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From the Work of Beza in 1598 to Modern Skepticism and the Greek New Testament

F. H. A. Scrivener showed 190 differences between his printed text, representing the underlying text of the King James Version, and that of Theodore Beza‘s printed edition in 1598.  This was eighty-two years after the first printed edition of the Textus Receptus (TR) in 1516 and thirteen years before the publication of the King James Version (KJV).  Beza had more manuscripts than Erasmus did in his first edition, including Codex Claromontanus and Codex Bezae.  He did not overhaul the received text, making some corrections while keeping much of the editions of Erasmus and Stephanus already established within and by church usage.

The number of words different are much greater between Beza 1598 and Erasmus 1516 than Beza 1598 and Scrivener’s, something like 1500 to 190.  Scrivener’s, the representation of the text underlying the King James Version, is not Erasmus 1516, as much as critics use Erasmus 1516 text for their Textus Receptus criticism.  The KJV translators relied on Beza 1598, which agreed with earlier printed editions of the Greek New Testament, but corrected errors based on words in available Greek manuscripts.  The progress between 1516 and 1611 followed the creed, a mistake made in one copy was corrected by another.

The Approach of Theodore Beza

The small number of corrections in the 16th century printed editions of the Greek New Testament showed the consensus among Bible believing and practicing churches for the completion of this work.  The doctrine of preservation guided the thinking that this would not continue as an ongoing, never-ending work.  Theodore Beza approached his biblical text work with a strong theological conviction that God had preserved His Word through history.  He indeed believed that the TR represented a divinely preserved text.

For Beza, the work of Erasmus and Stephanus was a heritage of the divine transmission of Scripture.  Beza recognized this and aimed to keep intact the familiar readings embraced by the churches.  The reception history played a crucial role in Beza’s decisions.  Keeping these was a reliance upon divine providence.  By accepting and printing familiar readings, he aimed to ensure that his edition would be embraced by those already accustomed to earlier versions.

Theodore Beza’s theological perspective influenced his textual choices.  He believed that certain readings aligned with doctrinal truths central to an orthodox biblical theology. This belief led him to retain readings and make adjustments only when absolutely necessary.

The cessation of further printed editions of the Greek New Testament after the Elzevir Brothers 1633 arrived almost entirely because of the acceptance of the standardization of existing translations of the text.  The text should reflect what people read.  People in churches read translations, not printed Greek editions.  This revealed the settling of an underlying Greek text in the nature of the canonization of scripture.  The internal testimony of the Holy Spirit decided the end of this period through the unified testimony of the saints.

The Settling of the Text of Scripture

Samuel P. Tregelles in his An Account of the Printed Text of the Greek New Testament writes (pp. 33-35):

Beza’s text was during his life in very general use amongst Protestants; they seemed to feel that enough had been done to establish it, and they relied on it as giving them a firm basis. . . . After the appearance of the texts of Stephanus and Beza, many Protestants ceased from all inquiry into the authorities on which the text of the New Testament in their hands was based.

According to Tregelles, in the early 18th century, Richard Bentley wrote that the text of Stephanus could not have claimed greater authority if “an apostle had been the compositor” (p. 29).

The reception of the churches indicated a settled text.  The saints in the churches understood God’s warning neither to add or take away from the words of this book (Revelation 22:18-19, Deuteronomy 4:2).  The text of the Bible was not a personal playbox for the fiddling of scholars.  Churches also trusted the providence of God.  He was at work in the perfect preservation of scripture.

Changes from “the Enlightenment”

New changes of the text of the Bible did not again arise until what historians call “the Enlightenment.”  The late 18th and 19th centuries, almost two hundred years later, brought the rise of skepticism towards traditional authorities, including religious texts.  This cultural shift brought a new view as to how biblical texts were viewed and utilized.  The rise of modernism, a different world view from previous centuries, introduced methodologies steeped in a critical approach to science and history.  This rejected reliance on faith, supernaturalism, highlighted by a denial of miracles.

Scholars such as Jean Astruc and Julius Wellhausen introduced critical methods that questioned the previously accepted understanding of textual integrity. For instance, Wellhausen’s documentary hypothesis suggested that the Pentateuch was composed from multiple sources rather than being authored solely by Moses. This perspective led to a reevaluation of all original texts, suggesting they were not divinely inspired but rather products of historical and cultural contexts.

Secular Methodologies

Scholars began applying secular methodologies to analyze the scriptures.  A new approach fostered an environment of interpretation through a historical-critical lens, resulting in conclusions that diminished spiritual significance.  The adoption of modernist principles in seminaries blended scriptural beliefs with contemporary critical methods.  It was a different epistemology, knowledge no longer attained by faith or at least primarily by faith, but mostly through human observation and reasoning.

