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John MacArthur and Evangelical Agnosticism About or Over the Biblical Doctrine of Separation

I write on ecclesiastical separation here because the Bible teaches separation in every book and in some, much more than others.  Since separation is inherent in God’s attribute of holiness, I see it as a major doctrine.  I also believe it is one of the marks of a true church.  For this reason, several years ago now Pillarandground Publishing produced A Pure Church:  A Biblical Theology of Perfect Preservation, which exegetes key passages on the doctrine.  I have found that evangelicals ignore the doctrine of separation despite its prevalence in God’s Word.

Agnosticism about separation is more than not knowing about it.  It is staying ignorant on the scriptural teaching of separation.  Evangelicals in general do not talk about separation at all.  They act like it doesn’t exist as a doctrine of scripture.

John MacArthur Talks About Separation

Seminary Student Asks about Unity and Separation

In a recent Q and A in a Master’s Seminary chapel, John MacArthur answered a question about separation.  Here is the question (at 32:18 in the video, goes to 39:07):

My question specifically is on church unity.  I’m interested in partnership in ministry.  I was wondering from your example specifically with pastors who would agree on the essentials but not necessarily on important doctrines that aren’t essential.  What are some biblical passages or references or biblical principles that have helped you navigate that issue in your ministry well?

Alienating People in the Kingdom?

MacArthur answered:

Well, I think the simple one — that’s a good question — the simple one, is, is the person a true believer?  And if the person is a true believer, then the Lord allowed him into the kingdom.  And if you’re in the Kingdom, I have to figure out a way to work with you. I mean that’s, that is the simple answer.

I don’t want to alienate people who are in the Kingdom, so if they’re, if you’re a heretic, you deny the Trinity or the deity of Christ or you have some heresy of some kind, or your life is, ya know, got some stains of sin and all that, I don’t want to cooperate with somebody like that.

But I basically am bound. I am already one in Christ with everybody else who’s in the Kingdom.  He that is joined to the Lord as one Spirit.  We’re all one, so we have to figure out how can I minister with, how can I minister to the people of God.  It’s, um, I as a pastor; I would never say to a lay person, “Well your theology is bad; you need to go to another church.”  So why would I say that to a Bible teacher or a pastor?

Yoking Together

MacArthur continued:

Years ago I decided I wasn’t going to preach only to the people who already believe everything I believe.  What’s the point?  So, um, I was criticized, because you know I would be at a conference with someone who believed differently about certain things.  I mean, they gave me trouble when I started going to Ligonier conferences over baby baptism and covenant theology and all that.  Um, but but again, if they’re going to give me a platform, I’ll take it.

And you know RC actually allowed me to have a debate with him on infant baptism, and it’s available.  You can listen to it, and I told him:  “You shouldn’t do that RC.  You have no chance.  There’s not, you can’t find a verse in the Bible about infant baptism.  So he said, ‘No I think it’ll be great.’ I said, ‘okay I’m gonna go first because I don’t, I don’t want to have to use the Bible to answer a non-biblical argument.”

So I think what is most important is that you establish your own fidelity to the degree that people don’t question your associations.  I mean if I if I’m at Ligonier nobody thinks I abandoned what I believe.  If I went over to Jack Hayford’s church and did a pastor’s Conference of Foursquare and Charismatics, nobody felt that I had abandoned my non-charismatic view I’ve got too much in print on that. Um, so if there’s not, and he wanted me to speak on the authority of scripture because he thought that was the weakest part of the ministry of these hundreds of pastors.

Lines He Can’t Cross

Furthermore, MacArthur said,

So again I just think you have to make judgments, but you always want to be gracious and loving and unifying and helpful to others who are in the Kingdom.  Now there’s a line at which you can’t cross because someone is blatantly disobedient to scripture that would be, you won’t see me on a panoply of speakers that includes women because that is a total violation of scripture when you have men and women preachers.  I can’t do that because I, uh, you know your reputation at that point becomes very muddy.  So, um, you know that would be, there would be, other aspects of that too.

