Tucker Interview

After already publishing parts one and two in this series, Tucker Carlson teased an interview with Douglas Wilson.  This is a boon for he and his brand.  Immediately Wilson wrote a post to welcome the Tucker audience with links to his numerous ventures.  This gives even greater importance to exposure of Wilson.  The content of the Tucker trailer also dovetails closely with this series, because Wilson mentions the gospel.

Wilson surprised me with his representation of Christian nationalism (another still ongoing series here, here, and here).  It differed from his norm (see my part three).  He gave no hope for Christian nationalism in the United States, except through gospel preaching.  In many expositions of Christian nationalism, I don’t remember his saying that.  Maybe I missed it.  Postmillennialists and theonomist-types like Wilson, who envision their bringing in a physical kingdom on earth, don’t usually convey utter hopelessness remedied only by hot gospel preaching.

Perhaps the whole interview (presently behind the Tucker paywall) will reveal more.  Wilson sounded good about the gospel, but he left out infant sprinkling and child communion, something he mixes with the gospel.  Shouldn’t he urge Tucker’s audience also to sprinkle its infants?  It’s important in his vision of Christian nationalism.

Roman Catholicism

Not Sola Scriptura

Roman Catholicism passed down infant sprinkling among many other scriptural perversions.  It condemned maybe as many people to Hell as any false doctrine.  Protestants continued in a system of false interpretation and doctrine, albeit better than Roman Catholicism, yet still misleading.

Protestants point to the Latin, sola scriptura, scripture alone, as their heritage.  Yet, tradition still guides much of Protestantism.  Infant baptism isn’t scripture alone and this challenges the Protestant embrace of sola scriptura.  Keeping significant aspects of Roman Catholicism, Protestants also point back to the Catholic fathers as theirs too.  Wilson has pieced together a patchwork of belief and practice that required the beginning of a new denomination, the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches (CREC).  Jesse Nigro in The North American Anglican writes in his analysis of Wilson:

[H]is trajectory has led him into the broader pool of “Reformed Catholicism” that Anglicans occupy.

Catholic Church

Nigro was praising Wilson.  Protestants fork off the Roman Catholic line or trajectory, not in the succession of New Testament Christianity or true churches, separate from the state church, since Christ.  Roman Catholicism and its stepchild Protestantism resembles little the belief and practice of the church of the New Testament.  Scott Aniol writes in his review of Wilson’s book, Mere Christendom::

I am aware that Wilson’s church recognizes Roman Catholic baptisms and welcomes them to the Lord’s Table, but this Baptist considers Roman Catholicism a false religion.

In his book, Reformed Is Not Enough, Wilson wrote (pp. 73-74):

The visible church is also Catholic in an earthly sense, meaning that it is no longer confined to one nation, as it was before under the law.  The visible Church is composed of anyone in the world who professes (biblically) to believe in the Christian faith.  When they make this profession by means of baptism their children are attached with them.  The visible church is to be understood as the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The Church is the household of God, and outside of this Church there is no ordinary possibility of salvation.

Baptism and Salvation

Later in his section on sacerdotalism, he writes:

Baptism and salvation are not mechanically or magically linked.  But in the ordinary course of life, they are linked, and we are to speak of them as though they are.

Furthermore, Wilson writes (p. 111):

By means of baptism, baptism with water, grace and salvation are conferred on the elect.


Wilson and Child Communion

In addition to the heretical practice of infant sprinkling, Wilson endorses and practices child communion, inviting the toddlers to the bread and the cup.  Wilson writes:

At the very center of the strong family emphasis that you will find in our churches, you will also find our practice of communing our children at the Lord’s Table. This is unusual in Protestant churches, and in some places it is even controversial. . . .  [I]n our churches, the Lord’s Table is not protected with a profession of faith; the Lord’s Table is regarded as a profession of faith.

What do Wilson and others imply by children partaking of the Lord’s Supper?  They can partake worthily because they have repented, believed, and received forgiveness of sins.  Children who cannot believe, do not have the capacity to do so, are said to make a profession of faith through the Lord’s Table.  However, the Lord’s Table is a table of examination.  A man examines himself and then eats the bread and drinks the cup.

The Wickedness of Child Communion

1 Corinthians 11:27-28 say:

27 Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.  28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.

So much contradicts clear scripture and biblical teaching with participation of children in the Lord’s Table.  Wilson argues that paedocommunion follows paedobaptism, when he writes:

[T]he apostle Paul compares the entire congregation to one loaf of bread (1 Cor. 10:17). And it is our conviction that all who are bread should get bread.

This is a typical turn-of-phrase or rhetorical flourish intended to persuade in some doctrinal or practical position.  Wilson sounds interesting, but he’s false.  His teaching confuses the gospel.  It brings God’s judgment down on unworthy partakers of the table.  Finally, it corrupts the true nature of the church.  One can truly say that paedocommunion is false worship.  It is not an act of faith in God, but man-ordained, human innovation.

New Testament Greek, Bill Mounce, 1st Semester Videos Online

I am thankful to announce that all the videos teaching the first semester of Biblical Greek are now online!  The main textbook used is William Mounce, Basics of Biblical Greek. Either the 3rd or the 4th edition of that text works well.  (I prefer some features of the 3rd and some other features of the 4th edition; overall, they are similar enough that either one will work with the class.)  The entire playlist is on YouTube, and the videos are also being put up at and on Rumble.  We thank God for the work that has been done. Lord willing, the second semester videos will also all be made available.  If you are interested in helping to edit videos and so help train spiritual leaders for the kingdom of God, or you know someone who can help with this ministry, please contact me.  You can also pray for us.  Learning the Biblical languages is very valuable, and it is our prayer and hope that these videos will not only help those who have physical teachers, but also enable God’s people to learn Greek all around the world, even when they who do not have the privilege of a physical teacher.  A physical teacher is very helpful–and, Lord willing, I will offer the class personally again in the future, as I have offered it in the past–but I believe a dedicated student can teach himself Greek with the textbooks and answer keys here, although it is not as easy to do as it is if one has a professor to help.  I also want these videos to help people learn Biblical Greek from a Biblical, separatist, militant Baptist position, instead of from the point of non-separatist evangelicalism–the doctrinal position of Bill Mounce, who is a great Greek teacher, but not so great in his doctrine and practice.  Furthermore, we use the Textus Receptus and support the King James Version in the class, rather than utilizing modern Bible versions and their inferior Greek text, the Nestle-Aland.


