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The Command in Scripture and in the Real World

The Bible is full of commands.  A command is an order from authority.  In a colloquial way, it is being told what to do.  It is distinguished by telling, not asking.  In the military, it is a statement that might be followed by “and that’s an order.”  In a grammar, the command is an imperative mode of verb.  When studying commands, it’s under the heading of imperatives.  Out of all the imperatives in the Greek New Testament, there are 1357 commands, which include prohibitions or negative commands.  A command is the language of superiors in authority to subordinates.

The fact that the Bible uses so many commands justifies commands or commanding.  Commands need to be made.  The first statement of God to mankind is from the Lord God and Genesis 2:16 says, “And the Lord God commanded the man.”  With the command comes a consequence, disobedience to the command results in death.

With the above being said about just the New Testament, we live in an era, even when someone is superior in authority, he doesn’t tell, but he asks nicely.  A command implies authority.  It also calls for subordination and obedience.  It says that someone can tell someone else what to do.  It implies that someone might know more than someone else too.  Someone should be listening to someone else and doing what he says to do.One of the greatest commands in the New Testament is the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20.  I start with verse 18, because Jesus says that “all power,” which is all authority, is given unto [Him] in heaven and in earth.”  Therefore.  Based upon that authority, verse 19, “Go ye, and teach all nations.”  In the Greek, only “teach” is a command, and “go” is a participle.  Jesus has all authority and He commands those that day, “Teach,” which is to “make disciples.”  With all authority, Jesus commands, “Make disciples.  “Have you “made a disciple”?  Why not?  Some professing Christians, who barely even try to make a disciple, put very little effort to obey that command, still judge themselves to be superior spiritually for other reasons.  They are still not obeying that command.What are other New Testament commands?  Follow me, Jesus commanded.  Rejoice.  Fear not.  Bless them that curse you.  Love God.  Love thy neighbor.Jesus used commands all the time, because He has and had authority.  He speaks with authority in part as seen in His commands.  He also showed His authority by the consequences He guaranteed.  In the Sermon on the Mount, He said, “The meek shall inherit the earth.”  Who could make that statement except the Person who owns the earth?  That is who we should listen to.  He speaks with authority.We live in a world where people don’t want commands.  They don’t want someone in command.  They chafe at being commanded.  This is not the atmosphere or environment well-suited to follow Jesus Christ, because He commands all the time in the New Testament, and then even those who call themselves Christians don’t obey what He commanded.I am not going to command you, but I ask you to think about your relationship to commands and, therefore, to authority.  Can you be told what to do?  When you are told what to do and by authority, do you obey it?  Do you become angry with it?When people are children, parents and other adults need to start commanding.  “Give me that.”  “Stop it.”  “Come here.”  “Don’t touch.”  “Eat.”  “Pick that up.”  “Make your bed.”  “Go get me that.”  “Mow the lawn.”  “Pull those weeds.”  “Finish your homework.”  “Put that down.”  As children, they need to start learning to obey commands.If someone, who says he is a Christian, is going to obey the New Testament, obey God’s Word, and obey Jesus Christ, he needs to be fine with commands.  He needs to embrace them.  God works through authority.


  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
