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Debate Moderators As a Paradigm for a Censorship State

Freedom of Speech

A distinguishing characteristic of American liberty from the rest of the world is the first amendment of its bill of rights and in particular the freedom of speech.  The people of modern Western states, apparent allies of the United States, do not have this same right.  England doesn’t and France doesn’t.  As serious as any single issue in the 2024 presidential campaign season is the attack on the first amendment rights of American citizens.

The right to free speech couples with the right to the free expression of religion and the rights to freedom of assembly and the right to petition the state for the address of grievances.  Long ago the state exempted the truth of the Bible from the public square.  As an example, Hammurabi’s one appearance of one pillar and his one code count as history but the multiple ancient Hebrew copies of Old Testament do not.  This practice is a deliberate abridgement of the free speech right.

Moderation of the Vice Presidential Debate

Last night, I watched the entire Vance-Walz Vice-Presidential debate.  Like in the ABC debate, the two CBS moderators only fact-checked or moderated one candidate.  Moderation of one and not the other is a form of censorship.  I would ascertain that this is why Trump refuses a second Presidential debate.

Based on what he saw from the first debate, Vance challenged a “fact check” from Margaret Brennan on the true legality of Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio.  Before the debate, the Associated Press reported that CBS agreed that the moderators would not fact-check the candidates in real-time.  Instead, they left it to the candidates to fact-check each other.  In the ABC debate, the moderators fact checked Trump four times and Harris zero.

The Fact Check

Vance did not need a fact check.  His point was legitimate.  Calling the Haitian migrants legal was an opinion, easily in dispute.  It is part of a larger effort to use a fact-checking apparatus to treat a statement as misinformation.  The entire exchange went like this:

JD VANCE: Margaret. The rules were that you guys were not going to fact check, and since you’re fact checking me, I think it’s important to say what’s actually going on. So there’s an application called the CBP One app where you can go on as an illegal migrant, apply for asylum or apply for parole and be granted legal status at the wave of a Kamala Harris open border wand. That is not a person coming in, applying for a green card and waiting for ten years.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Thank you, Senator.

JD VANCE: That is the facilitation of illegal immigration, Margaret, by our own leadership. And Kamala Harris opened up that pathway.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Thank you, Senator, for describing the legal process. We have so much to get to.

Point of Contention

Wikipedia accounts for the CBP One App to which Vance referred, also giving links to appropriate related information:

CBP One was launched on October 28, 2020 primarily to help commercial trucking companies schedule cargo inspections.

In January 2023, CBP One’s functionality was expanded to include unauthorized migrants seeking protection from violence, poverty, or persecution.

In May 2023, CBP One was designated by Biden administration as the only path to request asylum on the U.S.-Mexico border and book asylum appointments.

The President of the United States does not have Constitutional authority to open the border of the United States or allow anyone to enter the United States regardless of the law.  The executive branch of the United States, the president, has authority to enforce the immigration laws.  The president does not have power to create laws.  The Constitution gives that authority to the Congress.  Those laws are subject to the review of the judicial branch as to their Constitutionality.

If the president grants legal status to a migrant, that doesn’t make him legal.  He is legal or illegal based on the laws of the United States, passed by Congress and signed by the president.  If the president grants asylum to the Haitian migrants, that doesn’t mean they’re legal.  This president has allowed tens of thousands of migrants to enter and then stay in the United States illegally.  The debate was between Vance and Walz and it was up to Walz what to fact check of Vance, if necessary.

Moderation and Censorship

If the moderators of the debate wanted to save time for all their questions, as in Brennan saying, “We have so much to get to,” then don’t take time for their so-called fact checking.  The fact checking is a form of censorship in which the media amplifies the power of and as a part of the administrative state as a force multiplier.  It furthers one position as a party apparatus for the consolidation of power.  The administrative state censors what does not agree with its position.  This is a process by which it eliminates all opposition toward an authoritarian regime.

One party in this presidential race doesn’t see the need to do many interviews.  It exerts the most control of societal institutions and structures in a powerful means.  A relatively few elite in the United States exert a tremendous hold over the minds and imaginations of the country.  Key leaders for the uniparty signal the importance of arriving at a censorship state.   At the Sustainable Development Impact Meetings of the World Economic Forum, John Kerry said:

Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer [disinformation] out of existence.  What we need is to win the ground, win the right to govern by hopefully winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change.

Restriction of Information

In addition he warned that “there are some people in our country who prepared to implement change by other means.”  In a poll by Pew, now 55% of Americans (39% in 2018) support the federal government restricting false information.  Pew also stated from its poll:

In addition, the share of U.S. adults who say that tech companies should take steps to restrict false information online has increased from 56% in 2018 to 65% in 2023.

False information, disinformation, and misinformation are all very easy to define as something that disagrees with conventional wisdom or a societal norm.  For a long time, people used the words “politically correct.”  That doesn’t mean it is correct, but that it is the acceptable position of an administrative state.

Punishing Unacceptable Speech

Authoritarian regimes prosecute and incarcerate unacceptable speech.  They send those espousing a disagreeable position to reeducation camps.  What suffers is the actual truth.  It’s easy today to see the truth chilled in the public square.  People are afraid to lose their jobs and livelihood because of espousing something that was a moral belief and behavior less than fifty years ago.

Satan knows the truth shall set you free (John 8:32-36).  When you read the Bible, the government jailed those expressing something contradicting the favored position.  When John the Baptist spoke truth to Herod, he lost his head and life.  The government banished the Apostle John to the isle of Patmos and executed the other disciples.  The direction of censorship and threats to the first amendment portend a return to such a day, where you will suffer and die for the truth.  May we first be warned and then attempt to protect and keep these rights while we still can.


Related video (speech by Matt Taibbi) to this subject matter and then a link to an article by Jonathan Turley, Constitutional scholar.




  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