If you want to help people get Biblical, Baptist, separatist training in the Biblical languages and theology, please feel free to recommend and send links about my class to the various websites where online Greek classes are compared and offered. I don’t have time to look into all of those, but the more places that link to it, the better. I would be fine if evangelicals learn Greek from someone with Biblical Baptist convictions and get moved towards that position. Thanks!



Government Intimidation Now In the United States Related to Persecution

While working on something else, yesterday I listened to portions of the Supreme Court arguments for and against the January 6 protestors.  Elizabeth Prelogar, the Solicitor General of the United States, argued to the nine justices, representing the present government of the United States and its Department of Justice.  I have to say, I would use the term “justice” loosely as it applies to the present government of the United States.

Fischer Versus United States

This case in the Supreme Court arose to a challenge of the prosecution of one particular January 6 protestor, Joseph Fischer, trying to defend himself against a federal statute applied by this Department of Justice against him.  The law this justice department scoured from its laws to sweep up hundreds of protestors for significant and selective harsh prosecution was U.S. Code 1512 (c) (1) and (2), which reads:

(c)  Whoever corruptly—
(1)  alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or
(2)  otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

This particular law hasn’t been used ever against protestors until this justice department selected it for use against January 6 protestors, which, as you know, were all Trump voters, perhaps in the realm of most extreme MAGA supporters.

I’m not defending what Fischer did.  However, I believe these protestors, who represent the incorrect side of the political spectrum, do not receive equal justice.  The other side gets away with such activity and even worse.  The Democrat Party right now is afraid of what their own voters might do at their Convention if they don’t stop Israel from extricating Hamas from Gaza.

Selective Prosecution

I thought most of the conservative justices, six of them, did a good job at exposing the government and its prosecution.  A majority of them will probably overturn the charge against Fischer and then all those against whom they used this law.  If applied as Prelogar argued, this law would cover many transgressions of protestors on the Democrat side through the years, who did not see a whiff of possible prosecution.  Even when I read the law, I think of Hillary Clinton hammering and acid-washing her hard drives to destroy evidence against her.

Justice Gorsuch asked Prelogar this question:

Would pulling a fire alarm before a vote qualify for 20 years in federal prison?

He referred to Representative Jamaal Bowman, Democratic Congressman from NY, who used a fire alarm in a Capitol office building, causing its evacuation last year, but he was not charged under the statute.

Apparently the federal government of the United States passed 1512 as a response to the Enron scandal in 2002, that involved massive document shredding and fraud.  It’s original intent was never for prosecution of protestors of government policy and actions.  Several Supreme Court justices exposed this transparent attempt to use the law and the government to single out these protestors to enact even more severe penalties.  Even if they deserved some punishment for their actions, this type of prosecution results in a chilling affect on a large portion of American citizens.

Prosecution and Persecution

I write this post to use this prosecution as an example of government persecution.  This government more than I’ve ever seen looks for laws to prosecute in more severe fashion political enemies.  They might use another or various set of laws to prosecute something else for which they want their chosen outcome.  This seems very easy to see.

The government protects, defends, and encourages vile and immoral activity.  In many cases, it is not a terror to evil, but to good.  Prosecution could equal persecution, when it proceeds from the government.  It terrorizes a message that does not support its view of the world.

Equal Justice

The idea of “equal justice” is a bit redundant.  Justice is equal.  It reminds me of 2 Peter 1, where Peter uses the terminology “like precious faith.”  No true faith is superior or inferior to another.  It’s faith from above, all the same.

Lady justice portrays justice with two manifestations of equal justice.  One, her scales are equal.  On one side is the crime and on the other is the punishment.  They are equal.

Two, she is blindfolded.  She does not judge based on sex, religion, race, or socio-economic level.  Everyone gets treated the same.  The generally poor, blue collar Trump voters, whom Hillary called “deplorables,” receive uniquely harsh punishment because they support the wrong leader.  The message is sit down and shut up.  If you speak up, we will find a way to prosecute you.

When God said, “eye for an eye,” that’s equal justice — not “life for an eye,” but “eye for an eye.”  The punishment meets the crime.

Christians Versus the United States

Christians do foresee the government selecting Christians for unique unequal prosecution and then punishment.  Prosecutors “have it in” for Christians.  Even if they do not win the prosecution, they bankrupt the Christian and damage him for the rest of his life.  They make an example of Christians, sending the message to all other Christians, that they could do the same to them.

Our unique bubble in history, a time of freedom, could come to an end.  This government, like the one Jesus and the Apostles faced, could make it harder to function as a true Christian in society.  This is what Jesus said would occur to Christians, so this does not mean, cease from preaching and stop serving in public.  No, it means that this bubble moment in the history of the world could end.  Be thankful for the freedom you have.  Use it.  But also understand that it could end and it could end soon.  Take advantage of the freedom now, while you have it.



Over a decade ago I read a book by Douglas Wilson, that described a philosophy for his writing, represented in the title:  A Serrated Edge.  His and the Moscow, Idaho mood is portrayed by a serrated edge and the use of satire.  Let me again announce that I accept Wilsonian written serration.  It’s more interesting at least and sometimes more effective writing.  Someone else once said, “The pen is mightier than the sword.”  Maybe for Wilson, “His pen is equally mighty to a serrated knife.”  Many of the targets of Wilson’s writings deserve their serration from his satirical analysis.

