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The Gospel, If It Was a Product, Is the Greatest One on Earth

Tesla Template

Elon Musk apparently does not have an advertising or marketing budget for Tesla.  Tesla does not pay for endorsements.  Instead, Tesla uses its money to make its product great.  It assumes that customers, who buy Tesla cars, will champion the brand and promote the vehicles.

The electrical vehicles of Tesla are nothing compared to the biblical gospel, the one and true, only gospel.  Individual components of the gospel and that which contains the gospel, scripture, surpasses a Tesla or anything like Tesla, in an immeasurable way.  Musk banks on his product.

Nothing Better

If biblical salvation, eternal life and such, are true, then just talking about that is enough.  Would the following question be accurate as an opening?  Here it is in a block quote.

Could I tell you about something that is immensely better than anything else on earth and in the entire history of mankind?  And I’m not selling it.  I just want you to have it.

Not only does this life reach its greatest value, but it moves into the next life, which is eternal.  That’s if it’s true.  And why would we even talk about it if it were a falsehood?  We wouldn’t.  But it is true.

You could also say that the Bible defines success.  You will have succeeded in life if you sort out what God says in His Word, believe it and then do it.

What Churches Do

Churches today or just religious institutions put much into advertising and marketing, trying to concoct programs that will attract interest.  The fundamental message of a true church, the gospel and then all that it entails, is the greatest attraction.  A church shouldn’t replace the number one attraction with things boundlessly less attractive, as a supposed means of greater attraction.

Let’s even take all the various facets of the Christmas story as an example.  It’s just again a matter of whether it is true or not.  Even the enemies of the story know that.  They try to undermine the veracity of the story, attack its credibility.  As it is, infinitely valuable nuggets fill the birth narrative of Jesus Christ.

A faithlessness exists in either remaining silent or staying relatively quiet about the gospel message.  If Tesla’s electric vehicles mere existence is enough of a sales strategy, then so the gospel is too, even more so.  People put a lot of effort into things a great degree less important than the gospel.  They have their priorities out of whack, when they do so.

What Is the “Mind Virus” Of Which Elon Musk Alludes?

Elon Musk and the Mind Virus

Civilizational Threat

Not until very recently did I hear the terminology, “mind virus,” and it came from Elon Musk (the wealthiest man in the world) in various podcast interviews.  In a few of those by various individuals, he talks about the “mind virus” as a civilizational threat.  When asked why he bought Twitter (now X), even though it was an apparently very bad investment, he explains that he did it to ward away again, “civilizational threat.”  He saw a particular mind virus, which took the world in a trajectory that he assessed would result in the destruction of humanity.  His purchase of X would push that back for a time, Musk surmised.

Elon Musk could be right, depending on what the real “mind virus” is.   The terminology hearkens to a biblical truth that gets at the crux of the real problem in the world. The actual mind virus is not, however, we know, the same one of which he speaks, based on scripture.  Yet, mind virus as a concept, I would agree, depending on its definition, is the greatest civilizational threat.

Richard Dawkins and “Viruses of the Mind”

It seems that the words “mind virus” originated with Richard Dawkins with a 1991 article, entitled, “Viruses of the Mind,” originally delivered as a lecture.  Others that then used the terminology equated a similar concept.  Dawkins saw religious faith as the chief mind virus, but really faith itself, people with which he calls “faith sufferers.”  His point, albeit very false, was that faith bypassed evidence, so it mainly blocked or impeded evidence.

In most recent times, maybe the most common usage of “mind virus” refers to the technical terminology, “woke mind virus.”  Googling those three exact words brought me 123,000 hits.  This seems to be where we’ve settled in the realm of “mind virus.’  “Woke mind virus.”  References to “mind virus” now mean “woke mind virus.”

