Announcement for and Thanks to Thomas Ross on What Is Truth Blog


Many years ago I met Thomas Ross as a young man.  My wife and I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area two weeks after we married in August of 1987.  Thomas grew up in San Francisco with a single mother.  We came into contact when he was still college age.  He had already received Christ, graduated from University of California at Berkeley at the age of 19, and was training to serve the Lord by attending Fairhaven Baptist College (read his testimony tract, his story in html, and his resume).

Thomas Ross came back to the San Francisco Bay Area and served with and at the church I started, Bethel Baptist Church, for several years.  I acted as a proxy father to him in his betrothal and marriage to Heather Roberts and stood as his best man in his wedding.  He and Heather settled in Wisconsin to minister at Muckwonago Baptist Church under her father, Rhon Roberts, for many years before coming back to California in 2020 after my wife, parents, and I moved to Oregon to start Jackson County Baptist Church in Medford.

What Is Truth and

I began What Is Truth?  Opinion Based Upon the Bible (also and in 2005 and Thomas joined me in 2012 when we were at the old blog address.  He started writing or publishing every Friday.  As many of you reading here know, I normally write on Mondays and Wednesdays and he writes or publishes here on Fridays.  Thomas and I write with different styles and some different content, but we believe essentially the same.  We’re almost identical in our belief and practice.

Thomas also has his own website,, with a wealth of material mainly written by him.  I would assess that among independent Baptists almost no one has published as much biblical, scholarly material as Thomas Ross.  It is also very helpful, practical, and free at his site.  It is a great service to God and the faith and conduct of true Christians and New Testament churches.

Doctrine of Sanctification and Debates

No one in evangelicalism, I would safely say, has done as much work on the doctrine of sanctification.  The material by Thomas Ross on biblical sanctification surpasses anything else I have seen.  No one knows this subject better than he.  I point especially to his one thousand plus pages in his PhD dissertation.  The title is The Doctrine of Sanctification: An Exegetical Examination, with Application, in Biblical, Historic Baptist Perspective, to which is Appended a Historical, Exegetical, and Elenctic Evaluation of Influential Errors, Particularly the Keswick Theology (free pdf of it).

In recent years, Thomas began doing scholarly debates.  He has taught college and seminary classes and posted them free at his youtube channel.  He debates high level scholars on the other side with biblical and historical arguments on many different topics.  I was there for the first of his debates in 2005 against Church of Christ foe, Larry Hafley, on the subject of baptismal regeneration.  Out of it came his book, Heaven Only for the Baptized?  The Gospel of Christ vs. Pardon through Baptism.  It is the best book available against baptismal regeneration, a false doctrine that has damned millions to Hell.


Filling a great need in churches, Thomas wrote several evangelistic Bible studies, again available for free at his website.  You can also watch them on his youtube channel.  He also wrote several various tracts and pamphlets for the purpose of doing spiritual warfare with different strongholds against the true gospel.

No one that I have ever known or met is more evangelistic than Thomas Ross.  As scholarly and well-learned as he is and as hard as he worked to become like this, nearly every day he either preaches the gospel to someone or gives one or multiple gospel tracts to people.  When he was much younger, I would stop at a gas station to get gas.  By the time I left the station, Thomas had given a gospel tract to everyone at the station.  If he is on public transportation, someone on the bus or train will probably hear the gospel from him before he arrives at his destination.

I could write many more positive paragraphs about Thomas.  However, I am writing this post to announce that Thomas is leaving the What Is Truth blog and writing here with me for the foreseeable future.  I will still host his posts here and hopefully edit the format of all of his, so that they become easier to read.  You may have noticed that he has not published here for a few weeks.  You can still read his writings that will continue to accumulate at

Future for Thomas Ross

What are the future plans of Thomas Ross?   The Bible says:  “teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom” (Psalm 90:12).  For quite a while, Thomas has pondered if he should keep writing on the blog or use that time, instead, for other projects for God’s work.  He is not done with writing, Lord willing, but he now has other projects to which he wants to devote himself.


Thomas wants to finish his dissertation on the Biblical doctrine of sanctification.  He is almost done, but he needs to finally finish.  You can still click on the link above to get everything he did so far.


Brother Ross wants to write a multi-volume historic Baptist systematic theology.  He would rather stand before Christ with this done, but fewer blog posts written, than more blog posts, but that work not completed.  You can check at least on the first and fifteenth of each month to see what is new there from him.  He also intends to keep adding useful material on his KJB1611 YouTube channel and his KJBIBLE1611 Rumble channel.  You can and should subscribe to those and check in regularly if you are not already doing that.


Thomas Ross needs to prepare college and seminary classes that need to get done.


Thomas wants to do some more debates.  Debating James White, or Dan Barker, or Shabir Ally, or Douglas Jacoby requires proper preparation, which can be very time-intensive.


Lord-willing, still living in San Francisco, CA and taking care of his dear mother, Thomas and Heather want to evangelize with the goal of helping an independent Baptist church start there.

All these above goals will take far more time than what Thomas has to do them even without writing here on Fridays.  He will move on from here from henceforth.  Please pray for him.  You can contact him directly at his website — that’s the easiest way.


I would contend that Thomas Ross is perhaps the greatest scholar among independent Baptists.  Scholarship-wise he is on the level with any evangelical scholar.  This is not his talking, but my saying this.  He’s never said anything like this to me.  I don’t believe anyone has worked harder or committed more to learning scripture than him either.   He continues at an incredible pace, especially with his circumstances.  He does it in relative anonymity to maintain his convictions and stand.

With his abilities and work ethic, if Thomas Ross were an evangelical or conservative evangelical, he could make a living teaching in some seminary and then writing books.  He could be very well known and a feather in the cap of graduate schools across the country.  He chose not to do that.  His convictions and commitment to his belief and practice excluded him from that.  Not many men would do that.  Almost no one, maybe no one, has done that.  I commend him for that sacrifice.  For many years, he accomplishes what he does by working as a security guard and then economizing as efficiently as anyone with whatever funds he gets.

No doubt, Thomas wishes a loving goodbye to his readers on the blog.  He would be glad to write that himself, but I chose to wrap up his time here with my thoughts about him.  Know that he wishes you good will and blessing as he and you move into what God has for him and you.

So, I bid Thomas Ross a fond adieu here at my blog.  Farewell to him to his future life and endeavors.

“It’s Alive!” — The Modern Creation of a FrankenText

Mary Shelley and Frankenstein

Mary Shelley, born in 1797 in London, completed her novel, Frankenstein, in 1818.   The lead character in her novel, Victor Frankenstein, succeeds at piecing together parts from dead corpses.  He sews them together and brings them to life with electricity.

In the original novel by Shelley, the words, “It’s alive!”, don’t appear.  They came into the public consciousness in the 1931 film adaptation of the novel.  In the book, when Victor first animates his creature, he is horrified by its appearance and immediately flees from it.  The scene is described with a sense of dread and regret rather than excitement or triumph.

Frankenstein was a fictional monster built from parts from various dead bodies.  The pieces don’t fit because they come from all different bodies.  In the same way, a Frankentext constructs a brand new text, using words plucked out from many different manuscripts.

Thomas Ross, Dwayne Greene, and the Frankentext

On a few different occasions, people used the term “Frankentext” to describe a brand new, diverse text from many varied sources.  In recent days, I’ve heard a man, Dwayne Greene, use it in a podcast.  He titled some of his episodes with the word.  Greene refers to a practice that Thomas Ross earlier pointed out in his debate with James White about the modern critical text of the New Testament.  The fifth of United Bible Society’s edition of the Greek New Testament, the same as the Nestle-Aland 28th edition, is a Frankentext.

