The Gospel on Public Transportation

Today my wife and I ducked onto public transportation.  The doors opened and only two seats were free.  I squeezed next to an older man on the left with some luggage and my wife beside me.  The man moved his big case a little, and I apologized for the inconvenience.

The man next to me on public transportation, who seemed to be my age, said it wasn’t luggage.  It was a musical instrument.  It was a saxophone.  He was on his way to a gig with a band.

I told the man my sister played the saxophone.  We talked about the saxophone.  I mentioned someone I knew who played the tenor saxophone.  He said it was difficult to play, hard to stay in tune.

The man couldn’t play saxophone with my sister, if she even still played, because she’s in North Carolina.  I was from California.  He had family in California.  His grandmother married an American, a war bride.

When I looked up and commented on the direction of the train, he said it was fine.  He affirmed my wife and I were going the right direction.  I thanked him.  He asked where I was going.  I told him, church, a Baptist one.  I asked if he knew about the Baptists.

Since Christ there have always been churches separate from the state church, known by different names.  During the Reformation, their enemies called them Anabaptist, because they rebaptized adults sprinkled as infants.

Baptists baptized believers.  No one is sprinkled in the Bible.  This is how I headed into the gospel.

The day before my wife and I took a taxi from our car rental to a train.  I talked to him about the local Cathedral.  I went to the gospel.  I had explained that by the time we arrived.  I left him with a gospel tract.

The saxophone player wouldn’t take a gospel tract, but he was thinking.  He did that because what I preached was clear.  It was clear enough that he could understand.

What’s Wrong with the Russian Army?

Before the recent war between Russia and Ukraine, I heard a general assessment of the Russian army, it was dominant.  Military experts feared that the Russian army could steamroll through Europe.  I heard this from connected people, reporting what leaders told them.

Vladimir Putin projected high confidence.  He talked big.  He gave a fearsome impression of what his military could do.  Russia seemed a weak economy and shrinking, depressed population with a still very competitive military capacity.

The war with Ukraine tells a different story about the Russian military.  It has inflicted damage on Ukraine, but it looks like it’s losing to what most everyone calls an inferior power.

What is wrong with the Russian army?   The ineffectiveness relates to the Russian culture.  Atheistic communism devastated Russia.  Before that and after, Russian Orthodoxy is an empty false religion that does not preach a true gospel.  God’s Word is not the authority for the Russian Orthodox and it rejects salvation through Christ alone by grace alone.

Russian beliefs undermine Russian character.  The personal traits needed for military strength come from the internal, spiritual fortitude of the soldiers.  Russia does not fight out of true conviction, substantiated by transcendent values.  Soldiers need a basis for laying everything on the line.  Without an inward confidence that someone possesses through righteous motivation, he will lack the necessary components to succeed in such conflict.

As I describe to you what’s wrong with the Russian army, the same undermining attributes characterize nations of the West, including the United States.  People in the UK lack confidence in the overall quality of their men to stand and fight.  These nations lack the masculinity and moral authority to maintain their military strength as well.  Internal corruption portends the decline and fall of any nation more than external reasons.  They rot from the inside out.  Without God, no nation can sustain itself.

The Gospel In the Stars and the Gospel in the Bible

The Gospel in the Stars!

The gospel is in the stars! So say a number of books, such as the Lutheran minister Joseph A. Seiss’s The Gospel in the Stars and the Anglican ultradispensationalist soul-sleep advocate and flat-earther E. W. Bullinger’s The Witness of the Stars, following Ms. Frances Rolleston’s book Mazzaroth: the Constellations. (Amazon affiliate links).  These advocates have been copied in modern times by people like the Presbyterian evangelical D. James Kennedy and Institute for Creation Research leader Henry Morris.


southern cross consellation gospel stars seiss bullinger mazzaroth rolleston

Baptists, however, have traditionally held with conservative Protestants that general revelation in creation is not saving. It reveals God’s power and glory (Romans 1), but the gospel is only revealed through His special revelation in Scripture. The “heavens declare the glory of God,” but only through special revelation does salvation come: “the law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul” (Psalm 19:1, 7).


