of a number of Baptist preachers, pastors, and missionaries / evangelists concerning the pluses and minuses of a variety of options concerning places to meet.  With their permission, I have shared their responses below.  Please feel free to comment on these responses and share any Biblical thoughts or practical experiences you have concerning them.  (The response have been lightly edited for things like grammar and material that was not related to this question in this post was removed.)  I asked the following question:

Church Planting Methodology:

Where Should A New Church-Plant Meet? The Question

… I am wondering if you have any thoughts on the meeting place for a new church plant’s meeting place.  What are the advantages of renting a place in:

1.) A store front-type location, vs.

2.) A church building that is in use by a different congregation, vs.

3.) A home?

In terms of #2, do you have any thoughts on a church property that is by a weak Baptist religious organization, vs. some other religious organization (Presbyterian, Lutheran, Pentecostal, etc.) or even a cult meeting house (Seventh-Day Adventists that do not use their building on the Lord’s Day)?

I am wondering if a neo-evangelical or even modernistic Baptist congregation that allowed a separatist Baptist church-plant to use its facility could end up confusing visitors to the new separatist church plant.  Certainly nobody would want people to end up joining a cult or becoming a Pentecostal by meeting in a church building of those religions, but perhaps the differences would be more obvious and that would be less likely than with a compromised Baptist congregation offering its meeting place (?)  I am wondering if many people would not be willing to meet in a home (although Biblically there is nothing wrong with it).

So any Biblical exegesis, application of Biblical principles, or other Biblically-based ideas you have would be appreciated.  Feel free to share this email with someone else if you think that that third party brother would have some good advice here. …


Church Planting Methodology:

Where Should A New Church-Plant Meet? Reply #1

Just my thoughts based on what I see in the Scriptures and what I have experienced. The place is not the main thing, but the assembly. Therefore, if you start assembling at your house that would be great, or another brother’s house, that is good. If you and the members decide to rent a facility, then, together as a church you can decide to do that and finance that as a church body (Amen). If you decide to rent a space (commercial space or have some type of agreement for a space with another “church” or religious entity – that too is fine (remember Solomon’s porch, synagogues, and the school of Tyrannus – were places that facilitated a temporary meeting place for the churches) – then rent it out as a church, do your best NOT to assume the payment of the rent alone BUT function as a church body (rent it together as a church). THEN, if and when the Lord would add to your assembly – a more suitable and stable place could be acquired (again, at that point you will move on to a building – as a church body, purchasing the building, etc). I see no problem using a SDA building, space, or hotel conference room, nursing home lobby, library hall, community hall, etc. Religious or not. It is the assembly that matters – not the meeting place, per se.


Where Should A New Church Plant Meet? Reply #2


I wouldn’t like renting a false religion place when it wasn’t meeting.  I would rather have the storefront.  Meeting in the home, I would do that too.


 Where Should A New Church Plant Meet? Reply #3

Meeting in SDA building wasn’t really my original plan. But I’m in a market that is high priced with very few options, and it has worked. We don’t really have any contact with the SDAs here. Most of them are from Africa, as we have a large group of refugees/immigrants in [town]. We use their building on Sunday and for the most part it has worked. The positives are that it is a place to meet that usually is inexpensive, with very little setup, and we put signage out on Sundays to limit confusion. We also put our hymn books and some Bibles in the pews and remove theirs in setting up. We are also careful to leave things better than we found them. So we haven’t worn out our welcome.

As far as negatives, for the most part they keep things kinda tidy but there is often some clean up or cleaning to do before Sunday morning. Also, the building here is rather old.

I think the biggest challenge is communicating to people where your church is. I say clearly that we rent the 7th Day Building on Sundays. Or if we do advertising I put the address and underneath “also the SDA Building.”

Also depending upon how strict your SDA group is they might ask you to not serve pork if you have a meal there.

We have a different building where we try to do special functions like special meetings. We will have a Good Friday fellowship at the other venue. It provides a neutral place for people to invite friends to hear the gospel. Just an idea. We also do a turducken feast in November. Last year it brought over 40 visitors to hear the gospel. My point you don’t have to be limited by a building. We still use multiple locations. It’s not easy but is what we have to work with.

In the summer we do a lot outdoors BBQ’s (it is amazing who will show up for an hotdog and hamburger and some friendship), outreach and midweek Bible Study/prayer meetings.

Unfortunately, people do like an identity with a building. So that in itself is a negative; curb appeal is a big help in church planting but not always possible.

Lastly I will say that a large number of Baptist churches in [our state in the USA] used an SDA building in the beginning. Some had good experience some not. I know of one where some of the SDA members started attending the Baptist church and realized the error that they were being taught hence they lost their welcome. That’s not a bad thing; I try to always have a plan B. I think that if something like that happens God will provide for the next step.

On a personal note we are praising the Lord here. We have almost finished paying off the parsonage and property we have, so we are getting close to having our own building as the Lord provides.


Where Should A New Church Plant Meet? Reply #4


Just prayed that God would guide and direct you in this matter.

I think each option you listed can have its pros and cons depending on the community and culture of the people you are trying to reach.

