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The Microcausation and Macrocausation of the Grooming Gang Scandal in England


Apparently for fifteen or so years, certain people have sounded a warning or alarm about so-called “grooming gangs” in England.  “Grooming” speaks of “sexual grooming,” essentially training children to accept rape or assault as a way of life.  They would become then ready facilitators for the predilections of adult perverts.

I had heard the term “grooming” before in years past to push boys toward a future in homosexuality.  They do not by nature want or desire that behavior, but through suggestion and promotion in propaganda style, they become increasingly more accepting.  Even the federal government talks about this activity in the first paragraph of a presentation:

To keep their conduct secret, perpetrators coerce and “groom.” That is, as sexual contact escalates, they methodically increase the attention and rewards they give to their targets (Robins, 2000). Grooming allows perpetrators to test their targets’ silence at each step. To nurture the relationship, perpetrators make the target feel “special” by, for example, brandishing gifts and/or spending extra time with the target in nonsexual ways, all in an effort to learn whether the target will keep silent (Robins, 2000).

Grooming Gang Scandal

The grooming gang scandal in England I had not heard until less than a week ago, and I was astounded and even shocked by the news.  In England it involves mainly adult immigrant males (they are not from England) repeatedly raping young white girls.  Apparently there is a racial component to it.  It is also socio-economic, because these girls are middle class or lower.

Since I first read about this scandal this last week, I have seen a figure from 10,000 to a million young girls. People actually do not know the number of victims, but I heard Jordan Peterson use the top number, a million.  The population of England is about 58 million, so this is an astounding figure.  How could a culture, a society, allow this to happen?  Why is there not more of an outrage?

The scandal reaches to the present Prime Minister of the UK, Keir Starmer.  He was the Director of Public Prosecutions in the Crown Prosecution Service when this criminal activity was rampantly occurring in England.  Starmer made a controversial decision not to prosecute certain cases due to perceived issues with victim credibility (this article might also get you up to speed).


As someone diagnoses such a horrific scandal, what is the cause of it?  This issue is so gigantic and so deplorable that it signals deep cultural decline that reaches even lower lows than ever.  That’s why I’m writing about it.  Elon Musk points to authorities who didn’t do enough or tried to cover it up.  I would call these types of explanations, microcausation.  They are a reason, but not the foundational reason.  The microcausation matters, but it isn’t the most significant.  The most significant are the macrocausation, which doesn’t change overnight.

The realm of microcausation points to many different causes.  The political pressure in England could cause the nation to deal with these.  A big voting bloc is angry about this situation.  It could even sink the career of Keir Starmer, the Prime Minister.


The first and most obvious reason is a lack of courage from a leader.  I had not heard of this situation.  Maybe you hadn’t either.  How?  This is kept low profile.  Powerful leaders did not want it to become big in England.  The media was also complicit.  It reminds me of the Roman Catholic Church doing something similar with its priests and their massive number of sexual assaults of children.

Even as I write about Roman Catholicism, I believe the numbers of sexual problems like these are as great or greater in the public school system.  It just doesn’t get the attention, because the public schools hold more levers to cover these situations.  I’ve seen this first hand.

Absent Parent or Parents

I’m sure, like the United States, England is rife with single parent homes and absent fathers.  Even so, do fathers really have the divine right to protect their daughters, even though the state takes away that right.  Daughters go running out on their own and parents sit and allow it.  I remember a popular fundamentalist preacher in a family conference joking about this:  “Where are you going?”  Answer:  “Out.”  Where is “out”?  Especially Gen Z think “out” is an appropriate amount of freedom for girls.  “Just be careful!”

Part of feminism and women’s rights is the right that moms and girls claim not to listen to the father. They’re big and smart and don’t need to listen to almost anyone.  The government very often defends a girls right to become sexual early and then have a secret abortion.  They start them young on some kind of pregnancy prevention, anticipating their sexual activity.

This one is the closest to a macrocausation of the microcausations, the break down of the family, but it still is an outgrowth of something more fundamental.  Included in this reason is moms outside of the home, so they don’t know what’s happening either.  Sadly, some of the moms are at home attempting to self-medicate.  Or mom does her hobbies while the kids do who knows what.  The first time the mom gets upset is when she happens upon this months later.