It is clear that the Baptists are wrong and the Lutherans, ultradispensationlists, and women Bible teachers are correct. After all, just look at the picture above. You can just look at it and understand that Jesus Christ, the second Person of the Trinity, became Man, died a sacrifical death for the sins of the world, and then rose victoriously from the grave, so that you could receive eternal life by repentant faith alone in Him (1 John 5:7; John 1:1-18; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Romans 3:23-28).




Or maybe not?


The picture above is from the constellation called The Southern Cross. Without my telling you that–in words–would you have even known that there is supposed to be cross in that picture?


Let’s say you could see that some of the stars there have the shape of a cross if you squint just the right way. Would that mean that you understand the gospel? How many Catholics that worship before a crucifix understand the gospel? Would anyone understand the gospel by simply looking at the picture of a cross, or would someone need to explain to him in words what the cross means? Have people understood the gospel by looking at a cross on a church building?


How many people do you know have been truly born again by looking in the sky and understanding the “gospel in the stars”?  How many heathen have rejected their idols and astrology and false gods because of the “gospel in the stars”? What if the number is “zero”?


Let’s say another group of stars in the sky forms a circle, so someone decides that it looks like the fat belly of an idol of Buddha. Does that mean “the gospel of Buddha” is written in the stars?  What is another group of stars looks like the letter “Q.” Is that predicting the Quran?  One can draw lines between stars that look like anything.

The Gospel in the Bible!

Does the Bible tell us that the gospel is in the stars as well as in Scripture? The word “gospel” appears 104 times in 98 verses in the Bible: Matt. 4:23; 9:35; 11:5; 24:14; 26:13; Mark 1:1, 14–15; 8:35; 10:29; 13:10; 14:9; 16:15; Luke 4:18; 7:22; 9:6; 20:1; Acts 8:25; 14:7, 21; 15:7; 16:10; 20:24; Rom. 1:1, 9, 15–16; 2:16; 10:15–16; 11:28; 15:16, 19–20, 29; 16:25; 1 Cor. 1:17; 4:15; 9:12, 14, 16–18, 23; 15:1; 2 Cor. 2:12; 4:3–4; 8:18; 9:13; 10:14, 16; 11:4, 7; Gal. 1:6–9, 11; 2:2, 5, 7, 14; 3:8; 4:13; Eph. 1:13; 3:6; 6:15, 19; Phil. 1:5, 7, 12, 17, 27; 2:22; 4:3, 15; Col. 1:5, 23; 1 Th. 1:5; 2:2, 4, 8–9; 3:2; 2 Th. 1:8; 2:14; 1 Tim. 1:11; 2 Tim. 1:8, 10; 2:8; Philem. 1:13; Heb. 4:2; 1 Pet. 1:12, 25; 4:6, 17; Rev. 14:6.


I have listed below all the references where the word “gospel” is associated with looking at the constellations in the sky:





If you didn’t get it, here is that complete list again, in bigger font:








The gospel is not in the stars. The books at the beginning of this post do cite Scripture sometimes, but they take it totally out of context when they attempt to prove that the gospel is in the stars. The gospel is not in general revelation–it is in special revelation. General revelation condemns; it cannot save. The idea that the gospel is in the stars is unbiblical and false. If you have picked it up somewhere, reject it, along with the other evil teachings of those promoting the gospel in the stars, such as Lutheranism, ultradispensationalism and soul-sleep. Be thankful for Henry Morris’ defense of creation, but reject his false idea that the gospel is in the stars, as well as his willingness to work with the Seventh-Day Adventist cult and anyone else who accepts creation and rejects evolution, pretty much no matter what heresies they believed in on other matters.


If you don’t understand the gospel, click here to find out what it is in the Bible.  Search the Scriptures to understand the gospel–it is there, very clearly, all over the place. Thank God for His wisdom and power when you look at the stars, but do not expect to find the gospel where He has not revealed it.


