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Embracing An Unstoppable Advantage For Guaranteed Longstanding Victory (Part Three)

Part One     Part Two

War Against the Soul

A non-stop, real war exists through the history of the world between light and darkness.  As a part of that war, Peter expresses an unstoppable advantage for guaranteed longstanding victory.  He says in 1 Peter 2:11:

Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.

The appropriate part of the verse to declare an aspect of war and victory is at the end:  “which war against the soul.”  What wars against the soul?  “Fleshly lusts” do.  Abstinence from fleshly lusts eliminates a crucial component for losing this war with darkness.  .

A question might and should arise, “How do fleshly lusts war against the soul of a person?”  Fleshly lusts cause spiritual and psychological disadvantages in the war against the soul.  You need your soul and spirit operating in an optimal way and fleshly lusts wound them.

Confidence in Christ

Confidence in Christ functions within the soul and spirit, not the flesh.  Six different thoughts come to my mind on this, not necessarily in this order.


First, confidence is persuasion (peitho).  You can behave with strength, because you have confidence, confidence in the Lord (2 Thess 3:4) and not in the flesh (Philip 3:3-4).  Jesus said, “Lo, I am with you alway” (Matt 28:20).  Jesus is sanctified in your heart, so you’re ready to give an answer of the hope within you (1 Pet 3:15).  Readiness comes by fortifying the soul.

Uppermost Affections

Second, you can please God by faith because God abides in the uppermost of your affections (Heb 11:6).  You live like He’s your Judge and He does not lie.  This rest in Him provides a settled peace that isn’t moved.

Thinking on These Things

Third, anxiety comes not from victimhood, but from not thinking on what is true, honest, just, etc. (Philip 4:8).  You’ll remain anxious if you adopt victim status.  You’re not one.  The peace of God keeps you through Christ Jesus, but only by thinking on it.  That’s in your soul.

Sidelining Deflation

Fourth, Satan wants you a casualty, someone out of the fight.  He uses those fiery darts that penetrate the heart, not in a deadly manner, but in an injurious or incapacitating way.  The Apostle Paul had an open door in Troas, but because he had no rest in his spirit (2 Corinthians 2:13), he missed an opportunity.  People become incapable of fulfilling God’s will because they subject themselves to fear and discouragement.  Their deflation keeps them sidelined.


Fifth, Paul twice asked church saints, once of Ephesus and once of Colossi, to pray that he would have boldness.  Boldness comes when the Spirit fills a believer in his inner man.  He speaks the truth in love and the Spirit encourages him.

Filled with the Knowledge of God’s Will

Sixth, Paul prayed that the knowledge of God’s will would fill the saints of the church in Colossi (Col 1:9).  Furthermore, he says this knowledge of God’s will is in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.  God’s will is not arbitrary.  It is based on wisdom and understanding and not a feeling proceeding from the flesh.

Fleshly lusts debilitate everyone, both believers and unbelievers.  It is a very sad tale when they strafe the souls of believers.  They bring this on themselves.  Believers have all the resources in the grace of God to abstain.  They just won’t.  The worst thing very often that you can do to one of these professing believers is exhort or admonish them about it.  They are quick to speak, slow to hear, and quick to wrath.

Beach Heads or Gates

John Bunyan clued true believers to the methodology of fleshly lusts.  Before him in Pilgrim’s Progress, it was James 1:13-16.  The gates through which fleshly lusts pass are akin to the allies taking the beaches in the South Pacific and at Normandy.  The flesh forms a beach head through the eye gate, the ear gate, and the three other lesser senses:  touch, taste, and smell.  Abstaining from fleshly lusts means guarding those gates, stewarding them.

The Nazis had deadly holds on the Beaches of Northern France.  Those required removing for victory to occur.  Allied soldiers eliminated them at great cost.  Professing believers instead contribute to the fleshly strongholds in many different ways.  They talk like God gives them liberty to keep those deadly beach heads.