Um, somebody who’s so tapped into the culture, that, um, they’re viewed as, um, a problem outside tolerable convictions, I wouldn’t be a part of that.  I wouldn’t speak on the same place as Bill Hybels or Joel Osteen.  I don’t know about him.  I don’t know if he’s a Christian or not, but even if I did, nobody would think I had compromised, because they would know by reputation that I’m going to be faithful to the truth, and they would say, “Why did he have MacArthur?”

An Example

MacArthur finished:

So if you establish your fidelity to scripture it puts you in a position where you can be in a lot of places.  If you compromise along the way then, and people are questioning you.  I had that conversation with James McDonald one day.  It was not a happy one, but I said you just betrayed all the people who have been listening to you for years, but what you did you basically, said to them, “I’m not who you think I am.”

You don’t live long enough to fix that.  You don’t get to go back to square one.  You don’t hit a reset button.  You didn’t like that but it was true so you you get one life at and one shot at this and you don’t want to try to hit a reset button down the road, so it, you have to be very diligent in maintaining your integrity.

Analysis of the Answer


That was pretty much verbatim what MacArthur answered to that question.  It was a question about unity and really about separation.  Every question about separation or unity is also about the other, unity or separation.  The young male seminary student wanted MacArthur to give scriptural support.  He did allude to scripture, but he in no way gave a scriptural answer.  The answer really sounded like MacArthur had no clue on what the Bible taught about separation.

The only guidance from scripture I heard was the allusion to, a loose paraphrase of, the short sentence in 1 Corinthians 6:17, which says, “But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.”  I don’t think that’s a good verse to use.  It’s in the context of sexual sin, and Paul is saying that fornicators are bringing God into the activity.  Since they are one with God, joined unto Him, their sin associates Him with whatever the sin is or worse.  Should John MacArthur bring God to the Charismatic strange fire location?  This is a separation passage that shows that we should keep God out of situations.  We bring Him when we go.

When MacArthur was done answering, I can’t think that the young man knew what he said.  It was incoherent and contradictory as an answer.  If I was to interpret it, it was something like, play it by ear with little to no objective standard.  Evangelicals cannot, will not, and do not answer questions on separation.  The instinct is, don’t separate.  Stay together.  Look to keep working together, even with doctrinal differences.  If MacArthur’s answer was an answer, I don’t think it could stand as legitimate because it was so meandering.


I know what MacArthur believes.  He’s public on it.  That doesn’t give him a pass to associate with and work with whoever He wants.  By doing so, He is accommodating someone else’s false teaching.  Even if it doesn’t have anything to do with MacArthur, it does have something to do with the one with whom he fellowships.  That’s the message of 2 Thessalonians 3:14, “And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.”  That is a command to separate from a professing believer.  MacArthur doesn’t mention it.

MacArthur excuses not separating by saying there is no point to preaching to people who believe just like you do.  Where he preaches the most, his church, believes just like he does.  Everyone should preach to people who don’t believe like them.  They should do it in evangelism and in doing spiritual warfare with professing Christians.  Discipleship requires this.  This is entirely different than fellowship with a disobedient brother or yoking together with unbelievers for a common work, like Billy Graham did in his crusades.

Strange Fire

Not long ago, MacArthur said that Charismatics offered strange fire to the Lord.  That means they are false worshipers, who imagine a false god.  In this answer, MacArthur says, you can go and work with Jack Hayford, the Charismatic, as long as people know who you are.  You can speak on a specific topic that Hayford wants and give Hayford authentication while you’re at it.  God seeks for true worshipers.  That offense to God isn’t enough for MacArthur.

Why is infant sprinkling a lesser deal than women preachers?  How much less obvious is infant sprinkling than women preachers?   MacArthur says, women preachers, that’s “blatantly disobedient.”  He can’t cross that line.  Yet, he can cross the line of infant sprinkling.  Is it because that’s not blatantly disobedient?  Where did infant sprinkling come from?  I’m using that as an example.  I would be scratching my head if I were a woman preacher.

Not About You

From his answer, John MacArthur sounds like separating is about you, about how well you’ll do in life.  In his case, it’s about him.  If he associates with someone, will it taint him in some way, so that he will lose effectiveness or opportunity as a servant of God?  Separation is not mainly about you.  It is first and foremost about God.

Does what God says about separation apply to John MacArthur?  God teaches on it.  In part two, I’m going to come back and take scripture and apply it to John MacArthur’s terrible answer about unity and separation.