Modernism’s focus on empirical evidence encouraged scholars to pay closer attention to textual variants found in different manuscripts.  The rise of higher criticism during the modernist movement also played a crucial role in shaping how scholars approached biblical texts.  This analytical lens affected how critical texts are constructed.  It started with a rejection of the doctrine of providential, divine preservation and a bias toward naturalistic explanations.  Scholars began integrating insights from fields such as linguistics and anthropology into their analysis of biblical texts, leading to new methodologies for understanding language use and cultural contexts within the New Testament.


The critical text of the New Testament did not arise from the heritage of the Textus Receptus.  These represent two entirely different worldviews, epistemologies, and methodologies.  Progress from Erasmus, Stephanus, to Beza represent supernaturalism, divine providence, orthodox biblical belief, and certainty.  The Bible stood as final authority for faith and practice.

Modernism gave birth to the critical text out of a cradle of skepticism.  It started with doubt in the work of God and the veracity of providential preservation.  Human empiricism supersedes belief in God.  For this reason, the text of scripture never stops changing with a hopeless future for a settled text.  This undermines the faith of God’s people and hardens the hearts of the lost.

What Is the “False Doctrine” of Only One Text of the Bible? (Part Three)

Part One     Part Two

Prayer for Apology?

List of 5 Concerns

Mark Ward apparently prays for KJVO leaders to make a public apology about their sin of an official use and promotion of the English Bible translation.  One charge he makes is that they aren’t telling the truth in their defense of the King James Version.  In part one, I said that, I believe based on listening to him for awhile, Ward alleges the following five points as a main concern of his:

  • One, these men don’t sufficiently acknowledge archaic English in the King James Version, semantic changes, the worst of which Ward calls “false friends.”
  • Two, these men say God preserved every Word in the original language text, but they won’t point out the preserved printed edition of the Textus Receptus that represents that.
  • Three, these men keep using the King James Version, so making the Bible opaque to the average reader, even though modern versions from the same underlying text are available.
  • Four, these men won’t admit that church men have long recognized textual variants and acknowledged their existence.
  • Five, these men ignore that underlying text behind the King James Version didn’t exist in a single edition until Scrivener in the late 19th century, who himself didn’t support the Textus Receptus.

I said I would deal with these five after I was done addressing those things Ward said were his reasons for a prayer for an apology.

Acknowledgement Already

Churches that still use the King James Version (KJV) as their church Bible have many varied explanations and positions for advocating for the KJV.  As Ward knows, users of the KJV are not a homogenous or cohesive group, even though Ward often lumps them altogether as one.  A large mainstream of King James Version defenders long acknowledged semantic changes of several words in the King James Version.  Rather than retranslate the same underlying text, leaders of KJV using churches (and others) published a list of these words with their definitions, put them in the margins of the biblical text, and write pamphlets with explanations of these words.

One, Semantic Changes

Long Available Resources

The following is a list of books or pamphlets (and their publication date) already written to deal with word meanings in the King James Version:

1960, 1994 — The King James Bible Word Book:  A Contemporary Dictionary of Curious and Archaic Words Found in the King James Version of the Bible
1999 — The King James Bible Companion
2011 — Archaic Words and the Authorized Version
2017 — Bible KJV Plus:  King James Version Plus [with Archaic KJV Words Translated and Appended in Brackets]
1998 — The Defined King James Bible
2002 — King James Bible Wordbook
2010 — The King James Version Dictionary
2003 — 4,114 Definitions from the Defined King James Bible
2018 — List of archaic words in the KJV and their modern equivalents
No Date — KJV Archaic Words
No Date — Archaic Words in the King James Bible
2020 — Archaic and Outdated Words in The King James Bible (KJV)
2019 — King James Bible Word List & Definitions
2016 — Archaic Words in the King James Version


Others already noticed this in 1884 with the mammoth The Bible Wordbook:  A Glossary Of Archaic Words And Phrases In The Authorized Version Of The Bible And The Book Of Common Prayer by W. A. Wright.  In a recent episode by Mark Ward, he mentions “closet” from the Sermon on the Mount.  On page 140, Wright writes (yes, Wright writes):

Closet, sb (Matt vi. 6) Lat. claudo, clausum, whence close, cloister.  A private apartment, generally a bedroom. Latimer uses it with a punning allusion to its derivation:
Shall any of his sworn chaplains? No: they be of the closet, and keep close such matters. Serm. p. 98
Ah! Gloucester, hide thee from their hateful looks!
And, in thy closet pent up, rue my shame.
Shakespeare, 2 Hen. VI. 11. 4. 24.
From hence he raiseth his studies to the knowledge of physics, the great hall of nature, and metaphysics, the closet thereof.
Fuller, Holy State, XXII. p. 57.

An actual closet isn’t too bad unless yours looks something like Fred Flintstone’s closet with its requisite bowling ball.  This is just a private place though.

Reference Bibles, Etc.

