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The United States and the War in Ukraine (Part Two)

Part One

As an issue, the war between Ukraine and Russia is a very complex, complicated situation.  I hear both left and right criticizing the Trump administration on its handling of the war.  When you listen carefully, you hear something about support for Ukraine.  What in fact is support for Ukraine?

Support for Ukraine?

People often use “support” in a very loose manner.  I find that the word “support” lacks significant commitment.  Support means a small percentage of a nations gross domestic product (GDP) toward financial aid.  Approximately 0.67% of the combined GDP of major European nations has been given in support of Ukraine.  If Russia began dominating Ukraine in the war, indicating that Russia would defeat and gain control of Ukraine, would any European nation send ground troops to join Ukraine for the purpose of stopping this?

Instead of future ground troops, European nations could support Ukraine with a present commitment of ground troops, literally joining Ukraine in its war.  Not one nation committed to sending ground troops to join Ukraine against Russia.  No nation has committed to sending their own soldiers to fight on the ground against Russia.

The issue of the war between Ukraine and Russia reminds me of the commitment to the rise of oceans due to climate change.  Those who express future certain dire circumstances in coastal areas refuse to sell their own coastal properties.  This signals the truth of their own adherence to their own ideas about the climate change.  They do not commit to act upon their own theories even if they expect more financial aid devoted to this cause.  Financial aid encourages war in Ukraine and a cataclysmic large number of death and destruction for Ukraine.

Ethnic Russians

The ethnic Russian population in Ukraine constitutes approximately 17.3% of the total population, based on the 2001 census, which recorded about 8.3 million individuals identifying as ethnic Russians. This figure includes both those born in Russia and those born in Ukraine who identify as ethnically Russian.  Ethnic Russians are predominantly located in specific regions of Ukraine, particularly in the eastern and southern parts of the country.

The Autonomous Republic of Crimea has a significant Russian majority, with approximately 71.7% of its population identifying as ethnic Russian.  Ethnic Russians make up about 48.2% of the population of Donetsk Oblast, 58.7% of Luhansk Oblast, and 52.9% of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.  13.1% of Kyiv itself are ethnic Russians.  60 plus percentage of the previously mentioned regions are ethnic Russian, making up a Russian bloc of Ukraine.

Russian Language Laws

Ukraine has implemented a series of legislative measures and policies that have significantly curtailed the use of the Russian language, particularly in areas with substantial ethnic Russian populations. These actions are part of a broader effort to promote the Ukrainian language and reinforce national identity.  The Constitution of Ukraine, adopted in 1996, establishes Ukrainian as the sole state language while guaranteeing the free development and protection of minority languages, including Russian.

A 2019 language law in Ukraine explicitly excluded Russian from exemptions granted to other minority languages that are also official languages within the European Union (EU). As such, while some minority languages received protections under specific conditions (e.g., Hungarian or Romanian), Russian did not enjoy similar privileges.  A large majority of ethnic Russians opposed the law.

Justification for War

I write about the domination of ethnic Russians in a bloc of Ukrainian regions and this 2019 language law to highlight the complexity of the situation in Ukraine.  A multiplicity of significant international issues behind the Ukraine and Russia war also exist.  The war is not as simple democratic and not democratic.  The actual meaning of democracy according to various factions also further complicates the motivations for the war.

Western democracy fails in its moral standing to judge and then criticize others.  Do those advocating for Ukraine in war against Russia have suitable moral basis for justification of the war, when weighing all the factors?  I don’t hear very good arguments.  The biggest argument I hear, and almost exclusively, is that anyone who does not want Ukraine war against Russia supports Vladimir Putin and everything bad about him.

Biblical Prophecy?

I have not heard much on the subject of Russia in biblical prophecy in recent days, especially since the fall of the Soviet Union.  In the 1970s a lot of men preached prophetic passages such as Ezekiel 38 and 39 to defend an attack on Israel by Russia as part of the Great Tribulation period.  In their system of interpretation at the time, Russia would battle Red China in the final Battle of Armageddon.  Related to current events, that doesn’t look as viable now.