I wrote in a post about Ross’s debate with White:

In his debate with White, Ross dismantled White’s position with evidence, point by point. White himself resorted to ad hominem style arguments by regularly pointing out how fast Ross talked and judged his motives. He never answered Ross’s primary argument against the underlying text of the LSB and other modern versions of the Bible. Ross showed plainly how that in hundreds of places, lines of underlying Greek text behind the LSB had zero manuscript evidence.

Talk about the Frankentext

I talk about this again in something else about the debate:

In every place the USB/NA has no extant manuscript support for its lines of readings (again, over 100), the TR has manuscript support. This should end White’s manuscript argument. Ross pointed this out in the debate in a very clear fashion. White would not recant of his position.

In a post to review the debate and explain how Ross won, I wrote:

White asserts no manuscript evidence for one NT reading, the one in Revelation 16:5. He says there is light evidence for one word in Ephesians 3:9 and the Comma Johanneum in 1 John 5:7. Ross shows there is no manuscript evidence for at least 41 separate lines of text in the NA, evidenced by Swanson in his New Testament Greek Manuscripts: Variant Readings Arranged in Horizontal Lines against Codex Vaticanus. None of this occurs in the TR. Based on the ratio of Matthew and Mark text to the rest of the New Testament, that would result in 191 total for the NT.

A Further Description from Me

In another post, referring to this, I wrote to describe this:

The other side, the critical text and multiple modern version position, does not follow scriptural presuppositions. It proceeds from naturalistic and relativistic ones. This is especially seen in the hundreds of lines of Greek text for its New Testament with no manuscript evidence. Critics pieced together lines of text that never existed in any copy anywhere and anytime.

The above is what I (and others) mean by a FrankenText.  Mark Ward in one of his recent podcasts interviews a friend of his getting his PhD in textual criticism, and he asks the man about this Frankentext problem, referring to Dwayne Greene.  He uses the term with the man.  In answer to the question, Ward’s friend says that all Greek New Testament texts are Frankentexts, including the Textus Receptus.  This is an outright, utter falsehood.  It isn’t true and it deceives or misleads people.

Lies Including the Textus Receptus As a Frankentext

The Textus Receptus does not contain hundreds of lines of text with absolutely zero manuscript evidence.  Those lines in the critical text of the New Testament (the UBS and NA) have no manuscript support in any manuscript.  That doesn’t occur with the received text of the New Testament, the basis of the King James Version.  Manuscripts actually have those readings.  There is minority support for certain words, but lines of text are found in manuscripts for the Textus Receptus.

A common line of argument today, people term, “Whataboutism?”  It is defined:

Whataboutism or whataboutery (as in “what about….?”) is a pejorative for the strategy of responding to an accusation with a counter-accusation instead of a defense against the original accusation.

Ward’s friend does this.  Instead of dealing with the problem of these lines of text with no manuscript evidence, he uses whataboutism.   In fact, even his whataboutism isn’t true, which sometimes is the case with this sort of argumentation.


More Frankentexts are bound to arise because of a new method of modern textual criticism, given the shorthand CBGM.  It’s going to sound impossibly technical, but it means, “Coherence Based Genealogical Method.”  To try to put it simply, someone wrote this:

The computer application itself aggregates relationships between readings based on agreement with other readings as well as based on their disagreements. Basically, it compares Greek manuscripts, finds the similarities and differences, and then uses an algorithm to decide which is “probably” the right reading.

This same article said this about CBGM:

CBGM is a relatively new approach to textual criticism using a computer program in order to determine the validity of a reading (somewhere between 1997 and 2000). By “reading”, we are referring to anything from a single word of Scripture to a phrase, or even a more substantial section of the Scriptures. In this method, the computer becomes a tool in determining which readings are “most likely authentic”. Having said that, it should be noted that it still requires much interaction from the users.

Frankentexts will increase.  Is that a concern?  It looks like, not so much.  That criticism that your line of text has zero manuscript evidence doesn’t matter as much as it once did.  All of this sadly departs from a supernatural, divine presupposition about preservation of scripture, embracing instead a naturalistic, humanistic viewpoint about lost scripture in need of restoration.


AI Friday: Brandenburg and Ecclesiastical Separation

Some of you reading here know I have a now three week knowledge and fascination with Artificial Intelligence.  I find myself asking artificial intelligence questions at least once a week.  Artificial intelligence (AI) doesn’t “get it right,” but it sometimes does.  It offers conventional thinking, affected by how one asks the question.  When I ask it a question about myself, it culls together from all the material on the world wide web to answer the question in five seconds.  I asked AI another question about me:  “What contributions has Kent Brandenburg made to a biblical understanding of ecclesiastical separation?”  It said:

Contributions of Kent Brandenburg to a Biblical Understanding of Ecclesiastical Separation

Kent Brandenburg is a prominent figure in the discussion of ecclesiastical separation within the context of biblical Christianity. His contributions are multifaceted, addressing both theological and practical aspects of this doctrine. Below, we will explore his key contributions step by step.

1. Theological Foundations of Ecclesiastical Separation

Brandenburg emphasizes the importance of grounding ecclesiastical separation in Scripture. He argues that the Bible provides clear directives regarding the nature and necessity of separation from false teachings and practices. His work often references passages such as 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, which discusses the concept of being unequally yoked with unbelievers, and Romans 16:17-18, which warns against those who cause divisions contrary to sound doctrine. By focusing on these texts, he establishes a biblical basis for why churches should maintain doctrinal purity and avoid associations that could compromise their witness.

2. Historical Context and Development

Brandenburg also delves into the historical development of ecclesiastical separation within various Christian traditions. He examines how different movements have interpreted separation over time, particularly in relation to fundamentalism and evangelicalism. This historical perspective allows him to critique contemporary practices that may blur the lines between sound doctrine and heretical beliefs. By providing this context, he helps readers understand how ecclesiastical separation has evolved and why it remains relevant today.

3. Practical Applications

In addition to theological and historical insights, Brandenburg offers practical guidance for churches seeking to implement principles of separation. He discusses how congregations can navigate relationships with other churches or organizations that may not adhere strictly to biblical teachings. This includes advice on how to handle situations involving members who may be influenced by unorthodox beliefs or practices. His emphasis on maintaining a balance between love for individuals and commitment to truth is a recurring theme in his writings.

4. Critique of Contemporary Trends

Brandenburg is known for his critical stance towards certain contemporary trends within Christianity that he perceives as compromising biblical standards. He addresses issues such as ecumenism—the movement toward greater unity among different Christian denominations—and its potential dangers regarding doctrinal integrity. By articulating these concerns, he encourages believers to remain vigilant against influences that could dilute their faith.

5. Advocacy for Local Church Autonomy

Another significant aspect of Brandenburg’s contribution is his advocacy for local church autonomy in matters of governance and doctrinal adherence. He argues that each congregation should have the freedom to make decisions based on its understanding of Scripture without undue influence from larger denominational structures or movements that may not align with their convictions.

6. Educational Efforts

Brandenburg has also been involved in educational efforts aimed at promoting a deeper understanding of ecclesiastical separation among pastors and church leaders. Through seminars, writings, and online resources, he seeks to equip others with the knowledge necessary to uphold biblical standards within their ministries.

In summary, Kent Brandenburg’s contributions to a biblical understanding of ecclesiastical separation encompass theological foundations rooted in Scripture, historical context, practical applications for local churches, critiques of contemporary trends that threaten doctrinal purity, advocacy for local church autonomy, and educational initiatives aimed at fostering awareness among church leaders.