Above is only a sample.  Many more of these exist.  The Westminster Reference Bible, the Reformation Heritage Study Bible, Holman KJV Study Bible, and the KJV Word Study Reference Bible, among others, have these same words defined or explained in them.  All of these various books and helps in addition to the unpublished ones done by churches for decades tell a different tale than what Ward says.  Churches and their leaders help and helped people with these words, know they exist, and talk about them.

Deeper Concern

The deeper concern that I’ve had for decades now is the horrific preaching among independent Baptists.  This related less to the King James Version itself as it was the poor training among these churches.  Concerning all of evangelicalism, doctrinal matters themselves don’t matter.  Our area has many different Christian denominations that botch, twist, and pervert the Bible when they teach it.  This is rampant all over the country.  As an example is the popularization of Jordan Peterson as a Bible scholar and teacher.  Tens of thousands listen to him and don’t have the discernment to know how bad it is what he is saying.

Not because they have used the King James Version, young people sit in such places as the University of North Carolina and hear the corrupt teaching of Bart Ehrman.  The Great Classes curriculum also features his New Testament courses.  Popular teaching across the United States misses what the Bible says, more concerned about what will titillate and keep the audience.  Professing preachers use the Bible, but don’t teach what it says.  This is not because of the King James Version.  This is rampant all over evangelicalism.

A Test

Mark Ward produced a test to give to those using the King James Version to investigate whether they know what the obsolete or archaic words mean.  He included pastors in the testing.  Overall they did poorly on his test.  I’m not surprised.  Ward concludes this is a KJV problem.  I would disagree with him.  It’s worse than that.  They don’t know what the Bible means because they aren’t exegeting scripture.  That’s not their approach to the Bible.  In their “study,” if they do look up a word, they go to an English dictionary.  They don’t know how to do a word study.  Their colleges have spent much more time on church growth methodology than knowing what the words of the Bible mean.

Two, Printed Edition of the Textus Receptus (TR) Criticism

Presuppositions and the TR Question

Ward and those on his side are not honest brokers on the TR edition question.  They still talk like men haven’t answered and don’t answer this point, the “Why TR?” one.  I’ve written on it again and again, and yet he’s never acknowledged it.  That’s a kind of dishonesty in this debate.  He ignores the answer and then says no one gives one.  The TR edition question is not a problem with the biblical presuppositions.

TR Editions are printed editions.  This is a new phase in the history of the Bible in the original languages.  There was no printed edition of the Greek New Testament available until Erasmus in 1516.

The TR Edition period went from 1516 with Erasmus to 1633 with the Elzevir brothers.  There was great homogeneity to those editions, which is why they’re all called Textus Receptus.  However, they do differ in a relatively small number of ways.

Scriptural presuppositions say that all the words were available to God’s people in the printed editions of the TR.  Availability is a presupposition.  True churches received those words, another presupposition.  God’s people with inward testimony of the Holy Spirit agreed on the Textus Receptus, another presupposition.  Translations came from the TR.

Settled Text

Points One through Three

I make several other points about the TR that I’d like to enumerate.  One, the words of the Greek New Testament existed and were available, even as translators translated from something.  Two, church leaders wrote exegetical commentaries and referred to the underlying Greek words.  When they wrote a commentary in English, they used both the King James Version and their own translations and then pointed to the underlying Greek words.  They had the underlying Greek words in mind.

Three, scripture teaches canonicity and it is a canonicity of words as I argue in a chapter of Thou Shalt Keep Them (please get book and read chapter).  Many other men have since repeated that argument, calling it what I coined then, the canonicity argument.  Scripture doesn’t teach a canonicity of Books, but a canonicity of Words.  Canonicity of Books proceeds from Canonicity of Words.  This recognition of scripture continues through church history and the TR edition period was a part of that until men settled on the words.

Points Four through Six

Four, the explanation of the variants among saved people was “a scribal error in one copy was corrected in another.”  This was not a large corruption of God’s Word, although that did happen.  This was part of God’s preservation work.  Five, an attack on the Words of God has always been occurring since the beginning in Genesis 3.  The TR editions represent biblical preservation.  Finally, six, churches settled on a text.  Scripture teaches a settled text.  Every word matters.  Man lives by every word (Matthew 4:4).  God’s people should expect to have every word available (Isaiah 59:21), just like God inspired every word and all of them (verbal plenary inspiration and then preservation).

Which are the words of the settled text?  The TR edition era ended in 1633.  As Hills so aptly put it:  “the King James Version ought to be regarded not merely as a translation of the Textus Receptus but also as an independent variety of the Textus Receptus.”  Those words were preserved and available in every generation of true believers since the completion of the New Testament.  This is, again quoting Hills, “the logic of faith.”  You can’t keep sampling interminably into the future.  If you believe, you bite down on the truth, that is, accept it.  The alternative, naturalistic uncertainty or doubt, is not acceptable.  Believers should reject it.

More to Come


  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