Strict Adherence to the Westminster Confession of Faith on Baptism

Douglas Wilson and his posse in Moscow, Idaho get attention with the style or mood of their writing and other operations.  A focus on mood neglects serious problems, most notably their confusion on the gospel.  Wilson and Moscow are strong adherents to the Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF), which says this (Article 28):

Baptism is a sacrament of the New Testament, ordained by Jesus Christ . . . . to be unto him a sign and seal of the covenant of grace, of his ingrafting into Christ, of regeneration, of remission of sins, and of his giving up unto God, through Jesus Christ, to walk in newness of life.

Furthermore, the WCF says (Article 28) that “by the right use of this ordinance the grace promised is not only offered, but really exhibited and conferred by the Holy Ghost, to such (whether of age or infants).”  That is all salvific language applied to baptism.  Wilson takes this very seriously in his view and preaching of salvation.

John Calvin, the Protestant and Reformed Forefather

Calvin’s Institutes

From what I read of Wilson, he does not believe that baptism guarantees future salvation for the one baptized. Neither does any Roman Catholic.  Roman Catholics would say faith is necessary for salvation.  They would reject “faith alone.”  To clarify his position, Wilson wrote:  “Baptism is an effectual means of salvation to worthy receivers.”  John Calvin, whose theology Wilson follows, wrote (Institutes, 4:17:1, 4:15:3, 4):

God, regenerating us in baptism, ingrafts us into the fellowship of his Church, and makes us his by adoption . . . whatever time we are baptized, we are washed and purified . . . forgiveness, which at our first regeneration we receive by baptism alone . . . forgiveness has reference to baptism.

Calvin’s “Antidote” to the Council of Trent

Calvin also published (1547 Antidote to the Council of Trent, Reply to the 1st Decree of the 5th Session):

We assert that the whole guilt of sin is taken away in baptism, so that the remains of sin still existing are not imputed. That this may be more clear, let my readers call to mind that there is a twofold grace in baptism, for therein both remission of sins and regeneration are offered to us. We teach that full remission is made . . . by baptism . . . the guilt is effaced [and] it is null in regard to imputation. Nothing is plainer than this doctrine.

In the same publication Calvin continued:

We, too [as do the Catholics], acknowledge that the use of baptism is necessary—that no one may omit it from either neglect or contempt. In this way we by no means make it free (optional). And not only do we strictly bind the faithful to the observance of it, but we also maintain that it is the ordinary instrument of God in washing and renewing us; in short, in communicating to us salvation. The only exception we make is, that the hand of God must not be tied down to the instrument. He may of himself accomplish salvation. For when an opportunity for baptism is wanting, the promise of God alone is amply sufficient.

Wilson doesn’t distinguish himself from the teaching of his spiritual father, Calvin.

Thomas Ross’s Statement

Thomas Ross wrote in his book, Heaven Only for the Baptized?:

Those who think that infant baptism was the instrument of their receiving forgiveness, those who think that they received the sacrament as confirmation and evidence that they were already regenerated in the womb, and those who think they had water applied to them in infancy as evidence that they were certain to be regenerated in the future unless they consciously rejected the “sacrament” and its efficacy are underneath a terrible spiritual delusion. They will certainly be damned unless they recognize that their unbiblical religious ceremony did nothing beneficial for them, admit they are still lost, and then repent and believe the gospel.

With the Protestant or Reformed Catholics, this very serious problem relates to what Paul writes about adding circumcision to grace in Galatians 5:1-6.  The Protestant or Reformed Catholics see infant sprinkling as New Testament circumcision.  This does not proceed from the Bible, but from allegorization of scripture and tradition.


The Galatians added circumcision to grace, which was enough for Paul to say in Galatians 5:2-4:

Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.  For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.  Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.

No one should come close to what the Galatians did.  Paul uses very strong language, saying, “Christ shall profit you nothing” and more.  This is how they perverted the gospel to the degree that Paul wrote in 1:6-9 that it was “another gospel.”  Those who preached it, he said, “let them be accursed.”

Infant Sprinkling and John Gill

Wilson wrote a defense on infant sprinkling, To a Thousand Generations: Infant Baptism – Covenant Mercy For the People of God.  He wrote:  “we must be content with nothing less than a clear biblical case requiring infant baptism” (p. 9).  And yet, not one verse in scripture mentions infant baptism or sprinkling.  Consider what 17th century English Baptist preacher or pastor John Gill wrote about infant sprinkling:

The Paedobaptists are ever restless and uneasy, endeavoring to maintain and support, if possible, their unscriptural practice of infant-baptism; though it is no other than a pillar of popery; that by which Antichrist has spread his baneful influence over many nations; is the basis of national churches and worldly establishments; that which unites the church and world, and keeps them together; nor can there be a full separation of the one from the other, nor a thorough reformation in religion; until it is wholly removed: and though it has so long and largely obtained, and still does obtain;

I believe with a firm and unshaken faith, that the time is hastening on, when infant-baptism will be no more practiced in the world; when churches will be formed on the same plan they were in the times of the apostles; when gospel-doctrine and discipline will be restored to their primitive luster and purity; when the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper will be administered as they were first delivered, clear of all present corruption and superstition.

Cultural Stands Don’t Undo These Problems

Wilson may take a position closer to the Protestant or Reformed Catholics than his contemporary Reformed fellows do.  He could argue that he is more consistent than them with the doctrine and practice.  I respect the teaching of Wilson on many cultural issues.  He helps on cultural and social ones.  These are attractive to many evangelicals and even professing Baptists, their not hearing this in their own churches.  Those, however, cannot undo the problems with the unscriptural doctrine I’m addressing. However, the Moscow troubles don’t end with infant sprinkling.

