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Search Results for: effeminate men

Beauty, Worldly Lust, Effeminate and Truth in the Real World

The well-known reformed theologian, R. C. Sproul, founder of Ligonier Ministries, some of you readers know died on December 14 this year.  I appreciated his defense and exposition of many important aspects of the biblical and historic doctrine of the Christian faith.  He impacted much with perhaps his most well known book, The Holiness of God.

Sproul has stepped out in what is now considered a bold way concerning objective beauty, defending the transcendentals of truth, goodness, and beauty.  In recognition of his recent death, I want to point out his communication of objective beauty as one of the three legs of the Christian faith.  He wrote several articles at Ligonier on beauty to expose and defend this foundational element to the right understanding of God.  Here are several articles (1 here, 2 here, 3 here, 4 here, 5 here, 6 here, 7 here, 8 here, 9 here, 10 here).  He also has done a lot in video (9 part series on beauty, here) and audio (here, here, here, here, and here).  I’m not saying he and I agree on everything, but he puts a lot of effort into saying this is something we can and should judge.

If there is beauty, there is not beauty.  If we can judge something to be beautiful, then we can also judge something not to be beautiful.  The premoderns categorized beauty as a transcendental, that is, beauty proceeds from outside of this world and from God.  Our understanding of beauty should be based on the holiness and majesty of God and separate from mankind. God defines beauty.

I have used the terminology, “truth in the real world,” to apply to what God expects everyone to know.  It is assumed truth.  I wrote a two part series on “effeminate” in a major way to say that we can know what is effeminate.  We can judge that.  We are responsible to judge what is effeminate and God is judging and will judge effeminate qualities of men.  We read the verbiage, “worldly lust,” and it is assumed among many other assumptions of God that we know what worldly lust is.  If the grace of God that has appeared to all men teaches us to deny worldly lust, we should assume that we can know what worldly lust is.  We can’t play dumb with that and many other truths in the real world.

It is rebellion against God to say that we can’t know.  Sproul says we can know.  I believe he compromises and capitulates, but he doesn’t lie and say that we can’t judge these things.  I admire him for that.  What Sproul knows is that people get an understanding of God through what someone is willing to call “beautiful.”

Whatever it is that people offer God with music says what they believe about God.  If what they offer isn’t beautiful, that reflects their understanding of God and also shapes their and others understanding of God.  I have written here many times that God is shaped in people’s imaginations by what God is offered in worship.  If it is worldly and lustful, for instance, than that is the perception of God.  That has, therefore, become the perception of God.  If God isn’t God in someone’s imagination, then he has a different God.  This is a form of idolatry, and it relates to the gospel.

God doesn’t like or accept everything.  We see that throughout scripture.  He doesn’t like fleshly or worldly lust or that which conforms to the spirit of the age.  We can judge that.  We have to judge that.  If we go ahead and offer God what we like, that He doesn’t like, that is our view of God.  It is rebellion against the nature of God, His truth, goodness, or beauty.

The defense is, you can’t judge beauty or aesthetics.  That is an attack on truth.  We can know the truth in the real world.  We are required to know all three:  truth, goodness, and beauty.  This is the greatest threat of apostasy, people’s wrong understanding of God based on the inability to judge.  They conform God to their own lust, replacing the true God in their imagination.

Sproul says that beauty is not in the eye of the beholder.  The eye of the beholder or the beholder himself has become god.  Men don’t know God because their knowledge of God has been distorted in their imaginations by their perversion of beauty.

Today men cannot or won’t identify manhood, because that has become perverted.  This has occurred to the degree that now someone can self identify his own sexuality.  Churches are capitulating here like they have already in music and worship.  Churches won’t judge worldly lust, fleshly lust, and worldliness, because they say scripture doesn’t tell us what they are.  They deny the assumption that we can know.  The path away from God into apostasy doesn’t come mostly from a change in a doctrinal statement, but based upon these issues that Christians today say they can’t judge.  God expects that we will, so we should assume that we can.

Ranking the Worst Things Happening In a Given Year

Someone said that they don’t like 2022 because it’s 2020 two times.  Get it.  Twenty-twenty two.  Twenty-twenty two-times.  They were being funny.

I remember when we got the call that said we had to cancel school and in a real hurry in March 2020.  We went to zoom classes.  Putting an entire school on zoom in a week was huge.

I know people and churches that had really bad things happen for them in 2021.  I’m not going to name them, but you know or know of people who died in 2021, maybe a loved one.  We wish they were here still.  They’re not.  I know several from just this year, two I was very close to.  I know emergency room nurses who’ve had a very difficult time.

This is the end of 2021 and men and groups rank events, books, politics, music, movies, and people.  Did last year’s predictions come true?  What will happen in 2022?  People rank the best.  They rank the worst.  Now that we have the internet, it’s a good way for someone to get traffic, especially if they post a separate page for every number in their list.

I want us to consider how we make a list of the worst things that happen in a given year.  How does a Christian determine that?  What is actually really bad?  What hurts the most?  Who or what causes the most damage?  The media evaluates events for us.   They look at an event as the end of the world, the next year it happens again, and they don’t mention it, because they don’t want to shame the one who did it.

When we read the Bible, God doesn’t mention national freedom as an important issue.  It’s important in the United States Constitution, but not scripture.  If something causes you to violate God’s Word, God addresses it.  Daniel had a mandated diet in Babylon.  Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had mandated worship of an idol.  Then Daniel had mandated that he could not pray.  Daniel ate.  The three Hebrews did not bow.  Daniel prayed.  The mandates were less the concern as much as what saints did with each mandate.

Jewish leaders mandated Peter and John, don’t preach.  They answered, we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.  We obey God rather than men.  The worst thing to happen wasn’t mandating not preaching.  It was preachers not standing when told not to preach.  That didn’t happen in that case.

Not obeying what God said, that’s one of the worst things happening in a given year.  Is there anything worse?  I think there is.  Changing what God said and eliminating it as something He even said; that’s worse.  Perverting biblical doctrine and practice so that people are hearing sometimes the opposite of what God said, that’s worse than not doing what God said.  They are similar, but if the doctrine and practice of God’s Word is still safeguarded for future belief and practice, that’s more fundamental in importance.

Twitter feeds and social media said in 2021 the worst thing was either the vaccination or those not getting the vaccination, and then masked or unmasked.  The country was split right down the middle on this issue.  Perhaps worse than that was that the vaccination or the mask was such a big issue.  While people are mocking government policy on Covid-19, something far worse could be happening.  Or is that the worst?  Maybe you could argue for that.

When we decide the worst things happening, we could compare events.  January 6 at the U.S. capital or the murders in Chicago?  January 6 at the U.S. capital or the protests in the previous summer?  Abortions or children who live and hear a false gospel, damning their souls forever?

Here’s my attempt at a list of the worst things that happened in 2021.

5.  A significant percentage of young people left biblical churches.

Studies show a significant increase in people in their twenties leaving church.  This is close to seventy percentile.  I don’t like the fads and philosophies I see embraced by young people, but giving up is the worst.  That influences all the other decisions they make.

I watched a chapel service for Bob Jones University and the speaker said to the congregated group of young people that the crowd would split right down the middle between liberals and conservatives.

4.  Self-centered, materialistic, and superficial living increased in magnitude among all church members.

For years church leaders try to keep their people with social activities and fun.   Church growth means adding more people, not true conversion and disciples.  In the minds of the church members, this is fellowship.  More than ever, professing Christians cannot endure sound doctrine.  Lives are filled up with temporal things.  Biblical doctrines conform to a casual, comfortable lifestyle.  Normal biblical doctrine, practice, and standards are now too offensive.

The worship of churches is very often entertainment, and the people can’t tell the difference.  The people are more worldly than ever and you can’t distinguish between the church and the world.  What the world was not long ago, the churches are today.