A store front can be more visible, but it can often give the vibes of rinky-dink. It could also be a bit more pricey.

A church building that is used by another group can give off the feeling of being “churchy,” but it can put off some people that don’t want to go in a church building. I know of a church planter in [a place] that is using a 7th Day Adventist building. You could ask his opinion on how it is working … However, at the end of the day a building is just a building.

A home can be a good place to hold a Bible study, but I think in today’s culture it could put a great many people off. Have you considered something more neutral such as a community center, school function room, or something similar?

Some practical things to consider when seeking a place to rent:

– location, location, location: easy access, parking, will some people be put off by the surrounding area?

– facilities in the building: kitchen, disabled access, parking

– how long will you be able to meet in that location

When I was looking for a place to rent, I prayed about it and then just started calling different facilities to see where the open door might be. We had a fairly easy decision, because our current location was the only available place to rent.

When I sought the Lord about where to plant a church, I also considered the need of the area. Was there a gospel preaching church in the community? If so, were they active in evangelism and discipleship?

Various thoughts: within the bounds of Scripture, Paul and Barnabas were sent out from an assembly where they were faithfully ministering. Acts 12.  Paul adapted how he lived and ministered for the sake of the Gospel, 1 Cor 9:19-23. Paul immediately obeyed the Lord’s leading, Acts 16:10.

I trust God will make the way clear and plain for you.


Where Should A New Church Plant Meet? Reply #5

Good morning … I have done all 3 of these.

You have some considerations…

  1. if you are looking to save money…the home is best.
  2.  If you are looking at most appealing for people to walk into off the street … another church building
  3.  If you are looking to start from scratch … I prefer Jesus’ model.

Win people one by one … meet in the house of the key man … man of peace. This will be the person who is the common connection between the ones you are working with and the home will be no problem because they all know this man.

Then keep reaching key men and meeting in different homes with those in that connection group.

Finally combine the groups once you have people saved and committed to following Christ. Now you look for a meeting place.

By far I prefer Jesus’ method … although I realize this is not the American way.

Hope it makes some sense.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Church Planting Methodology: Questions About The Answers

I appreciate the Baptist brethren in Christ who took the time to share these answers with me.  In relation to their responses, the following questions come up.

Are there issues about associations in relation to meeting in a place that pertains to a false religion?  It is true that Solomon’s porch, synagogues, and the school of Tyrannus (mentioned in response #1) were not places associated with Christianity, but none of them were the Temple of Diana, either.  Solomon’s porch and the synagogues were associated with the God of Israel, while the school of Tyrannus was not associated with a specific false religion.  It looks like response #2 shares those concerns, in contrast to response #3, which is willing to meet in the building owned by a cult, the Seventh-Day Adventist “Church.”

Is there a difference between utilizing the meeting place of a cult (Seventh-Day Adventism, Mormonism, Oneness Pentecostalism) and the meeting place where there are disobedient brethren (non-separatist evangelicals)?  How much difference does it make if the people in the false religion, or the disobedient brethren, are around (Sunday meeting) or not (Sabbath worshippers)?  Does Paul preaching in synagogues after Christ had already established His church and turned away from Israel as His institution help answer this question?

How does the question of “curb appeal” factor in?  Scripture does not teach that one has to have a building at all, but does meeting in a building rather than a home relate to loving one’s neighbor as oneself?  How much of a factor is it that more people will be willing to visit in a church building than in a home?  Is that even true? (Response #4 suggests it is not necessarily the case).  How much of a factor is being “rinky-dink” (as response #4 brings up)?

Response #3 referred to the practices of a number of Baptist churches in that brother’s state.  What lessons can be learned from Baptist history on this question?  Response #3 also seemed to lean more towards a “go and invite to church” versus “Go ye into all the world and preach” (Mark 16:15) philosophy.  How does the question of whether the assembly is a place geared to evangelize the lost, versus a place to edify and equip the saints so they can go into the world and preach to the lost (Ephesians 4:12), impact the question of a meeting place?  How is the question of a meeting place affected if a church is seeking to grow by making disciples who can knock on doors and evangelize themselves, versus a church having an emphasis on inviting many children into the building by giving them candy and toys, and inviting targeted groups of adults into the building with various special events and give-aways?

The point in response #4 about building facilities, such as parking, a kitchen, and disabled access are important.  I have no idea what laws and regulations relate to a church meeting in someone’s home.  Does the home need to be ADA compliant and have wheelchair access (for example)?  Does it need to have a certain number of fire extinguishers?

Response #4 also brought up the question of the surrounding area.  How do factors such as the crime rate, or racial demographics, impact a meeting place’s location?

How much of a factor is how long one plans to meet, in God’s sovereign timing, at a particular place?

Response #5 was the most different, and, it seems, was advocating something where the method had the most significance.  While responses #1-4 expressed a variety of levels of agreement and disagreement, in general the idea was that the location was not all that important (with the exception of some responses arguing that one should not meet in the building of a false religion).  However, response #5 is arguing that a specific model is found in the ministry of the Lord Jesus.  Who would want to do something other than what Christ did?