Even though I am a premillennialist by conviction, men might and do differ on some of the fine details.  Biblical prophecy, I believe, can and should affect American foreign policy.  What scripture says is true.  However, men make right decisions to conduct the best activities by relying on the plain meaning of scripture.  That becomes increasingly more difficult in a world and its leaders not guided by what God says.  Everything is better everywhere with a right application of scripture.

No matter what happens in the world previous to the return of Christ, that won’t change what God foretells after it.  For premillennialists, whatever occurs right now is not necessarily a prelude for what will occur after the rapture of the saints before the Tribulation period on earth.  The United States does not appear at anything at all prophetic in the Bible.  The best approach is a broader one that still does take Israel into strong consideration in U.S. foreign policy.

Israel, Wales, and Complexity of the Issue

Israel supports ending the war between Ukraine and Russia, primarily through mediation and humanitarian aid rather than military involvement or outright condemnation of Russia.  At no time did Israel send weapons to Ukraine.  Through the Ukraine and Russia war, Israel maintained relations with Russia.  Over 100,000 Israeli citizens live in Russia and 80,000 in Moscow.  1.5 million Israelis or 17.5% of the Israeli population speak Russian.  Over 400,000 pilgrims from Russia visited Israel in 2015-2016.

To understand the complexity of regional foreign wars, one might consider that England forced Wales into the United Kingdom.  This occurred in 1283 but by law in the Wales Acts by Henry VIII in 1535 and 1542.  England forced Wales into its kingdom by means of military conquest.  Wales had and still has its own language.  The United Kingdom by law allows Wales to have its own language.

I support diplomatic efforts by the United States to end the Ukraine-Russia War.  The other side does not offer any viable or reasonable solutions.  Left and right who oppose the diplomatic efforts, including the media, should support the efforts toward peace by not sabotaging the actions of diplomacy with Ukraine and Russia.  They should stop hindering this peace process.

The Tension in Scripture Between God’s Covenant with and Chastisement of Israel

Part One     Part Two

Theological Tension

Theological tension refers to the concept in Christian theology where seemingly contradictory truths coexist and must be held in balance without reducing their complexity.  Tension acknowledges that the Bible presents multifaceted truths that, although appearing to conflict, are, in fact, complementary.  Sometimes men use other terms, such as antinomy or paradox, to communicate the same truth.

To uphold tension requires not oversimplifying doctrine.  Another way of describing tension is by saying that the truth sits on a razor thin edge, where shifting to one side or another means doctrinal error.  Choosing one side over another when tension exists between two truths risks falling into a false belief and/or creating unnecessary division. The inherent tension in the Bible encourages genuine believers to think deeply about their faith and engage less superficially with the text of God’s Word.

Biblical Framework of Premillennialism

As the example of tension, which is the subject of this post, is the biblical framework of premillennialism:  God keeps covenant with Israel and at the same time chastises her.  I like to say that God intended for us to keep more than one idea in our head at one time.  The chastisement does not revoke the covenant, but it enhances it, very much also like the continued salvation by God of saints (Hebrews 12).

God made a promise, agreement, or covenant with Israel, which includes land, descendants, and blessings (Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 15).  The nature of the covenant by God is according to the biblical accounts both unilateral and irrevocable, meaning that God establishes it and it is not dependent upon Israel’s actions.  The covenant with Israel depends on God keeping it, not Israel.

Reality of Human Agency

The unconditional covenant with Israel does not preclude chastisement or discipline by God upon her.  God even uses these means to guarantee the fulfillment of the covenant. The Old Testament has numerous examples where God disciplines Israel for disobedience, which serves multiple purposes.  It calls Israel back to faithfulness, demonstrates God’s holiness, and ultimately prepares her for restoration.

Human agency plays a significant role in the unfolding of God’s plan. While God’s covenant remains intact, Israel’s failure to uphold her part—faithfulness to God—leads to consequences. This does not negate the covenant but rather highlights the dynamic relationship between divine sovereignty and human responsibility.