More to Come

Embracing An Unstoppable Advantage For Guaranteed Longstanding Victory

Supply Chains and Tripping Hazards

Something I never heard before 2020 were the two words, “supply chain.”  I looked into those two words and didn’t find them used together before the last half of the twentieth century.  Google books gives just one page of examples for the whole century and none in the nineteenth century.  Examples explode in the last twenty years.

Now that people use “supply chain,” historians provide supply chain advantage as the primary reason for victory in World War Two.  It was easier for the United States to get its supplies in Europe than for Germany to get theirs.  The Americans, over two thousand miles from home, had more and better supplies than the Germans, only hundreds of miles away.

The success of the Viet Cong in the Vietnam War were short supply chains, essentially tunnels, jungle trails, and near limitless volunteers.  Among an assortment of lesser causes, this led to their victory over a superior foe.

To achieve success in life requires eliminating as many possible factors that impede that success.  Next week Monday, I’m supposed to have a hip replacement.  The booklet to prepare for it explains certain fundamentals like removing threats of tripping from the walking surface of your floors.  As you read that, it seems a bit of a “duh” moment.  And yet, people leave tripping hazards all over their lives.

Supply Chain Dysfunction

Life became more difficult for many people beginning in 2020 because of “supply chain” dysfunction.  The price of homes increased because it’s harder to get the supplies.  It’s also more difficult to find the people to build the homes.

God in scripture points out factors comparable to a broken supply chain and a tripping hazard.  Peter expresses one in 1 Peter 2:11:

Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.

Paul begs and commands those traversing their life’s path on earth, “Abstain from fleshly lusts.”  He didn’t say, “Stop sinning.”  Saying “stop sinning” is like saying, “Win the war.”  You want to win the war, but more basic than that is “build and sustain a supply chain.”  Remove tripping hazards.

Professing Christianity today acts like an industrial complex for fleshly lusts.  It isn’t abstaining.  It riddles the floor with tripping hazards.  If the goal is winning the war, not abstaining is a losing strategy.  It creates a disadvantage so large that it guarantees failure.  Fleshly lusts destroy the supply chain.

Winning the War

People might say they want to win the war.  They might publish multitudes of magnificent war victory posters.  Until they want to abstain from fleshly lusts and then abstain, they won’t.  In fact, professing Christianity today campaigns for feeding fleshly lusts.  It thinks its worst enemy is the command.  Professing Christianity reacts most harsh to the threat of abstaining from fleshly lusts than the fleshly lusts.

A popular phrase, reaching cliche status, I will still use because of its appropriateness.  Professing Christians shoot themselves in the foot when they do not abstain from fleshly lusts.  They might not like the idea, but they are in a war, a war they should desire to win.  Instead, they provide the way for their own defeat.  They have multiple bullet holes in both feet.  I think we should say that they want to lose.  Losing must in fact be their goal.  They are going to get tired of losing, they’ll lose so much.

“Dearly beloved” or “strangers and pilgrims” in this world find their interests in the world to come, not this one.  They instead plan their lives around a future kingdom and a heavenly city.  They invest for eternity.

Still, 1 Peter 2:11 expresses a command to believers, an unpopular mode of communication.  True Christians still participate in fleshly lusts, so Peter commands them to abstain from them.  Commands are not options.  He also provides the consequence of not abstaining.  Psychological problems, soul problems, are the worst ones people have.  They obliterate people and families like Sherman’s march tore through the South at the end of the Civil War.

Fleshly Lusts and True Christianity

Fleshly lusts cannot characterize true Christianity.  If fleshly lusts do, it isn’t Christianity.  It’s something else, not Christianity.  Someone who laps up fleshly lusts is not a Christian.

Biblical Christianity, true Christianity, is more than just a series of things someone doesn’t get to do that he might want to do.  It is wanting to do what Christ wants Him to do and liking it.  Loving it.

The soul that will operate in a godly manner will unhitch itself from fleshly lusts.  A soul that continues in its pursuit of worldly pleasure is not “converted” or “restored” (Psalms 19:7, 23:3).  God does not possess that soul.  It remains in the realm of the wicked one.  This is not a person who has lost his life (psuche, his soul) for Christ’s sake.  He still loves the world and the love of the Father is not in Him.

More to Come



  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