Media and Multiculturalism

So the third microcause is the media covering for its political allies.  The opportunity for a story is there, but it is punted because it doesn’t help the correct people.  The media allows the victims to languish and perish because it doesn’t serve the right political motivation.

Fourth, there is a religious, ethnic, and immigration component that doesn’t harmonize with leftist values.  This fits into the leftist DEI agenda.  Related to this is multiculturalism, a comfort with perversity, and globalism.  White middle and lower class girls become victims of these corrupt viewpoints.


Fifth, England is 6.5% Moslem.  That might seem like a low percentage, but it is very high when it comes to an invasion of Islam.  Islam is not natural to England, but the country allowed this to occur because of its leaders warped views.  I’ve read that Islam needs only 25% of the population to take over a country.  Seventy-five percent of this 6.5% would be happy with Sharia Law taking over all of England.  The other twenty-five percent moderates capitulate like they do in most of the Moslem world.  The Moslem communities do not stop this behavior.

I still consider these five and several others (I could have written more) to be microcausation.  They are serious, but by far not the most serious.  In many ways, they are just a bandaid on what’s the most significant causation.


A culture that allowed grooming gangs to operate almost unfettered in England also exists in the United States.  I see two major macro causes for the grooming gang scandal and these causes also are here in the United States.  The United States didn’t make a huge jump to transgender men dominating in women’s sports.  Somehow homosexual children are the coolest kids in school.  No one can or will criticize what’s happening.  It’s much more foundational than that.

Elimination of Objective Righteous Culture

One, the elimination of an objective righteous culture.  This is our Father’s world, but the culture is Satan’s.  He is the Prince of this world, and the churches capitulated on this long ago.  It’s easy to see all over.  So many examples exist.

There are some weak intermural skirmishes about the culture.  That’s it.  Generally, the skirmish is over who can get to the weakest possible position the fastest on cultural issues.  I’m talking about everything cultural:  music, dress, male and female roles, art, beauty, alcohol, appearance, lifestyle, recreation, entertainment, and more.  The grooming scandal is in the realm of a deteriorating, crumbling culture.  Hardly anyone will say anything about this in public, because that ship has sailed.

The culture will get worse.  It will still only get worse.  The culture will not get better.  It won’t and it can’t.  Not until there is an admission that there is such a thing as a Christian or godly culture, a country will keep going down.  New technology and inventions will not improve this.

Grooming Scandal a Cultural Issue

The grooming scandal is a cultural issue.  A nation could allow its little girls to be raped by men and do almost nothing about it, because very few are serious about the culture.  Look at this as a basic in England.  They allow men to rape young girls every day, but they arrest a woman praying silently in front of an abortion clinic.  That tells you the condition of the culture.

I could just leave that one macro cause and it would seem like enough, but it actually comes out of something that is even more fundamental.

Loss of Authority and Certainty of Scripture

Two, God’s Word has lost its authority and certainty to people.  The cultural issues go away, because people don’t think they can make applications of scripture to the culture.  Why?  If they’re going to do that, they have to be certain, and they’ve lost that certainty for many reasons.

The Bible is there for people as a kind of therapy.  It really can make you feel good, buoy you through bad times as you essentially live for yourself.  People overall don’t see the Bible as sure enough any more.  The seminaries training pastors go along with this.  Churches have lost it too.

Seventy-five years ago, almost all churches made application to cultural issues.  They were strong and dogmatic.  Preachers could and did apply the Bible.  Not long before that, almost everyone would agree on these cultural issues.


So called preachers today turned the cultural issues into non-essentials.  This is not a hill to die on.  They  would say, keep it on the gospel, even though they’re also watering that down.

Much of this capitulation on truth also relates to pragmatism.  How can or will a church grow, while taking a stand on cultural issues?  People don’t want to hear it.  You’ve got to pick and choose your issues.  Today, you can still get away with saying a woman is a woman and a man is a man, and bury your stake right there.  That’s today’s culture warrior.  Be careful not to stray too far from that though.

The grooming gang scandal is shocking.  Don’t think it’s going to get better just because you can identify and maybe complain about the microcausation.  It will still get worse unless the priority is the macrocausation of such a scandal.