Tension Between Chastisement and Covenant

Despite periods of chastisement, God’s ultimate plan involves restoration for Israel. Prophecies in books such as Ezekiel (Ezekiel 36-37) and Isaiah (Isaiah 11) speak of a future time when Israel will be restored spiritually and physically. This restoration aligns with the belief in a literal fulfillment of God’s promises during the Millennial reign of Christ.

The tension between chastisement and covenant can be seen as part of a larger narrative about sin, judgment, grace, and redemption within scripture.  Understanding this tension helps believers appreciate both God’s justice in dealing with sin and His mercy in fulfilling His promises.  While discipline may occur due to disobedience, it does not nullify God’s irrevocable commitments.  It rather sets the stage for eventual restoration.

Even though God’s covenants with Israel (Abrahamic, Davidic, and New) are unconditional, obedience still plays a significant role in the fulfillment of them.  Disobedience does not nullify God’s covenants, but disobedience or obedience can affect an individual Jew’s experience of blessings associated with those covenants.  The end of Deuteronomy outlines blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience.  Israel’s failure to obey can and has lead to temporal consequences such as exile or suffering.  This continues to this very day.

Purpose of Chastisement

Prophetic texts such as Ezekiel 36-37 and Romans 11:25-27 speak of a time when Israel will turn back to God and experience His blessings as a nation.  This will bring to consummation what God promised.  Central to this restoration is Jesus Christ.  Enough individual Israelites will turn to and believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to make up an entire nation that God will save. Christ will return to establish His kingdom on earth, during which time He will reign from Jerusalem for a thousand years on earth and then into the eternal state (Revelation 20-22).

In the biblical narrative, God used surrounding nations to subject Israel to oppression and punishment.  This chastisement served multiple purposes: it was a means of discipline intended to bring Israel back to faithfulness and obedience (as seen in Jeremiah and Isaiah), and it also demonstrated God’s sovereignty over all nations.

God Uses and Then Punishes Nations

God can and use even those who oppose Him or His people for His divine purposes.   Nations acting out of their own motives, often by power or greed, still fulfilled God’s plan.  Despite being instruments of God’s will, these nations faced repercussions for their actions against Israel.  This fulfilled God’s covenants.  He cursed them who cursed Israel.  This included even the relatively light opposition of a weaker nation like Edom in the book of Obadiah.  These nations are accountable for their own actions despite God using them to chastise Israel.

The nature of this judgment varies; it can manifest as military defeat, exile, or other forms of national calamity. The overarching principle is that God holds all nations accountable for how they treat His chosen people. This reflects both justice and mercy within God’s character—justice in punishing wrongdoing and mercy in offering opportunities for repentance.

Even though the chastisement inflicted on Israel by other nations may have been part of God’s sovereign plan, those same nations faced punishment for their actions against Israel.  The Gentile nations that move Israel toward their repentance during the time of the Gentiles will also face God’s punishment for their role.  This again expresses the tension between Divine sovereignty and human responsibility.

Eschatology Is Affecting the Foreign Policy of the United States

Part One

Premillennialism and Foreign Policy

A large percentage, I would say 35% of the population, of Americans is premillennial.  Almost 100 percent of those were Trump voters in the 2024 election.  Premillennialism takes literally the Old and New Testament promises to Israel.  Amillennialism and postmillennialism are growing in the United States, but it is still a small, albeit loud, percentage of professing Christians.

Premillennialism takes what is called an Old Testament priority.  The characters of the Old Testament, as God revealed His Word to them, understood what they heard.  For instance, the promises concerning the Messiah were literal and fulfilled that way in the first coming of Jesus Christ.  A very low percentage of Jews believed that, but Christians did and do.

Abrahamic Covenant

I point to the Abrahamic Covenant of Genesis, which repeats itself multiple times in the book, starting with Genesis 12:1-3, but with an allusion in Genesis 3:15 and the seed of the woman.  God promised a seed, a land, and a blessing.  It was a unilateral, unconditional, and irrevocable covenant with an ethnic people.  You can add to that the Mosaic, Davidic, and New Covenants by God that apply to Israel.