More to Come

Agora to Areopagus: Paul on Mars Hill in Athens (Acts 17)

We are glad to be back!  We were in Greece with Tutku Tours, seeing the Biblical sites there, such as the Areopagus (which I will say more about shortly), and are just catching up after getting back.  (That is why I had not written any Friday blog posts recently.)  We got to visit Biblically-related places including Athens, Philippi, Thessalonica, Corinth, Berea, and Cenchrea. We arrived in Greece a bit before the tour started and were able to visit some archaeologically and Biblically significant cities that the tour was not going to have time to see, such as Nicopolis, and places the tour was not able to get to, such as Acrocorinth, the ancient fortress overlooking the city of Corinth:

Acrocorinth Corinth Frankish tower view

We were thankful for the opportunity, and recorded some videos that relate to the Bible and archaeology.

At this point we have one live on Rumble and on YouTube discussing the Apostle Paul’s visit to the Areopagus or Mars Hill, as recorded in Acts 17, where Dionysius the Areopagite (whom Eusebius identifies as the first pastor of the church at Athens) and others were converted:

Dionysius was an Areopagite because he was a significant official at the Areopagus, of course.

We went to Mars Hill when in Athens in the evening and recorded a video, but the hill was full of people and it was windy; the conditions were less than ideal.  We returned the next day at sunrise and had the entire hill to ourselves (it seems most in Greece do not rise early, but stay up late).  We also had good conditions to both record a Biblically related video and see a beautiful sunrise at the Areopagus. (You can see the Parthenon in this picture from Areopagus / Mars Hill.)

sunrise Areopagus Mars Hill Parthenon


From Mars Hill you can see the agora or marketplace where Paul began his evangelistic preaching and disputation and the Parthenon, where Athena was worshipped, along with other pagan gods.

We have added the video to the YouTube playlist on Archaeological and Historical Evidences for the Bible.  Lord willing, we will get some more of the videos posted. There are other posts here at What is Truth? that relate to archaeology, of course.

We were thankful that we were able to significantly reduce the cost of our trip by signing up for the Capital One Venture X Business and Capital One Venture X personal credit cards, using the opening bonuses to greatly reduce our out-of-pocket cost. The opening bonus of $1500 + $750 reduced the cost of the trip by $2,250 for opening one of each card (and there are two of us, and each can open cards).  We took care of our own airfare by using points as well, and so were able to fly out to Europe in first class for almost free instead of in economy.  Interestingly, it was much cheaper for us to fly to Greece from Mexico, instead of the USA, using points–we were on British Airways, which charges crazy fees on its miles-purchased flights if they originate in the USA, but is not allowed to do that for flights originating in Mexico.  So we flew down to Cabo San Lucas for a few days and then took our flight across the pond to Greece from Cabo.  The flight went back to San Francisco, and then from San Francisco over to Europe, but cost much less than if we had just started in San Francisco. We stayed at the absolutely beautiful Waldorf Astoria Los Cabos Pedregal using free night certificates from our Hilton Aspire cards and some Hilton points, a wonderful deal for an amazing hotel (cash prices were around $1,800 a night, so staying for free instead was very nice–our Aspire cards also got us free breakfast-and they have a great breakfast–and other nice benefits).

Waldorf Astoria Los Cabos Pedregal sunrise

We could see whales playing in the Pacific Ocean from our room’s window when we were reading our Bibles in the morning.  Also, the ocean currents make swimming unsafe on the hotel beach, so we didn’t have a problem there with immodest people.  You could enjoy seeing God’s beautiful creation without having to constantly look the other way.  We were thankful to be able to attend the Iglesia Bautista Monte de Sion in Los Cabos on the Lord’s Day.  The pastor asked me to preach through a translator for the Sunday evening service, and I was able to preach on God’s holiness and Biblical sanctification.  If you visit Cabo San Lucas, I would encourage you to worship God there, at least if you can speak at least some Spanish (this is a native Mexican church where everything is in Spanish).

So we thank the Lord that we were able to visit Biblically related sites in Greece and also spend a few days in Mexico, all for a minimal cost, thanks to miles, points, and free night certificates. (By the way, the credit card links are refer-a-friend links–if you are interested in the cards and open one, we get some points, so thank you if you want to use them. But do not open any credit cards unless you are aware of their dangers.)



Several months ago now, popular reformed evangelical leader Kevin DeYoung wrote an article warning his proponents against Douglas Wilson and its “Moscow Mood.” Evangelicals in general would call “mood” a tertiary or secondary issue and let it slide. Apparently Wilson, his enterprise in Idaho, and supporters across the United States, don’t qualify for the same pass given for non-essentials. Evangelicals for certain have not historically punished the mood of institutions or figures.

Mood matters, but DeYoung and those agreeing with him are veering out of their normal belief and practice to punch at Wilson and his people. For that reason, it reads as a kind of “correctness” in the spirit of “political correctness” to modulate their norms in such a manner. Maybe it’s because Wilson strikes a popular note among a growing segment of evangelicals who are tired of leaning further left in capitulation to a declining culture.

Douglas Wilson takes stronger stands on cultural issues than popular evangelicalism, what some call, “Big Eva,” and lays down firm boundaries in ways that most evangelicals do not. He especially makes men feel more welcome in his orbit, speaking up on issues that rank-and-file evangelicals care about.

As DeYoung, I don’t want the influence of Wilson either, but for different and what should be obvious reasons that miss or avoid DeYoung and his constituency. I wouldn’t be writing this if Wilson wasn’t making headway. Folks like myself at least need to have an answer as we reach out to our areas for the Lord. Is Wilson style professing Christianity acceptable? Is it true? I contend in the main ways of discerning such questions, the answer is “No.” It isn’t. Why not though? Wilson and Moscow have a mood, but their mood is not the main issue.


A biblical position will completely reject Roman Catholicism. Roman Catholicism represents total apostasy.  Some Roman Catholics genuinely received Jesus Christ and have not left that ungodly institution.  The institution though is absolutely apostate.  Biblical Christianity does not trace itself through Roman Catholicism.