Messianic Israel / Jew Evangelistic T-Shirt: Shema & Isa 53

God loves Israel! He loves Israel far more than did the Apostle Paul, who wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit:

1 I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost, 2 That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart. 3 For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh: 4 Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; 5 Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen. … 1 What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision? 2 Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God. (Romans 9:1-5; 3:1-2)

What does God say to those who harm Israel?  “He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye” (Zechariah 2:8). As with the rest of mankind, Jews who do not believe the gospel will be eternally lost (Romans 11:28a), but nonetheless “as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers’ sakes. For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” (Romans 11:28b-11:29).


What is the greatest blessing Jehovah has ever given Israel? The Messiah, the Savior of the world, God blessed for ever, Jesus!  To that end, we have designed the T-shirts pictured below, which have been added to the collection of evangelistic T-shirts and other materials I posted about some time ago. Both sides of the T-shirt reference the evangelistic pamphlet Truth From the Torah, Nevi’im, and Kethuvim (the Law, Prophets, and Writings) for Jews who Reverence the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, which is online at https://faithsaves.net/Messiah/.  The front has this evangelistic website as well as the text of the Shema, Deuteronomy 6:4:

שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָֹה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהוָֹה אֶחָד׃

Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:

Israeli flag Shema Deuteronomy 6:4 Messiah Jesus T Shirt

While the back has the evangelistic website and Isaiah 53:8b: “For he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.”

along with, on both sides, the flag of Israel.  (We did not see a way to design the shirt so that the vowels and accents could be included, although we recognize the Biblical and historical case for their inspiration and preservation.)

We believe that these shirts can be blessed by the God of Israel for Jews to embrace their crucified and risen Messiah, Jesus, as well as to help Gentiles come to repentance and faith in Him.  If you get to evangelize Muslims because of this shirt, Isaiah 53 is good for them also, since Muslims deny the Lord Jesus died on the cross, claiming the Gospel accounts are fabrications. But Isaiah 53, which clearly predicts His death by crucifixion and resurrection, and which we have physical, pre-Christian evidence for in the Dead Sea Scrolls, cannot be so explained away by Muslims.  This T-shirt can also help you explain the powerful evidence for the Bible from prophecy for agnostics and atheists and the powerful impact of Isaiah 53 to both Jews and Muslims. Furthermore, God promises to bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel (Genesis 12:1-3). Do you want to be blessed by the living God? Bless Israel!

The immediate motivation for our making these shirts was a pro-Hamas, anti-Jewish rally we saw in Los Angeles.  Jew haters there held signs such as “Resistance is not terrorism,” glorifying the murder of 1,200 Jews on October 7, 2023, the largest single-day slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust:

resistance is not terrorism pro Hamas anti Israel Jewish Semitic A. N. S. W. E. R. coalition

They also promoted “from the river to the sea,” advocating the destruction of the Jewish state and the murder of the Jews:

from the river to the sea Hamas terrorism kill Jews

The protesters were part of the anti-Israel hate group, the A. N. S. W. E. R. coalition, who argue that to say “Hamas is a terrorist organization” is a “lie.” (By the way, if you need more reasons to stop using Google as a search engine, note the pro-terrorism, anti-Israel search results that come up first if you search for “answercoalition.org Hamas terrorism”; compare those results with what you get on Duck Duck Go, where the top result [as of the time I am writing this] is the Anti-Defamation League explaining why Hamas is a bloodthirsty terrorist organization that calls for the eradication of Israel.)  The protestors also reproduced lies pumped out by Hamas about civilian deaths in Gaza, while saying nothing about the fact that Hamas wants civilians in Gaza to die and Israel does not. Of course, Islam allows Muslims to lie–after all, Allah is the best of deceivers.

They were blocking the street so that we could not keep going on the bus we were on in Los Angeles.  Our destination was not far away–a museum in LA.  We decided to get off the bus and walk there.  A few blocks away we saw an orthodox Jewish man walking in the direction of the advocates of terrorism.  We told him about the protest; he thanked us, and re-routed.  After we got home from the museum we designed the T-shirts. It is right to stand against terrorism and for the Jewish people.  It is especially right to stand for the greatest Jew of all, the resurrected Lord, Jesus.

We saw posters like the following a few blocks away.  The anti-Jewish, pro-Hamas protestors did not say anything about these people.