3.  The number of churches preaching a confused, watered down, or false gospel increases.

Churches either remove repentance from their doctrinal statements and plans of salvation or they redefine it so that it isn’t repentance anymore.  This affects also what these churches teach on sanctification, because believers aren’t expected to live according to the Bible.  More than ever when you ask a professing Christian what the gospel is, he or she cannot tell you.

If someone does something akin to “pray this prayer with me” and gets a salvation statistic, that does not result in someone saved.  It results in someone more fooled than he or she even was before.

2.  The number of churches active in preaching the gospel reaches an all time low.

If a tree falls and no one hears it, did it make a noise?  If a church has the gospel, and no one preaches it, does it have the gospel?

People are so distracted with their phones, social media, politics, and what’s happening through the media, that less gospel preaching occurs.  More than ever, people are so filled with doubt and then lacking in confidence, that they don’t have the assurance to be bold.  The less gospel preaching, the less salvation and more are lost.  Increase in eternal death is worse than increase in physical death.  Average life expectancy dropped in 2020 more than any time since World War 2.  Less gospel preaching results in less eternal life expectancy.

1.  True worship of God decreased.

True worship gives God what He wants.  What people want clashes with what God wants.  God created the world for His pleasure.  True individual worship decreased.  True corporate worship decreased.  Just like the worship of God decreased in apostatizing Israel, it is across the world.  Rather than giving God what He wants to hear, God received what people wanted more than ever in 2021.

The natural consequence of not preaching the gospel or preaching a false and watered down one is that true worship also decreases.  It results in greater apostasy, turning from the true God, and God receives less worship.

Honorable Mention.  Honorable mention for 2021?  Abortions have dropped since their high in the 1980s, 2017 the lowest since Roe v. Wade was passed.  Still, however, the murder of thousands of innocent babies is the worst physical event every year.  It just can’t compete with spiritual and eternal events, as worse than them.

Also honorable mention, increased role confusion.  Role confusion increased significantly in the world, more effeminate men and more masculine women.  This affected the abortion rate.  The lack of reproduction that comes from man and woman relationships results in less abortion.  There are less babies to abort.  God designed the family to pass along the truth to the next generation.  When families break up, this results in less truth, less worship, less preservation of what God wants in the world.  Role confusion breaks up the family as much as any one cause.

Those are the worst of 2021.  Natural disasters, pandemics, and political issues can’t compare with the spiritual and eternal ones.

Gender Fluidity: The Destruction of the Symbols That Serve to Distinguish One Gender from Another

An aspect of righteous living is men dressing in men’s things and women in women’s.  Someone may wonder why it’s got to be such a big deal.  Why can’t we just ignore it and act like it’s nothing?  It’s a requirement from God.  A godly culture constitutes symbols of manhood and womanhood as an endorsement or confirmation of God’s design in His creation and to model the distinction.  The culture does this because of God, if it’s a godly culture.  When it stops mattering to a culture, it’s because the culture is turning away or has turned away from God. It has rejected His way, like Lamech rejected God’s definition of marriage, because He rejected God in the ungodly line.

To write about this, I want to start with a baseline of a couple of definitions, two that are important, first, the distinctions between gender and sex.  I’m going to use Wikipedia, despite some’s opinion that it isn’t credible as a source, but to give us something to work with.

The distinction between sex and gender differentiates a person’s biological sex (the anatomy of an individual’s reproductive system, and secondary sex characteristics) from that person’s gender, which can refer to either social roles based on the sex of the person (gender role) or personal identification of one’s own gender based on an internal awareness (gender identity).

Sex and gender are related, because sex is what God created.  Gender should be based upon the sex of a person, but it is also learned or chosen behavior.  Someone is born male and female, but we know from scripture and can see with our eyes that people turn from how God created them based on sin.  Gender is a combination of nature and nurture.  People were born with obvious sexual differences and then those are supported through multiple elements of training, parents and church foremost.  It helps if society at large upholds these, but that shouldn’t be expected.

The other definition is in the title, that being gender fluidity.  A term that didn’t come on my radar until just recently.  Mirriam-Webster says that it wasn’t invented until 1994.  Both these quotes come from the Mirriam-Webster online dictionary.

of, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity is not fixed 

And then I found that gender can have fluidity, which is quite different from ambiguity. If ambiguity is a refusal to fall within a prescribed gender code, then fluidity is the refusal to remain one gender or another. Gender fluidity is the ability to freely and knowingly become one or many of a limitless number of genders, for any length of time, at any rate of change. Gender fluidity recognizes no borders or rules of gender. —Kate Bornstein,  Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women and the Rest of Us,  1994

Sex isn’t fluid, and gender is fluid insofar that people rebel against God’s created designed differences between men and women.  Sin influences this as seen in Romans 1.

Gender fluidity is where we’re at as a culture.  I’m not saying that everyone in the world has accepted it, but most people reading this know that we’ve reached a time where someone can self-identify gender.  If this is going to change, if it’s going to be put in the bottle like it should be, Christians above all must want it.  They must support gender distinction.  If they won’t, it’s not going to happen and we will continue along this same path.

The foundations of gender fluidity, yes, are related to rejection of Genesis 1, proceeding out of naturalism.  If people remove God as creator, then they can choose what they want to be, instead of believing what God did. I’m asserting this began with the rejection of the symbols of manhood and womanhood. Continuing to defend the elimination of the symbols is an embracing of gender fluidity.  This is how it looks in scripture.

Gender distinctions are purposeful.  A culture must believe them and support them to ward off what is now being called fluidity.  The symbols are important, which is what we see taught at least in Deuteronomy 22:5 and 1 Corinthians 11:3-16 (this is taught in several other places too, but those are classic locations). Mocking the symbols, ridiculing the designed distinctions in a culture, is welcoming gender fluidity.  People who profess to be Christians do this now.

More than any other factor, worldliness is the cause of the Christian cooperation with fluidity. Christians don’t want to stick out in their culture.  They want to be Christians, essentially go to heaven when they die, and yet not suffer in the world (my point in Monday’s post).  This is truly a form of Christianity, not actual Christianity.  Christians have hastened gender fluidity, because they themselves are ashamed of the distinctions in gender.  This is easy to see today.

Christian men more than anyone are responsible for gender fluidity.  They have capitulated to women as what are called beta males.  They so want the favor of women, like Adam in the garden, that they cede their manhood, what some call the man card.  Men then talk and walk in an effeminate manner with no repercussions.  Those who say anything are said to be “bullying.”  Most bullying is pointing out the obvious even in a nice way.  It started, I assess, with women not wanting the “rough” treatment of their sons by fathers, who wanted to develop toughness in their boys.

There is something both symbolic and real to women now wearing the pants.  Women wear pants and wear the pants.  Women challenge men and men fold.  The symbols have been eliminated and Christian accede to this in culture, even pushing for it.  The biggest arguments that I read are usually effeminate men who mock in an effete manner.  They don’t have arguments coming from strength, but manipulative, emotional arguments like would be expected from women, then glancing around for similar expressions from similar males for reinforcement.  Here, when I write on related subjects, and they comment, they almost always remain anonymous.

If gender fluidity is going to end, men will have to lead, and to start, in the most simple way, they must return to the symbols of gender established by a godly culture.  Their women must stop wearing pants.  This isn’t all there is to it, but it is so basic, that it is a starting point. Some reading here will say they can’t do that, because scripture isn’t clear, so they do nothing.  Scripture says something, not nothing.  The historic (and biblical) position has not been replaced.  It’s just been dropped.  There is still a female symbol, the dress or skirt.  Men are not wearing skirts or dresses at Bob Jones University and Maranatha and their constituent churches, yet.