In the present war in the Middle East, a large part of the support of the Israel comes from premillennialists.  You can add to that especially the orthodox Jews and then the Messianic Jews. If you went to an orthodox synagogue in Florida, almost 100 percent would have supported Donald Trump.  The two ideas coincide.  The Messiah is Jesus Christ, even if the orthodox Jews deny that.  However, they both look for a Messiah, who will set up a kingdom.

A Division

How are the eschatological positions applying to foreign policy right now?  A division exists in the Republican foreign policy.  The neo-conservatives are a very small minority now in the Republican Party.  Many went Independent or Democrat.

When I talk about the small minority, I’m saying The Lincoln Project, The Bulwark, the Bush/Rove/Cheney/Condoleezza Rice Faction, and the Romney/Murkowski/Collins/Nikki Haley/Mitch McConnell/(now) Mike Pence contingent.  Some still hang with the Republicans because they support more Trump ideas than the new Democrat Party.  Much of this side on foreign policy wants to keep sending billions or a trillion more to Ukraine and try to defeat Russia and Putin in a proxy war.

The same conflagration of new-conservative types support Israel in the Middle East, but they want a new world order with a muscular U. S. intervention overseas.  They still support the idea of nation building, perhaps going to back to an old NATO philosophy after World War II.  These are typically the classic free-traders and dollar diplomacy to force the spread of capitalism and democracy across the world.

MAGA and Historical Republicanism

The MAGA, American First foreign policy, as I see it, is split, but an avenue of cohesion exists.  The biggest group would take the following position and this fits Premillennial eschatology.  I would be in that thinking.  First, they reject the war in the Ukraine.  They want a diplomatic end to that war with the hope of better relations with Russia.  This includes ending NATO expansion into Eastern Europe, threatening Russian sovereignty.  This is not support of Putin.

The historical Republican foreign policy prioritizes America.  It secures the borders of the nation and strengthens the national economy.  Included in this is greater fairness in trade in combination with freeness and a return of strong American industrialization and business.  China makes less of the stuff America needs for a secure future.  This means less foreign intervention more in the spirit of George Washington in his Farewell Address.


A second aspect of the MAGA foreign policy relates to Israel.  The split exists here, because there is an anti-Israel faction in MAGA.  It’s also antisemitic.  You can find this also in the Christian nationalism movement.  It is not so totally innocent.  The amillennialists and postmillennialists abide here, a few premillennialists too, but with what I’ve read as a very odd sort of premillennialism.  The latter says that future support of Israel and trust in the promises of God do not necessitate, and could even preclude, present support of apostate Israel.

The premillennialist branch, the bigger one, of MAGA foreign policy can work with the smaller faction, which I believe includes now a name such as Tucker Carlson.  They might agree that the United States should allow Israel freedom to win in the Middle East.  The United States will continue as a supportive ally without its own military involvement, no more boots on the ground.

Premillennialists like myself would support a one state solution in Israel and an expansion of Israel territory.  This mirrors a belief that the Palestinians are in practice something like the Canaanites of the Old Testament.  They have no interest in cohabitation or peace with Israel in the land.  Israel can’t continue to live like this.  A one state solution is the most popular one in Israel today.  I think Israel should be allowed to form one state with the integration of like-minded Palestinians.


Peace in the foreign policy of the American First Movement revolves around an anti-interventionist approach.  The United States does not force its own foreign policy on Israel.  It supports an Israel First Movement in Israel.  At the same time, it neither sends financial aid to either Israel, Palestine, or any other Middle Eastern country.  These countries can trade freely and fairly with no advantage to either side.

What I’m writing fits a premillennialist approach and, I believe, it represents the present foreign policy in the United States.  It occurs in the most major way because of a belief in the promises of God to Israel.  It is also optimistic.  With the United States advocating for a literal approach to scripture even in its foreign policy toward Israel, it gives a greater opportunity for blessing on the country.