Jewish babies kidnapped by Hamas poster

Jewish youth kidnapped by Hamas hostage

Jewish grandmother hostage kidnapped by Hamas

They also said nothing about United States citizens killed by or held hostage by Hamas. They are also not important, it seems. (Let me add that the large majority of inhabitants in Gaza and the West Bank support Hamas’ murder of Jewish civilians–the large majority “extremely support” terrorism, while in a recent survey only 7.3% of survey participants were “extremely against” such terrorism, combined with 5.4% who are “somewhat against” it, for a total of only 12.7% of the population who are against terrorism; it is certainly possible survey results reflect some bias, but the overall picture is likely to be accurate.)

What about here in the USA? When asked if they support Israel or Hamas, 95% of those over 65 support Israel.  The percentages get progressively lower the younger people are.  Among 18-24 year olds, only 55% support Israel, while 45% support Hamas.  This is a terrible trend, and awful evidence of the anti-God garbage taught in the public school and university systems.  Maybe consider getting some of these T-shirts for yourself or as presents for others.  Perhaps you are afraid of Muslim violence or anti-Jewish violence if you wear one, since true Islam in America–like all true Islam–is violent and bloodthirsty, not peaceful.  Perhaps if you are living in Saudi Arabia or Iran it would be unwise to wear one of these shirts; but if you live in the United States of America, and you will allow threats of Muslim violence to curtail your free speech, something is very wrong.  Obviously Christians have liberty to wear or not wear a T-shirt like this, and it is perfectly fine not to wear one, but our decisions must be made out of Biblical principle and for the glory of God, not out of fear.  If you say you would have protected Jews in the Holocaust, but are afraid to stand for them and against their murderers now, why should we believe you would have stood were you in Hitler’s Germany? There are Biblical principles here.  God’s love for Israel is not saying God loves everything the modern state of Israel does–but God still loves Israel, and Scripture still says to bless Israel.  (By the way, if you are born again, God loves you with an infinite and special love, but He still does not love everything you do–He does not love your sin, nor does He love Israel’s sin.)  Be salt and light: stand up for righteousness. Do not let the wicked pro-terrorist people be the only ones who are making their voices known.  Stand for the God of Israel, for the Messiah of Israel, and for the nation of Israel.


As FLAME: Facts and Logic About the Middle East points out concerning anti-Israel, pro-Hamas bias in media reports about Gaza civilian casualties:

[T]he media insist on treating Hamas’s notoriously unreliable information feed as fact. Conversely, they refuse to give precedence to proven, reliable sources of information, such as the Israeli or U.S. governments, the latter of which confirmed Al-Shifa’s use as a Hamas headquarters. Israel presents photographs of Hamas blocking exit highways, so Gazans cannot leave the war zone . . . but Hamas denies it, says NPR. Such is the inane, “he-said, she said” pablum we are fed by the media.

The media also steadfastly refuse to ask the questions demanded by the story—and by any curious reader, listener, or viewer. When reporters interview Palestinians on the street or doctors in hospitals, the viewer cries to know: “Do you ever see any Hamas guys around here? Have you seen any tunnels?” But never does the reporter ask this, let alone questions like, “Do you support Hamas? Do you think there should be a Palestine next to Israel? What do you think about the October 7th attack on Israel?” These are obvious queries that responsible, curious, fact-hungry journalists would and should normally ask their sources. But they never do. Why?

The short answer is that if they asked these questions, the stories they tell wouldn’t fit the narrative they are trying to sell—the narrative in which the Palestinians are an oppressed people, Israel is an evil, colonial aggressor, and Hamas is a product of legitimate Palestinian resistance.

To sell their perverse narrative, international media swallow the wildly inflated death-toll numbers cranked out by the Gaza Health Ministry. For this reason, the media simply repeat the daily growing casualty figures Hamas gives them.

Reuters reports, for example, that as of November 22nd, Gaza’s Hamas-run government says at least 13,300 Palestinians have been confirmed killed, including at least 5,600 children. But Luke Baker, a former Reuters bureau chief who led the organization’s coverage of Israel and the disputed territories from 2014 to 2017, said on X (formerly Twitter), “Hamas has a clear propaganda incentive to inflate civilian casualties as much as possible.”

Moreover, the media almost never give a breakdown of the casualties. They don’t say how many were Hamas terrorists or how many were human shields, killed in residences schools or hospitals where Hamas were hiding. They never tell how many were killed—not by Israeli forces, but by Hamas and other terrorist groups—because of misfired rockets, or by Hamas shooting at Palestinian civilians heeding Israeli orders to evacuate.