Neither is the Roman Catholic Church even a church. It has no authority. Whatever such authority it projects through its historical record also is faux authority. The trail of truth does not traverse through Roman Catholicism and yet for Douglas Wilson and the Moscowites, it does. Wilson takes his trajectory through Roman Catholicism.

Douglas Wilson calls himself a small “c” Catholic. He would distinguish himself from Roman Catholicism with his small “c.” What Wilson understands is that if you call yourself a Protestant, you are taking a line and trajectory through Roman Catholicism, so he embraces Roman Catholicism. That is easy to see. One Roman Catholic, who agrees with this assessment, calls him a “crypto-Catholic.”

Wilson wants to be consistent. He’s Catholic, but he’s reformed Catholic. He attempts to thread that needle as much as anyone out there. This depends then on a form of Roman Catholic and Protestant tradition, a unique hybrid of the two.


Nothing illustrates Wilson’s Catholicism and its strain on the gospel and sola scriptura than his position on the sacraments. Moscow sprinkles infants and then welcomes children to the Lord’s Table. This bleeds over into the thinking on the gospel, because what’s the point of these sacraments for children? A recent trouble for Wilson was a decade or more controversy called “Federal Vision” and “Auburn Avenue” that looked very much like works salvation. Wilson since attempted to extricate himself from these theological movements he helped found and brought confusion on the gospel.

Wilson, since the federal vision fiasco, in public voiced a few times his loyalty to salvation by grace alone through faith alone.  However, his own teaching had confused the gospel in a much greater way than Peter not eating meat with the Gentiles in Galatians 2:11-13. Wilson’s doctrine and practice continues to lead people astray on the gospel. He doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt on it. The gospel is far too important to obfuscate it. Many of his positions give strong association with Roman Catholicism and he considers himself a Catholic theologically and historically.

Don’t get me wrong, Wilson rejects many present components of Roman Catholicism and says so.  However, his Roman Catholic-light takes a form of Catholicism before Roman Catholicism went even further off the rails. He doesn’t reject it wholesale. In that way, Moscow kowtows to Roman Catholicism.


As part of the mood of Moscow, Wilson and his followers would mock Baptists in exactly what I’m addressing here. He would argue against a true line of separatist churches since the time of Christ, separate from the state church. He embraces the Roman Catholic Church as his mother church with a form of either evidentialism or historicism.  Rome tells its own story of its own history that Rome preserved. The satire and mockery he uses very often becomes the substance of what he says.

Roman Catholics trace their lineage a long ways with a very visible history. They especially point to the “church fathers.”  Those like myself, who see the true church through history in complete separation from the state church, possess less visible evidence for that line. Still, New Testament churches separate from the state church do have visible evidence, only less than Roman Catholicism.  Those rejecting perpetuity of true churches point to examples of traceable error among those autonomous churches, separate from Roman Catholicism.

Christ’s Church Is Not a State Church

The primary basis for the true church, which is separate from the state church, is presuppositional.  No one is neutral.  Everyone has presuppositions from which he views history.  The biblical presupposition is that, first, Christ’s church is not a state church. Wilson may deny that his church is a state church, but he takes his lineage through a state church. His eschatology and ecclesiology depend on state church doctrine.

The Gates of Hell Would Not Prevail Against True, New Testament Churches

Second, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself said that the gates of Hell would not prevail against His assembly [ekklesia means “assembly”] (Matthew 16:18). An assembly is not Catholic, but local. Jesus’ churches were and always would be local churches, not a Roman Catholic (universal) one. The truth was not preserved by the state church, but by Christ’s churches, which were always separate from the state church.

If the Roman Catholic Church was the true church, as Wilson believes, then where was the gospel for centuries? Jesus said He would build His church on the gospel profession or declaration: Jesus is the Christ the Son of the living God. The “Christ” of Roman Catholicism does not save to the uttermost. He does not provide full forgiveness of sins throughout all eternity. It is not a true church.

The presupposition from scripture, from the promise of Jesus Christ of the perpetuity of the true church, is the evidence. That church is not Roman Catholic, which is a false church.


Douglas Wilson wrote an entire book defending infant sprinkling, so he pushes that unbiblical doctrine on the world, treating it like it’s in the Bible. I know he would say he does not attribute salvation to infant sprinkling like Roman Catholicism, but where did he get infant sprinkling? He got it from Roman Catholicism. He didn’t get it from the Bible. It’s not in there.

More to Come

The Real Dovetailing of Future Antichrist Agenda and World Power Now

Part One     Part Two     Part Three    Part Four


The Antichrist could live on this earth right this moment.  I’m not speculating.  It’s just possible.  If he is alive, he sees a world that dovetails nicely with his agenda.  That’s not good.  But how is it happening?


One way it happens is by sheer denial.  Men come here anonymously and take potshots with the language of “conspiracy theory.”  Guess what?  Satan has a conspiracy against God and it shows up on earth.  Earth is where almost all of it occurs, say ninety plus percent.  Humanity is the target, but even that ultimately opposes God as the target.

Denying the Satanic and Antichrist agenda even occurs is part of the conspiracy.  Satan wields his useful idiots to keep people in their lemming-like condition.  It isn’t just naturalists following the pied piper.  It’s also aggressive amillennialists and postmillennialists, who spiritualize the Antichrist and prophetic passages, and minimize globalism.


The Lord Jesus, the Christ, the true Messiah, will rule the world some day and maybe soon.  Outside of the future rule of Jesus Christ with His might and elimination of most of His enemies, the design of God is division and separation, not something “one world.”  The Antichrist will rule a short one-world government until Jesus returns.

The plan of God to impede apostasy in this age requires boundaries.  It observes the era before the worldwide flood where the imagination of mankind was evil continually.  Post-flood, when the world began in the same trajectory, God confused languages and set boundaries between peoples as an impediment to a fast spread of wickedness.  What are the boundaries that create the barriers against the proliferation of a one world government and religion?  What are the indicators that world power now under the ruler of this world undoes these restraints?