In relation to response #5, reference was made to Luke 10:6-7:

And if the son of peace be there, your peace shall rest upon it: if not, it shall turn to you again. And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: for the labourer is worthy of his hire. Go not from house to house.

Does this verse prove that we should be looking for a key man in whose house a church plant should meet?  The passage refers to Christ sending out 70 disciples to evangelize Israel.  Were churches established in these places, and, if not, how does that affect the application of this passage?  Are there dispensational factors here we need to consider?  Does the pattern change from the Gospels into Acts and the Epistles?  Do we see the evangelists in Acts looking for a “son of peace” in this way?  In light of the broad use of the Biblical “son of” language, how much should we conclude from the “son of peace” language?  Is there a difference between simply preaching to “every creature” (Mark 16:15) and focusing on reaching key men?  Are they inclusive of each other or exclusive, and to what degree the one or the other?  In a big city can we be seeking to reach “every creature,” yet meeting in a home not be an issue, because everyone coming to church knows the “son of peace”?


Church Planting Methodology: What Do You Think?

What do you think?  How should church planting ministry be undertaken?


The Real Dovetailing of Future Antichrist Agenda and World Power Now

Part One     Part Two     Part Three


Separation of Powers

Whom we call the founding fathers of the United States designed into the government checks and balances and separation of powers.  They also formed a system of federalism that divided power between the states and the federal government.  Their understanding of man’s sin nature grounded their desire to limit the concentration of power in one entity.  James Madison, the Father of the Constitution, in Federalist 51 wrote:

If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.

The states could impede the nation and one branch could obstruct another in the tendency of consolidating power.  Even within the legislative branch, the Senate could thwart the House of Representatives and vice versa.

Private Property Ownership

God founded private property ownership.  Even though He owns everything, He designed the concept of ownership itself.  When Israel entered the land, God divided up the property among twelve tribes.  Then among the tribes, families received their own pieces.  God also established with laws rights of private property.

Dividing land by boundaries could separate and check evil.  You can see this in the concept of landmarks in the Old Testament.  Proverbs 22:28 says:

Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set.

Fathers set these landmarks, which is a smaller governing unit.  Under fathers were sons and grandsons.  Bigger than fathers were clans and larger than clans were tribes.

You probably notice how that globalists attack the family unit.  When Hillary Clinton said, “It takes a village,” she sees the elimination of basic separation.  Heavy taxation inclines toward government ownership of property.  You hear this in a statement, like President Obama famously said, “You didn’t build that.”  The government has ownership of what it contributed toward building.

Globalist Agenda

Public Education

The fathers of public education, Horace Mann and John Dewey, saw educational reform an efficient mechanism for social control.  Public education standardized curricula and centralized the disbursement of funds.  It restricted competition.  Public schools seized on the influence of making children wards of the state.  Education then became a department of the executive branch of the federal government.

Common Language

Nations have languages.  God confused the languages at Babel to cause separation.  The United States is an English speaking country.  Requiring English represses globalism.

Obscure Sex or Gender

In a rudimentary way, obscuring differences in gender eliminates a significant substructure of separation.  On the way to one world is one sex or gender.  Each sex has a role and eradicating those roles also erases a God-ordained boundary.

Common Currency and Free Trade

On a larger scale than federalism and the separation of powers, nationalism checks globalism.  The elimination of borders portends the loss of God-designed natural separation.  Even if it is not physical boundaries like the line between the United States and Mexico, it is economic ones like separate currencies and cultural ones like unique ways of life based on founding principles.

Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:21), “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”  Globalists pour their efforts into a life of physical things.  They are materialists who prioritize the natural universe and the planet.  Most of them don’t care about national boundaries.  They don’t want separation of powers.

National boundaries prevent greater wealth.  Globalists don’t want trade protectionism and economic isolationism.  They want unfettered ability to have and take.   Free trade means buying and selling across borders with little to no intervention or inhibition.  Worldwide companies grow more powerful making it more difficult for solely national, state, and local businesses to compete.  Fewer companies control more until only a few men can control everything, like an Antichrist and his handpicked, loyal subordinates.

To gain more power and stay in power, globalists gladly offer limited security to the masses.  They market protection and a very basic quality of life.  Adherents trade freedom and opportunity for safety.  Greedy globalists also play on greed by offering a certain stipend and free education and healthcare.  Without compliance, occupants or residents lose privileges and finally life.


To keep safety and security means control of communication.  Censorship becomes the rule with few exceptions.  Censorship says “no” to preaching the gospel.   Jesus said the truth shall set you free indeed.  The Antichrist will round up and destroy those speaking the truth.

Antichrist Versus Christ

The human leader of a future one world government is the Antichrist.  He’s called the Antichrist (1 John 2:18).  In that way, he has something in common with Christ.  Christ will rule the world.  The Antichrist wants this just as the power behind him, Satan, wants this.  Globalism fails because of sin.

On the other hand, Christ saves from sin.  He brings world peace.  Everyone lives in harmony one with another with safety and security.  However, the kingdom of Jesus Christ on earth comes only through Christ, not the Antichrist.  Until Jesus sets up His kingdom on the earth, all globalism rebels against His plan.


Are the Doctrines of Crucification and Mortification the Same?