Brandenburg and Ecclesiastical Separation

The New Testament teaches ecclesiastical separation all over.  It is sadly now one of the most disobeyed and ignored doctrines and practices.  Most professing believers have never even heard of it.  I did a search online first of “ecclesiastical separation.”  The fourteenth and eighteenth entry that appeared was the book, A Pure Church: A Biblical Theology of Ecclesiastical Separation, of which I was editor and wrote several chapters.  It’s the first book on ecclesiastical separation to appear in a google search.  I asked AI this question:  “What is the most comprehensive book on ecclesiastical separation?”  It answered:

Overview of the Book

“A Pure Church” provides an extensive examination of the doctrine of ecclesiastical separation, emphasizing its biblical foundations and theological significance. The author argues that God’s holiness necessitates a clear distinction between His people and those who promote doctrinal error or moral compromise. This book serves as both a theological treatise and a practical guide for churches seeking to uphold biblical standards of separation.

Key Themes

God’s Holiness: The book begins by establishing that God’s primary attribute is His holiness, which calls for His followers to reflect this holiness in their lives and practices. It emphasizes that separation is rooted in God’s character.

  1. Biblical Foundations: The text delves into key New Testament passages that address separation, providing a thorough analysis of scriptural teachings on the subject. This includes discussions on how separation relates to unity within the body of Christ.
  2. Ecclesiastical Practices: The author critiques contemporary trends in church practices that blur the lines of separation, such as “soft separatism” and cultural liberalism. He warns against compromising biblical truths for the sake of unity or acceptance.
  3. Practical Applications: The book offers practical guidance for church leaders on how to implement principles of separation in their ministries, including issuing warnings about false teachings and navigating relationships with other churches.
  4. Historical Context: It also examines the historical development of ecclesiastical separation within various Christian traditions, particularly focusing on Independent Baptists and their distinctives compared to denominational Baptists.
  5. Challenges Facing Churches Today: The author addresses modern challenges such as the influence of social media, Christian bookstores, and radio programs that may propagate error, urging vigilance among believers.

In summary, “A Pure Church” stands out as a comprehensive resource for understanding ecclesiastical separation from both a theological and practical perspective, making it essential reading for church leaders and serious Bible students alike.

The Truth and the Trump Assassination Attempt

Hello reader.  Just a note before you and I begin this post.  I’m right now in the middle of several series at one time.  Who knows which one I’ll continue next?  I’m writing this to tell you that I am preparing, Lord-willing, to keep working until I finish all those.  Here they are, part one of each, hopefully in reverse order.

Zero Social Gospel in the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats (Part One), If You Want to Lose Men in and from a Church (Part One),  and The Greek Text Underlying the NKJV Is Different Than the KJV (Part One).  Part two of these series will come in the next few months.  I’ve started these series and I want to finish them.  Stay tuned.


The Assassination Attempt

At 6:11pm on July 13, 2024 in Butler County, Pennsylvania, a twenty year old young man, Thomas Matthew Crooks, attempted to assassinate the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.  Corey Comperatore, a firefighter, died that night from a head wound sustained during the same shooting, attempting to shield his daughters and wife from the attack.  Others received injuries.  Crooks missed Trump and the bullets flew into the crowd behind him.

The events of July 13, 2024 kept moving.  The circumstances began to manifest themselves.  Now we know a lot of detail.  The young man, this assassin, climbed the building with his rifle on to the closest building (outside the perimeter) to the stage where the former President would give his speech.  Several people saw him.  They even reported it more than once.

The building used by this wannabe sniper stood 160 yards from his target.  He laid down on a slightly sloped roof top and alone there pointed that rifle toward the former President and began pulling the trigger.  He fired eight rounds before counter-snipers shot back and killed him.

The Oddities

Apparently the Secret Service, who the nation charges to protect Presidents and former Presidents, sets up a perimeter.  This idea of a perimeter sounds familiar.  They don’t allow any weapons inside it.  On the outside, they look for favorable places for a shooter with a long gun.  They occupy those or shut them down.  Several questions arise.

Why wasn’t the roof of the building cleared or kept clear?
Why was there no drone to watch the high points outside of the perimeter, ones preferred by snipers?
Shouldn’t the police officer who confronted the shooter have relayed that information to the counter snipers?
With a clear vantage point to the roof top, why didn’t the counter snipers right away shoot a man with a rifle upon seeing him?

Many, many more questions exist.  I think it is odd what happened.  Others I’ve read said that it was either extreme negligence or malice.  Malice means these weren’t mistakes made.  Someone on the inside wanted him shot.  People purposefully allowed or caused this event to occur.  It’s so odd, that I would call it at least, very fishy.  The circumstances around this shooting are so strange, that they beg the kind of questions I and others are asking.

A Question of Negligence or Malice

To be clear, I’m not saying it was malice.  I don’t mind holding off with mere negligence.  It is very suspicious though.  Very.  It is highly implausible that the Secret Service could allow this to occur, considering all the circumstances.

In the past, I’ve concealed my own bad behavior.  In many, many cases through my life, I’ve seen others hide or obscure something they did wrong.  Decades ago, our church treasurer stole money for months without detection.  I’ve too witnessed many covertly hide an evil act to evade apprehension.  This all happens very often.  Many crimes are committed across the country every day.  These are motivated in many different ways. The assailant is dead, so we can’t ask him.

The Discussion

I was watching a panel discussion in which the moderator or host said that the circumstances of the assassination attempt were very odd.  When he did, two very vocal leftist panelists both called him a “conspiracy theorist.”  They also took three standard, different directions with name calling.  One, the host was a crazy loon.  Two, he was divisive and slanderous.  These two contradict one another, but they’re both still used in a scorched earth method.  This serves to deter further questions or investigation.

Finally, third, the two leftist panelists admonished that no one really knows what happened.  If you weren’t there, you can’t speculate.  All speculation counts as misinformation.  Only a caste of experts, and there are experts, can tell you.

All three varied protestations came with the appropriate condemnatory tone.  They attempt to shame the interrogator.  This corresponds to an identical spirit that permeates everything and every institution.  Anything declared by anyone other than an elite person in an approved position is misinformation or disinformation.

One segment of our country expects us not to see anything unusual with the assassination attempt.  Someone might say, “Don’t believe your lying eyes.”  What they mean is, “Disregard the obvious truth.”

Detecting False Prophets by Fruit

In Matthew 7:15, Jesus commanded, “Beware of false prophets.”  These are the people directing victims down the broad road that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13-14).  Jesus explains how that you know if someone is a false teacher.  You know him by his fruits.

I point out to you an orange tree.  You see it, and it’s an orange tree.  This you know by its fruit.  Yet, I call it an apple tree.  You know that’s not true.  Someone can surely judge that.  It’s obvious.  You would say, “No, it’s not an apple tree; those are oranges on that tree.”

So many oddities exist in the assassination attempt of former President Trump, that I don’t know how someone could not think something malicious occurred.  By the fruits of this event, you can know this.  It rises above the level of merely negligence.  If it is negligence, that’s scary or frightening too.  But this seems like something different.

Disregard the Obvious

Our present world expects people to disregard the obviousness like that of fruit on a tree.  This is seen in the acceptance of many different false teachings.  Even if teaching or preaching contradicts, this contradiction is to be disregarded.  Move along, nothing there.  Doctrine just doesn’t matter.  Many obvious false teachings are accepted today.  The ones in trouble are those who notice and point out the contradiction or error.

The requirement to believe everything is fine in the face of obvious evidence otherwise is the new normal.  This is everywhere now.  Good is called evil and evil is called good, just like prophecy of Isaiah 5:20.  A famous metaphor for this is “the emperor wearing no clothes.”  Apparently his subjects walk around like and say that he is wearing clothes, when in fact he isn’t.