You’ve heard the mission credo, the church whose light shines the furthest shines the brightest at home.  I agree with the same credo for the United States.  Let’s stop intervening everywhere and get our own house in order.  We are not ready to spread a corrupt Americanism.  Only intervene against a direct threat to the security of the United States.  If an African country wants to outlaw homosexuality, the United States should not punish that country, but respect its sovereignty.  This will have a greater long term affect on the rest of the world, just being that original idea of a bright light shining on a hill.

My Personal Observations of Israel as a Story

Airport Tel Aviv

I’ve been to Israel in person.  My wife and I landed at the Tel Aviv Airport, the second largest city in Israel, even though you wouldn’t know Jerusalem was largest.  Tel Aviv has skyscrapers and to an American it looks like a major city.  Jerusalem doesn’t.  It looks like nothing you’ve ever seen except for Jerusalem, one of a kind.  Tel Aviv is in the middle of the country and on the coast.  It is near Jaffa, which is Joppa, which you might remember from Jonah.  A little further North is Caesarea, built by Herod as the first full fledged port for Romans to arrive in Israel.

Even though it wasn’t as busy when my wife and I went, we stood in a very, very long line to get through customs.  Even expecting it some, this necessary extra layer of security to guarantee the safety of Israel and tourists, surprised in its lengthiness.  When I turned and looked at the line behind and in front of me, people came from all over the world.  An American might think, I did, that Americans hold a vast majority of the interest for God’s promised land.

Before tourists started flying into Israel on Holy Land trips, for centuries convoys of Europeans took pilgrimages there.  When Moslems hindered them, they fought crusades for the freedom to continue.  The United States media doesn’t cover the interest.  The rest of the world claims Israel too, even the Chinese, which made up a large portion of the line in which we waited.


At the front of the line down a long wide welcome corridor in the Ben Gurion airport is an oversized replica of a Torah scroll.  Jewish travelers returning to their home country would reach and touch this symbol like Jews might do on the mezuzah as they arrived at the doorway of their own homes.  The name Ben Gurion itself hearkens to biblical names in the Old Testament.

“Ben” is a masculine Hebrew noun in the Old Testament meaning “son,” which occurs thousands of times.  It shows how important family is in the Bible.  It also reminds us of the importance of God as our Father and we as His sons.  The term “Son of Man” is ben Adam in the Hebrew, just as an example of the commonality of Ben, as in Benjamin and David Ben-Gurion, the primary national founder of the State of Israel and its first Prime Minister.  The Hebrew “Gurion” means “young lion” in English.

Train to Jerusalem

From customs, my wife Bridget and I boarded a train that travels with several stops from the airport to Jerusalem.  Wilhelm II, the German Kaiser, landed in the Jaffa port by ship on October 28, 1898 and himself took the train to Jerusalem with his wife, Augusta Victoria, the daughter of England’s Queen Victoria.  The Kaiser entered the city on horse back through two specially made ceremonial arches, one a gift of the Ottoman Empire.  He came to dedicate the German Lutheran church building, the Church of the Redeemer, on Reformation Day, 1898. At the dedication, Wilhelm said:

From Jerusalem came the light in splendor from which the German nation became great and glorious; and what the Germanic peoples have become, they became under the banner of the cross, the emblem of self-sacrificing charity.

It might seem strange, considering Hitler and World War 2, but during his visit to the Ottoman Empire in 1898, Wilhelm met with Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern political Zionism. This meeting was significant as it was the first public acknowledgment of Herzl as the leader of the Zionist movement by a major European power.  Even though Wilhelm II did not offer substantial support for Herzl’s project, the meeting lent some political legitimacy to Herzl and Zionism.


Bridget and I disembarked in Jerusalem at the closest station to Apartique, a self serve airbnb style lodging, which was in walking distance to both the Jaffa Gate and the King David Hotel.  Instead of walking to Apartique, we caught a taxi, driven by an Arab.  This is very common in Jerusalem.  When we shortly arrived, I handed him a credit card and he only took cash.  I had none.  It was close to midnight.  My wife got out at the hotel and he drove me to three different ATMs to pay my fare, failing at getting any cash at any of them.  I took his business card with hopes of paying him later and never saw him again.