In addition, it’s probable that a significant number of the “children” reported killed or wounded by Hamas are youths aged 13 to 18, who were located in Hamas facilities or even took an active part in the fighting.

If you are not aware of the connection between Soviet communist propaganda and modern anti-Zionist lies about Israel as a colonialist oppressor, please read the article here.

Israel & Hamas: Just War vs. Pure Evil & the United States

As blog readers surely know, on October 7 thousands of Hamas terrorists invaded Israel and butchered and tortured many helpless Israeli citizens.  On the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, they did things like the following:

A young boy and girl, 6 and 8 years old, and their parents were around the breakfast table. The father’s eye was gouged out in front of his kids. The mother’s breast was cut off, the girl’s foot amputated, and the boy’s fingers cut off before they were executed. And then their executioners sat down and had a meal.

In total, around 1,400 Israelis have been murdered by Hamas, and more than 4,500 injured. It was Israel’s 9-11.

In response, Israel invaded Gaza, intending to overthrow Hamas.  Israel told civilians to leave the northern area ahead of time–but Hamas told them not to leave, and was turning people back into the war zone.  (Did Hamas give early warning to Jewish civilians before launching their unprovoked attack? Hmm.)  Hamas deliberately puts people in Gaza in harms way so that they can be killed, and then Israel can be blamed.  Hamas’ main headquarters is underneath Gaza’s main hospital because Hamas knows that Israel respects human life, while they do not.

What are some things we can learn from this war?

1.) It is a just war for Israel.  Anyone who recognizes that God blesses those who bless Israel (Genesis 12:3) should automatically be biased in Israel’s favor in a situation like this one, but even if one very foolishly rejects God’s Word, anyone with half a brain can see which side is right in this war.

2.) Hamas is acting like faithful Muslims should act.  They are obeying the god of Islam, who told them: “slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush” (Quran 9:5).  The Quran is full of open-ended commands to violently kill people, and Muhammad was a bloodthirsty murderer, as one can clearly see if one reads his biography.

3.) Not just Hamas, but Muslims in general have an anti-Jew problem, because of their religion.  Is every Muslim anti-Jewish? No–many Muslims do not care about their religion, just like many Roman Catholics don’t care what the Bible says or the Pope decrees.  But the Muslims that do care about their religion are anti-Israel.  Why is Rashida Tliab advocating and defending genocide of the Jews? Her district is full of Muslim immigrants.  Islam in America–like Islam everywhere that it is true Islam–is violent and bloodthirsty, which is why the most dangerous evangelistic endeavour I ever had, where I was closest to being killed, was not at various Gay Pride parades, but in the American heartland politely and respectfully passing out the evangelistic work The Testimony of the Quran to Muslims. A majority of American Muslims are at least partially in favor of the brutal murders that Hamas committed on October 7, and around 40% of them approve the terrorist leader of Hamas.  Imagine if 40% of any other demographic were in favor of terrorism.  The people in Gaza voted in Hamas.  Now since that vote there have been no other elections, since Islam is against democracy and in favor of dictatorship.  There are no free and fair elections under Sharia law.  But when the Muslims in Gaza had a chance to vote, Hamas won.

4.) Because the left is anti-Bible, and because Joe Biden needs Muslim votes in swing states like Michigan to win reelection, the Democrat party is becoming more and more anti-Jewish. Calling on Israel for a ceasefire is absolutely bonkers.  More Jews were killed in a single day than at any time since the Holocaust, but Biden calling on $100 million in aid to the Muslims in Gaza and the West Bank for “humanitarian” purposes is about what the Babylon Bee described it as, and the money is certain to be diverted to support terrorism.  Would we have been fine with calling for a ceasefire after 9-11 and then giving “humanitarian” aid to the Taliban and Al Qaeda?  Biden should be calling on Israel to utterly obliterate Hamas.  Hamas should immediately release all American hostages and all other hostages.  Anyone who actually cares about the people in Gaza not getting killed should want Hamas overthrown as soon as possible.