The following are some additional resources on the claims of the Gospel in the Stars:

Dave Hunt, The Gospel in the Stars

Danny Faulkner, The Gospel Message: Written in the Stars?

Charles Strohmer, Is There a Christian Zodiac, A Gospel in the Stars?




The Tale of Two Archbishops of Canterbury

Most, I believe, would argue that Thomas Becket is the most famous archbishop of Canterbury.  More than any other figure, he put Canterbury itself on the map in England.  Fame came from his brutal death at the hands of knights of King Henry II.

In his late thirties, early forties, Becket, not even a Roman Catholic priest, served Henry II as the chancellor of England.  When the opportunity came to insert a new Archbishop at Canterbury, Henry was happy to choose Becket.  Henry II brought many important features to English civil rights and a just legal system.  He had no jurisdiction over the misbehavior of Roman Catholic leaders.  He expected Becket to help him with that.

Becket instead defended the power of Roman Catholicism against state intervention, even in criminal cases.   Years Becket antagonized the King.  Then Henry said aloud in his knight’s presence, “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?”  Whatever their original intentions, four of the knights killed Becket on December 29, 1170.

Monks took blood of Becket poured out in the Cathedral, mixed it with water, and used it for the anointing of the sick.  Apparently men witnessed miracles.  In stain glass at Canterbury is a portrayal of a death bed where the man drank the concoction and vomited out the cause.  He walked away well.

The Pope venerated Becket as saint and martyr.  Thousands took a pilgrimage to Canterbury to visit the shrine of Becket.  Geoffrey Chaucer wrote about these pilgrims in Canterbury Tales.  King Henry did penance of hundreds of blows with a rod.  A memorial still decorates the place where Becket died in Canterbury Cathedral.  A candle remains perpetually lit where Becket’s shrine once sat.

Almost no one cares about the death of another Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer.  He held that office during the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, and shortly Mary I.  Cranmer opposed the power of the Roman Catholic Church.  He led the English Reformation.  He wrote the first two editions of the Book of Common Prayer, the official liturgy for the Church of England.  If you try to find the place in Oxford where Queen Mary, Roman Catholic “Bloody Mary,” executed him, it will not be easy.

Shortly before his execution, Cranmer said:

And now I come to the great thing that troubleth my conscience more than any other thing that I said or did in my life, and that is the setting abroad of writings contrary to the truth which I thought in my heart, and written for fear of death and to save my life if it might be; and that is all such bills which I have written or signed with mine own hand since my degradation: wherein I have written many things untrue. And foreasmuch as my hand offended in writing contrary to my heart, therefore my hand shall first be punished, for if I may come to the fire, it shall be first burned. And as for the Pope, I refuse him, as Christ’s enemy and anti-Christ, with all his false doctrine. And as for the Sacrament. . . .

As he died in the flames, burnt at the stake, he cried:  “Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit.”  Whatever Cranmer may have believed, he attempted to distinguish himself from Roman Catholicism at least and wrote the following in the Book of Common Prayer:

Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who of thy tender mercy didst give thine only Son Jesus Christ to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption; who made there (by his one oblation of himself once offered) a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation and satisfaction, for the sins of the whole world.

I don’t write this to advocate for the Church of England, just to provide a distinction between the way England treats these two Archbishops, even though the former was Roman Catholic.


The True God Versus a Made-Up One

God made man, but men also make their own god or gods.  Only one God made man, but men have made many gods.  The Bible also talks about this, listing names of various fictional gods invented by men.  Among these are
Asherah‎, Astarte‎, Astaroth, Baal, Chemosh, Inanna, Marduk, and Moloch.  There is a reason the first of the ten commandments (Exodus 20:3) says, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”

Men make-up gods.  The Bible shows that men make up separate gods, very often regional ones, who represent a local people.  Since the completion of scripture, men made up other gods, very often representing separate religions.  Among these are  Allah, Brahma, Eshwara, Krishna, Shakti, Shiva, The Tao, and Vishu.   Roman and Greek mythology presented Jupiter and Zeus.