Crucification Not an English Word

As you read the above title, you read a word that doesn’t seem to appear in the English language, that is, crucification.  No one used crucification in the history of theology either.  Men used the concept of crucification, but not the word itself.

You have the English words crucify, crucified, and crucifixion.  You find those in a dictionary.  However, the words “mortification” and “vivification” do occur, which are in the spirit of crucification.  I’m still going to use “crucification,” because no one has a word to represent a separate doctrine, that is a definite unique feature of salvation in scripture.

Crucifixion and Crucification

Crucifixion is a kind of death.  Someone dies physically on a cross.  Apparently either the Assyrians or the Babylonians invented crucifixion as a means of execution, but the Persians then used it regularly.  It finally got to the Romans, who are most famous in history for crucifixion.  When Jesus died on the cross, it was Roman crucifixion.  The Lord Jesus made the cross a symbol and then the Apostle Paul took it further in Romans and Galatians.

If I say, the doctrine of crucifixion, that doesn’t mean anything.  If I say, the doctrine of mortification, that means something.  However, is it the same as, bear with me, a doctrine of crucification?  I use that “word” because crucification as a doctrine is different than mortification, as I see it in scripture.  Both crucification and mortification involve death, but mean something significantly different.  You can see that by the usage of “crucified” and “mortify” in the New Testament.

“Crucified,” “Mortify,” and “Dead”


Galatians 5:24 says,

And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

To clarify and summarize everything that he said in Galatians 5, Paul wrote Galatians 5:24.  He had written earlier in Galatians something similar in 2:20:

I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

The only other place you see this is again by Paul in Romans 6:6:

Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.

We should add Galatians 6:14, because it fits here too:

But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.

Paul uses the word “crucified” (sustauroo or stauroo).  The word “cross” is the noun, stauros.  Galatians 5:24 is aorist active.  Galatians 2:20 is perfect passive.  Romans 6:6 is aorist passive.  Galatians 6:14 is perfect passive.  All four of these verbs mean completed action in the past.  The active is the subject doing something.  The passive is the subject having something done to it.  The perfect means completed action, yet with ongoing results.


Before I dive back into crucification, that non-word in the English language, consider the references that mention mortification.

Romans 8:13, “For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.”

Colossians 3:5, “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry.”

Those are the only two times “mortify” appears in the King James Version.  They are actually two different Greek words.  Romans 8:13 is thanatoo, which is present indicative active, continuous action.  Colossians 3:5 is nekroo, which is aorist imperative active.  That is aorist, which is not continuous action.  However, both Romans 8:13 and Colossians 3:5 describe something occurring post-justification, that is, after the point of someone’s conversion.


The New Testament also uses the word “dead” in the verb form, describing a completed condition at the moment of justification.  For instance, Romans 6:2 says:

God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

Peter also writes in 1 Peter 2:24:

Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

Both of those are the Greek word, apothnesko, and both aorist indicative active.  They are again completed action.

Crucification and Mortification, Different

From all the scriptural data, crucification and mortification are different.  Crucification occurs at the moment of salvation.  It’s completed then.  One could also say that it occurred at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, since Paul uses the language, “crucified with Christ.”  Crucification occurred with Christ at His crucifixion and occurred at the moment of conversion.

On the other hand, mortification occurs after conversion or after justification.  It keeps occurring.  Mortification will not stop in the life of a believer until his glorification.  He keeps putting to death the deeds of his body and his members until he sees Jesus.

Maybe you’re already asking some good questions like these:  “Why does someone need to keep putting to death something that is already dead?  If I am crucified, past tense and completed action, why more ongoing putting to death of apparently the same thing?  If true believers are dead indeed unto sin at the moment of conversion, why does God require further putting to death or mortification?”

What Is Crucification?

The questions of the previous paragraph are good questions and they relate to the doctrine of crucification.

Jesus died by crucifixion.  Crucifixion is a particular kind of death, a slow death.  This helps those in Galatia and Rome to understand why they still struggle with sin.  Jesus hung on the cross for hours.

The flesh is crucified at the moment of conversion, the instance of justification, but he necessarily keeps dying a slow death of crucifixion.  As a result, he must continue dying.  He becomes more and more dead to the flesh and its affections and lusts and to the world.  He becomes more alive then as well.  The latter is the doctrine of vivification.

Judicial Death and Ethical Death

Galatians 5:24 says true believers at the moment of their conversion “have crucified the flesh.”  Thomas Ross is the only one in church history that I read who refers to Romans 6:6:  “the body dominated by sin when the Christian was still unconverted, has been judicially destroyed.”  That language, judicially destroyed, I believe Ross coins.  Ross writes:

Judicial and Ethical Destruction

The “body of sin,” the body dominated by sin when the Christian was still unconverted, has been judicially destroyed.  This destruction is associated with positional sanctification.  In terms of progressive sanctification, the flesh, the ethically sinful “body of sin,” has received its death blow, and its ultimate destruction at glorification is certain, as a man who is on a cross is certain of ultimate death, although he still can struggle and fight within certain limits.