5.) Because the mainstream media is dominated by the left, all kinds of false equivalencies are made between Israel’s just war and Hamas’s unjust murders.  Inflated numbers of casualties in Gaza are repeated by major press organizations from figures spoon-fed to them by Hamas itself.  Of course, Islam allows Muslims to lie.  Reporters in Gaza can either repeat what Hamas tells them to report or they can get tortured and killed themselves, or at the very least get kicked out of the territory.  How many Jewish reporters do you think are on the ground in Gaza getting information? Oh yes, the same number as the number of Jews who live in Gaza–zero–while in Israel Muslims are around 20% of the population and have equal rights (yes, the freest place for Muslims in the Middle East is in Israel).  And even though Israel is the freest place in the Middle East for Muslim Arabs, usually only around 33% of Arab Israeli citizens oppose Hamas, and the large majority oppose Israel’s defending itself; immediately after this butchery of Israelis–including Arab Muslim ones–23% of Arab Israelis still do not oppose Hamas, while 33% oppose Israel defending itself even while the blood of their murdered and tortured fellow citizens is barely dry.  Israel is pressured to stop fighting because its terrorist, true Muslim opponents in Hamas want as many of their own civilians killed as possible. (If you want information about Israel that is free from anti-Jewish bias, please check out FLAME: Facts and Logic about the Middle East, and consider their newsletter. They are a Jewish, not a Christian organization.)  The mainstream media are very, very worried about the the three Nazis that are left joining with the 17 KKK members in the country holding a demonstration somewhere that has thousands of counter-protesters, but a blind eye is turned to the vast multitude of American Muslims who are actually in favor of killing the Jews.

6.) The fact that this is a just war for Israel does not mean that Israel is a righteous country. The vast majority of Jews reject and hate their Messiah, the Lord Jesus. Jews from all over the world are allowed to immigrate to Israel, but Jews who believe Jesus is the Messiah are not allowed in.  Tel Aviv is considered one of the most gay friendly cities in the world, despite the clear statements in the Old Testament about the abomination of sodomy. Moses in Deuteronomy 28 describes exactly what Israel has faced for the last 2,000 years since “all the people … said, His blood be on us, and on our children” (Matthew 27:25):


And thy life shall hang in doubt before thee; and thou shalt fear day and night, and shalt have none assurance of thy life: In the morning thou shalt say, Would God it were even! and at even thou shalt say, Would God it were morning! for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear, and for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see. (Deuteronomy 28:66-67)


Israel is not going to have peace, not only because the nation is surrounded by Muslims who hate Jews like the Quran tells them to do, but because the curses of Deuteronomy are upon them, and will continue on them until they repent and believe on their Messiah, the Lord Jesus.


7.) As individual Christians and churches, the best thing we can do is preach the gospel to every creature.  Love and preach the gospel to the Jews and send evangelists to them.  Love and preach the gospel to the Muslims and send evangelists to them. How well equipped are you to evangelize Jews?  How about Muslims?  Do you have tracts for these two specific false religions?  Love your neighbor as yourself.  How well would you want a Christian to be equipped to speak to you if you were lost in one of these false beliefs?


8.) From a public policy perspective, the United States should support Israel because God has sworn in the Abrahamic Covenant that He would bless those that bless Israel, something repeated throughout the Old Testament.  God used Babylon to punish His rebellious people centuries ago, and He uses Islam to punish them today, but woe to the Babylonians and to the Muslims who attacked the Jews!  If someone says we give Israel too much foreign aid and we can’t afford it, he is consistent if he is also aware that foreign aid to all countries is less than 1% of the federal budget and is also in favor of the kind of drastic entitlement reform that could actually save us from defaulting on our national debt.  If he doesn’t want to either abolish or drastically reform Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, but is very indignant about foreign aid to Israel (most of which, for weapons, goes to American companies), his position is not very consistent.  Once someone is a citizen here, he has freedom of religion and speech.  He is free to be a fool and put on a white hoodie and burn crosses.  He is free to be a fool and chant “From the river to the sea” and so call for genocide of Jews. But we should let as few of these people immigrate here as possible.  Muslims who actually believe in Islam should not be let into the country, and those non-citizens who believe in Islam’s teachings about jihad should be deported.  Furthermore, we need to recognize that, like Muhammad, modern faithful Muslims respect power, not truth.  When Muhammad was powerful, he killed the non-Muslims; when he was weak, he advocated religious tolerance.  If we want to deter terrorism and want there to be more peace, and less war, then Israel should be allowed to enact a ferocious response on Hamas that will discourage the Muslims who surround Israel from acting upon their religion’s murderous and anti-Jewish teachings.