Perhaps something more sinister than different gods is using the biblical names for God, except with a different one.  God is more than a name.  Many of you reading know that sects in Christianity have different beliefs about who God is.  They all use the same designations.  For instance, they might say, “Holy Spirit,” but they mean an active force in the world, not a Person. Joseph Smith, first prophet of LDS, taught that God was once a man on another planet before being exalted to Godhood.

Professors of Christianity today conform a God in their imaginations to their own liking.  In Colossians 3:5, the Apostle Paul wrote, “Mortify . . . covetousness, which is idolatry.”  Their God has the same name as the biblical God.  So does Jesus.

Instead of abstaining from lust, professing believers make up a God who permits it or wants it.  He desires it in worship.  This is another way of changing “the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image like to corruptible man” (Romans 1:23).

Peter wrote in 1 Peter 1:16, “Be ye holy, for I am holy.”  True saints are a “holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 2:5).

Jehovah’s Mercy is Holy–Chesed to the Chasidim

A core term for Jehovah’s mercy or lovingkindness in the Old Testament is chesed (חֶסֶד).  This crucial term for the mercy Jehovah shows His people appears in texts such as:


Gen. 19:19 Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou hast shewed unto me in saving my life; and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil take me, and I die:


Ex. 34:6 And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth,
Ex. 34:7 Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.


Psa. 13:5 But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation.


Psa. 23:6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.


Psa. 26:3 For thy lovingkindness is before mine eyes: and I have walked in thy truth.


Psa. 118:1 O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.


and many other texts.


The Hebrew chesed, “mercy/loving-kindness/goodness,” is related to the word chasid (חָסִיד), meaning “holy/godly/faithful.” The ultra-orthodox Jews who claim (falsely, unfortunately, as you cannot be holy and reject the Messiah, the Holy One that did not see corruption, but was raised from the realm of sin and death, Psalm 16:10, after His sacrificial death, Psalm 22; Isaiah 53) to be especially holy are called the Chasidim, practicing Hasidic Judaism. This word chasid appears in texts such as:


Deut. 33:8 And of Levi he said, Let thy Thummim and thy Urim be with thy holy one, whom thou didst prove at Massah, and with whom thou didst strive at the waters of Meribah;

1Sam. 2:9 He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail.

2Sam. 22:26 With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful, and with the upright man thou wilt shew thyself upright.


Mic. 7:2 The good man is perished out of the earth: and there is none upright among men: they all lie in wait for blood; they hunt every man his brother with a net.

Psa. 4:3 But know that the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for himself: the LORD will hear when I call unto him.

Psa. 12:1 Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men.

Psa. 16:10 For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.


What is the significance of this connection? The man who is the recipient of Jehovah’s chesed–His covenantal mercy and loving-kindness–becomes one who is holy, chasid, and who himself practices chesed, mercy, towards others.  There is no such thing as someone who has received Jehovah’s saving chesed but is not a chasid, a holy man.  Are there degrees of holiness? Certainly. Can believers experience spiritual decays and backslidings? Sadly, yes.  Is there such a thing as one who has received Jehovah’s saving mercy who is not holy–one who has received chesed who is not chasid? No, emphatically not.


This fact should encourage those who have received Jehovah’s blessed chesed to pursue holiness in a greater way–it is what God saved you for. He has united you to the resurrected Holy One (Psalm 16:10) and you are judicially holy and certain to grow in practical holiness, practicing chesed yourself, being merciful as your heavenly Father has shown you mercy, since the Holy Spirit sweetly influences your mind, will, and affections.  You have received God’s chesed and have become a chasid.


If you are not a holy one, but are still a sinful, unchanged worldling, do not deceive yourself into thinking that you have received Jehovah’s chesed.  All who have received His chesed become chasidim, holy ones.  Mercy and holiness from the holy God of mercy are inextricably joined.


Someone who does not understand basic Bible teaching like this is not “apt to teach” (1 Timothy 3) and should learn the basics of Christianity before he has any business in the Christian ministry.



