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The Bible Makes Us Baptists: Free Christian Book Audio

The Bible Makes Us Baptists, (originally called In Editha’s Days: A Tale of Religious Liberty), is a Christian book for children written in 1894 by Mary E. Bamford.  It is a work of historical fiction, narrating the life of an Anabaptist family in England running for their lives because fo their faith in the Bible, during the dark days when Roman Catholicism still controlled the United Kingdom.  You can order a physical copy of the book at Amazon (affiliate link), or perhaps get it more inexpensively at a place such as Book Heaven.

However, the main point of this post is to inform you that you can hear the book read aloud for free on my KJB1611 YouTube channel here.  The chapters are getting (pretty) consistently posted.  So if you, or your children, want to hear an edifying Christian book read aloud, please use the link below to listen to The Bible Makes Us Baptists read aloud for free.

Click here to hear The Bible Makes Us Baptists (In Editha’s Days; A Tale of Religious Liberty) by Mary E. Bamford read aloud for free.



Suzerain-Vassal Treaties & the Books of Moses: Joshua Berman

I had the privilege of interviewing Jewish scholar Dr. Joshua Berman, professor of Hebrew Bible at Bar-Illan University in Israel, on the fact that the books of Moses, the Pentateuch, follow the late second Millennium BC format of a suzerain-vassal treaty. This fact strongly supports the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch, and, hence, the existence of genuine and unavoidable predictive prophecy in the Bible, and, thus, the Bible’s Divine authorship.  Jehovah, the God of Israel, is the suzerain or great King, and Israel is the vassal, the subordinate dependent on the suzerain.

Dr. Joshua Berman Bar-Ilan University Israel suzerain Vassal treaty professor Hebrew Bible
Dr. Joshua Berman, professor of Hebrew Bible at Bar-Ilan University in Israel

When my wife and I visited Egypt last year as part of a faculty tour of Egypt led by evangelical scholar James Hoffmeier, we had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Berman in Luxor, Egypt, on the issue of suzerain-vassal treaties (he prefers to be called “Joshua.”) Joshua Berman explains the issue quite clearly and effectively, so if you find the terminology “suzerain vassal treaty” scary, watch the video below of the interview, and I suspect you will both understand the issue and see the value of it for Christian apologetics.


I have posted about apologetics videos recorded on this trip to Egypt in previous posts on this blog, such as this one on the famous Merneptah Stele.


Ironically, when I debated president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Dan Barker, on the Old Testament, Mr. Barker claimed that “The Israelis over in Israel … the archaeologists are throwing up their hands saying, ‘No, there’s nothing. None of these stories has any archaeological evidence at all.’”  Barker’s assertion was always ridiculous, as was demonstrated within the debate itself, but the interview with Dr. Berman provides even more evidence for the foolishness of Mr. Barker’s argument.


After the interview with Dr. Joshua Berman, other scholars, including Kenneth Kitchen (On the Reliability of the Old Testament), James Hoffmeier (The Archaeology of the Bible), and Meredith Kline (Treaty of the Great King: The Covenant Structure of Deuteronomy) are also quoted.  You can learn more about archaeological evidence for the Old Testament here.


So please watch the video below.  You can watch the embed below, or view it on faithsaves.net here, or on Rumble by clicking here, or on YouTube by clicking here.


Book Offer: “Disciplines for Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ”

After starting a church in the San Francisco Bay Area, in 1991 I wrote a thirty week discipleship manual, titled, “Disciplines for Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.”  This proceeded from two scriptural imperatives.  First, the Great Commission is to make disciples, fulfilling the word “teach,” the only imperative in Matthew 28:19-20.  Second, if making disciples is the work of the ministry, a pastor should equip the saints for making disciples in fulfillment of Ephesians 4:11-12.

When I grew up in an independent Baptist church and in fundamentalism, I never heard of discipleship.  I did not remember hearing of it in a fundamental Baptist college.  In learning biblical exegesis, I understood Matthew 28:19-20.  Because of Ephesians 4:11-12, I read some books on discipleship.  The Lord gave the whole church the responsibility, but I believed the best means is one-on-one.

I first took everyone in the church through the thirty weeks.  The goal was for each to reproduce themselves in another spiritual generation.  Over the years, hundreds finished the discipleship.  Almost all who completed it stuck in our church.  People took it elsewhere and made disciples at other churches.  When my wife and I went to Oregon, we started every new believer on the discipleship.  The church continues with them there.

In the last three months, among other things I edited Disciplines for Disciples for printing and publication.  I will send it in for printing in a week and a half.  We are offering it at a pre-publication price of $8 apiece until I send it in.  It is 162 pages, 8 1/2 x 11, two sided, black and white text, colored front and back cover, and spiral bound.  A teacher’s edition, the answer key, will be separate for $25.  The publication price later will be $11-12 each.

If you want it pre-publication in the next week and a half, let me know at this email:  betbapt and then a very common ending @gmail.com.  Get it as a good tool for fulfilling Matthew 28:18-20 and Ephesians 4:11-12.


  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