The flesh within the believer is certain of utter destruction at death or the return of Christ, but during this life, although crucified and growing weaker, it can still influence the Christian to sin. These remnants of sin in the believer are to be mortified, put to death, to bring the legal and judicial truth and the ultimate certainty of glorification closer to practical reality in this life.


This crucifixion with Christ in the believer has the result “that the body of sin might be destroyed.” This destruction, judicially completed at the time of Christ’s crucifixion, and positionally and legally declared for the believer at the moment of his regeneration, will take place ultimately at glorification, when the remnants of sin in the Christian are entirely removed, finally and completely destroyed.

However, the beginnings of this utter destruction are already set in motion, even as the crucifixion of the old man with Christ, which took place legally at the time of the Savior’s own crucifixion and begins experientially in the life of the elect at the point of their regeneration, progressively removes the life and strength from the old man, the body of sin.

Negative Mortification and Positive Vivification

The negative aspects of the progressive mortification of sin in this life, is the converse to the vivification, the progressive cleansing, sanctification of the believer, and growth of the new man, produced by the Triune God and especially the Holy Spirit through the Scriptures. This vivification culminates in glorification, when the Christian will be entirely without spot or wrinkle (Ephesians 5:26-27).

I broke his one paragraph into five paragraphs, which are still hard to read.  I encourage you to read it again to get a grasp of (what I’m calling) “crucification” versus mortification.  Crucification, mortification, and vivification are all three necessary.

The Slow Death of Crucifixion


Augustus Strong agrees with this position on crucification, that it is a slow death.  He wrote in his Systematic Theology:

The Christian is “crucified with Christ” (Gal. 2:20), but the crucified man does not die at once.  Yet he is as good as dead.  Even after the old man is crucified, we are still to mortify him or put him to death (Rom. 8:13, Col. 3:5).


James Fraser in his The Scripture Doctrine of Sanctification wrote speaking of Romans 6:6:

The expression . . . is not, that the old man is put to death.  Persons may live a considerable while, yea, some days on the cross.  Crucifixion is not a state of death, but a state of pain, and torment, tending to death.

Fraser also saw Paul for a specific purpose use “crucified” rather than “put to death.”  “Crucified” is a slow death akin to the reality of sanctification.  It could harmonize with the completed action of “crucified” and the ongoing action of “mortify.”  He never called a separate doctrine.  I am.


Matthew Henry in his commentary through the Bible on Romans 6 wrote:

The death of the cross was a slow death; the body, after it was nailed to the cross, gave many a throe and many a struggle: but it was a sure death, long in expiring, but expired at last; such is the mortification of sin in believers. It was a cursed death, Galatians 3:13. Sin dies as a malefactor, devoted to destruction; it is an accursed thing. Though it be a slow death, yet this must needs hasten it that it is an old man that is crucified; not in the prime of its strength, but decaying: that which waxeth old is ready to vanish away.

Ross differentiates what occurs when one has crucified the flesh with mortification by characterizing the former as “judicial” and the latter as “ethical.”  This is a good differentiation.

Evidence of Crucification

As a part of crucification in Galatians 5:24, Paul says “they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.”  Let’s call “affections” in this case, “feelings,” and “lusts,” “desires.”  “Feelings” and “desires” come along with “the flesh.”  A believer does not operate characteristically, habitually, or as a lifestyle according to his feelings and desires.

A believer crucified “feelings” and “desires” when he became “Christ’s.”  He does not function according to his feelings and desires, but Christ’s will, because he is Christ’s.  In Galatians, Paul says he “walks in the Spirit.”  He no longer fulfills the lusts of the flesh, which produce the works of the flesh.

The crucifixion of the flesh at the point of conversion is reality.  How does someone know it occurred?  He doesn’t see the works of the flesh in his life in a characteristic or habitual way or as a lifestyle.  He sees instead fruit of the Spirit.

In addition, someone with a crucified flesh will continue mortifying his members and the deeds of his body.  He will not allow sin to reign in his mortal body (Rom 6:12).  He lives in the Spirit.

Christians & Union Membership: Religious Objectors Opt Out?

The Bible teaches that Christians should not be part of a labor union, for reasons that include those I discussed in my post “Christians and Labor Unions: An Unequal Yoke.”

King James Bible picture open Christians labor union


labor union communism socialism Christian fist raised

What rights does a religious objector to union membership have in the United States?  We will look at that question in this post. (Note: I am NOT a lawyer and I am NOT giving you legal advice. If you have a legal question about labor unions, please talk to a lawyer at the National Right to Work Foundation.)

Your Rights Concerning Labor Unions in a Right to Work State

If you live in a Right to Work state, it is very easy for you to avoid being part of a labor union.  Big Labor has a very limited ability to attempt to coerce or compel anyone to join it or force you to give it money in Right to Work states.  Whether you have a religious objection or you simply do not like unions, perhaps because of Biblical political views favoring freedom and a free market, nobody can force you to either join a union or force you to pay dues or any equivalent in order to work.