Among Many Great Prayers by David in Psalm 119: Related to Affliction

Many verses of Psalm 119 are prayers from David to God concerning the Word of God.  The psalms were sung, but they are prayers sung, which provide examples or wording for prayers to God.  You can put your finger down in almost any section to find these prayers.

119:10, “O let me not wander from thy commandments.”

119:18, “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.”

119:26, “Teach me thy statutes.”

119:35, “Make me to go in the path of thy commandments.”

119:36, “Incline my heart unto thy testimonies, and not to covetousness.”

I ask you to consider Psalm 119:49-50 as another example.

49 Remember the word unto thy servant, upon which thou hast caused me to hope. 50 This is my comfort in my affliction: for thy word hath quickened me.

David asks God to remember what He had said in HIs Word to David, his servant, that had caused David to hope.  In other words, “Dear Father, fulfill the promises you made to me, the ones that help me get through difficult situations.”

Having faith in God is having faith in what God said.  David could continue steadfast in living for God based upon what He said.

Those promises gave David comfort in his affliction.  During affliction, what God said comforts us.  They give the affliction meaning or purpose.  They provide a right way to think about the affliction.

God’s Word quickened David in his affliction.  It revitalized him, got him going, kept him on track, or gave him the boost he needed to continue steadfast.  God uses His Word to raise up His saints from a deadness of depression during affliction.

Eras of Miracles and Divine Interventionism

Where my wife and I are staying, we have waited at one spot four different times for someone to pick us up and every time there on the top of a short brick wall sat a tiny toy figure.  Three different days and four rides the same toy person was there.  I guessed it was a Star Wars figure.  Looking more closely, it seemed a young woman in a Star Wars-like outfit.  In what I know of the Star Wars story, it was probably a jedi and maybe the one the story calls “the last jedi.”

If you don’t know the Star Wars story, because you’ve seen none of it, good for you, but let me explain.  In a fictional cosmos, the jedi are warriors with supernatural power, who fight for what is called the light side of the force as opposed to the dark side.  This fiction hearkens to God on the light side and Satan on the dark side.  According to the fiction, the force connotes to something like a pantheistic view of God in which he is not a person, but some kind of mystical power.  The fiction speaks of an existence of God, albeit a false one.  This supernaturalism is crucial to the explanation of everything that happens in Star Wars fiction.

In the Star Wars story, only a few characters possess supernatural power to use either for evil or for good.  Those without that power find themselves often in need of the abilities or gifts of those special individuals.  Over aeons of time, certain ones through the story uniquely, even more greatly tap into the light side or the dark side of this supernatural force.  These individuals come along once in a very long time with very special significance and they are usually prophesied.  The needy natural ones place their hope in the coming of those to deliver them.

Fictional prophet-like characters predict the coming of the few supernatural characters, very often just one, with very special power.  These prophets receive revelations from the same supernatural power, which is apparently God, and they know what will happen in the future.  The spread of these prophesies over a fictional cosmos results in its people looking for the coming of these superior, supernatural figures, which will change the course of history.

I write all this to say that in general people who know the Star Wars story accept eras of supernatural intervention in their fictional cosmos.  It makes sense to them.  They agree both with the existence of supernatural power that works through men and that once in a great while this same supernatural power raises up a prophesied person who can use the power.  In other words, they accept eras of miracles.   They recognize the continuity of a natural world accompanied by rare times, moments, periods, or ages of supernatural intervention.

In a fictional Star Wars world, the divine always works to maintain and sustain, but also intervenes in a unique way.  An unprecedented person comes along, who is not normal.  He is far from normal and no one has been seen like him in ages.  The maintaining and sustaining are continuity.  They are normative.  The rare one, however, is not.  This is discontinuity.

Scripture gives (see especially 2 Peter) as a major reason for apostasy, a departure from the faith and the truth, the scarcity of evidence of divine intervention.  God gives every good thing.  He always intervenes in a providential manner, His good graces seen everywhere and at all times.  God also though intervenes at times in unique ways.  Men say because of the sparsity of the latter, they can’t receive the Lord.  He must show Himself more to their liking.  I call these showings, crown performances.  If God doesn’t bring them a crown performance, they have their excuse for not believing.

