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Christianity: Pro-Racism, Pro-Slavery White Man’s Religion–Reject it for Atheism!

I have written a pamphlet dealing with attacks upon the Bible and Christianity from its (alleged) racism and (alleged) support of chattel slavery, compared with the (alleged) anti-racism and anti-slavery position of atheism.  It deals with the objection that “Christianity is the racist white man’s religion” and, as the Freedom From Religion Foundation claims, “[W]hite supremacy [is] interwoven with Christianity … inextricably intertwined.” (Sources for all quotes are in the pamphlet.)

Click here to read the pamphlet Biblical Christianity vs. Atheism on Racism and Slavery


You may think that such claims are so ridiculous that they do not deserve a refutation.  You are correct about them being ridiculous—and, as Bethel Baptist Church, where I serve the Lord, is not majority white now and has not been for a very long time, reflecting the ethnic diversity of the area, it is indeed a very foolish claim.  However, sadly, in secular college campuses and in liberal media these egregious falsehoods are regularly propounded.  Not that long ago a very angry black man at a place where I was passing out gospel literature said that all white Christians were supporters of white nationalism.  (He also said, ironically, that they all denied it when he said that to them.  Hmm… ).  He said he had a degree in religious studies. (Perhaps they should give him his money back.)  In any case, the attack on Christianity from its alleged racism and pro-slavery position is very much out there.


Christianity white man's religion


The pamphlet demonstrates that:


1.) The Bible rejects racism.


2.) Christian churches in Bible times rejected racism—for example, the church at Antioch had a leader in the category of “prophet and teacher” whose name was “Simon the Black” and another born in Africa, while the rest were all from Asia; an African whose family became close to the Apostle Paul helped Christ carry His cross; etc.


3.) Christian churches and the wider realm of Christendom were profoundly impacted by Africa.  Did you ever think about the fact that possibly the two most influential people in the history of Western Christendom were from Africa—namely, Tertullian and Augustine?  Furthermore, the ancient Anabaptist movements, the Novatians and Donatists, were both led by African Anabaptists.  Did you know that the Baptists were the first group of churches in the American South to come out against slavery?


4.) Christianity very rapidly spread from Israel to Africa to China to India to Britain.


5.) Ancient paganism was pro-slavery while Christianity was pro-slave (since it taught that “All Lives Matter,” and therefore the lives of slaves, people of darker and lighter skin, etc. all matter), and Christian influence, unique among world religions, led to the abolition of slavery.


Am I Not a Man and a Brother: The Official Medallion of the British anti-slavery society has a black man in chains kneeling in prayer for help


6.) Modern racism actually stems from the Enlightenment and its rejection of Biblical Christianity, combined with the anti-creation philosophy of biological evolution.  (This fact should be taught in all public schools, and at the very least every student in Christian schools needs to know this.  Did you know it?)


7.) Slavery exists today in atheist countries such as North Korea and China, in accordance with the racism of people like Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, Hegel, and David Hume.  Everyone should know that Darwin anticipated genocide by whites of “lower races”:


“The … Caucasian races have beaten … [others] in the struggle for existence. … [At] no very distant date … the lower races will have been eliminated by the higher civilized races throughout the world.”


Everyone should know Marx said:


“Let us … speak of the beautiful side … of the slavery of the blacks in the East, in Brazil, in the Southern States of North America. … [S]lavery is an economic category of the highest importance. Without slavery … you would have … the complete decadence of modern commerce and civilization. … [S]ave slavery … [c]onserve the good side of this economic category.”


8.) The pamphlet then explains how spiritual slavery is the worst problem people suffer today.  It illustrates that the root causes of racism (pride) and slavery (covetousness) are sins that the reader has been guilty of, and how, through the ransom payment of Christ, they can become spiritually free from the control of the sins that lead to racism and slavery now and eternal hell fire in eternity.


I would suggest reading the pamphlet yourself, keeping the link or a few copies on hand for people who run into this objection when preaching the gospel.  I would also suggest that Christian schools, in history class, when they teach the Enlightenment and the impact of evolution and its pre-and post-Darwinian influence in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, make sure students know that modern racism came from these movements.  Missionaries in Africa, the Caribbean, and, frankly, on most of the globe should know these things and share them with those to whom they minister.


Cancel culture should cancel Darwin, cancel Marx, cancel Biblical skepticism, cancel evolution, cancel atheism, and cancel agnosticism.


Everyone should recognize Christianity is the best friend of those who are against racism and slavery.


Click here to read the pamphlet Biblical Christianity vs. Atheism on Racism and Slavery




  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