More to Come

Means to Personal Growth: How I Grow as a Person

We’re all going to die and personal growth will then end.  At what point does personal growth stop?  The older you get, the less years you have left, and maybe it doesn’t matter any more.  I don’t know how much time I have left.  It could be twenty years.  It could be twenty seconds.

If you are not growing then, you’re not maintaining.  You are diminishing.  In order not to diminish, you’ve got to grow, no matter what’s happening in your life.  You’ve still got a purpose for being here on earth.  You shouldn’t give up.
Since God exists and He functions as we read in His Word, we see His working in the life of a true believer in Jesus Christ.  God works toward the growth of a believer.  This is a promise of sanctification seen in Romans 8:28-29, that God conforms the one who love Him into the image of His Son.

Cooperation with God’s Working

God works, but He wants cooperation.  Cooperation must occur, what the Bible calls, working out your salvation (Philippians 2:12).  This isn’t salvation by works.  It is working out a salvation already there.  I call this cooperation, because it is God working in the life of the true believer.  He’s working, so that you’re working.  When this occurs, growth occurs.
Personal growth is cooperation with what God is doing in and through you.  Based on your cooperation, it can be better for you and then others.  If you’ve had some set backs and unfavorable circumstances, this does not signal to you, just give up, don’t keep cooperating.
Growth relates to purpose.  It is not growth if it is not fulfilling God’s purpose.  Someone might call it growth, but it would be something like cancer.  It’s growing, but we don’t call that growth.  If you got better at fleshly living, regular disobedience to God, that is not growth.  It is regression, even if it is fueled by fulfillment of goals.  A person adds skills for better building of the world system.  It will pass away.  It is vanity.  True growth and vanity are mutually exclusive.
For true personal growth, which relates to the purpose of God, what are the means?  Several means fuel my personal growth.  Among these are Bible reading, prayer, fellowship, reading, writing, and practice.

Bible Reading

I’m not going to do much to prove these means of personal growth, especially a few of them.  I keep reading my Bible.  I read through the Old Testament twice in 2021, and the New Testament 1 1/2 times.  I’m finishing up the NT from 2021, right now midway through Romans.  I’m doing something different in 2022.  The goal will be once OT and twice NT.


My daughter and son-in-law gave me a prayer journal for Christmas. I’ll use that this year for prayer.  Our church gives out a prayer sheet every week, which I’ll dovetail with the prayer journal.  I’ve done prayer journals twice before.  To me, the journal will strengthen and emphasize biblical prayers, ones in God’s will.


For sure, biblical fellowship means faithful church meeting, not missing church meetings.  The personal growth also means engaging as the year progresses.  It’s a transition year, but while we meet with the church, we grow through preaching, teaching, and sharing.


Practice is the faithful work for the Lord.  Through the first three, I consider my wife, practicing the Bible with her in my role.  I want to grow in marriage.  Even during this transition, I want to evangelize and make disciples.  I have one evangelistic Bible study.  I have the goal of two other discipleships at least.  In addition, I continue evangelizing.  I strive to edify other believers in the church, encouraging them.  It’s happening.  I am helping a young man learn Greek, who wanted to learn it.
I do some physical labor to take up my share of that.  Maintenance does not just happen.  Most churches, almost everyone needs to take up their part, so that burden does not rest on a few people.  It is ongoing.
In one sense, practice is like exercise that strengthens.  Someone might read the Bible and pray, but that would be vain without practice.  Some compare that to the Dead Sea.  It’s dead because there is no outlet.