God has intervened in a special, unique, and miraculous way throughout history.  However, this kind of dealing is far less frequent.  The word “miracle” is most often the same Greek word translated “sign.”  Something isn’t a sign if it is the same as anything else that occurs on an everyday basis.

Through scripture, you can see eras of miracles.  They mark extraordinary times and people, and these occasions, which are very rare through history, make a unique point, one that stands out very much.  Certain names are associated in the Bible with these eras, including Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Jesus, and the Apostles.

One figure stands out above all of those functioning with supernatural power in an era of miracles:  the Lord Jesus Christ.  If these operations were normal occurrences, they would not stand out, and neither would Jesus.  Jesus must stand out and He does stand out.  He will show Himself in even greater glory when He comes the second time and in fulfillment of further prophecy.  He is the greatest figure in all of world history.

Millions of Muslims are NOT Becoming Christians Because of Dreams!

Many sources report that, in the words of Roman Catholic conservative Dinesh D’Souza, “Millions of Muslims are Converting to Christianity After Having Dreams and Visions of Jesus Christ.” Charismatic sources agree with the Catholics about millions of Muslims becoming Christians through dreams and visions. So do Southern Baptist mission agencies.


Muslims dream Jesus converts Christianity


These visions and dreams clearly prove that:


1.) Continuationism is true and cessationism is false.  God is continuing to give revelatory dreams and visions today.  We have lots of testimonials, and testimonials can’t be wrong.


2.) Any passages of Scripture that seem to teach the cessation of revelation with the completion of the canon must be reinterpreted in light of the overwhelming proof from the dreams and visions.


3.) If this can happen in Muslim lands, it can happen here. Instead of the hard work of teaching people to skillfully preach the gospel, and working so that they grow spiritually to the point where they love to go house to house, we should encourage people to seek after signs, wonders, and dreams, because that is how there will be millions of new converts here in our country as well.








Scripture is the sole authority for the believer’s faith and practice (2 Timothy 3:15-17).  Scripture is more sure than any experience–even hearing the audible voice of God Himself (2 Peter 1:16-21). Scripture, therefore, must never have its teaching ignored, altered, overlooked, or changed because of what someone claims he experienced.  Indeed, even if everyone in the whole world said something was true, but Scripture said otherwise, the Bible would be right and everyone would be wrong: “Let God be true, but every man a liar” (Romans 3:4).


Scripture teaches cessationism, as the studies linked to here clearly demonstrate.  There are no Apostles today or apostolic gifts (Ephesians 2:20), the canon of Scripture is complete (1 Corinthians 13:8-13), and God Word is His completed revelatory speech.


Furthermore, Scripture teaches that “faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17); conversion comes through Scripture (John 15:3). Men are “born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever” (1 Peter 1:23). So nobody has been born again because of a dream. The Holy Spirit produces the new birth as sinners, enabled by grace, respond to the gospel recorded in the Word of God. This is “thus saith the Lord.” I don’t care what someone says happened in his dream.  God’s Word is infinitely more reliable than someone’s dream, and Scripture teaches that people are born again through hearing the gospel, not having dreams and visions.


So how do I explain the dreams? I don’t need to explain people’s dreams.  The Bible tells me to live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4), but it never tells me that I need to explain what someone said he saw in a dream. I don’t need to explain dreams of people who say they left Islam and rejected Allah and the Quran for Christianity. Nor do I need to explain the dreams of people who say they left Christianity for Islam after having a dream.  How am I supposed to know what is going on in someone else’s head when he is sleeping?  The vast majority of the time I can’t even remember my own dreams.  Yet I need to explain what someone tells me happened in his dream, or what someone tells someone else who tells someone else who tells someone else who prints an article with no documentation in a charismatic magazine about a dream?