The attack on roles almost always goes one direction.  It doesn’t start with men attempting to be women.  That should be obvious.  It should be.  Part of being effeminate for men is feigning ignorance on this, not knowing what I’m talking about.  It’s another lie, just like gender fluidity is a lie.  So fluidity starts with women wearing pants.  Society was aghast to start and then this eroded for the same reasons it always has eroded and does erode.  One book called it the death of outrage. Move on, nothing to see.

If the United States is not going to change on this, and I don’t think it will, it doesn’t mean it should not change in your family and in your church.  That’s where it must happen first.  Judgment begins in the house of God.

Gender Distinctions and Professing Christians Not Handling the Truth: Revisiting the Case Study of Bob Jones University

Last week I talked about Bob Jones University rule changes.  The girls wear pants to class now.  I haven’t heard why, but other people have explained for BJU out there, let’s call it pantsplaining, providing many different explanations.  Let me explain.  Pants at one time were masculine, a symbol of manhood, which is also one of authority, headship, being in charge, wearing the pants.  Everyone knows that.  It’s a symbol on the door of the men’s bathroom.

Several things have happened. The country has turned away from fundamentals of the truth of the most basic social unit, the family.  This dovetails with a lack of conversion.  If you are saved, you follow God’s design.  This is an attack on scripture and, therefore, God.  Take away God’s design and then created order, and you can have egalitarianism. The symbols have to go.  The representation of the roles have to change.  Women now wear the pants.  This was forbidden in the culture and then accepted.

Professing Christians, who could not handle the truth, dealt with pants on women with a flurry of options, taking away certainty.  It makes my head spin.  They complicate a very simple issue and then say it’s complicated.  Since you can’t really know anyway, pants are fine.  If they still believe in a male garment, they say there are male pants and female pants.  There aren’t female pants.  None are pointed out.  Nothing is designated.  The biggest differential that is noticeable is tightness, which can’t be admitted either.  If women are wearing pants, they’re tighter, and immodest.

The world mocks the idea that women shouldn’t wear pants.  Now professing Christians mock the idea that women shouldn’t wear pants.  If they aren’t ridiculing the practice or the requirement, putting space between them and those who hold to it, then they are talking about how unimportant it is.

Bonobos, which I had never heard before the last two days, is called a “menswear brand,” Walmart owned, I have come to learn.  In an advertising campaign the company is calling “project 172,” it attempts to sell its product by “redefining masculine.” Bonobos is calling this “evolve the definition.”

Truth falls and deconstruction of gender makes sense.  You can just change the meaning of words into what you want them to mean.  It’s already happening and Christians are cooperating.
Someplace where I saw the television commercial playing, I heard about half, so later I searched for on youtube.  My first impression was that they were either homosexual or effeminate males, one after another, easily judged.  They read the dictionary definition of masculine and as they did, I thought, “this definition doesn’t characterize the people on this commercial” and “they’re not masculine.” I didn’t need anything more than their looks and mannerisms.  At 28 seconds, one of them says, “None of these really sound like me.”  Uh-huh.
Instead of admitting they weren’t masculine, the effeminate males of the Bonobos commercial decided to change the meaning of the term, masculine.  They wanted to change the definition.  They were very bold, but is that acceptable?  What’s wrong with that?   Isn’t it true that words and definitions are evolving and that the English language changes?  Haven’t Christians themselves already capitulated on such meanings?  In practice they have.  They allow it.  They allow for effeminate men and effeminate behavior and they say nothing.  Maybe they scorn such men outside their presence, but not while they’re there.
In the secular world, Prager University refuses to evolve the definition of masculine.
Prager pushes back against erosion in the culture.
Bonobos says it opened a conversation about what it means to be a man today, assuming the meaning of manhood can change.  If the culture can change, then meanings will.  Manhood is adaptable and variable.  The Bible does not define “masculine.”  God, however, assumes we know, and we do.  We know the men in the Bonobos commercial are effeminate.

Redefining masculine is here, but before that, it was capitulating on the distinctions in role and the elimination of the symbols.  Truth lost support.  Is it is a gospel issue?  1 Corinthians 6:9-11.

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.  And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

Same sex marriage and gender roles are the same issue.  Are you saved if you are same sex or if you are effeminate?  Scripture says no.  This is the issue of reducing doctrine to gospel issues and non-gospel issues.  It doesn’t work.  God is one and the truth has oneness, since it proceeds from God. You can’t take away from the truth without effecting all of it, as in the nature of God.

The family is the means by which truth is passed down.  Less people believe the gospel because of the apostasy of the family.  You can’t deny the truth and believe the gospel.  They go together.  Except a man repent, he will likewise perish.  Don’t let these professing Christians fool you.  It affects the gospel to accept role reversal.

Around 35 years ago, I interacted with various traveling music or drama groups from Bob Jones University.  I traveled three summers myself all over the country and ran into them multiple times. My impression was their men were effeminate and women were masculine.  This wasn’t true of all other Christian college groups that I witnessed, as it was for those from BJU.  From what I saw, this didn’t matter to them then.  BJU chose these people to travel for them.  Even at that time, of the leaders sent to represent the school the girls were wearing something closer to a butch haircut and the boys were lispy and limp wristed.  The boys weren’t masculine.  Some of the girls were more masculine than the boys.

Today there’s a threat even to say something like I have written here.  It’s not going to change if we can’t admit something is wrong.  Writing this is a bigger offense today than the actual behavior.  The Apostle Paul, speaking of the gospel, said that the effeminate shall not inherit the kingdom of God.  You can be right on the Trinity and wrong on this and you will not enter the kingdom of God.  You can be right on the deity of Christ and you will not enter the kingdom of God.

If you can change the symbols and their meaning, then don’t be surprised when the meaning of masculine changes too.

Interpreting Trump and the Never or Anti Trumpers

If you lived in the biblical time of the judges of the Old Testament book of Judges, would you have voted for every one of those judges?  That includes Samson by the way.  I’m thinking, no.  And yet, when you read Judges, you vote for them.  You could say that God Himself voted for them — He raised them up, significant foibles and all.  The Bible gives us a basis for interpreting history, because it presents history from God’s point of view, which is how we should judge history.  I don’t see it happening in many cases among professing Christians, and part of it relates to the more effeminate men that I see.  They wouldn’t like the judges of the Judges period, and would oppose them to their own demise.

I see Trump as a judge-like figure of the Old Testament Judges type.  I say, Judge like, but pretty close to like them.  He himself is not righteous, but he’s doing a lot of great stuff for the righteous team, whether he believes in it or not, just like the judges. As you read this, I want you to understand that I know that God doesn’t have a covenant with the United States of America.  However, when you study the Old Testament major prophets, you read large sections on the judgment of the nations, where God has expectations of Gentile nations with whom He does not have covenant.  Those nations, and the United States, are still responsible to God.  People can be blessed of God depending upon what they do, because this is still our Father’s world.

You and I live in an anomaly of history for true Christians, the United States of America.  True believers haven’t had freedom like this.  Jews haven’t either for the most part, since the destruction of Jerusalem.  It’s an amazing time for Christians.  However, if you are like me, you see signs in accordance with the rest of history this period of aberration closing.  We should not expect it to continue if something isn’t done to help preserve it.  People like myself see Trump as helping in keeping this window open, even though many professing Christians are aiding in it closing faster, as if they want it.  They probably do, because they have very little skin in the game.  They think being liked is akin somehow to the love of God in their lives.

We are at the end of the year evaluations, and what I read from conservatives is that Trump was good on policy, but not on politics.  Okay.  The idea here is that if Trump had not been so combative, used social media like he did, because of his policies, his approval ratings would be higher, but his policies are in general what conservatives would want to see.