King David Hotel

The plan for my wife and I as we collapsed in bed was to arise in about two and half hours to catch a bus very early the next morning at the King David Hotel to Masada for a sunrise hike up the snake path to the top.  We walked from our hotel to the King David and few other people already had arrived in the darkness of Jerusalem.  My wife and I struck a conversation with a couple from New Jersey.

The thirty-something couple wasn’t married and she was an American Jew with interest in religion.  They had been in Israel for a week and she wanted to talk mainly about the Mehane Yehuda Market in Jerusalem, where they visited three times.  We didn’t know yet what she was talking about, but we later would.  A large bus already sat on the street David Hamelekh in front of the hotel and another smaller one arrived.  A young female guide, named Yael, stepped out and we approached to see if this was our bus.  It was.

Maybe Yael sounds familiar, but with a different spelling, Jael, the heroine of the Battle of Mount Tabor in Judges chapter four and five.  Yael nailed Sisera with a tent peg through his skull (Judges 4:17-21).  It is today one of the most common names for an Israeli female.

Bus to Masada

Upon embarking the bus, the driver went South down from Jerusalem through Hebron.  It was quite a desolate route through the darkness and my wife and I drifted off until we stopped after an hour for gas in a very remote location.  The station was a destitute place with a rough old gas pump and a hardscrabble convenience store.  The items were regional, nothing you would see in the United States.  The tour and station owners seemed in cahoots as if they operated with  their own quid pro quo.  This underlies commerce all over Israel, a form of bartering.

All of the riders and us boarded the bus again and continued our journey through the darkness until we finally arrived at Masada still in the darkness.  We drove into the Masada National Park in front of that impressive geological formation.  Very few other busses also arrived and we all began our walk upward.

More to Come

The Dovetailing of Biblical Eschatology and United States Foreign Policy

Religious Influence on Government

Virginia Baptists under the leadership of John Leland influenced James Madison and his writing of the Bill of Rights.  They wouldn’t vote for ratification of the Constitution in Virginia without freedom of religion in a first amendment.  This was a quid pro quo situation for the Baptists and Madison.  After the consequences of the Great Awakening, Virginia had so many Baptists that they needed their support to pass legislation.

Religious folk still influence both domestic and foreign policy in the United States.  In particular, the eschatology of American evangelicals affects politicians and lawmakers.  Overall, Jews are no friend of evangelicals.  A large majority of Jews treat evangelicals like trash.  They hate and disdain them.  Jews most often vote just the opposite as evangelicals and even try to ruin most of what they like.  They direct caustic verbiage toward evangelicals, insulting them in a hateful manner.  Nevertheless, a large number of evangelicals eagerly continue supporting Israel.  Why?


Many genuine, born-again Christians take the Bible literally.  They approach the prophetic portions of scripture grammatically and historically.  Even though prophecies contain figurative language, they interpret them according to their plain meaning.  They believed like this from the first century until today.  In more recent historical times, Christians established a literal method of interpretation of scripture, called dispensationalism.  Dispensationalism systematized a belief already held by Christians, titled premillennialism.

Premillennialism is a theological perspective within Christian eschatology that asserts that Jesus Christ will physically return to Earth (the Second Coming) before the establishment of a literal thousand-year reign known as the Millennium. This belief corresponds to a literal interpretation of Revelation 20:1–6, which describes a period during which Christ reigns on earth following His return.  The premillennial view emphasizes a literal reading of biblical texts, particularly those concerning end-time events. This approach maintains that prophecies regarding Christ’s second coming and the ensuing kingdom should be understood in their plain meaning unless context suggests otherwise.

A critical aspect of premillennialism is the belief that Old Testament Israel and the New Testament church are distinct entities with separate roles in God’s plan. Promises made to Israel, especially regarding land and kingdom, are viewed as not fulfilled by and in the church.  Like Paul confirmed in Romans 11:26, “Israel shall be saved.”

