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A Gender Gap In the United States, Perhaps the World

Gender Gap In Polls

Some of you are reading about the “gender gap” in the 2024 United States Presidential Election.  One side gets the women’s vote and the other side get’s the men’s vote.  The gap between those two is bigger than ever.  This itself is a scriptural issue.  The gender gap manifests itself in a greater way right now than I’ve ever seen it in the United States.  It’s big enough that I believe it is the biggest issue right now in the election.  I don’t think it’s the biggest issue in the country itself, but in this election it is.

One report says that the gender gap is thirty points.  That is a mammoth gap.  Today, the Wall Street Journal wrote:

Trump’s 5-point advantage among men in the 2020 election has widened to 10 points in The Wall Street Journal’s most recent national poll, in late August. President Biden’s 12-point edge among women in 2020 has become a 13-point lead for Harris.

In a recent Marist poll, women supported Harris by 55% to 43% for Trump, while men supported Harris by 44% and Trump by 54%. Donald Trump loses the women’s vote by a gigantic margin, and the reason he still possibly wins is that he wins the men’s vote by a similar gigantic margin to offset the women’s vote.  Women right now know that they have the power to put who they want into office.  Will they do it?  Maybe not.  Enough women do not think that way that they will not go along with it.


Those talking about the gender gap the most say that abortion is the leading issue related to the gap.  I understand that women have more than one reason to vote for someone.  However, the polls say that the biggest differentiating factor for women is they want the right to abort their offspring.  I’m not talking for reasons of rape, incest, and the health of the mother, because even the anti-abortion states have those exceptions.

The most recent Gallup poll on abortion in May 2024, Gallup asked women if they in general were pro-choice or pro-abortion.  The poll said 63% pro-choice and 33% pro-life.   Gallup asked men too and that poll said 49% pro-life to 45% pro-choice.  In a recent Wall Street Journal poll of the seven battleground states, 27% of women and only 8% of men listed abortion as the defining issue of the presidency.  The election is about women and about women who want legalization of murdering babies.

I’ve asked my wife about this and her understanding is that women feel way more inconvenienced than men over a pregnancy.  That last statement is not scientific, but it was a woman explaining, not a man (me).  It does seem rather obvious.

Historical Gap

As huge as the gap as there is this year, women have determined the presidential election winner for awhile in the United States.  Democrat candidates win because they get the women’s vote.  Since 1980, women have voted for every Democrat candidate by at least 4%.  The 4% occurred in 1992 only because of Ross Perot running as an Independent.  One difference for Donald Trump, compared to all other times, is that he gets an even larger percentage of the male vote than any other Republican candidate since 1980.

Has the gender gap changed in a substantial way through history?  Yes.  The vote was about even until the late 1960s and early 70s.  There was no gender gap in the voting.  The men and women voted in almost identical fashion.  It was not a concern for a campaign.  Candidates didn’t run on “women’s issues.”  The modern Democrat Party runs especially on gender identity.  Trump may be the first candidate to run such an obvious campaign for men, even though they have a large minority of voters.

You should understand this male readers.  Men are voting for Donald Trump by a large majority.  The campaign for male voters for the Harris ticket looks like a campaign for soft men.  They see their number one male attraction as a new definition of masculinity.

Reassuring Weakness

I saw a recent campaign speech by the Hollywood actress, Jennifer Garner.  The Denver Gazette recorded her words:

Listen, I know you’ve knocked and knocked, and I know you’ve called and called. I know you’ve given and given, and you’re worn out. But the truth is, you are, you are the front lines. This is it. I mean, I’m looking at these beautiful faces, these women and these strong men.  G**, is there anything sexier than a man who is like, “Men for Kamala?” Woo!

Men for Kamala apparently need the reassurance that they are “strong men.”  Do strong men really need this kind of endorsement from a woman?  At this point, do they even care if a female celebrity tells them they’re “strong.”  Here is a Hollywood starlet also bolstering the sex appeal of supporting Kamala.  She testifies that voting for Trump will diminish male sexual allure. Yet, men might get some if they vote for the woman.  Imagine someone seriously saying this to a female audience.  Is there anything more demeaning to manhood than a woman speaking like Gardner did?  Yet, this is the norm today for Democrat politics.

Abdication and Emasculation

Men are abdicating their position or office in the world.  They don’t have to do it.  Men still have the ability in this world to take male headship.  They don’t need to relinquish it.  Men are choosing to do so, as if they’ll be better off.  What’s going on in the world that men are doing this to themselves?  They are agreeing that they shouldn’t have rule or leadership in society, that women should have it or take it from them.  I would guess that many men reading here themselves think it’s right for men to give women charge.  They prefer or want to emasculate themselves.  What’s going on?

More to Come


  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
