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Evangelistic Christian T-Shirts, Collared Shirts, Car Magnet

God the Father, Son, and Spirit are seeking for true worshippers (John 4:23); nobody can truly worship the Father through Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit without being born again (John 3:3).  Have you thought about whether you should have some evangelistic clothing that offers people the gospel, or whether your car can preach the gospel?  In the Millennium even the bells on the horses will be holy to Jehovah (Zechariah 14:20).  Why not make your mode of transportation clearly identified with the risen Christ now?

I created a few designs at Zazzle of evangelistic T-shirts, collared shirts, bumper stickers, and a car magnet with Bible verses that point people to faithsaves.net with its evangelistic material.  (It is almost always best to click through a portal to save a bit extra whenever shopping on the Internet.)

The evangelistic shirt I am wearing in the pic below is one of those I designed.  My wife and I were hiking in God’s creation to the top of a place called Bald Mountain in the Bay Area.  (It is near the town of Ross.  I feel very welcome there-it’s a nice place, for sure.)  I usually wear this neon shirt when I am biking back and forth to work.  That way I am not just visible on my bike, but everyone who goes by can have access to the gospel.  Furthermore, when I am at work I basically need to have someone else initiate the conversation if I am going to talk about the gospel, but if coworkers see the shirt I am wearing when I bike in they know I am a Christian and also know how to find out more about the gospel without me having to say anything, as well as knowing that if they want to learn more about their Creator they have someone to ask about it.  So that is very good.

Bald Mountain hill Marin County Bay Area hike faithsaves.net man woman Christian evangelism evangelistic

By the way, we actually hiked to the planet Saturn on the same walk up Bald Mountain-here are pictures to prove it.

woman Saturn hike bald hill mountain Marin Bay Area


faithsaves.net Marin county San Francisco hike Bald Mountain hill hike Christian evangelistic Saturn

So now you know–a What is Truth? exclusive–now you know that all that stuff about Saturn being a gas planet and it being very far away from the sun and very cold is not true.  You can actually hike to Saturn from Marin County near San Francisco, California, and the temperature on Saturn is remarkably temperate.  Maybe the Seventh-Day Adventist prophetess Ellen White was actually right when she counted the moons of Jupiter and Saturn and said that “the inhabitants are a tall, majestic people.”  I’m pretty tall, and at least my wife thinks I can be majestic.  And here I was, hiking to the planet Saturn.  Thanks, Mrs. White!

Fake news you can trust, eh?

This shirt comes in a variety of sizes and colors (you don’t need neon if you don’t want that color.)  My wife Heather also has a nice shirt that says “Ye must be born again” and has the faithsaves.net website on it.

ye must be born again John 3:3 butterfly blue background t shirt

The evangelistic car magnets are also great.  (We have had the bumper stickers for a while already.)  It is a blessing that if we are in the parking lot at the grocery store, or are stuck in traffic, it means that the people next to us have a chance to come to know the true God and receive eternal life instead of spending eternity in hell.  Why should a zillion companies advertise their products on their cars, but believers not evangelize with their cars?

Obviously, God has given us a great deal of liberty within His guidelines of modesty and gender distinction about what we should wear, as long as we do it for His glory (1 Corinthians 10:31).  I would encourage you to consider using that liberty to confess Christ and offer the gospel with evangelistic clothing and evangelistic transportation in this desperately needy, hell-bound world.



  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