Meaning of Woke Mind Virus

Musk’s Definition

At the top of a google search is an article at Rolling Stone, titled, “Elon Musk and Bill Maher Fear the ‘Woke Mind Virus’.”  When asked, Musk defined this virus as “anything anti-meritocratic and that results In the suppression of free speech.”  He said the main cause of it is “the amount of indoctrination that’s happening in schools and universities.”  One man, I think, accurately described the woke mind virus with the following quote by G. K. Chesterton:

We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four, in which furious party cries will be raised against anybody who says that cows have horns, in which people will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening mob with the news that grass is green.

Some of that to which Musk refers is what I also believe is the mind virus, including in his assessment of Netflix.  Commenting on the hemorrhaging of Netflix subscriptions, Musk said Netflix was “unwatchable” because of its “woke mind virus.”

The Real Woke Mind Virus

“Woke” became contemporary terminology to describe a state of totally subjective enlightenment, untethered to objective reality.  Someone woke is awake to something probably invisible to almost everyone.  An apparent woke person can see someone is a racist like a Geiger counter picking up radioactivity.  No evidence of racism is necessary.  His inner Geiger counter detects racism; therefore, it must be there.  A woke practitioner also sees more than two sexes and even fluidity in gender identity, where someone can label himself a woman, when he is a man, even depending on the day of the week.

A Reprobate Mind

What Musk called the “woke mind virus” is what Romans 1:28 calls “a reprobate mind,” that does not “like to retain God in [its] knowledge.”  Concerning the same, 2 Timothy 3:8 says, “these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.”  It’s what 2 Thessalonians 2:11 calls a “strong delusion.”  In modern vernacular, someone infected with the woke mind virus is delusional.  2 Corinthians 3:14 and 4:4 say these people’s minds are blinded, so that they cannot see the light of God’s truth.

Musk himself rejects the light of the gospel.  He considers the earth billions of years old and that man emerged from naturalistic evolutionary processes.  Musk also contends that an extinction event for earth is inevitable.  He says, “An extinction event is inevitable and we’re increasingly doing ourselves in.”

Public schools keep teaching lies of the most fundamental and foundational nature.  These lies are the root that poison every fruit on the entire tree.  They are what Paul calls, “imaginations that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God” (2 Corinthians 10:5).  These ways that seem right unto man, Solomon says are the ways of death (Proverbs 14:12).

Prevenient Grace

How do Musk and other’s like him, themselves deluded, correctly identify the woke mind virus? In a default manner, God gives every human “the law written in their hearts” (Romans 2:15).  The same verse says, “the conscience also bearing witness.”  In the previous chapter, the Apostle Paul writes in Romans 1:19:  “Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.”  C. H. Spurgeon said in a sermon entitled, Prevenient Grace, preached:

PREVENIENT GRACE, or the grace which comes before regeneration and conversion. I think we sometimes overlook it. We do not attach enough importance to the grace of God in its dealings with men before He actually brings them to Himself. Paul says that God had designs of love towards him even before he had called him out of the dead world into spiritual life.

That grace doesn’t end in salvation for everyone, as seen in Romans 1:18.  Even though they know God through many general means, men still suppress the truth in their unrighteousness.  As a result, they become “vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened” (Romans 1:21).  This is another description of the “woke mind virus.”

The virus also creeps into churches.  Churches accommodate the world system.  They subjugate themselves to conventional wisdom, what James 3:15 calls “wisdom [that] descendeth not from above, earthly, sensual, devilish.”  These are what the Apostle Paul calls in 1 Corinthians 2:13, “the words which man’s wisdom teacheth.”    He also calls it “the carnal mind [that] is enmity against God” (Romans 8:7).

The True Woke Mind Virus

Musk doesn’t know or understand the true woke mind virus.  Yes, the god of this world deludes most men, including Musk, and God turns them over to a reprobate mind.  They are bewitched like the Galatians, “that they should not obey the truth” (Galatians 3:1).