I know of someone who was residing in a state that had just passed a right to work law.  This person (we will use the generic singular English pronoun “he” without necessarily specifying this person’s gender, and call him “Joe.”) had gotten a government job at a college in a state that had recently passed a Right to Work law.  Without Joe’s consent, the labor union took dues out of Joe’s first paycheck.  Joe was going to file a religious objection and contacted the National Right to Work Foundation.  However, the lawyers at the Right to Work Foundation pointed out to Joe that his state had recently passed a Right to Work law.  Consequently, the labor union had no right to compel him, or anyone else at his job, to pay dues. He did not need to file a religious objection at all, but could simply ask for his money back and explain that he did not need to pay the union because of the Right to Work law.  Joe followed their advice, and after some time the union refunded him the dues that had illegally been taken from his paycheck without his consent.  Not that long afterwards an email was sent to all college employees–many, many people–stating that union dues would no longer be taken automatically from everyone’s paycheck; instead, people had to affirmatively consent to having the dues–which were now voluntary–taken out.  Only a minority of Joe’s coworkers (so it seems) voluntarily chose to give the union the money that they had forced everyone to pay before, but until Joe objected, the union had illegally been taking huge amounts of money from every or almost every college employee.  Joe’s taking a stand for Biblical, Christian principles likely cost the pro-abortion, pro-sodomy, anti-Biblical authority union millions of dollars as they were no longer able to illegally continue to take money from everyone–something they had been doing for some time in defiance of the new laws in Joe’s state.

Your Rights Concerning Labor Unions in a Non-Right to Work State

Let us say that you live in a state that does not have a Right to Work law.  What can you do?  Even in such states, secular people cannot be forced to become members of a labor union or to pay full dues–they can only be forced to pay a smaller “agency fee.”  What about a Christian with a religious objection? Based on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and principles affirmed in the First Amendment and reaffirmed in Janus v. AFSCME, religious objectors, even in states without Right to Work protections, cannot be forced to:

1.) Join labor unions as a condition of employment.

2.) Pay union dues.

3.) Pay an equivalent to union dues to a a charity.

The legal reasoning for these facts is explained in the excellent article by Blaine Hutchinson and Bruce N. Cameron in Baylor Law Review vol. 75.2 (2023): “Jamus’s Solution for Title VII Religious Objectors.”  (Again, I am not a lawyer and I am not giving you legal advice.)  If your sincerely held religious beliefs prevent you from being able to join or fund a union in good conscience, you cannot be discriminated against any more than you can be discriminated against because of your skin color.  “We will not hire you because of your religious beliefs that do not allow you in good conscience to join a labor union and pay it dues” and “We will not hire you because you are black” are equally illegal in all fifty of these United States.

This writer knows of someone who lives in a non-right to work state (we will call this person “John,” and refer to the person as “him,” without necessarily specifying that the person is a man, not a woman.)  When John was hired at his new job at a large company, he was given a large amount of paperwork to sign as part of his onboarding.  One page of the paperwork said that he was agreeing to join the union and to pay union dues.  He told the Human Resources person who was doing the onboarding that he did not consent to join the union, nor to pay union dues, because he had a religious objection.  The HR manager told John that he “must” join the union and must complete the union paperwork.  He consequently completed the paperwork, but instead of checking the boxes to join the union wrote on the paper that he respectfully declined to join because of his religious objection.  That was as far as things went, and John was left alone for a few years; he was not a union member (unlike the vast majority of his coworkers who believed the illegal lie that HR was saying that everyone “must” join the union) and dues were not being deducted from his paychecks.

However, a few years later Human Resources contacted John and said that he needed to complete new paperwork concerning the union.  He was told to fill out the form about union dues; it was “mandatory” that he complete the form. He crossed out the “yes” checkbox and wrote “no” on the form next to where it said to join the union, and wrote on the form that he did not consent to join the union and did not authorize dues deductions from his paycheck.

Shortly after this, union dues were deducted from his paycheck, not only without his consent, but against John’s explicit affirmations that he did not want to join or fund the union because of his religious objection.  He inquired (in writing) about this, and the union wrote that he must pay dues in order to continue to work at a union site.  Human Resources also wrote that he must pay dues.  The only alternatives John had were quitting or being fired and then, if someone was interested, he could be re-hired (maybe), lose all his benefits and seniority, and start from scratch at a non-union site.  These actions threatening to fire John and telling him that he needed to pay dues to keep his job were illegal.

John reached out to the National Right to Work Foundation and explained his case to lawyers that, for free, help those with religious objections to union membership.  (They have other lawyers that provide free legal counsel to those who do not have religious objections.)  His Right to Work Foundation lawyers–who had experience in labor law all the way up to going to the Supreme Court–sent an excellent cease-and-desist letter to his employer warning them of their violations of the law.  John and some of his fellow Christians also prayed to the Lord of heaven, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, about this situation.  John’s Right to Work lawyers filed charges against his employer and the union with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) for their illegal actions in seeking to force him to violate his religious beliefs and for deducting dues from his paycheck without his consent.

In answer to the prayers of God’s people and through the secondary agency of the skilled lawyers at the National Right to Work Foundation, John’s employer agreed to: 1.) Not fire him; 2.) Not require him to join the union; 3.) Not compel him to leave the union site for the tiny portion of non-union sites that his employer possesses; 4.) Not compel him to pay dues to the union or an equivalent to a charity.  They also agreed to compensate John because of the mental distress he endured as a result of the illegal threats to fire him, as well as paying legal fees to the NRWF.  John was also not compelled to sign a non-disclosure agreement about the whole situation.  His lawyers told him that it was an excellent outcome.  Praise the Lord!