Being forthright, the policies of Trump, although not fulfilling yet everything that he wanted in just less than one year, have been fantastic.  He had a narrow majority in the Senate.  Trump got amazing things done for having that narrow majority, that everyone knows included many non-supporters on the Republican side.  More than any politician in my lifetime, Trump went about doing exactly what he said he would do, attempting to keep promise after promise.  This would not have occurred with a Romney, a McCain, a H.W. or W. Bush, or most of the guys running against Trump, probably none of which would have won.  They would have been looking for bipartisanship and thought that not getting these things done was somehow a noble deed.

Trump’s approval ratings according to the Rasmussen poll today, which is the most reliable, and got the 2016 election the closest to right, is 53 disapprove to 46 approve, the same as Obama’s after his first year.  I believe that Never Trumpers silently like what’s going on (in policy), but they can’t show approval to Trump in what they act like is a matter of principle.  I see their position as a kind of Pharisaical self righteousness, seeing themselves above everyone else, to manifest their own greatness.  Some of them perhaps it started out that way, and now they are blinded by a kind of anti-Trump myopia.  The Pharisee-ism of Never Trump is that Trump is a bad man with bad motivations and they can’t support a bad man with bad motivations, because they are good men with good motivations.  The system doesn’t work that way, not in a period of the Judges, but they can’t understand this.  They are utopian in this way, expecting a standard of righteousness that they would never get if they were leaders — their very nature would be allowing worse than Trump all over the place, and yet they oppose Trump.  It’s hypocritical in that way too, like a Pharisee.

The Never Trumpers are hurting the country.  If they were with Trump too, I think his approval would be mid 50s right now at least, maybe more, and he would get more things done faster.  They are slowing down good work.  They are causing bad. They are missing a great opportunity here that is hurting the country.  Trump has his 46 approval (today) without the Never Trumpers, without the left, without the moderates, and without 90 percent of the media.  He’s got about everybody he could get without all of that.

Some of what Trump has accomplished are things that Republicans and conservatives have been saying that they have been wishing for decades.  Trump has done them because he is attempting to fulfill the agenda the Never Trumpers said he was lying about.  They said Trump was lying and we were being duped.  I still hear either silence or just nagging criticism only on the things they don’t like.  By his actions, he wasn’t lying about the things he was advocating.  He wasn’t taking us for a ride, all the claims that we were hearing if we were supporting Trump.  If the Never Trumpers were as good as men as they purport to be, they could admit that and get on board.  Trump supporters would forgive them.  In general, they are part of the opposition, essentially cutting off their nose to spite their face.

As an example of a positive, just a little thing, here in California, we’ve had some people killed by illegal immigrants, and we are a sanctuary state.  The murderers are still living and they spend little to no time in jail.  During the Obama administration, the families of the victims had no voice.  They got no traction.  They wouldn’t be listened to.  You can include in that the selling of body parts of aborted babies by Planned Parenthood.  The Obama administration would have supported that.  These families of victims of illegal immigrants are heard by the Trump administration.

The previous paragraph is in addition to the obvious, including what Trump has attempted and I don’t foresee his quitting on:  Gorsuch Supreme Court, conservative judge appointments, United Nations policies, deregulation, support of Christian activity, including the baker in Colorado, his support of police and military, his support of vouchers in education, destruction of ISIS, the travel ban, etc.  Just in the last five minutes, I read about a deal with Israel on opposing the work of Iran in the Middle East.  Have you noticed the people right now rising up against the regime in Iran?  Would they be emboldened like this in an Obama-like environment? These are things that just wouldn’t be done in general by another Republican, let alone a Democrat.  Imagine any other administration announcing a big cut to the United Nations like Nikki Haley just did last week.  He’s facing a lot of opposition, including this bogus Russian collusion case.

Typical of opposition is news today that in a vacation fishing photo of Jared and Ivanka Kushner and their children and off in the distance is a boat with a confederate flag.  This is the fourth estate, the important truth telling of the media.  The media reports that they included a confederate flag in the background of their picture.   Who else gets this kind of coverage? This influences the many duped leftists, low information voters, and keeps the negativity rolling on the racist and white supremacy lie narrative.  Last time I checked, white supremacists weren’t Jewish supporters and Jared and Ivanka are practicing Jews.  It’s non-stop this type of news.

Some argue that Trump hurts politics, hurts civility, by the way he acts and tweets.  Some would say, if they support him, they would just be encouraging that.  I see it a different way.  The opposition is carrying a gun to a fight that the normal, establishment Republicans would carry a knife.  Trump doesn’t stand and take it.  Others have tried to get along and just take the hits, to remain in good standing, and they haven’t come close to getting done what Trump has been able to accomplish in just a short period of time.  He should be judged by these accomplishments, not by the style by which he has done them.  Most wish he could use a different style, but in this present environment, we have to look past the style.  The combat is what is needed in this climate.

Do you think that if Trump changed his style that the media would let him off the hook?  Do you think they would stop criticizing him?  Do you think they would stop the fake news and stop lying about him and never publish the good things that he has done?  It would be worse.

I see it this way.  Trump knows that his popularity is lower because of how he fights through social media.  He does it anyway, because he isn’t going to capitulate.  He could remain silent like most mainstream Republicans, but this isn’t how Trump got where he is.  He has never backed down in that way.  Trump also knows that he has a higher popularity than what the polls show.  He sees it in the rallies he still holds.  He has a lot of energy for him from a very dedicated base of voters that are a lot of people.  He keeps them together.  He’s looking for success from his policies to help bring others with him.  The faster he can get that agenda on track, the more support he will pick up.

If you don’t see the corruption of the opposition to Trump, the people who align against him, then you, my friend, are very ignorant.  These are some of the most odious people in the country, and you might be someone siding with them against him and what he is doing.   They have used about everything they could use to stop him:  the race card, the gender card, Hollywood, NY Times and Washington Post,  the worst name-calling ever, and a regular fire hydrant spray of lies against him.  Almost all of them are sickening.  A huge number of them are anti-American, hostile to the core values of this country. They would like to weaken the country for a globalist world view.


9 Absurd Lies of the Media — Reminds me of some of the anti-Trump who comment here.

Here are sites that have listed Trumps accomplishments as president.  You can click on each to read them and get an explanation.

Renew America
Washington Examiner
Investment Watch Blog
Read the story of Jewish conservative Joel Pollak

The Most Divisive of All Independent Baptists: Let’s Think about It

Some men are the most interesting men in the world, but someone tagged me with the moniker, “the most divisive of all independent Baptists.”  I should be happy, because he called my friend Bobby Mitchell a “lackey” in the same comment.   In the spirit of many fundamentalists, he went personal, mean, hateful, and condemnatory — not divisive though — that title is mainly reserved for resolute doctrinal stands, not schoolyard name-calling.  But I’m happy, because it started some thinking about “divisiveness,” which was a brief theme in a comment thread last week too.  Postmodernism has featured new definitions of terms, like Isaiah prophesied the calling of “good evil and evil good.”  “Divisive” is one of these.  I can’t help but think of George W. Bush’s, “I’m a uniter, not a divider,” using the buzzwords for political advantage.

In present American culture, “divisive” labels the worst possible malfeasance against relativism.  If you “divide,” you’re saying something is right, and let’s stop wasting time, because you’re actually just saying that you’re right and everyone else is wrong.  Can you believe that?  Somebody might be wrong out there.  The “divider” thinks he’s right, which means not everybody is right.  This is where we’re at now with “divisive,” and hardly anyone blinks.  They just accept it as so.

Let’s say you had a whole nation of boot-licking, goose-stepping unity, not that it has ever happened before.  Then you had this small group who thought different, like an Apple designer or something.   They would be divisive.  Bad, huh?   No, good.  Why?  Of course, because the majority is wrong.  Wrong.   Someone is wrong.  People are wrong.  The majority can be wrong.