The only escape from the woke mind virus is what Paul calls ‘the law of the mind’ (Romans 7:23).  This is akin to replacing the “heart of stone” with a “heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 11:19, 36:26).  With this change of nature, man can and will think characteristically how God wants him to think.  This is the only true and real cure for the woke mind virus.  God can and will deliver through the Lord Jesus Christ.  Paul writes (Romans 7:25):

I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God.

I Don’t Want to Scare You But This Could Scare You

Artificial Intelligence

I was preparing to write about AI (Artificial Intelligence) today, something I started last week, before I even heard about the public interview with Elon Musk.  What he said added to what I will write here.  In general, I’m following two threads of thought.  The first is the potential control of AI or whoever possesses the keys to AI.  It relates to eschatology.

Many of you already think about it or thought about it.  Maybe you already don’t put very much trust in institutions.  I typed “human institutions,” but there isn’t any other kind.  Every institution is a human one.  How “off the grid” could any one person live and still fulfill his purpose for existence?


Would I be wrong to say that something like 99% plus of people today depend on electronic systems?  I draw a circle around myself and start working my way out.  To start, I’m typing this on a laptop computer connected by WIFI through a router to the internet.  As you read this, it started here where I sit and reached you through an amazing pathway at maybe something like the speed of light.

The power grid now depends on massive computers.  The decision to bring generators on line or cut off an overloaded portion was not long ago done by people.  In congested areas, computers control automobile traffic.  Close to 90% use a mobile phone for that communication.  These too are powerful computers.


Even if only 40-50 percent of people use mobile banking, me included, all banking is computerized.  Like probably all of you, I don’t see my money, if currency is money.  Currency isn’t money, when it’s worthless as paper and ink. Some of you reading have gold somewhere, actual physical gold, in what you hope is a safe place.  I hope that will work for you if or when everything breaks down.  Maybe someone will trade you something you need for the gold you possess.

I hate to say this, but almost all of my money could disappear in less than one second of the time computers started controlling everything.  Or, more likely in my opinion, when someone controlling all the computers took control of everything with the computers.  I did not earn much in my lifetime, but I did relatively well with stewardship of the small amount.  Still, all of that wealth over my entire lifetime could vanquish in one brief moment.  How do I or how would I stop it?


The adage, don’t put all your eggs in one basket, I think I follow it.  However, I have all of those eggs under the dominion of computers in some fashion.  I own property.  A computer says I own property.  Maybe a piece of paper sits in a file somewhere too, but I’m really not sure on that.  When computers take over, can I use a computerized mobile phone to talk to a real person about my ownership of that property?

I was thinking about this subject as it related to college loans.  I finished college and graduate school with zero debt.  Other people out there have huge money they owe.  A few people could in essence push one button and all of that debt disappears.  Someone got paid.  Instead of the student or his parents paying, everyone shares in the elimination of their debt in a computer.  That’s you and me.  We’ll pay that modern art professor or critical theory instructor with higher expense for eggs and milk.

How to Prepare?

Much more could be said.  What we know from the Bible is that at some future time on earth, a few people will control everything on earth by controlling the power to buy or sell.  It’s much easier to see how they can do that.  If anything close to that occurs before that future time, like a dress rehearsal, how should I prepare for that?

Programmed to Deceive

This year at Easter time, and I prefer Resurrection time, I prepared a resurrection sermon.  In doing so, I read what ChatGPT, an AI, wrote about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  I read this article with eagerness, because I thought that the AI would write without bias.  AI would take all the information on the internet and tell the truth.  It did not.

As a disclaimer, ChatGPT was relatively objective.  It said the resurrection of Christ had historical evidence.  However, it called it still a matter of faith, differentiating that from, what we might call, a historical event.  That part of the ChatGPT’s assessment others programmed into it.  They would not allow ChatGPT to call the resurrection true, just function according to all the information out there.

Present powers don’t want an objective AI presence.  They want to program parameters and algorhythms for purposeful misinformation, a bias that supports their view of the world.  Scripture indicates that in the future deceit will increase to all time proportions.  A few people could easily use a ChatGPT to fool more people than the lies already occurring.


  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