This is an important writing time to me.  Writing crystallizes thinking.  Whatever I am reading, the sharing I experience in the church, by writing it becomes a talking point.  It becomes useful.  I have the words to speak, because writing them forces me to have them.  Whenever we communicate in our practice, writing makes it better.  Writing practices the words that will come from the mouth in practice.
You know I write here twice a week.  I will continue.  Some don’t want me to do that for reasons I’ve expressed here before, but many encourage me to continue.  I don’t want to stop.
I want to finish all writing projects.  What are they?  It is five books at least.  First, I finished in 2021 the Disciplines for Discipleship.  It was actually a thorough edit of what I wrote in 1991.  The answer edition is printed and in California at Bethel Baptist Church.  The disciple edition is being printed right now and will be shipped to California in the next week or two.  The disciple edition is 162 pages.
I finished two other books in 2021.  They are not published, but they are in the hands of a friend, who volunteered to get them into the final step.  If he accomplishes that, it will be a great help.  One is on apostasy, about 100 pages and five chapters written by me only, the second overall and entitled Lying Vanities.  Two is a book on dress or appearance, about 300 pages and six chapters written by me only again, the third overall entitled Fashion Statement.
I have two projects I’m working on.  One, so a fourth in total, is a book on the gospel, about 400-500 pages written by five or six men including me, entitled The One True Gospel.  I am editor of these two books, just like Thou Shalt Keep Them and A Pure Church.  I believe it is close to done.  Almost everything is written.  It’s in the final parts of editing, formatting, indexing, and then printing.  I will let you know when we are at pre-publication, hopefully soon.
Two, so a fifth in total, is a book on sanctification, about 300-400 pages written by five or six men including me, entitled, A Salvation That Keeps On Saving.  I have about half of the chapters that are completed.  I want this done before the mid point of 2022.  That’s a lot of work.  All of these books will be published by Pillar and Ground Publishing, which is Bethel Baptist Church in El Sobrante, CA publishing.


What I wanted to write about the most is what I’m reading.  I would include with reading today, what I hear and watch in sermons, podcasts, and programs.  Even as I’m writing this, I’m listening to a podcast with a man lecturing, who I know, a Jewish man, who teaches at Loyola in Chicago, published author, that I’ve known for now about six or seven years.  He stayed at our house for a week after I met him on a bus ride, where I preached the gospel to him and others.  I wanted to hear what he would say, which was about interfaith dialogue and conflict.  I almost always listen to these while doing something else.
What am I reading right now?  I am using Basics of Biblical Greek by William Mounce for the Greek with the young man.  I didn’t use this book, but he did, so I got it to use with him before I move to second year.  I read several columns every week, usually on RealClearPolitics.  Almost all of these I quick-read.
I am reading six books right now.  I’m anywhere between 15% to 85% done with each of them.  One, I’m reading Sharing the Good News with Mormons, edited by Eric Johnson and Sean McDowell.  It has twenty-four short chapters to help evangelize LDS.  It is worth having for this purpose.  The three other books I read in 2021 for the same purpose were The Mormon PeopleI Love Mormons, and Leaving Mormonism.  All four of them gave me something different and helpful.  They all had strengths and weaknesses.  Maybe I’ll write about that sometime soon.
Two, I am reading The Church That John the Baptist Prepared by Joel Grassi.  It is an 850 page book (mammoth) on who Jesus called the greatest man who ever lived.  How many books are written on the greatest man who ever lived?  Not enough.  I don’t think anyone will do better than Grassi.  It is a tour de force, tremendous.
Three, I am reading Return of the God Hypothesis by Stephen Meyer.  This book gives the best and most updated scientific evidence for God.  It will give you numbers of talking points for atheists and agnostics, where you start with creation in evangelism like Paul in Acts 17.
Four, I am reading The Norman Conquest: The Battle of Hastings and the Fall of Anglo-Saxon England by Marc Morris.  This is the most crucial event to the formation of the nation of England.  Since the United States started from England, this will help Americans understand themselves and their mother country.  This is bed time reading.
Five, I am reading Masculine Mandate:  God’s Calling to Men by Richard D. Phillips.  He writes in an edifying, substantive way on some of the foundational knowledge for men to fulfill God’s purpose for them.
Six, I am reading Saving Leonardo: A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on Mind, Morals, and Meaning by Nancy Pearcey.  She continues with her excellent worldview material, following Total Truth.
Do I read fiction?  I do, but I’m reading nothing fictional right now.  I read a few in 2021.  I very seldom share what fiction I’m reading.  I don’t think I need to encourage people to read fiction.  Does fiction aid personal growth?  It can and does.  It helps creativity, imagination, and communication.  I also do it for enjoyment.  I don’t mind enjoying myself as an activity, since God created a world to enjoy.
What I’ve written above is the means of personal growth for me.  God works through every one of these in and through me.


  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