By the way, Russia is also guilty of awful war crimes in Ukraine. (Did you know Ukraine has the second largest number of Baptists of any European country–only less than the UK?)  Deterring Russia means letting the Ukrainians defend themselves.  Ronald Reagan, in God’s good providence, won the Cold War by helping to arm those who fought the Russians when they were invading.  We should balance the budget and pay off our national debt by fixing entitlements, and that can be done while, without putting any Americans on the front lines to fight, we send weapons to an imperfect but pro-Western nation with freedom of religion that the Russians decided to butcher the citizens of in their cruel, unjustified, barbaric, and wicked invasion.

God does NOT love everyone? A Hyper-Calvinist Error, part 2 of 3

Is it true that God does NOT love everyone? Hyper-Calvinism says “yes!” Scripture says “no!”  In part 1 of 3 in this series, I summarized the first portion of my recent composition God Does Not Love Everyone: A Hyper-Calvinist Error. John 3:16, Mark 10:21, and 1 John 2:2 refute the hyper-Calvinist idea that God loves only the elect. Scripture is plain that God loves the entire world-every single person.


If Hyper-Calvinists Were Right,

Then Christians Should Not Love Their Enemies


Christians should be like God. If God loves every person, then they should love all men.  If God has nothing but an everlasting hatred for the non-elect, then they should strive with all their might to purge out any love that they have for lost sinners from their bosoms and have nothing but an eternal and everlasting hatred for them, (allegedly) like God.  However, the Lord Jesus taught:


43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; 45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? 47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? 48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. (Matthew 5:43-48)


Christians must love their enemies because God loves His enemies.  When they love their wicked, unregenerate, Christ-and-Christian hating enemies, they are being like their Father in heaven. The Sermon on the Mount does not say, “Love your elect enemies and bless the elect when they curse and hate you. If the non-elect do it, though, show eternal hatred to them.” Believers must “increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men” (1 Thessalonians 3:12-13) because God loves all men, not the elect alone.


The Quran Agrees with Hyper-Calvinism,

but the Bible does Not


Hyper-Calvinists need specific passages that teach God does NOT love the majority of the world that rejects Christ and is eternally lost. It would not have been hard for God to include such statements in the Bible. After all, the Quran is filled with them. For example:



Q 2:276 Allah hath blighted usury and made almsgiving fruitful. Allah loveth not the impious and guilty.

Q 3:32 Say: Obey Allah and the messenger. But if they turn away, lo! Allah loveth not the disbelievers (in His guidance).

Q 3:57 And as for those who believe and do good works, He will pay them their wages in full. Allah loveth not wrong-doers.


The Quran is full of such statements-when I went through the Quran from cover to cover as part of my preparation for my debate with the Muslim apologist Shabir Ally I found the seemingly constant drum-beat of Allah’s lack of love for this group and that group a sharp contrast with the teaching of God’s Word, the Bible.


While the idea that God does not love unbelievers is all over the Quran, the number of statements in holy Scripture such as “God does not love person X” or “God does not love people like Y” are equal in number to the statements such as “Christ did not die for person X” or “Christ did not die for group Y”–namely, zero.  Both limited atonement and the hyper-Calvinist doctrine of God’s lack of love for the vast majority of mankind are completely absent from Scripture.


Please read God Does Not Love Everyone: A Hyper-Calvinist Error for more information.


Shabir Ally / Thomas Ross Debate over Jesus and the New Testament with Reviews now on Rumble

The videos of my debate with Shabir Ally, and the reviews of the arguments made, are now on my new channel, KJBIBLE1611, on the video sharing platform Rumble.  I created the channel on Rumble because I am concerned that YouTube might be censoring or reducing the viewership of the debate now, and if that is not taking place now that it might do so in the future.  Please feel free to subscribe to my Rumble channel, which will help other people to see the video.  It also helps if you subscribe to my YouTube channel. I intend, at this point, to keep posting content on both the KJB1611 YouTube channel and on the KJBIBLE1611 Rumble channel, Lord willing; Rumble because it does not censor Biblical or conservative content, the way YouTube tends to do, and also YouTube because so many more people watch YouTube at this point.  I have also added links to the Rumble videos on the Shabir Ally debate post at FaithSaves.  The evangelistic Bible studies are also going up on Rumble.




  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