We should thank God for and pray for the continuance of the religious liberties that we have here in the United States (1 TImothy 2:1ff.).

Once again, I am not a lawyer and am not giving you legal advice.  If you are in a situation where you have a question about labor law in relation to labor unions and religious objections, you should consult a lawyer instead of believing what some guy says on the Internet who insists he is not a lawyer,  is not giving legal advice, and who tells you about testimonies that you are not able to verify.  Reading what law journals say on this subject could certainly also be helpful, but that is also no substitute for professional legal counsel.

Do not join a labor union because the Bible teaches that you should not do it.  If someone tries to make you, if you are in the United States, you have legal rights, both in Right to Work and in non-Right to Work states.  The Apostle Paul used his rights as a Roman citizen (Acts 22:25ff.), and you can utilize your rights as an American citizen to serve the Lord with a pure conscience, seeking to live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

Please do not speculate on how the author of this post knows that the testimonials recounted here are accurate. Comments speculating on that question will probably not be published. If they are accidentally published, they will not be answered, but will be deleted.


The Real Dovetailing of Future Antichrist Agenda and World Power Now

Part One     Part Two



Many agree today the world is a much more homogenous place.  Tremendous oneness also existed at the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11.  That Babel represents the original Babylon, how the Bible also explains the world will end with a final Babylon.  It makes sense that we are looking at the iterations of a final Babylon, based upon the spread and influence of one world everywhere.

When I was a child, I never heard of homosexuality.  Even with it in the Bible, I would not have known what it was.  It never arrived at least in public in my tiny Indiana town.  That kind of information did not travel easily to small, rural American communities.

The world since removed barriers to information that brought more conformity and similarity everywhere.  Satellites and the coverage of optic fiber all over the world connect everyone.  The natural impediments of my childhood disjoined people from one another.  Almost everyone has a phone that interconnects through many forms of communication and image.

The easiest microcosm of globalism is a big city.  Urban areas condense people into such close proximity that spread and disseminate thinking and views.  The greatest distinctions in the United States delineate the rural country from the urban.  Many blue cities populate red states.  These dense convocations of population percolate into one petri dish of characteristic customs and conventions.

World System

The world system campaigns and propagandizes against rejection of immorality.   It institutionalizes the faith of secularism in its one world religion with tolerance its prime directive.  The goal seems a herd mentality with the flock, pack, or fold moving unwittingly down the broad road.  Everything once unacceptable becomes the new norm and now anything not the new norm becomes unacceptable.  The world plays its own soundtrack like elevator music signaling this new normalcy, keeping everyone treading toward the abyss.

The citizens of the world system look for the mirror image of Paradise, a form of utopianism.  They promulgate this utopia through what they call “progress” and “progressivism.”  You can see what they see as the end of a naturalistic and humanistic process in something like Star Trek.  Gender gone.  Patriarchy gone.  Everyone wears the same uniform or dress.  No more roles and if roles exist, they do through a role reversal.  Women replace men.

Everyone knows they need something beyond the natural.  The supernatural offered, however, is sensuality, passion, or ecstasy.  It poses as the supernatural and an out of body experience.  The feeling replaces God.  This affords the god of this world the sovereignty as God.  People submit to him as if he is God.

The False Prophet

Crucial to the one world agenda of Satan and Antichrist is the work of the cooperating figure, the false prophet.  Revelation 16:13 says:

And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

In the end, Revelation 19:20 says:

And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image.

Globalism encompasses political and religious Babylon, both.  God created man to worship.  Ultimate control of men necessitates more than the political power, but also religious.  The largest part of world history chronicles the combination of church and state in nations and empires.

Universal Church

The false prophet works toward one world religion.  On the other hand, the New Testament church is local.  Ekklesia, the word translated “church,” means assembly.  An assembly is local only.  Individual churches create a division, which provide a necessary check and balance against world power.

An important aspect of globalism is the idea of a one world church.  This formed out of the paganism of Greek philosophy.  Plato emphasized the idea as reality rather than the substance.  The church of Rome inculcated this philosophy into its understanding of church and the kingdom, spiritualizing the meaning of both.  Out of this came the Roman Catholic Church, “Catholic” meaning universal.  Roman Catholicism originated the concept of the universal church, which correlates to the one world church.

The Reformation did not reject the universal church, but embraced it.  As a result, the universal church became the predominant belief of Protestants and then evangelicals.  They say, the true church is universal and mystical.  The local church is only a visible manifestation of the one, true church.  This substantiated a one world church.

A one world church accords with “ecumenism.”  “Ecumenism” is “the principle or aim of promoting unity among the world’s Christian Churches.”  Even further than ecumenism is “interfaith dialogue,” which pushes further for a one world religion, akin to the goal of the false prophet.