Not necessarily in this order, but these are instruments of Satan by which he advances his goals through the world system that dovetail with the future agenda of the Antichrist.  Genuine, biblical Christians shouldn’t support them.  They contradict the plan of God.


God wants borders.  He doesn’t say how many, but borders hold back the expansion of Satan’s plan.  The federalist system of the United States creates more of these borders between states.  Even within the states, counties and then towns allow more distinction and possible protection.  Within the states, they model the national federalist system.

Only with borders and protecting those borders does a nation keep out corrupting influences.  Maybe the invaders are in fact more pure than the country they invade.  That doesn’t make sense, because it would say that they are leaving somewhere better for somewhere worse.  Alternative categories of intruders might have other motives than melting into the melting pot.  They come with the purpose of wreaking havoc.

If a nation does not consider its way of life worth preserving, maybe it isn’t worth preserving.  Maybe it can’t keep itself well, because it doesn’t understand its own values and purposes.  It doesn’t know what it stands for anymore.  This makes it “easy pickins'” for predatory or parasitical people.


As much as states or nations keep their borders, the media gets into homes through the airwaves in many different capacities.  You know this.  A person could control the media.

Organizations propagate lies and moral filth easier than ever.  Satellites and the internet are two inventions that make this far more effective.  Everyone can have their receivers with them at all times, the cell phone.  New technology already exists that could make it even easier for the whole world to hear and see the same sounds and image all at once.


People more than ever don’t use cash.  They use cards and their phones.  Everyone could lose all their money all at once.  With computers, perhaps artificial intelligence, someone using something could control the entire economy all at once.

Perhaps you’ve swiped a card and it doesn’t work.  You call on your cell phone to reinstate your card.  One person could shut it all down at once unless you cooperate with a certain agenda.  I understand that now you have some recourse, but that could easily change.

All of this technology is very convenient.  I love mobile banking.  But I also know what it means for the future.  I can’t tell you what to do, but the world went from gold to paper to digital currency.  Each of these steps made it easier for a future Antichrist to control the whole world.


The government controls the healthcare in many countries.  It starts with incredible amounts of regulation that become much easier during Covid in 2020-21.  Governments all over the world required little and short tested vaccines.  Some might call this a dress rehearsal for future times.  Can a centralized power make everyone wear a mask?

Doctors study long and at great sacrifice to get their license.  Sometimes doctors pay with student loans.  They need employment to pay them back.  They have pressure not to lose their jobs.  It’s easy to fit into a medical conglomerate that toes the line of correct medicine.  If they resist, they lose their job and inherit a record that inhibits finding another job.

The establishment punished doctors who spoke up during Covid.  They lost good jobs, high paying ones.  This exerts top down control over medicine.

Corporate medicine effects the consumer.  The customer of medical care many times needs it.  Or someone in his family really needs it.  When someone you love is dying, you might do things you would not ordinarily do.

More to Come

The Relationship of the 2024 Total Eclipse to the End Times

Eclipse and Path of Totality

My wife and I live in the path of totality.  Yes, that’s right.  We live in the path where for three or four minutes we will see a total eclipse.  For that reason, this rural area with a relatively small population will grow in population over the next few days with people who want to be here too.  For those coming into our parking lot, our church will offer eclipse glasses through which to look at the eclipse when it shows itself in the most significant fashion.

Many people think the eclipse is an eschatological sign.  Even unbelievers around this area speak in a wary way about what’s happening in the sky and what it means for their future.  I’m happy that it has them thinking about their lives.

Signs of the Times Are Everywhere?

I grew up in a small Baptist church in rural Indiana, and I’m not endorsing the song, but I have the words in my mind of one we sang then:

Signs of the times are everywhere,

There’s a brand new feeling in the air,

Keep your eyes upon the eastern sky,

Lift up your eyes, redemption draweth nigh.

For many, that sounds about right.  Signs of the times are everywhere.  Except they’re not.  Signs won’t appear until after the Antichrist reveals himself (2 Thessalonians 2:3-10).  On April 8, if you keep your eyes upon the eastern sky, you better at least be wearing your eclipse glasses.

I know people are writing and producing youtube presentations about the eclipse as a sign of the end times.  I have not read any of these works but just have heard people asking and talking about it as such.  So here goes.  The total eclipse on April 8 is not a sign of the end times.  It isn’t.

Seeking After Signs

What gets people’s attention, I believe, is the weird or earie astronomical nature of the eclipse.  It’s obvious and odd.  Jesus’ own birth provided a star, a sign in the sky for that event.  People who followed Him around also wanted astronomical signs from Him, but He said He wouldn’t give them.  He said in Matthew 16:4:

A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas.

The sign of the prophet Jonas was Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.  So He says, besides that, He would give no more signs to that generation.  The message of Jesus was that scripture was sufficient.  “But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it” (Luke 11:28).  Blessing came to those who believe the word of God without having or seeing signs.  Signs are not for them who believe, but believe not.  Believers don’t need signs.  They believe, and faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17), not from signs.

Era of Astronomical Signs

Jesus in Luke 21:25 says that during the Tribulation period on earth, Revelation chapters six through sixteen, God will give astronomical signs:

And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.

Peter references these occurrences in Acts 2:20 on the Day of Pentecost:

The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come:

This references Joel 2:31, which also also says this is when “the great and terrible day of the LORD come(s).”  These signs mark the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ when He opens the seals of His judgment.  People on earth will know they have little time for salvation at that point.

None of us need signs, because nothing needs to occur for the rapture of the saints (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).  Neither do unbelievers need signs for sufficiently knowing they’ll be left behind for God’s judgment.  Not just that, but it is already appointed unto man once to die (Hebrews 9:27), and no man knows when that will occur (Proverbs 27:1, James 4:14).  In the next second, eclipse or no eclipse coming, the Lord could descend through the clouds to meet true believers in the air.