Being consistent in a relativistic culture means consistently allowing everyone to be right without saying they’re right.  If they say they’re right, then they’re divisive, which is the one wrong, so it’s only their opinion (IMO).  The only dividers are people confident they’re right.  Hail doubt!  Uncertainty brings people together, ya know.  No one could be bothered with like a lack of conviction.  Only like, because there isn’t anything settled about my lack.  I only might lack.  Actual lacking might offend some non-lacking person.  It can be tough being relative all the time, er, some of the time.  Uncertain.

I realize that to stay the most divisive of a small division of a division, that I have to break the relativist’s manifesto of unity and his logo, the question mark.   This thought does bring me to the idea of unity, which is as important as division in the discovery of definitions.  I can’t understand division without understanding unity.  You’ve really got two choices for unity.  So as not to offend, let’s consider the choice of the relativist first.  His unity is built around toleration.  Toleration is the one absolute.   Everyone believes in toleration.  If you want to offend the relativist, burn the question mark in his lawn.  The other choice is absolute truth.  You unify on absolute truth, which is, um, absolute.  It’s certain.  Why do I feel this urge to apologize?  I’m just presenting like the two possibilities.  Come on!

Just want to digress for a moment.  The growing population of effeminate men directly relates to the nuance of relativism.  Part of manhood is decisiveness.  Decisiveness is a violation of relativism, of unity.   Modern manhood can’t make up its mind and gets a standing ovation for this.  Not knowing is a new strength.  This is a reason why a big segment of America doesn’t understand Putin, which is a digression of a digression.  So I am saying that I think someone is calling me a man.   That doesn’t bother me.  I recognize that it should today, but I’m really fine being a man.

Let’s assume for argument sake that the above is the wrong usage for “divisive,” even if it seems to be permissible at least as a form of propaganda.   How should we understand divisive?

Someone who is divisive is dividing off of something.  He isn’t continuing to unify.  Should someone unify around error, even a certain amount of error?  If there is absolute truth, which the absolutist believes, does he do well to continue to unite on error?  This is where we get to differing views of the world, and this relativist-absolutist argument.  What’s happening today is that the relativists are nibbling, nibbling, nibbling, until the absolute is a small list.

I don’t get offended with someone dividing with me over truth.  I’m actually not offended with any kind of dividing from me, because I’m secure in my position.  I don’t like to be called names, but it’s something I should expect in this culture.  I want to be right, and I do believe that it is possible to be wrong.  However, if I believe I’m right, I have no problem standing on that.  I would await some argument from the Bible.  Name-calling isn’t going to persuade me.

Let’s digress again.  I understand the usefulness of name-calling.  It is the chief argument of the apostate.  He is a mocker walking after his own lust.  He traffics in ridicule.  If he argues, he’s got to admit truth and error, so he doesn’t — he mocks.  His point isn’t doing right, but doing what he wants.  He doesn’t want rules or authority.  He wants his own way.  He’s a rebel at heart.  He doesn’t like absolutes, because it appoints some big brother to watch over him.  He doesn’t want to be watched over.  He wants acceptance.  He’s insecure.  He wants approval.  If he doesn’t get it, he calls names.  I see him as a loser.  He can’t argue, so all he’s got is name-calling, because he’s already lost.  There will be people, other losers, who will think he’s made a point.

When I go door-to-door evangelizing, I often tell people I’m willing to be a Buddhist or  Hindu.  I mean it.  To be truly open-minded, you have to be willing to believe something.  I am.  I am willing to believe, not just to taste, but to swallow.  I just never get a good reason to be either a Buddhist or Hindu, and I never run into either who wants even to tell me why to be one.  They’re fine with my being myself.  That’s not good enough.

The Bible satisfies me.  I’m sold on it.  I’m certain of it.  I’m too certain of it for a growing number of people.  I get that.  Men like minded with me divide from error.  We believe someone is wrong and that the truth is worth keeping.

All the relativist has for unity is uncertainty.  The proponents of relativism unify around doubt.  Is that really unity?  Is that what we’re talking about?  If we don’t bow out of absolutes, out of certainty, we’re dividing from the ethic of relativism?  Then we’re divisive?  Perhaps in the world, but not God.

If the truth is unity, then the greatest unifiers are those who unify on the truth and the truth alone, not on some degree of uncertainty.  That isn’t unity.  For that reason, I actually don’t believe that I’m a divider.  I believe with great certainty that men like me are the greatest forces of true unity, the only unity, on earth.


Who is the most intolerant in the whole universe?

The NBA?  They divide 300 or so people from everyone else.  If you don’t play basketball like they do, you are not welcome.  Their fans are similar.  They stop watching if they don’t play very well.  No one calls them divisive.

Medical school?  They have this standard that relatively few can meet.  If they do, they’re doctors. The expectations are very high.  They’re very intolerant.  Their patients are similar.  They want medical schools to be tough and keep people out.  No one calls them divisive.

And then there is God.  He divided the whole world from eight people with water.  He’ll divide the whole world of the future from just a few with fire.  Those who don’t take His way, He sends to Hell forever.  His intolerance brings more pain for more people than anyone.  No one is more divisive.

And then there is evangelicalism and fundamentalism.   Division bad.  Tolerance good.  Almost anything goes.  They’re intolerant of bad entertainment and bad food — totally divisive there.  They are very tolerant of their own comforts and conveniences.   God can take whatever kitsch, sloppy seconds.  That’s tolerated.  And if you won’t, you’re divisive.  Go figure.

Paul Stands Against Peter and the Subject of Authority (Part Two)

Part One

The Point of Peter and Paul’s Authority

According to Galatians 2, the gospel was the point of Peter and Paul’s authority, not authority the point of their authority.  Paul used his authority with Peter, when the gospel was at stake.  He stood against him “before them all,” when Peter, Barnabas, and others “walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel” (Gal 2:14).  Their undermining of the gospel was in action.  It was a situation for “rebuke before all, that others may fear” (1 Tim 5:20), words written by Paul later.  The Apostle Paul used the authority of his apostleship “that the truth of the gospel might continue” (Gal 2:5).

The corruption of gospel in Peter’s walk needed correcting before them all.  It was not, let me show everyone who is boss.  Peter didn’t lose anything from what Paul did with him.  The truth and work of the gospel gained from it.   Authority was a means to an end, not the end.  After Paul wrote the narrative of this confrontation in chapter two, it kept on giving to the Galatian churches and others since then.

Pastoral Authority

You should say Paul and Peter possessed unique authority as apostles.  On the other hand, God still ordained Titus with pastoral authority.  Paul commanded Titus in Titus 2:15:

These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.

He is telling Titus, pastors should use all authority to execute this doctrine and practice in their churches.  “Authority” translates epitage, which means, “the right or authority to command.”  Pastors have the authority to speak, exhort, and rebuke someone when he won’t believe or do these things.  Paul doesn’t tell Titus, speak, exhort, and even rebuke church members over the matter of authority.

A lot of scriptural belief and practice clashes with the culture.  It would in Crete.  Cretans didn’t live like the expectations of Titus 2.  Pastors in Crete could tell people what they needed in order to live like God wanted them.  Pastors had the authority to do this.  The goal of course was these Cretans living like God wanted, not telling everyone that pastors were in charge.

The Goal to Help and Change

Space to Repent

As a pastor, helping people to live right requires patience and understanding.  Even the Jezebel of the church at Thyatira Jesus gave space to repent of her wickedness before bringing the hammer down (Rev 2:21).  The goal was the change, the sanctification, or even true conversion.  The idea here is not, “I’m cutting you off because you won’t do what I say.”  Or, “Here’s the box, go clean out your desk and leave the building.”