I am suspicious that these “millions” of converts are allegedly taking place in lands far, far away where it is impossible to verify anything.  For example, in the Dinesh D’Souza video above, there are no sources provided and no way to verify anything.  This is typical–indeed, D’Souza is a scholarly man who tends to document his material far better than does the average charismatic magazine.  With these millions of alleged converts to Christianity, true churches–independent Baptist churches–should be overflowing in Muslim countries, as Islam is allegedly collapsing and true Christians are allegedly becoming a huge percentage of the population. But are these people-if they even exist–becoming true Christians, or leaving Islam for other demonic religions, like Roman Catholicism or Oneness Pentecostalism?  What would someone leaving one false religion for a different false religion prove?  Scripture teaches that we see Christ by faith, enabled by the Spirit, in the Word (2 Corinthians 3:18), and all images of Jesus Christ are idolatrous violations of the Second Commandment (see the relevant resources here).  So are they seeing the real Jesus in a dream? Also, where are all these people? Why is this only (allegedly) happening in places far, far away where we can’t actually verify it? I think of how Jack Hyles claimed that through “God’s power,” allegedly in conjunction with carnal promotion and marketing techniques that manipulated people and are found nowhere in Scripture, he had far more “saved” in one day than the Holy Ghost did on the Day of Pentecost, although not even one person was added to First Baptist of Hammond, Indiana on that day through these “saved” people, and people close enough to the situation to investigate claimed that the vast majority of these “saved” people were just as lost as before. I think of how Keswick continuationist John A. MacMillan, who is promoted among Independent Baptists at schools like Baptist College of Ministry. MacMillan claimed to have an amazing technique for casting out demons, which was copied by him and promoted at one of the yearly Victory Conferences at Baptist College of Ministry and Falls Baptist Church–but people who were close to the situation claimed, on the contrary, that the demons were in control of everything. I think of how Evan Roberts and Jessie Penn-Lewis, with their dreams and visions, destroyed the 1904-1905 Welsh revival. Scripture is sufficient, so even if I were confronted with signs and wonders of the quality that the Antichrist will perform in the Tribulation, I would still go by sola Scriptura–Scripture alone.  But the alleged evidence for these dreams and visions seems to be woefully lacking.  They aren’t like the real revelatory miracles in the Bible before the miraculous gifts ceased.


Note that the question is not if God is powerful enough to give people dreams.  The question is not one of God’s power. It is one of what He has said He would do in His inspired revelation, the Bible–and in that revelation He has said that the giving of revelation through dreams has ceased.  Nor is there a category of “non revelatory” dreams that are infallibly from God. If God gives infallible truth, then it is revelation. If it is not infallible truth, then God is not speaking in the dream, for God cannot lie, but only speaks and reveals infallible truth.


What if I come across someone who actually is serving the Lord faithfully in a true church, but who says that having a dream was part of how he became a Christian?  Doesn’t that mean that I need to reinterpret Scripture?  No.  God is sovereign, and He can use all kinds of things to get people thinking about religion or about His Word. I know someone who is a faithful Christian who, before his conversion, liked to watch creationist videos while smoking pot.  That doesn’t mean I commend the pot smoking.  I know someone else who called on a ghost (likely a demon) to come to him, and then says that the ghost came at night and almost killed him.  The demonic intervention led this person away from agnosticism to openness to the supernatural, and years later he became a Christian.  That doesn’t mean I support agnostics calling on ghosts or demons.  So if someone says he had a dream and that led him away from Islam to Christianity, I’m glad if he trusted in Christ, while everything contrary to Scripture that took place in his life–including the alleged revelatory dreams–are chalked up to God’s merciful and providential grace, and need no further explanation. (This is even apart from the fact that we cannot see people’s hearts, and even in true churches people without the new birth can enter and appear to be genuine believers for a time, so I cannot rule out the possibility that the person who claims to have been born again after seeing a dream is not a true child of God.)


So are millions of Muslims being born again because of dreams?  No. Nobody is being born again because of a dream.  Are Muslims having dreams that lead them to all kinds of religious experiences?  Very possibly.  Why?  There could be all kinds of reasons. I do not need to speculate.