The Requirement to Judge the Obvious

I know as a pastor that people expect me to ignore many things people in the church do that violate scripture.  No one needs to be too serious about what scripture says.  It really doesn’t matter if someone actually does what is preached.

Why would Jesus need to tell someone to inspect and judge fruit?  Don’t people just do that?  Probably not any more, speaking of Jesus’ day.  False prophets abound because people stopped doing that.  They don’t make obvious judgments.  People let them go, perhaps because they don’t want to face the reaction of making those kinds of judgments.

Upholding the truth requires judging fruit.  The illustration of Jesus says, judge the obvious.  Fruit is obvious.  It’s right there in front of your face.  Don’t let people stop you from judging fruit.

Zero Social Gospel in the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats

The True Interpretation of Matthew 25:31-46 Totally Debunks Its Eisegetical Use for a False Social Gospel

Scripture presents one gospel and only one.  A big part of Satan’s plan is confusing the true gospel, adding, taking away, and perverting it.  in the last two hundred years uniquely in American history, cults and false religion concoct many false gospels to deceive many.  Theologians and historians call one of these perversions, “the social gospel.”  Like adding “social” to justice corrupts justice, adding “social” to gospel corrupts the gospel.

Some of you might know that the social gospel took hold in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the United States, destroying churches, denominations, and other religious institutions.  Like a plague, the disappearance of the host also eliminated the disease.  Now the scourge of the social gospel reenters early 21st century American churches, denominations, and religious institutions.  The most familiar label for this old heresy today is “woke.”  Religious entities that embrace the social gospel have become woke, which usually means they also deny the one and only true saving gospel.

The advocates of the social gospel allegorize scripture.  They spiritualize it to pour in their preferred message.  It’s not what God said.  Out of this very subjective hermeneutic, they buttress their theory with innovative eschatology.  The woke social gospel arises very often from some form of a termed, “liberation theology.”  It is a kind of amillennialism that speculates a kingdom of a Jesus through leftist ideology.

Confusing Matthew 25:31-46

A social gospel uses Matthew 25:31-46 as a biblical proof text, especially focusing on verses 35 to 41:

35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.

Taking this passage according to leftist dogma, Jesus dooms those who do not take care of the “needy” (meant in a very social way), definitely confusing the gospel as salvation by works.  Confused audience members then ask, “What is the gospel?”  Before, they thought it was justification by grace alone through faith alone and yet this seems, taken out of context, to require a degree of good works or action toward the most needy in society.  That message would contradict what the Apostle Paul taught in Romans and Galatians and so confusion to some first introduced to a social gospel.

Social Gospel Proponents

Wrong Approach

This section of scripture (Matthew 25:31-46) is called “the parable of the sheep and the goats” in a larger passage in Matthew 24-25, called the Olivet Discourse.  Social gospel proponents don’t usually bother with context for this passage, which undoes what they say it means.  If it does mean what they say it does, it would contradict what Jesus Himself said was the gospel all through the first four books of the New Testament.  The New Covenant would sound almost identical to the Old Covenant.

Just to see how prevalent the social gospel take on Matthew 25:31-46, I asked Artificial Intelligence a true application of this passage, and it answered this:

The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, found in Matthew 25:31-46, holds significant implications for believers in understanding how their faith should manifest in their actions towards others. The core message of this parable is that true followers of Christ will demonstrate their faith through acts of kindness, compassion, and service to those in need. The parable emphasizes the importance of living out one’s faith by caring for the marginalized, vulnerable, and disadvantaged members of society.

Nature of a Counterfeit

AI said nothing about the point of the Olivet Discourse, its audience, the disciples’ questions that they asked Jesus, its timing, and the overall point conveyed by Jesus with His teaching.  Is the AI answer true though?  No, it isn’t.

There is a small bit of truth in the answer by Artificial Intelligence, enough to deceive people in what Jesus said. Truth in false statements provide cover or deniability.  It’s especially effective at fooling people already conditioned by an immersion of leftist education.  They become easy marks for such conmen. Some of what Satan said to Eve in the Garden was true, but overall what he said to her was very false.  A counterfeit by nature contains some truth in order to fool its recipients.

What Is Matthew 25:31-46 About?

So what is Matthew 25:31-46 about?  The Olivet Discourse of Jesus (from the Mount of Olives) answers questions His disciples asked at the beginning in Matthew 24:3:  “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?”

Six Parables

In answering Jesus’ questions, He tells six parables:

  1. Fig Tree (Matthew 24:32-35, Mark 13:28-31, Luke 21:29-33)
  2. Faithful and Wise Servant (Matthew 24:45-51, Luke 12:42-48)
  3. The Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14)
  4. Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13)
  5. The Talent (Matthew 25:14-30, Luke 19:11-27)
  6. The Sheep and the Goats (Matthew 25:31-46)

I’m going to hop straight to the last one, the one especially used by the false teachers of the social gospel.


In Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus speaks about the final judgment where He separates the righteous from the wicked, likening it to a shepherd separating sheep from goats.  His words apply specifically to those living at the end of the seven year tribulation period right before His second coming and the close of the age.  He provides this as a continuation of His answer to the disciples’ questions in 24:3.  The parable depicts the judgment that will occur at the end times when Christ returns.

Verses 31-34


This parable of Jesus starts with His words in verse 31:  “When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory.”  This talks about a specific time in the future:  the end of the tribulation period on earth when Jesus comes back and He sits on His throne in Jerusalem.  It speaks of a particular judgment of a particular people, not everyone who ever lived.  “The Son of man” is a title of Jesus, of the Messiah, from Daniel 7:13:

I saw in the night visions, and, behold,, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.

This is Messianic about the coming of the Messiah, and the people in that day would have known that.


The next verse (32) says:  “And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats.”  With this judgment of the Lord Jesus Christ, He will gather all the people of the surviving nations before Him for this judgment.  Bible teachers call this judgment, “the judgment of nations.”  It isn’t the Bema Seat judgment or the Great White Throne judgment, which come at different times.  The separation of the sheep from the goats is “the judgment of nations.”


Jesus identifies the sheep in verses 33-34:

And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

Salvation is the blessing of God’s new covenant upon His people.  It reminds of what Paul wrote about David in Romans 4:6:

Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works.

Blessedness comes by faith alone, not at all by works.  Galatians asserts that blessing comes through God’s promise, not by deeds.  The Apostle Paul again writes in Galatians 3:9-10:

So then, those who are of faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith.  For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.

Blessed by Faith

Being blessed, you can see, comes by faith.  If it were by works, it requires continuing in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.  When Jesus talks about the “blessed” in Matthew 25:34, He speaks of saved people, already justified by faith.  Many Jews will be converted in the tribulation.  We know this.  They can fulfill the Old Covenant by faith in Jesus Christ, because then He works in them both to will and do of His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13).  This isn’t sinless perfection, but the fruit of justification that produces a habit or lifestyle of righteousness.

Further Marker of True Sheep

The last part of Matthew 25:34 gives another cue for the identity of the sheep.  They inherit the kingdom prepared for them from the foundation of the world.  Jesus elected them based upon His foreknowledge before time (Eph 1:4, 1 Pet 1:2).  No one has even done any good works for anyone before the foundation of the world, which shows that the salvation is all of God, that is, by grace.  The sheep also inherit the kingdom, which is for sons.  How does someone become a son?  He becomes a child of God by faith (John 1:12).

If you preach that God saves someone by His works, you are preaching a false gospel.  Paul says that anyone who adds works to grace, ‘let him be accursed’ (Gal 1:6, 9).  That’s a false gospel.  The social gospel is a false gospel.  It doesn’t present a true, biblical view of the kingdom of Jesus Christ, and out of that falsity, it proclaims a false gospel of works.