Later in Galatians 6:1-2 Paul writes to those churches he planted in that region:

1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. 2 Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

Truly saved people, which are spiritual, want restoration.  Getting there requires meekness.  Meekness isn’t weakness.  People used the Greek word in describing the constraining and usefulness of a powerful horse.  Paul includes bearing the burden of the person, understanding the pain, hardship, and difficulty.  It isn’t an inquisition, where men sit before their victim and harangue and pummel with harsh countenances.

Different Categories of People

Unruly, Feebleminded, and Weak

People in a church will break down into various categories.  Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 5:14-15:

14 Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. 15 See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.

Paul reserves warning for the unruly.  Others get comfort and support.  Everyone gets patience.  Render to no one evil for evil.  Offering evil to evil does not solve evil.  Pastors are not the prison wardens, who treat church members like criminals.  They want to help them.  Pastors don’t start with accusations and warnings.  They investigate and find what could bring everyone to the best spot.

Older and Younger Men

Using his apostolic authority, Paul told Timothy in 1 Timothy 5:1:

Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren.

Pastors might feel intimidated by an older man and what he might do.  You may notice especially today differences in older men.  Many of them don’t talk with an effeminate voice.  That voice may seem like it needs rebuke.  Paul says, intreat.  How does someone intreat?  We get rebuke, but what is intreat?

Rebuke provides a contrast.  Rebuke reprimands someone, calls him out on the carpet, dresses him down.  Smokes him.  Paul says never do that with an older man.

Showing Men Respect

Pastors, you will lose your men when you won’t show them respect.  You may not think they deserve your respect.  You may think that only you deserve respect, because you’re pastor.  Men do, because they’re made in the image of God.  God gave men a role that requires respect.  Paul told the wives of the church at Ephesus to reverence their husbands (Eph 5:33).

“Intreat” in 1 Timothy 5:1 translates parakaleoBDAG says this exact usage in 1 Timothy 5:1 means:

treat someone in an inviting or congenial manner, someth. like our ‘be open to the other, have an open door’: invite in, conciliate, be friendly to or speak to in a friendly manner

“Intreat” does not mean, sit hard faced with a monotone voice that espouses edicts.  It is not the following:

sternly tell them to behave well, to demand good behavior and warn them of dire consequences if they do not stop what they are doing

That falls under the definition of “reading the riot act.”  Some pastors are among the biggest professionals at this behavior.

Considering Thyself

Consistency and Inconsistency

In Galatians 6:1, Paul mentions a factor encouraging meekness in restoration:  “considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.”  A person might sometimes violate the very belief and practice he confronts in another person.  No one is completely consistent in belief and practice.  Someone can try, but he’ll fail at perfect consistency.

When the proudest person you know confronts you harshly over pride, it’s tough to take that from him.  You should still listen to him.  Pride is bad.  Proud people expect great humility from the ones they confront.  If a proud man won’t save his lecture to someone else over pride, he might think of using meekness, considering his own history of pride.

Pride and Insecurity

Pride relates to self.  It manifests itself in dramatically different ways.  An insecure person focuses on his self.  A pastor might overcompensate for that insecurity by blowing other people away.  He doesn’t want others to see weakness.  Paul anticipated this possibility from both Timothy and Titus.  He commanded Titus, “Let no man despise thee” (Titus 2:15).  He meant, “Don’t let anyone ignore what you’re telling them to do; you’ve got the authority to expect this from them.”

Someone confident through focus on Christ does not need to compensate for weakness.  He exhibits real strength, finding security from God.  He knows his job is not about himself, but pleasing His Master.

Right Use of Authority

The Apostle Paul wanted to help Peter and Barnabas, the Antioch and Jerusalem churches, the Galatian churches, and everyone who needed a true gospel then and into the future.  His ministry didn’t destroy Peter.  He writes his second epistle (2 Peter) over twenty years after this event.  His leadership wasn’t stopped by Paul’s confrontation, but when the Romans crucified him upside down.  He continued an effective servant of God all the way to his martyrdom.

As a pastor, you don’t want your wrong use of authority to end relationships.  You might have your favorites, and you especially determine that by how they treat you.  Like a Rehoboam, you like the way they respond to you and your ideas.  That means they’re a good church member.  They treat you nice; you treat them nice.  It should matter to you when you lose someone who wasn’t lockstep with your authority.  You are not the pillar and ground for the truth.  The church is.

Perhaps every pastor will step over the line in his use of pastoral authority.  I like to say, “There are no dress rehearsals.”  It’s good to admit when you’ve done this.  I’m sure those you’ve violated would appreciate hearing you at least wonder whether you did this to them.

More to Come

The Two Story View of Truth and Gender Identity: Matt Walsh on Dr. Phil

A conservative commentator, who works with and on Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro’s new media company, showed up for the Dr. Phil show with two transgenders (the term “non-binary” was used).  This interaction has been big on the world wide web.  I didn’t hear about it until today, even as I write this.  I know who Dr. Phil is, but I’ve never seen his show.  I only heard of Matt Walsh, because I’ve seen him on the roster for Daily Wire.

I did know that Walsh had written a children’s book, Johnny the Walrus, to help parents with the gender identity issue with their children.  It became a bestseller at Amazon and in particular with LGBTQ, which became a kind of joke for Walsh, bragging that his book might show up in the LGBTQ category.

Walsh, I can see, has now become a unique target for leftists, because he wrote Johnny the Walrus and he showed up on Dr. Phil.  Dr. Phil had on his show these two transgenders, who are “married,” it seems, then a pro-transgender professor, two different parents, a mother and father, who both don’t want this taught to their children in school, and finally Matt Walsh.

Everyone was “nice” to the transgenders except for Walsh.  It’s not that Walsh wasn’t nice.  He was just truthful in a matter-of-fact, unapologetic kind of way.  Others insulted Walsh at will, while he insulted no one.  Walsh took the position essentially everyone not long ago would have agreed.


(If you would prefer not to watch anything with a sexual subject, do not watch this video.  If you do not want to watch transgenders, do not watch this video.  I provided the video so you could hear what Matt Walsh said, which does give some good talking points on this issue.)
As good as Matt Walsh does, he misses something that should be more obvious.  I agree with everything he at least says on the show.  As for Dr. Phil, I get why he is popular and has stayed on TV for so long.  He takes a neutral, non-judgmental role in his questions, but picks out guests with sharp disagreements with each other in order to facilitate a battle.  Something like this then goes viral on the internet.
The transgenders provide a definition of “sex” and “gender” that is false on the gender side.  I’m not going to say what they said.  It relates to regions of the human body to distinguish what sex and gender are, including that gender is between the ears.  Gender is not between the ears.  The professor on the show said that sex is nature and gender is nurture.  Gender is not nurture.
Sex is the biological component, what some might call “the science.”  Both sides of the gender issue will very often agree on a definition of sex, something related to unique physical traits of the male and the female.  They do not agree on what a man and a woman are.  A man is an adult biological male.  A woman is an adult biological female.  They can’t say that.
In the discussion on Dr. Phil, the transgenders would not define a woman a biological female.  They asked Walsh to define woman, and he said, “an adult human female.”  Then they asked what a female was, which he answered, “Someone with female reproductive organs.”


What about gender?  Perhaps you have not felt the need to define gender in the past.  Most people don’t feel that need.  For me, gender has mainly been about noun pronoun agreement, which is either English or Greek grammar.
If you try to find a historic definition of gender, you will see that it is not a controversy.  It was cut and dry.  No one was separating sex from gender, like we see today.  Webster’s 1830 Dictionary says that it comes from the Latin, genus, and means:

1.  Properly; kind; sort; [obs.]  2.  A sex, male or female.—3.  In grammar, a difference in words to express distinction of sex; usually a difference of termination in nouns, adjectives, and participles, to express the distinction of male and female.