Crucial to ecumenism and interfaith dialogue is the devaluing of doctrine and especially doctrinal differences.  Scripture teaches one doctrine.  Ecumenism requires the acceptance of many different doctrines or practices as acceptable.  To do this, religious institutions or churches put the emphasis somewhere else, such as experience and community.

More to Come

The Real Dovetailing of Future Antichrist Agenda and World Power Now

Part One


Globalism and God’s Opposition

As you open to the first chapter of the Bible and then read it to its last book, you see God’s opposition to globalism.  On the other hand, Satan’s plan as the prince of this world is bringing the world system into a cohesive, homogenous whole.  These two ideas combat each other in the Bible and so world history as part of the conflict of the ages between God and Satan.

Early, Satan could think he’s got all of mankind against God.  Adam and Eve take his bait in the garden.  God says in essence, Not so fast.  But everything is ruined by Genesis 3.  It was two people, a small group, but Satan angled for their alignment with him against God.

Biblical, Historical Markers

Some simple historical markers against globalism are (1) the confusion of languages at the tower of Babel.  Before the global flood (Genesis 6-9), mankind banded together and only eight people stood against that.  On the other side of the flood, the same situation began to repeat at the tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9), so God confused the languages.  In line with this outcome is the statement in Genesis 10:25, “And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided.”

Another perhaps less considered aspect of God ordained division on the earth is (2) the reality and history of plate tectonics.  Biblical evidence shows that all the land was once connected (Genesis 1:9).  Both secular and Christian geologists agree that what are several continents look to fit like a jig-saw puzzle.  At one time these several continents were one big continent.  These divisions of land provide natural separations that long time impeded globalism.

Acts 17:26 reveals that (3) God founded nations on the earth:

And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

Rise, Fall of Nations and Boundaries

God determined the rise and fall of nations and the boundaries where they would live.  After man’s fall, God intended boundaries that separated men from one another.  Genesis 10 records the first ever table of nations that chronicles the fulfillment of God having done this.  Genesis 10:5 says:

By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.

God also started the separate nation Israel (2 Samuel 7:23):

And what one nation in the earth is like thy people, even like Israel, whom God went to redeem for a people to himself, and to make him a name, and to do for you great things and terrible, for thy land, before thy people, which thou redeemedst to thee from Egypt, from the nations and their gods?

Genesis 18:18 says:

Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?

Each nation functions under the following axiomatic truth expressed by God in Psalm 33:12:

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.

Globalism Ends the World

First World and the Next

Just like the first world ended with globalism, the next world will end with globalism.  The Book of Revelation calls the Antichrist, the final one world leader in opposition to God, “the Beast.”  Revelation 13:3 says about that world:

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

He will draw the whole world together around him and his and Satan’s plan.  Revelation 13:8 continues:

And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him,, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

Satan Wants Globalism

Concerning Satan’s part in this, Revelation 12:9 says:

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

He will deceive the whole world.

The hunger and thirst for globalism dovetails with the purpose of Satan and the future Antichrist.  One of the ways the Antichrist can succeed at this complete cohesion and convergence of the whole world is by controlling everything economic.  Revelation 13:17 says:

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Eliminating Boundaries to Globalism

This requires a common currency, probably a digital one in a cashless society.  Anyone who will not succumb to globalism under the Antichrist will not buy or sell.  More than ever economy exists across national boundaries.  Whatever you may say about the United States relationship with China, much of what you buy probably still comes from there.

The globalists oppose nationalism.  They continue to strive to break down the boundaries and barriers.  This occurs through the media, communication, and finance.  The state schools teach this globalist agenda.

Social media eliminates boundaries and crisscrosses the world.  Companies are worldwide.  Just three companies, Amazon, Alphabet, and Meta, control half of the advertising market and revenue for the whole world.   Five Big Tech companies dominate business, adding to the previous three, Apple and Microsoft.  The five account for 25% of the entire S & P 500.  Like Big Tech dominates, just three companies dominate investment banking:  Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and J. P. Morgan.

Almost every religious denomination now reduces doctrine and practice to its lowest common denominator, endeavoring to diminish the differences that divide.  Whatever does differentiate is minimized.  Agree to disagree.

Rather than have biblical doctrine guide people, it’s instead a common experience.  Church growth depends more on relationships and shared activities.

More to Come

The Bible Makes Us Baptists: Free Christian Book Audio

The Bible Makes Us Baptists, (originally called In Editha’s Days: A Tale of Religious Liberty), is a Christian book for children written in 1894 by Mary E. Bamford.  It is a work of historical fiction, narrating the life of an Anabaptist family in England running for their lives because fo their faith in the Bible, during the dark days when Roman Catholicism still controlled the United Kingdom.  You can order a physical copy of the book at Amazon (affiliate link), or perhaps get it more inexpensively at a place such as Book Heaven.

However, the main point of this post is to inform you that you can hear the book read aloud for free on my KJB1611 YouTube channel here.  The chapters are getting (pretty) consistently posted.  So if you, or your children, want to hear an edifying Christian book read aloud, please use the link below to listen to The Bible Makes Us Baptists read aloud for free.

Click here to hear The Bible Makes Us Baptists (In Editha’s Days; A Tale of Religious Liberty) by Mary E. Bamford read aloud for free.




  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