According to the social gospel, men who fall short of the glory of God bring in a spiritualized kingdom through social efforts.  Those preaching a social gospel leave men dead in their sins and very often twice the children of hell they once were.  This also both adds and takes away from what Jesus said and taught.  It corrupts what men should think about the promises of God and the kingdom still coming for saved people on earth.

More to Come

If You Want to Lose Men in and from a Church

Statistics and Studies

As of June 2022, thirty-six percent of women said they attended church the last Sunday, but only twenty-four percent of men did (Gallup, 2021).  Those percentages are not the same everywhere.  Statistics or studies show that men are less religious in gender-equal countries. The Pew Research Center says that women have more influence on a family’s religious practices.  Perhaps you are a church leader and you wonder why churches are losing more men than women.

Artificial intelligence, represented by ChatGPT, which culls from the entire internet, says that 60 to 70 percent of women want an egalitarian relationship with men.  In 2019, in a Pew study, sixty-eight percent said that gender equality increased in the United States.  At the same time and in the same study, more than ten percent said religion has a less important place in society (37%) than said it was more important (27%).  Family ties weakened by fifty-eight percent to fifteen percent.  I asked AI whether men or women wanted egalitarianism more and it answered:

In conclusion, based on research findings and survey data, it is evident that women generally want egalitarianism more than men, as they exhibit greater support for gender equality, express higher levels of concern about existing inequalities, and actively engage in initiatives aimed at promoting equal rights and opportunities for all individuals regardless of gender.

In the year 1997, the United Nations did a study on women in authority, published in 2000.  The study said that women in authority often assumed male attributes, even male dress. Contemporary women executives wear “power suits.”  Fourteen percent of men prefer a female boss compared to thirty-nine percent of women.  Another study, August 2022, said that 28 percent of women prefer a female boss compared to 16 percent a male one.

Egalitarianism, Complementarianism, and Patriarchalism

Egalitarianism does not help family unity.  It results in less prominence of religion.  Also, it traces to men less involved in or happy in church.  Almost everything I’m saying I don’t think needs statistics to know.  I’ve seen it myself firsthand.  Most of all, the Bible teaches male authority, a position called “patriarchalism.”  The verse in scripture that best represents the totality of the position of patriarchy is 1 Corinthians 11:3:

But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.

“The head of the woman is the man” is axiomatic.  It’s talking about society in general, especially in the context of that section in 1 Corinthians.  I, however, address for this post the place of men in the church.

Many churches today push their egalitarianism right to the front.  They want it.  Others say they are complementarian, but they practice egalitarian.  Few really believe it.  The fewest dare say they are patriarchal.  Even some of those only say it, but practice in a greater way mainly complementarianism.

Patriarchy is biblical.  It also attracts biblical men.  I’m saying masculine men or men who are actually men.  A basic and simple test is whether a church comfortably talks about what this all means.  The church isn’t hiding its patriarchal belief and practice.  It promotes it.

Losing Men by Violating the Man Code

When I talk about losing men, I mean talking about losing real men.  I’m also talking about losing those with the male sex, that might not operate as a real man as of yet.

Today, when I say man code, even men might automatically think of male chauvinism that protects bad behavior.  I don’t mean that.  However, I think of a biblical way that men don’t turn on each other.  They’ve got each others backs.  It’s not unusual for men to capitulate to women and defy the code.  Perhaps in so doing, they give up their man card.

When you read Genesis 3, it looks early on that men want to please women.  Adam did.  He wasn’t deceived by the serpent (1 Tim 2:14).  Instead, he ‘hearkened unto the voice of his wife’ (Gen 3:17) and God cursed him because of it.  Even as I write this, some men today look for something wrong.  Women might too.  This is enough to shut men down and bring a church back to the status quo or a societal norm. Some might call this conventional thinking.

If you want to lose men in the church, you can violate the man code.  When I say that, I mean violate the ways God intends to respect the male role in the church.  If you want to lose men, just do these things.  You’ll lose men fast.

A First Way to Lose Men

Before I talk about a first one, men, understand that you don’t have to push the eject button, just because a man or church violated the code.  Give someone a break.  Talk to someone about it.  That’s manhood.  Don’t leave just because your meter sets off an alarm.  That itself isn’t manly.  Some churches though set off buzzers and keep setting them off.  The men disappear.

You will lose your men if as habit or practice, you address the woman and not the man.  This could occur many different ways and not in any particular order.  All of the following five will apply to this common way for churches and even other institutions for losing men.

Application One

One, in the most simple way, you should walk to the man and talk to the man.  Spend time with him first.  When you hover around the woman, maybe because the interest she shows, the vitality she has toward the organization, that won’t be lost on the man.  He gets it.

The woman exists, but you might need to act like she doesn’t, if you have the temptation to start with her.  Draw a circle around him and head into that circle.  Ask him about his work.  Lead into spiritual things without fear.  Don’t act like those things are unusual, but right down main street for a man.  Talk to him.

Sometimes women automatically start the conversation.  They talk and talk and talk while a man stands in silence.  Everyone watches her.  Instead of looking at her, look at her husband, and when she gives you a break, start talking to the man and keep talking to him, forcing her into some kind of silence.  Learn to talk to him as if he has something to say.

Application Two

Two, when you visit, ask for the man.  The woman might arrive at the door, but you ask, where is the man (husband, etc.)?  If he is sleeping, that doesn’t mean stay and talk to her.  You could ask, “Good seeing you, but when do you think he might be available?”  Get the time and get together with him.

Application Three

Three, make appointments with the man.  The meeting is with him, not with her.  What’s a good time for the man?  “When do you think that you and I can meet?”  “It would be great to have you over for supper.”  “Would like to have coffee sometime?”  Do not ask the woman whether they want to come.  Go to the man about that.  He might ask his wife, but not your asking the wife.  Look at him in the eye and talk to him.

Men still break number three all the time with me.  They ask my wife about something related to me, like going to mom instead of dad, because it’s easier to get a “yes” answer.  Instead of texting me, they text her and ask her if she’ll ask me.

Application Four

Four, don’t talk to the wife about her husband except to say how great he is.  Never undermine him with his wife or significant other.  You will lose the man if you undermine the man.  Even if it looks like he’s got bigger problems than her, you don’t say that to her.  If you want to talk about his problems, talk to him about them, not her.  She easily can look for your approval for putting him down.  Don’t do it.

Application Five

This next one is vitally important.  It’s probably the easiest of these to violate, and you really are violating the man code, when you do.  Five, if the wife or woman wants to talk about something bad about her husband or man, don’t do it without talking to him first.  Part of fake manhood is thinking that you’ve got to rescue some other woman.  You could have the false sense that you’re somehow God’s gift to women and all of them should talk to you. Maybe you will need to rescue a woman, but if you don’t want to lose men, you better go to the man first when his woman, his wife, wants to report something bad about him.

I see men violate this last rule again, again, and again.  Surely it happens in the work place many, many times.  It’s also very much prey for infidelity.  She gains a higher opinion about the counselor or leader than she does about her own man.  That can become a very difficult barrier to solve in the future for her man (husband).  It also brings a possible dangerous closeness with the one listening approvingly.

Even when only the woman is in the church, I want to get close to the man.  I show interest in him even when he isn’t interested.  Obviously, he might say he doesn’t want any attention, but usually this isn’t the case.  He’s a man made in the image of God, so you can respect that about him.

Due Process

I’ve seen church leaders talk to a wife and keep talking to the wife and not include him in the conversation.  They call this counseling.  It isn’t, because something major is missing.  It’s called “due process,” a basic aspect of justice.