Signifying Nothing

This total eclipse signifies nothing.  Eclipses happen.  The fact that we could predict this one indicates that God created astronomical bodies with mathematical precision.  Ships navigate by the movements of celestial bodies.  This testifies already to the glory of God, eclipse or no eclipse.

Eclipses testify to man’s helplessness and the immensity of God’s creation.  The sun is just one star of many, not even the largest.  It is a fiery, hot mass that God created just the right distance away for enough heat without burning up men.  It’s not always going to be this way though.  Everything in the future will burn with a fervent heat (2 Peter 3:10), annihilating everything, and God will create a new heaven and a new earth.  Only those who believe in Jesus Christ will make it to the other side and a whole new and eternal and blessed era.

Reminder of Opportunities

Man does not have interminable opportunities for salvation.  If the eclipse helps him remember this, the eclipse offers a great blessing to him.  No doubt an eclipse gets people’s attention and makes them think.  If men continue in their sin, never listening to God’s Word, then the eclipse serves very little purpose for them.  Perhaps it just makes men more proud, because they saw it with their special glasses.  Now they can say they’ve done another thing that makes them more special.

The total eclipse does provide an opportunity.  It parallels with future astronomical events that will be signs.  They provoke men to think about the last times.  On April 8, 2024 and even before and after that day, let everyone consider what Jesus warned in Matthew 24:44:

Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

The eclipse is not a sign, but Jesus said always to be ready.  Be ready for His return.  Paul says that it will occur in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye (1 Corinthians 15:52-54).  Behold now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2).

Embracing An Unstoppable Advantage For Guaranteed Longstanding Victory (Part Four)

Part One     Part Two     Part Three

The War Waged Against the Soul

Storming the Gates or Something Clandestine

Fleshly lusts war against the soul of believers (1 Peter 2:11) by invading each soul as a conquering army would .  The army storms the gates, enters in a more clandestine manner, or sieges its target of battle.  It depends on whatever the most successful art of war.

As an example, consider the “evil communications” (homiloi krakai) of 1 Corinthians 15:33.    These evil communications, Paul says, corrupt good manners.  The corruption related to the doctrine of bodily resurrection, starting with the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ.  The evil communications invaded the souls of professing Corinthian believers.  Paul starts that sentence with the command, “be not deceived.”

The deceit that fooled on the truth about bodily resurrection seemed to enter in a clandestine manner through corrupting good manners.  The purveyors of evil Egyptian culture tried to deceive Moses with enjoyment of the pleasures of sin for a season (Hebrews 11:25).  Someone need not assert a statement of doctrine to corrupt someone’s doctrine.  Instead, he allures someone through the pleasures of sin.

Favoring Lasciviousness

The false doctrine of Corinth influenced through lasciviousness.  It could be humor, music, enthusiastic acceptance, entertainment, or drink. These accompanied a perverted view of the body.  Libertines denied bodily resurrection, which favored their licentious manner of conduct.

Also, to retain employment in Greek society, employers required Christian employees to ally with their Greek philosophies.  Rather than start with your doctrine, they start with acceptability of lifestyle and then the false doctrine follows by conforming to the behavior.

The accompanying false doctrine might sound like the following:  “You don’t have to believe in bodily resurrection.  You could just believe in a spiritual resurrection, couldn’t you?  Isn’t that just a divisive and unnecessary scruple?”  By hanging on to this exactness in doctrine, someone could lose his job or the pleasures of Greek society.

The War Against the Entrepreneur’s Soul

People want what they want.  This lust wars against the soul, but it doesn’t seem like it wars against success in a business.  Someone entrepreneurial sees through his eyegate the success of capitulating to lust.  People line up for something that makes them feel good.  Using the attraction or allure of the lust is just good business.  It must destroy people, because it wars against their souls, as God says, but it helps in the bottom line for business.  God wants us to succeed, doesn’t He?

Longstanding victory is not the short term victory of keeping a job in Corinth or succeeding in business.  The Apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 9:25:

And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.

Everyone must struggle against the corruptible.  This is Solomon saying in Ecclesiastes in essence, “Ditch the temporal for the eternal, because the former is vanity and vexation of spirit.”  Struggling against the lusts of the flesh is good.  Any person’s struggle does not justify lust.  It’s a struggle.  It’s a fight not to acquiesce to the lust of the flesh.

The crown or success for the short term is what Paul calls, “a corruptible crown.”  Someone can succeed and receive the corruptible crown, if that’s what he’s shooting for.  He can use fleshly lust to obtain it, which still wars against his soul and that of his adherents or audience.  It brings failure and destruction, posing as an award or reward.  It looks motivated and ambitious, but it promotes the worst ultimate failure.

The War Against Incorruptible Gain

Someone might call the spoils of fleshly lust a market.  Like James says in chapter four of his epistle, he goes, buys, sells, and gets gain.  He doesn’t say, “If the Lord wills, I will do this or that.”  Does how you get the gain matter?  Yes.  And it also considers, “Is this really gain?”  Is it gain if it is short-term gain that receives the corruptible short term gain?  In fact, it’s not gain at all, because, again, it wars against the soul.  When the soul takes a hit, everything is taking a hit.

Perhaps you’ve heard the terminology, “Gainfully employed.”  Is a casino operator, “gainfully employed”? He’s bringing money home from work, putting it in the bank, and taking care of his family.  The United States Mail in part because of the “success” of Amazon, sends drivers delivering packages all day Sunday.  That is also “gainful employment” for delivery drivers.  What crown would you receive, the temporal one or the eternal one?

It’s easy to confuse the distinctions between liberty and lust.  Someone does not have liberty to war against the soul just because a verse doesn’t say, “Thou shalt not own a casino.”  I’m just using that as an illustration.

College students and their coaches and staff travel all over the country on Sundays for basketball and their future bright shining moment.  The bright shining moment is when the confetti falls in a basketball arena, not at the Bema seat of Jesus Christ (this might represent one shining moment as good as anything).  One should consider the incongruity of these two crowns, just like Paul did, and judge whether the lust for short term earthly gain wars against the eternal value to the soul.