The Latin gives a big hint, because genus means, “birth, origin.”  In its root meaning, gender relates to how or what you’re born.  You trace gender back to what you were born, because you were born with your particular gender.
In 1839 Oliver Beale Peirce wrote The Grammar of the English Language.  In it he point blank wrote:  “Gender is the distinction of sex” (italics his).  He continued:

Gender being “the distinction of sex,” it follows, of course, that, as there are but two sexes, there can be but two genders. . . . Masculine means, not male, but pertaining to a male.  Feminine means, not female, but pertaining to a female.

Peirce gives an example with names.  He says that a masculine name is “John,” and a feminine name is “Mary.”  This is the historical and traditional understanding of gender.  Neuter is not gender, but the absence of gender.  It is a grammatical category, but in definition, it is genderless, like an apple.
When the 1830 Webster’s defines “feminine,” it says, “soft, tender, delicate, effeminate, destitute of manly qualities.”  For masculine, it says, “strong, robust, resembling man, course, bold, brave.”  Since masculine gender pertains to a man, it would be what characterizes a man in contradistinction to a woman.  Since feminine gender pertains to a woman, it would be what characterizes a woman in contradiction to a man.  The existence of these genders assumes that we know what the distinctions are.  We do.


Everything I’m describing about gender comes from a biblical understanding of the unique distinctions God created between a man and a woman.  That is the truth.  That is a truth that Matt Walsh won’t say, because it isn’t “scientific.”  It is scientific.  It is a view of total truth, not the two stories that place gender in the top, subjective story, and sex in the bottom, scientific one.  God created this universe.  God created man and woman.
In 1994 Suzanne Williams, ‎Janet Seed, ‎and Adelina Mwau wrote The Oxfam Gender Training Manual.  In it these three women started unpacking gender on page 99, starting by saying:  “Gender is an old word which has taken on a new meaning.”  To begin the second paragraph, they say, “Sex is a fact of human biology.”  A few lines later, they write:

On this biological difference we construct an edifice of social attitudes and assumptions, behaviours and activities:  these are our gender roles and identities. . . .  Unlike sex, gender roles are variable.

At the root of gender fluidity today, indistinguishable gender, is gender role confusion or indistinguishable gender roles.  There is not distinct masculine or feminine role.  It started with dismantling the roles, saying those are not biological or scientific, and now the identities themselves cannot be distinguished.  If the roles were “constructed,” then so were the “identities.”  You can construct both your own role, but also your own identity.
I did not watch the whole Dr. Phil program with Matt Walsh, so I didn’t hear if they questioned him on gender.  What I did hear seems like Walsh connects gender with sex in an inseparable way.  That’s fine with me, but sex and gender, although related, are not identical.  God distinguished gender more than reproductive organs distinguish between male and female sex.
In the whole discussion of sex and gender, sex is the lower story scientific aspect.  This is very often conceded.  However, leftists treat gender different.  They disconnect gender from science, gender being that which pertains to masculinity and femininity.  This is like disconnecting natural law from moral law.
People will agree on gravity and the consequences of violating that law.  They won’t agree on the consequences of violating moral laws.  That is an upper story issue, that is relativistic and subjective, just like they treat religion and art of all types, calling them “values.”  Everyone can have his or her own value, and each is just as good as any other.  Anyone can have their own religion, their own Jesus, with no basis of objective judgment.
Walsh surely would agree on objective moral criteria, at least personally, but very little would he and his colleagues speak to this in public.  A kind of eclectic or ecumenical roster at Daily Wire must keep the peace between one another.  In a practical way, this turns moral law relativistic and subjective.  They review movies and music, acting like objective principles must apply at least to the content, yet without treating this as inviolable laws or rules.  Someone can judge, so there must be a standard.
The real problem with the full gamut of the gender issue is not intellectual.  It is volitional.  The real problem is lust.  The only real answer is a powerful one that can change hearts, which is the Word of God.

No Divorce–Just Legal Separation!

Scripture plainly teaches that God hates divorce, e. g. Mark 10:11-12:

And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.

But what about “legal separation”? Can a believer justify separating himself or herself from his or her spouse, going to law in custody battles, and in other ways remaining unreconciled, as long as “legal separation” and not “divorce” is what this is called?  Consider the following passages.

1.) 1Cor. 7:10 And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband:
1Cor. 7:11 But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.
1Cor. 7:12 But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away.
1Cor. 7:13 And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him.
1Cor. 7:14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.
Note that “let …” is the English way of rendering a 3rd person imperative in Greek–in other words, these are not just allowances, they are commands,  infallible orders in God’s Word.  “Let not the wife depart from her husband … Let not the husband put away his wife” are not options, but commands, commands just like the commands not to commit idolatry, not to steal, to confess Christ, etc.Note as well that a believing spouse is not suggested, but commanded to “not leave” even an unconverted spouse–and what kind of unconverted people are we talking about? What kind of people are the unconverted at Corinth? They were “unrighteous … fornicators … idolaters … adulterers … effeminate … abusers of themselves with mankind … thieves … covetous … drunkards … revilers … extortioners” (1 Cor 6:9-10). Even spouses who are unconverted and are engaging in such filthy perversion and gross wickedness come under the command, not the option, but command, “Let not … leave.”The only person who is seen leaving is the unconverted spouse.  Leaving is what an unconverted person would be characterized by, not a converted person who can love, suffer, patiently endure wrong, etc. like Christ because of the fruit of the Holy Spirit.Note as well that leaving does not result in a better situation for the household. Staying with even a spouse who is a fornicator, adulterer, thief, etc. results in the household being “sanctified” and the children being “holy.”  It is better for the children for the two to stay together, even if one spouse is engaged in such gross wickedness.  Nothing in the text says anything about separating until the other person gets better or changes.  On the contrary, the only mention of change in the evil of the one spouse is if they stay together (1 Cor 7:16):
1Cor. 7:16 For what knowest thou, O wife, whether thou shalt save thy husband? or how knowest thou, O man, whether thou shalt save thy wife?
where the “whether” is the Greek particle for “if” with the assumption of the reality of the condition (1st class conditional)–in other words, “whether/if thou shalt..” with the assumption that staying together will result in the positive change (1st class), not “whether/if” with this presented as only being possible (3rd class) or unlikely (4th class conditional).  The only thing the text says happens when the two are not together is children who are unclean instead of holy and the other spouse not making positive change.
2.) Mal. 2:13 And this have ye done again, covering the altar of the LORD with tears, with weeping, and with crying out, insomuch that he regardeth not the offering any more, or receiveth it with good will at your hand.
Mal. 2:14 Yet ye say, Wherefore? Because the LORD hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant.
Mal. 2:15 And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And wherefore one? That he might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth.
Mal. 2:16 For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away: for one covereth violence with his garment, saith the LORD of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously.
Note that Jehovah, the God of Israel, says that “he hateth putting away.”  Note that Jehovah does not say that He only hates giving a certificate of divorce.  He says that He hates–He finds detestable in His holy Being–“putting away.”  A simple search for this word (shalach, Piel stem) indicates that “putting away” appears in passages such as:
Gen. 12:20 And Pharaoh commanded his men concerning him: and they sent him away, and his wife, and all that he had.
Ex. 10:7 And Pharaoh’s servants said unto him, How long shall this man be a snare unto us? let the men go, that they may serve the LORD their God: knowest thou not yet that Egypt is destroyed?
Josh. 24:28 So Joshua let the people depart, every man unto his inheritance.
and many others.So what God “hates” is not just signing a divorce certificate, although He certainly does hate that.  He hates “putting away.” He hates it when spouses “depart” or “go” from each other, and when this happens, not only do they do something that He “hates,” but they do something that greatly compromises the “godly seed”–something also seen, as noted above, in 1 Cor 7.  “Putting away” meaning literally “departing” or “going” etc., not just “divorce,” as something hated by God is also seen in 1 Cor 7 above, where “put away” is paralleled with “depart,” not being “reconciled,” “dwell with,” “not .. leave,” etc.So what God hates, what He calls “treachery” to the marriage vow in Malachi 2, is not just divorce, but “putting away.”  Consider the contextual curses related to the sins of the chapter like “putting away” include:
Mal. 2:2 If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the LORD of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart.
Mal. 2:3 Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts; and one shall take you away with it.
The text indicates God calls putting away of a spouse treachery, and He curses those who do it, corrupts their seed, spreads dung on them, and takes them away.
3.) Psa. 15:1-4 LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill?
Psa. 15:2 He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart.
Psa. 15:3 He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour.
Psa. 15:4 In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear the LORD. He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not.
Note that this passage says that those who “speak truth” and “swear to [their] own hurt, and changeth not” are those who will “dwell in [God’s] holy hill,” and are contrasted with the “vile person.”  The upright person swears to his own hurt and does not change, while the vile change and when swearing is to the vile person’s own hurt, he changes, unlike the righteous.So if someone calls together a large group of witnesses, and then swears to God something such as, in part:
“I, ___, take thee, ___, to be my wedded husband/wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith.”
Even if one later thinks he or she should not have made this vow it does not matter. The righteous swears to his own hurt and does not change.  The vow has been made and must be kept even to one’s own hurt.  Christ’s people know that their time on earth is about losing their life, taking up the cross–which is terrible, humiliating suffering and excruciating death–to follow Jesus Christ. So even if keeping one’s vow means one will be in awful misery, he needs to keep his vow that was sworn to one’s hurt, and not change, since Jehovah calls spousal separation “treachery” in Malachi 2. It is better to endure lifelong misery than to sin. It is better to suffer a horrible death like crucifixion than to sin. While God gives comfort to His obedient people in suffering, and it is not likely that staying in a marriage will mean life-long suffering for a believer, even if it does the believer is to swear to his own hurt and not change.  This life is nothing compared to eternal life, and suffering for 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, or 100 years is nothing compared to eternity.  It is better not to make a foolish vow, but once it has been made it must be kept, because life is not about our feeling comfortable, but about the glory of God.If we have the following attitude:
Is. 66:2 For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.
it is very clear that “legal separation” is hateful to God. Believers who file for “legal separation” are sinning against the Lord.  If a spouse is running at you with a meat cleaver screaming he is going to kill you, you can run away so you don’t get killed. If you are getting beaten up, you can flee to prevent that from happening because of the Biblical principle in the Sixth Commandment to preserve life from murder (Exodus 20:13).  You do not get to leave if you have an unsaved spouse who is mean, who says terrible things to you, or anything like that. Obey God. Reject legal separation, just like you reject divorce. God rejects them both.