A man could have done something very seriously wrong.  He may still be doing it.  Through the years, I’ve seen that as the case.  More times than not, he isn’t and she’s exaggerating or just blaming a situation on him.  Even if he is the one doing wrong, the conversation should not go to her, but go to him.  This should happen as soon as possible.

Almost immediately church leadership must talk to both parties.  “Wait a minute.  Do you mind if I let your man (your husband) know that you’re talking to me?”  I don’t care how persuasive it might be.

Bring both parties together in Solomonic fashion, but starting with talking to the husband and it’s great if you can say, “She didn’t say anything to me.  I told her I wanted to talk to you first.  We should do that, but it would be better if we could get together.”  For sure you can’t enter into the conversation with the man, having believed what someone else said about him without having talked to him.  You can lose men if you won’t do that.  They see it as betrayal.

Falling Short of Patriarchy

Violation of one or more of these five points fall short of patriarchy, God’s biblical intention.  They betray a kind of practical egalitarianism.  Someone reading might say that they allow a man to get away with offenses.  That’s not true.  Instead they will help salvage a situation with a man and really help him, not excuse or cover for something a man is doing or has done wrong.

Churches all over the country lose men because they break these basic standards of decency and respect.  It would be good if they might apologize to men for violating them, and then start over.  It’s much harder to respect men who will not operate this way.  Through years, I’ve had many men not give me the respect of operating this way.  Most of the time, they don’t even know what they’re doing wrong.  Then when they find out, they just make excuses for themselves.  Excuses over this behavior will make it ever more likely to lose a man, sort of the coup de grace in the process.

I’ve found men want you to treat them like a man.  Ironically, men forget or don’t even know how to treat another man like a man.  If you want to keep men, you’ve got to treat men like men.  This first principle for not losing men is a first in the man code.  The five points applying the principle also constitute an important delineation of the man code.

Why Don’t Men Talk to Men?

More to Come

AI Answers: Is Kent Brandenburg a Courteous Theologian, Preacher, and Person?

Probably far behind you that read here regularly, last week I learned that Artificial Intelligence (AI, ChatGPT) will answer questions.  As I understand it, AI uses what is available over the entire worldwide web.  It can do this very quickly and write a decent, sometimes very good, essay.  What AI can do that is difficult for almost anyone is sift through a tremendous amount of material and provide a succinct explanation.  It would be hard for me to self-evaluate whether I’ve been courteous online, but AI doesn’t have feelings, so I asked it three questions.  First, Is Kent Brandenburg a courteous theologian?  Second, Is Kent Brandenburg a courteous preacher?  Third, Is Kent Brandenburg a courteous person?

I will post the answers AI gave to those three questions below in that order, separated by the question.  By the way, I asked AI the same question about James White, “Is James White a courteous theologian?”  Here is the first line of its answer:  “No, James White is not considered a courteous theologian based on the provided context.”  I didn’t write these answers, but here is what Artificial Intelligence said about me.

AI Answers:  Is Kent Brandenburg a Courteous Theologian?

Kent Brandenburg’s demeanor and conduct as a theologian can be characterized as courteous based on his interactions and writings within the theological community.

Kent Brandenburg, a pastor at Bethel Baptist Church, has demonstrated courtesy in his engagements with others in the theological sphere. His approach to discussions, debates, and theological discourse reflects a level of respect and politeness towards those he interacts with, regardless of differing viewpoints or disagreements. Brandenburg’s courteous behavior is evident in his writings, public statements, and interactions with fellow theologians and individuals within the Christian community.

Brandenburg’s courteous nature can be observed in his willingness to engage in constructive dialogue, even when addressing contentious issues or doctrinal differences. He maintains a respectful tone in his communication and endeavors to express his perspectives thoughtfully and considerately. Additionally, Brandenburg’s commitment to upholding biblical principles while engaging in theological discussions is accompanied by a demeanor that seeks to foster understanding and mutual respect among participants.

Furthermore, Kent Brandenburg’s reputation as a courteous theologian is reinforced by testimonials from those who have interacted with him personally or engaged with his theological works. Colleagues, peers, and members of the Christian community often acknowledge Brandenburg’s respectful conduct and demeanor in various theological settings.

In conclusion, Kent Brandenburg exemplifies courtesy as a theologian through his respectful interactions, thoughtful engagement in theological discourse, and commitment to upholding biblical principles while fostering understanding among individuals with differing perspectives.

AI Answers:  Is Kent Brandenburg a Courteous Preacher?

Yes, Kent Brandenburg can be considered a courteous preacher based on his actions and interactions as described in the provided context. Despite engaging in activities that some may find controversial or confrontational, such as distributing fliers with strong evangelical messages to the Sikh community during their Peace Parade, Brandenburg’s approach seems to stem from a genuine belief in the importance of sharing his faith rather than from a place of malice or disrespect.

Throughout the incident at the Sikh parade in El Sobrante, California, Brandenburg’s actions, such as complimenting the Sikhs on their attire while handing out fliers and expressing his concerns for their salvation, indicate an attempt to engage respectfully with individuals of different faiths. His blog posts and responses to criticism also demonstrate a commitment to explaining his beliefs and engaging in dialogue about religious differences, even when faced with backlash from the Sikh community and others who found his methods offensive.

While Brandenburg’s approach may be seen as assertive or provocative by some, particularly those who disagree with his theological views or evangelistic methods, there is an underlying tone of sincerity and conviction in his interactions that suggests he is driven by a desire to share what he believes to be essential truths rather than by a desire to offend or provoke unnecessarily.

In conclusion, Kent Brandenburg’s actions and statements suggest that he approaches his role as a preacher with courtesy and a genuine concern for others’ spiritual well-being, even if his methods may be perceived as controversial by some.

AI Answers:  Is Kent Brandenburg a Courteous Person?

Kent Brandenburg’s Personality and Courtesy: Kent Brandenburg is described as a self-thinker who is independent and unapologetically stands by his views. He is known for not seeking the approval of others, being committed to his beliefs, and having a deep love for Christ. Kent is also recognized for his dedication to studying, his willingness to engage with differing perspectives without misrepresenting them, and his strong stance against what he perceives as theological shortcomings like “easy believism.” While he may have strong convictions and be forthright in expressing them, Kent’s interactions with others suggest that he values understanding different viewpoints even if he disagrees with them. Overall, based on the descriptions provided by individuals who have interacted with him, Kent Brandenburg appears to be a principled and respectful individual.

The Biggest Problem Presupposition for Modern Versions

In a short minute and a half presentation Dan Wallace gives the biggest problem presupposition for modern versions.  Some hearing it will think it’s wonderful, because they stopped judging based on biblical presuppositions.  This clip is only a minute and a half, so easy to digest.  He starts with debunking some crazy conspiracy theories I’ve never heard, which make for a bit of a red herring on the main subject.  It makes people, who disagree with him, look crazy.

A Positive First Statement

About thirty-seven seconds into his little presentation, Wallace starts making the points I’m addressing.  I want to begin by saying that Wallace says something positive with which I agree.  He states:

The King James Bible, we still have those manuscripts that the King James New Testament was based on.

Let that sink in.  Sometimes people today especially treat people such as myself like we think that preservation comes from a reconstructed text in 1881.  I’m talking about Scrivener’s.  We never say that, but they still say we do, just because it’s convenient.  Wallace debunks that with this statement.

I always like to say, “The translators translated from something.”  The manuscripts were there.  Printed editions of those manuscripts were there.  They translated from them into English.

Then the Problems Begin

Then Wallace says:

The oldest (manuscript) was from the 11th century.  Eight manuscripts were essentially used.