What I do need to know is what Scripture teaches.  The Biblical truth of cessationism is being weakened in some independent Baptist churches because people are not thinking Biblically, but are allowing what people say is happening in their dreams to justify changes to Biblical beliefs on charismata.  You are dreaming if you think it is right to change one’s doctrine and practice from what Scripture teaches because of what some other person says he saw when he was sleeping.


Never change or set aside God’s Word because of an experience or what someone says.  That was part of Satan’s original technique that caused the Fall in Genesis 3.  Go with Scripture–not the dreams.  As Christ said, “thy word is truth” (John 17:17).  Give Muslims gospel truth, such as in The Testimony of the Quran to the Bible pamphlet.  Reject the dreams. Do not be deceived.

Ballot Harvesting, the Big Lie, and the 2020 Election

Just to be clear to you reading, I don’t think President Joe Biden won the 2020 election.   Even if I can’t show you the evidence yet, it’s still what I think.  Most who join me in thinking the same thing don’t have access to what they would need to prove it.  Others are already proving it.  I hope they do.

I did not take the tack of blaming computerized voting systems, the Dominion voting machines.  It sounded very fishy and I still think people might prove people rigged that too.  However, I pointed to the ballot harvesting made easier with the use of the Pandemic, the strategy of not letting a good crisis go to waste.

President Biden received 81 million votes, but I don’t think he got them legally.  Like many others, I say “no way” he got that many votes.  He did the least I’ve ever seen to win an election.  William McKinley had his “front porch campaign.”  Joe Biden had his basement camera campaign.  Trump filled arenas and Biden very often couldn’t fill classrooms.  How did President Biden get enough votes?  Ballot harvesting.

So much corruption went into a Biden win in 2020.  The media concealed and censored the Hunter Biden laptop story.  The media and big parts of the government helped and promoted the Russian collusion hoax.  Tech giants like Zuckerberg helped Biden in likely illegal ways. The Trump impeachment was a fraud.  The media shielded the country from Biden family crimes.  Without all of those, even with ballot harvesting, maybe Trump wins.  On the other hand, with all of those and also without ballot harvesting, probably Trump wins.

I’m not saying President Trump ran the perfect campaign, but those who blame the election loss on Trump, this including recently Attorney General William Barr, I think they’re very wrong.  The things that Barr and others like him say lost Trump the election are also what won Trump the election.  You can’t separate the two.  People come out for Trump because they like what others say lose Trump an election.

In the background of Elon Musk buying Twitter is Trump ousted from Twitter.  The bigness of the conversation about Musk and free speech connects to Trump canning by social media.  This doesn’t even start with the search algorithms that send people to biased locations, helping promote the choices of the tech titans.

To remind you, ballot harvesting occurs when operatives essentially vote for massive numbers of people who would not vote otherwise.  They fill out the ballots for people who would not vote.  Many more votes could come from nursing homes and other large institutions.  This also explains the opposition to voter identification by those who want ballot harvesting.  They call this Democracy.  If you do not like the corruption, you oppose democracy or better, you’re a threat to democracy.

Part of hiding the crime and corruption came and comes by calling the investigation of or even accusation of crime and corruption, the Big Lie.  Those who say people stole the election are co-conspirators of the Big Lie.  If someone says the other side stole the election, they join the Big Lie.  The allegation of the Big Lie is a Big Lie.  The Big Lie isn’t a lie.  The lie is the claim of a Big Lie.  It is just another lie among many.

Even if entering the capital on January 6, 2020 was the wrong move, the treatment or coverage of January 6 is part of the cover-up of a stolen election.  Many reading here probably know the possibly true story that government operatives joined and helped lead the crowd into the capitol that day.  Whatever happened, they helped push it into something they could use to conceal all the real corruption.

You may have heard the terminology, “useful idiot.”  It is technical for being used, really manipulated, by the wrong side in propaganda necessary to promote the wrong cause and ideas.  If you cooperate with those accusing the Big Lie, you’re useful to them.  You help them silence those uncovering the truth.

Like me, you might be thinking there’s no way Joe Biden got 81 million votes in the 2020 election.  Maybe he got those votes.  It’s just that someone else filled out the ballots than those whose name was on them.


  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