Immoral and Unhappy: Fornication Does Not Make Teens Happy

Our society constantly bombards adults, teens, and children with the message that sexual immorality is central to a happy life.  Television shows countless acts of fornication, but either almost never or entirely never shows a normal happily married family, and never shows a Christian happily married family; were the television the judge, one would think that people engaged in fornication, in same-sex wickedness, and other vile perversions vastly outnumber the number of normal people, and that the most unhappy, twisted, and terrible people were those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and attempt to follow the Bible.
Growing up as an unconverted child and teenager, it was simply assumed that it would be wonderful to commit fornication.  That was the constant message of the media and the brainwashing of the educational system.  This lie was not even opposed by the Roman Catholic school I went to up through eighth grade, and certainly was not opposed by the secular education I received after that time.  With a raging sinful flesh, under the domination of a Satanically-controlled world, and in the realm of the devil himself (Ephesians 2:1-3), my peers and I assumed that sexual immorality was key to happiness.
Of course, the Bible tells a different story–the pleasures of sin are only for a season (Hebrews 11:25), the born-again can “rejoice in the Lord alway” (Philippians 4:4), and the unregenerate are currently under the awful curse of God for their sin (Galatians 3:10; John 3:18).  Indeed, the “unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God[.] Be not deceived: neither fornicators . . . nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind . . . nor covetous . . . shall inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Fornicators are both under God’s wrath here and will suffer the unimaginably awful torments of hell fire for all eternity, reaping the appropriate everlasting fiery judgment for indulging in their burning lusts.
Unsurprisingly–but yet oh-so-rarely proclaimed in our culture–the evidence of social science agrees with the Bible.  While as unconverted teens we all thought, and were constantly told, that immorality would make us happy, reality in God’s world tells a totally different story: 

Thus, in addition to facts such as that immoral youth ages 15-24 acquire half of all new sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), that one in four teens is infected with an STD every yearthat one in four college students has an STD, and that many sexually transmitted diseases are incurable and will be with the immoral person until his or her (probably unseasonably early) death, even the large majority of those who do not get infected with a disease wish they had not been immoral.  Not only do fornicators inherit an eternal hell, but they also reap misery–not pleasure–in this life.
However, when I was growing up, not only did I never hear the gospel, nor did I consider that fornication would lead me to hell, but I do not remember ever–not even once, and that despite going to a “religious” school up through eighth grade–being confronted with the facts above that show that sexual immorality leads to misery in this life.  We were warned that doing drugs brought trouble–while there were influences both for and against drugs, at least the message that doing drugs was really dumb and messed you up got out.  The message that sexual immorality was really dumb and messed you up did not get out–only the message that it was lots of fun and something everyone should desire.
Proverbs 5:1-13 warns:

1 My son,
attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding: 2 That thou mayest regard discretion,
and that thy lips may keep knowledge. 3 For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and
her mouth is smoother than oil: 4
But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a twoedged sword. 5 Her feet go down to death; her steps
take hold on hell. 6 Lest thou
shouldest ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable, that thou
canst not know them. 7
Hear me now therefore, O ye children, and depart not from the words of my
mouth. 8 Remove thy way far from
her, and come not nigh the door of her house: 9 Lest thou give thine honour unto others, and thy years unto the
cruel: 10 Lest strangers be
filled with thy wealth; and thy labours be in the house of a stranger; 11 And thou mourn at the last, when
thy flesh and thy body are consumed, 12
And say, How have I hated instruction, and my heart despised reproof; 13 And have not obeyed the voice of my
teachers, nor inclined mine ear to them that instructed me!
God warned that those who followed the strange, heathen, or pagan woman would mourn with their flesh and body consumed, but we thought that getting on with a heathen woman was the key to happiness–a message that teenagers will have pounded into them thousands and thousands of times.
I thank God that, in the Lord’s great mercy, despite my wicked heart and my wicked desires I was able to hear the gospel and turn to Christ as a freshman in college before I ruined my life through sexual immorality.  I thank God for His infinite mercy in delivering me from my sin and enabling me to be kept by His grace for my wife and her alone.  I have no regrets about that–none whatsoever–it is a matter of great joy.  Avoid the strange woman of the early parts of Proverbs and you can have the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31, Solomon told his son.  Fantastic advice!
Do the people in your church know the facts in this blog post?  Do they know that fornication not only brings God’s eternal curse, but misery in this life as well, and that research validates the teaching of Scripture on this subject?  Is that a message that they hear even 1% as often as they hear the worldly, fleshly, and demonic lie that saturates our culture and declares that immorality makes one happy?

If you are reading this and have no power to conquer your lusts, click here to learn about how the deliverance from sin purchased by the risen Lord, Jesus Christ, can shatter the dominion of sin in your life.



  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