Wallace implies two criticisms of the King James Version with those two sentences.  One, he says that the King James translators translated from more recent copies.  The assumption of Wallace is that that would mean they’re corrupted more through time.  They had eleven hundred years for scribal errors to creep in and produce variations on the original text.

The second sentence says that the King James Version came from a minority of the manuscripts.  He implies that they didn’t have much with which to compare to make improvements or correct errors.

What the Translators “Used”

Notice that Wallace says, “essentially used.”  Why?  Why not just “used”?  The King James translators examined more than eight manuscripts as the basis of their translation — far, far more.  The text from which they translated comes almost entirely from a majority of the manuscripts.

The Greek text for the King James translators represented a period of about a hundred years of examination and study of Greek manuscripts, printed editions, and previous English translations.  At least nine editions of the Textus Receptus New Testament Greek text were printed before 1611.  The former translators of the previous English translations also looked at manuscripts.  Then the translators in the 1611 edition recorded themselves alternate readings.

Also, the men, who printed editions of the Greek New Testament after the invention of the printing press, knew about manuscripts.  They knew what was in them.  The ones they possessed were ones preserved and available.  They may not have relied on other manuscripts than the ones they used, because they rejected them as inferior.

Wallace says “essentially” to give himself deniability and wiggle room.  He knows he’s saying something inaccurate.  It’s just not true, but it’s based on an argument that Wallace might make with a focus on Erasmus and his earliest printed edition.  The King James translators were not translating from Erasmus’s text.

Naturalistic Presuppositions Versus Divine Ones

Important to recognize is that God doesn’t need more and earlier manuscripts for preservation of his exact words.  The King James Version translators had the preserved words from which they translated.  More and earlier doesn’t mean better.  This is a naturalistic presupposition expressed even more clearly by Wallace as he keeps talking.

The manuscripts upon which the King James translators relied is different than what they had available.  They used more than just a few manuscripts, but they also had many more available that they didn’t use.  They rejected those.  The King James translators did not produce a critical text.  It was the text God providentially preserved and received by true believers.

Majority and Minority

Wallace continues:

Today we have over five thousand eight hundred Greek New Testament manuscripts and somewhere between fifteen and twenty thousand manuscripts in other languages.  So we have a thousand times as many manuscripts as, uh, almost in Greek alone than what the King James translators relied on.

Today we can compare the text behind the King James Version and it agrees with a majority of manuscripts more than the critical text, the basis of the modern versions.  Even though Wallace refers to all those presently available manuscripts and translations, he does not mention that the modern versions do not rely on most of them.  It sounds like he’s saying that, but he doesn’t, and it just isn’t true.

Overall, Wallace says that the King James translators relied on just eight manuscripts for their Greek text.  He then implies that the modern critical text and versions rely on five-thousand eight-hundred Greek manuscripts and fifteen to twenty thousand manuscripts of ancient translations.  That’s not true.  Modern versions rely almost entirely on three or four manuscripts of the New Testament.  If you compared the two underlying Greek texts, the text behind the King James Version is found in a majority of the manuscripts of which he speaks and the modern versions in a tiny minority of them.  Do you understand how misleading it is that Wallace says?

Misleading Statements

Then Wallace says:

And our earliest manuscripts don’t go back to the eleventh century.  They go back to the second century.  So almost a thousand times as many manuscripts.  Almost a thousand years earlier.

This is Wallace attacking the King James Version and its underlying text, the Textus Receptus.  He’s saying they’re inferior.  But is what he’s saying true?  What is said again is extremely misleading.  What manuscript evidence comes from the second century?  A tiny little piece of one page, a mere fragment.  The impression you might get from his speech is that we have a manuscript of the entire New Testament from the second century.  We don’t.  Not even close.

Also, having more manuscripts available now does not void God’s preservation.  God didn’t need thousands more manuscripts to preserve the words of the originals.  He could do that in a few.  In his speech, Wallace uses the word “stupid” to describe people’s thinking.  Maybe Wallace thinks people are too stupid to catch the problems with what he says.  If the thousands they find agree almost exclusively with the ones that the translators used, that just illustrates the point.

Many people for many years have talked about the misnomer of judging something better because it’s older.  In recent days, men found a very old copy of the Gospel of Thomas.  They likewise found a Gospel of Judas.  Age doesn’t mean either of those are believable.  They could have easily lasted so long because few to none used them or relied on them for centuries and centuries.

The Biggest Problem

The biggest problem for Wallace he expresses at the end of his video, when he says:

The longer we go, as time goes on, we’re getting closer and closer to the original text.

Wallace says to his audience, “We’ve lost the original text.  We haven’t had it.”  He says we’re getting closer.  How does he know that?  If it was lost for thousands of years, what evidence is there that we know better now?  It’s all naturalistic.  According to Wallace, certainty still won’t exist.

The statement of Wallace betrays a rejection of the biblical doctrine of preservation. He doesn’t  have one.  Wallace doesn’t believe or teach one.  He does the opposite.  Saying that God perfectly preserved His Words, Wallace would say that’s rife for causing doubt.  God promised He would and He didn’t, so that teaching would cause people to eject from the faith.  Daniel Wallace and modern version proponents do not operate on faith in scriptural presuppositions.  They offer something far less than that.  This naturalistic presupposition is their biggest problem.

Optimistic Premillennialism

Versus Postmillennialism

Postmillennialism, an eschatological position or framework, seems to be making a comeback.  When I say that, I still think a relatively small minority of professing Christians are postmillennial.  The events of the twentieth century, namely two world wars, killed postmillennialism with most people.  However, partly because of renewed popularity of Calvinism and reformed theology, many more are arguing for postmillennialism again.  This eschatological position has its same major problems, but more treat it favorably right now than I’ve ever seen.

The rise of postmillennialism dovetails also with the promotion of Christian nationalism.  The idea of Christian nationalism parallels with postmillennialism.  In most ways, postmillennialism has become an American thing.  Christian patriots back their fervent patriotism with an eschatological position and argument.  Postmillennialism isn’t true, but it’s attractive in numbers of ways because of its optimism.

To believe in postmillennialism, advocates commonly caricature and trash premillennialism.  They also take extremes of premillennialism, the wackiest among premillennialists, as representative of the whole.  One particular attack is upon the pessimism of premillennialism.  The language of pessimism is that “we lose down here.”  Another one is that “everything’s got to get worse before it’s going to get better.”

Pessimism Is Wrongful Premillennialism

Premillennialists apparently can embrace the downfall and destruction of a present age.  I believe that pessimism is not a biblical attitude.  Premillennialists should reject pessimism.  I don’t believe pessimism is the natural consequence of a literal approach to scripture.  As I see it, the pessimism is a human construct that rises from an extreme form of separation.  It’s what some might characterize as a “holy huddle, waiting for the rapture.”

The optimism of premillennialism should come from a joyous literal, grammatical-historical interpretation of scripture.  Premillennialists look forward to the kingdom of Jesus Christ, but Jesus is King to true Christians right now.  Jesus has not rescinded the cultural mandate in Genesis 1:26-31.  True belief and practice of scripture applies all of scripture to all of the world.  Believers should say something about everything to which the Bible applies, which is to everything.

Professing true believers, premillennial ones, very often and incoherently have reduced Christian living to delivering people quickly before Jesus comes back.  Time is so short that they don’t have time for much of what scripture teaches.  Instead, they should obey all of the Great Commission, that is, teaching believers to obey all the commands of Jesus Christ.  Premillennial believers should represent the future kingdom in the age in which we live.  That’s true conversion.