More to Come

A Useful Exploration of Truth about Christian Nationalism (Part Three)

Part One      Part Two

Teach All Nations

Matthew 28:19-20 say:

19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

I ask you to notice above, “teach all nations.”  The Great Commission requires teaching all nations.  We want entire nations to follow Christ.  Will that always occur?  No, but it is a goal.  It is a holy ambition for true churches and believers in those churches following Christ.  How does this relate to Christian nationalism?

In verse 20, part of teaching all nations is “teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.”  Christians should wish the nations in which they live would observe all things Christ commanded.  God’s Word is still the standard for all of mankind.  God will judge everyone based on His rules or laws.

True Christians and their true churches should repudiate all the ways that a nation does not follow the Lord.  They should strive for a nation that follows the Lord.  What Christian would not want a “Christian nation”?  Would that not be a nation that follows Christ in all things?  When Christians go to judge their nation, they should judge it based upon scripture.  They should vote for representatives with the greatest opportunity or possibility of their nation following the standards of God.

Imagining a Christian Nation

What I’m writing so far in this essay is not a form of amillennialism or postmillennialism.  I’m not talking about someone other than Jesus bringing in His kingdom.  Romans 13 says there is “no power but of God” (verse one).  It goes on to say that “rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil” (verse three).  Good works are not arbitrary.  They are only biblical good works.  Evil is as God defines it.  People have liberty only in the context of scriptural regulation or accurate interpretation and application of the Bible.

Rulers in a Christian United States would terrorize evil and elsewise “minister . . . for good” (verse four) only in a biblical or Christian fashion.  Making disciples of the nation requires observing everything Christ wants observed.  Right before His commission in Matthew 28, Jesus said that He possessed all authority for all of heaven and all of earth.  Jesus will judge the world like He owns it and always has owned it.  If we want His judgment to go well for everyone, we must let them know in no uncertain terms.

For sure, Christians of a nation start with the gospel.  No one observes whatsoever Christ says without surrendering first to the gospel.  A nation won’t be Christian without Christians, but when they are Christians, that means what some people have said, “All of Christ for all of life.”  This means Christ rules in the home, at work, and in government.  The words of Christ apply to every earthly institution if Christ will rule.

Jesus and the Christian Nation

Will Christ rule over this world?  Yes, He will.  He will begin a rule with a rod of iron (Psalm 2) when He returns to set up that kingdom on the earth for a thousand years.  So is that it?  Is that all anyone could hope for?  Mainly, yes.  Jesus said in Matthew 18:36, “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight.”

When Jesus said what He did in Matthew 18:36, one could take it as the following:

Look around.  Does this look like my kingdom?  Of course, not.  This is not anything like my kingdom.  My kingdom is not of this world.

Jesus’ plan was not to force everyone into His kingdom.  He does not coerce people into His kingdom.  His subjects would subject themselves to Him voluntarily.  That’s His plan for His kingdom.

Internal Rule First

External rule of Jesus proceeds from internal rule of Jesus.  The spiritual precedes the physical.  It isn’t mere conformity.  It is transformation.  If a nation skips this transformation step, it’ll probably get something like the seven demons possessing the swept out house (Luke 11).

Kingdoms of this present world, the one Jesus talked about in Matthew 18, as a whole would not come to Him.  That’s why in Matthew 7:13-14, He said the broad road leads to destruction and the vast majority go down that road.  Jesus did not since rescind that statement.  He has not said:  “At some point the broad road would be full of true believers on their way to heaven.”  If Jesus said that, then it is true, no matter what your desires.

Yet, anyone following Christ will follow Him in every arena of life.  A Christian nation can come, but it will come through faith in Christ.  The way to a Christian nation is faith in Christ.  Before nations behave in their governments as if He rules, they will receive Him to rule their own personal lives.  One should expect that true Christians in a government would function like Christians.

Christians don’t want a pagan government.  They don’t want an idolatrous government.  True Christians as much as possible want a Christian government.  To the degree that it is one, it can be a Christian nation.

How a Christian Nation Might Occur

If churches are barely Christian, and if all of Christ is not even all of the church, no one should expect that of the whole nation.  This is a simple less than and greater than — not about what is most important, but sheer population size of the institution.  Jesus should rule each Christian — one.  Then He should rule each family — two to fifteen (let’s estimate), then each church — ten to five thousand, and then each government or nation — several thousands to a billion.  The order matters.  The latter won’t occur without the former.  You can’t get to a Christian nation without getting to quite a few single Christians, who received a true gospel.

No Christian should hope to see a Christian nation without making one disciple.  Yet, Jesus commanded, “Teach (make disciples) all nations.”  In other words, “Make all nations disciples.”  He didn’t command, “Make disciples of, as in part of, all nations.”  The goal is whole nations.  BDAG says concerning the Greek term translated “nations”: “a body of persons united by kinship, culture, and common traditions.”

What Christ Would Have It

The goal, all of Christ for all of life for all of the world, must envision whole nations.  Scripture must get to every institution God instituted.  Scott Aniol, who has written a book on this subject (that I have not yet read), it seems, would call this position, “Christian Faithfulness.”  Scripture does envision a kingdom of Christ on earth to come and tells us what it will be.  Anything that might call itself a Christian nation should not be something less than what Christ would have it.

Christians can’t skip steps to get to Christian nationalism.  It starts with internal rule, spiritual transformation.  Anything else would essentially say, “Christians fight.”  Get armed and loaded and ready for when the pagans who saturate our government take our power away.  Without true Christians, what would that nation or government look like on the other side of that fight?  Christ has us here now as pilgrims and strangers.  Anything beyond that, that might come before the kingdom Christ sets up, will come in an organic way.  It will be obvious, which right now, it’s not even close to obvious.

More to Come



  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