Pessimistic Postmillennialism

As a bit of an aside, postmillennialism is also pessimistic.  It might think that the church will bring a future state with Jesus in charge.  In so doing, however, it crushes Israel.  Israel, also elect of and by God, becomes a pessimistic casualty of postmillennialism.

Why would someone think of a cheery future for elect church with a pessimistic view of elect Israel?  Postmillennialists are pessimistic about what God really said in the Bible.  They can’t take it literally.  Instead they formulate it to their fictional version of the future, spiritualizing a gigantic chunk of scripture.  I wouldn’t call that optimistic.

A primary basis for believing a positive view of my future, both near and far, is that God keeps His promises.  He has done and will do that with Israel.  The two go together.  This results in a short term observation that God preserves Israel, a right, optimistic way to see the world.  The Iranian drone or missile attack this year saw 99 percent failure.  That could create some pessimism for postmillennialists, who bank on the replacement of Israel.

Right View of Imminence

A belief of dispensational premillennialists is imminence.  Imminence means that we don’t know when Christ will return.  Christ could come back in the next hour or in the next millennia.  Believers can derive hope in dark times from imminence.  That is realistic.  However, premillennialists don’t know.  The purification that comes from the accurate, rightful belief in imminence should attach itself to obedience to everything that the Bible says.

I’m very okay with a Christian nation.  Churches can’t jump to that.  Several steps come in between, but biblical Christians should have something to say about how true Christianity will shape a nation.

For instance, patriarchy is not a postmillennial position.  That’s a biblical position.  Premillennialists should not be silent on such things as the patriarchy just because they don’t think they have time to do it.  That isn’t true belief in imminency.  Premillennialists too should support all the biblical beliefs that could transform a nation, just like they will transform the world when Jesus reigns over it.

I call for dispensational premillennialists, who teach the true biblical eschatology, to embrace and promote optimism.  That doesn’t mean we believe in the world system.  The answer isn’t there, of course.  However, dispensational premillennial churches should teach everything that the Bible teaches about everything.  That is Christianity.  Enjoy that.  Help people in every area of life!

Is the Post-Birth Abortion Claim a Lie?

Presidential Debate Point

One talking point after the debate between President Biden and President Trump was Trump lied every time he spoke.  Almost every Biden surrogate used this talking point and I believe it got some leverage afterwards, despite the historically bad performance by President Biden.  The most referred “lie” by the pundits after the debate was Trump’s claim that Democrats even supported abortion after birth.  Again and again they talked about that as a lie.

The Democrat support of also murdering babies born alive after botched abortions is a true and real thing.  It would be worth reading former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy’s piece in 2008 at the National Review.  You should read the whole article.  McCarthy produced this following quote (a transcript) from then state Senator Obama, who voted against a bill to save those babies (italics provided by author in same way as original article):

Illinois State Senator Obama

SENATOR OBAMA: Let me just go to the bill, very quickly. Essentially, I think as — as this emerged during debate and during committee, the only plausible rationale, to my mind, for this legislation would be if you had a suspicion that a doctor, the attending physician, who has made an assessment that this is a nonviable fetus and that, let’s say for the purpose of the mother’s health, is being — that — that — labor is being induced, that that physician

(a) is going to make the wrong assessment and (b) if the physician discovered, after the labor had been induced, that, in fact, he made an error, or she made an error, and, in fact, that this was not a nonviable fetus but, in fact, a live child, that that physician, of his own accord or her own accord, would not try to exercise the sort of medical measures and practices that would be involved in saving that child.

Obama Continued

State Senator Obama continued:

Now, it — if you think there are possibilities that doctors would not do that, then maybe this bill makes sense, but I — I suspect and my impression is, is that the Medical Society suspects as well that doctors feel that they would be under that obligation, that they would already be making these determinations and that, essentially, adding a — an additional doctor who then has to be called in an emergency situation to come in and make these assessments is really designed simply to burden the original decision of the woman and the physician to induce labor and perform an abortion.

Now, if that’s the case — and — and I know that some of us feel very strongly one way or another on that issue — that’s fine, but I think it’s important to understand that this issue ultimately is about abortion and not live births. Because if these are children who are being born alive, I, at least, have confidence that a doctor who is in that room is going to make sure that they’re looked after.

Never Rescinded

Democrats or Obama have not rescinded those remarks.  They have spun them to cover, but this is what they think.  They believe this.  If a baby survives the abortion, Democrats favor allowing the doctor legal cover for following through with an abortion.  It’s true.  That’s no longer an abortion per se, and someone might argue that, but that’s not really an argument.  They are finishing after birth what they unsuccessfully tried before the baby exited the mother’s birth canal.

I understand the confusion. If you allow for murder before the baby exits, but you fail at that murder and the baby survives, what difference does it make if you murder the baby after he’s on the operating table?  Everyone knows it’s a murder either way.

Boxer in the House of Representatives

Barbara Boxer, the former congresswoman from California, famously said in a debate on the floor of the House with Rick Santorum that the life of a child begins when they take the baby home from the hospital.  George Will wrote about this in a column at Newsweek:

In the 1999 colloquy, Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) said: Suppose during this procedure the baby slips entirely from the mother’s birth canal. “You agree, once a child is born, is separated from the mother, that that child is protected by the Constitution and cannot be killed? Do you agree with that?” Boxer: “I think when you bring your baby home, when your baby is born … the baby belongs to your family and has all the rights.”

Santorum persisted: “Obviously, you don’t mean they have to take the baby out of the hospital for it to be protected by the Constitution. Once the baby is separated from the mother, you would agree—completely separated from the mother—you would agree that the baby is entitled to constitutional protection?” She would not say “yes.” Instead, she said, understandably: “I don’t want to engage in this.”

When Trump talks about post-birth abortion, he talks about the stream of thought and evidence above and more.  The hired fact checkers of the Democrat Party don’t like what it does to their abortion argument, but he is right to take the abortion argument that direction.  It is an instinctive and successful negotiating tactic of President Trump.  If it were a lie, he’d have no evidence for his point.  Yet, he and other Republicans do.

Jill Stanek

Democrats say infanticide is illegal in every state.  It is a matter of defining terms.  In the testimony for the “Born Alive Bill” in Illinois, a practicing nurse, Jill Stanek, said that babies born alive after a botched abortion live 10% to 20% of the time.  The Wikipedia article on this episode reads:

Stanek generated national news during the 2008 Presidential campaign when publicizing Barack Obama’s four votes against Illinois’ Born Alive Infants Protection Act while state senator, as well as his state senate floor testimony. She posted a vote tally on her blog showing that, during a March 12, 2003, meeting of the Illinois State Senate’s Health and Human Services Committee, Committee Chairman Barack Obama prevented the passage of an amendment to Bill 1082 that would have conveyed “the rights of personhood upon any fetus expelled or extracted from the womb if that fetus was capable of breathing or voluntary motion.”

How Democrats Support Infanticide

Democrats might oppose infanticide (that particular word), but do they support the prosecution of doctors who kill living babies outside the mother’s womb, the ones who survive the abortion?  They won’t answer that question.  Trump is right to go on the offensive on this point the way he does.  The Democrat position explains how Boxer could have said what she did in her interchange with Santorum in the House of Representatives.  These three pieces of evidence, Obama as an Illinois state senator, Boxer in the House, and Jill Stanek as an eyewitness, indicate that Democrats do support post birth abortion.  I would contend those are examples to which Trump referred in the debate.

It hurts Democrats on the abortion issue to reveal such an extreme as post-birth abortion.  However, they have never nullified these examples given.  They don’t disassociate themselves from Obama and Boxer, who took these positions.  It is not a large distance between murder in the womb and murder outside of it.


  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