A Voting Bloc of Premillennialists

Sixty-five percent of evangelical leaders identify as premillennial.  According to various surveys, a substantial number of evangelicals hold premillennial beliefs, particularly in conservative circles. This aligns with the findings from an evangelical leaders survey, suggesting that premillennialism is indeed the dominant perspective within evangelicalism.  Even among non-believers in non-evangelical churches and even non-church goers believe premillennialism.

Many evangelicals don’t identify as Baptist and many truly saved Baptists don’t identify as evangelicals.  Many Charismatics do not consider themselves as evangelicals and evangelicals don’t consider themselves Charismatic.  Without overlap, all evangelicals, Baptists, and Charismatics come to about 35% of the population of the United States.  A higher percentage of Charismatics are premillennial than even evangelicals and Baptists.

65% of 35% is 23%.  That would make twenty-three percent of Americans as premillennial.  Twenty-tree percent of the 340 million Americans is 78 million premillennialists.  That’s a very large and influential voting bloc and their eschatology affects their foreign policy.

Support of Israel and Opposition to Globalism

Premillennialists will support Israel.  They also oppose globalism because they think this world will end with a one world government.  This affects their position on borders and foreign wars.  Part of the support of an American first agenda relates to opposition to the globalist perspective that involves the United States in unending foreign entanglements and wars.

I can see why a 35% voting bloc at least wants the United States to give Israel a free reign to defeat their enemies in the Middle East.  Also, I understand why these same voters do not support the war in the Ukraine.  This isn’t hatred of the Ukraine, but it is a distrust in an administrative state within the United States that wants globalism.  These same characters villainize Russia to undermine the candidate that most champions their causes.

Opposition of the Biblical Views

A particular United States foreign policy dovetails with biblical premillennialism.  The premillennial voters have an agenda which they see as within the will of God.  That makes the left crazy.  It wants to censor and even imprison these people as political enemies.  The left sees them as complete kooks.  The leftists don’t think anyone should depend on the Bible for any political decisions.  I think we would find a fairly large percentage that would prefer the death of premillennialists, whom they see as a scourge of the earth.

The Bible is true.  God expects us to know what it means, called the perspicuity of scripture.  He wants us to believe it and live according to it.  This includes all the prophetic passages.  What He says will occur in the future will in fact occur in the future.

The New Rising Hatred Against Israel in the United States

Jews are a relatively small group of people compared to the whole world.  Israel is a tiny, little nation.  They are a couple of gnats landing on a large person.  Proportionally the Jews and Israel receive a very big, gigantic reaction from the rest of the world.

Admittedly, I notice the Jews every day even though almost all of my days now I speak to none, not a single Jew.  I don’t have to go out of my way to ignore Jews.  None live where I am.

On the other hand, during my time in California, on average Jews were more hostile to me than any other people.  When I came to a door and saw a mezuzah shema (mezuzah means “doorposts”) on the doorpost, that meant a tough, very difficult situation was coming about 100 percent of the time.  I want to have a good conversation with a Jewish person and it is very disappointing that most Jews treat someone like myself, who loves them, worse than anybody.

Even with the very poor treatment, I support Jews and Israel.  My wife and I go out of our way to befriend Jewish people.  I even understand their hostility.  It isn’t merited, but it is understandable.

Why Israel and the Jews?

Maybe you have a hard time comprehending why so many people, especially young ones, right now are opposing Israel and the Jews.  These are harsh and even dangerous times.  It is widespread and many times violent.  Maybe even stranger, Jews themselves are part of the opposition.  Quite often the stories or the narratives contradict.  The two or more sides or factions tell clashing stories.

My main point of writing this post is to answer why so much hatred for the Jews and for Israel,  What could this be?  What causes this?  Here it is and not necessarily in this order:  The most prevalent reasons, I think, I will present at and toward the end, not the beginning.

Contrasting Theologies


One, differing and contradictory theological positions cause the hatred.  Many Jews don’t participate in the theology that brings the incendiary treatment of them.  They don’t believe anything, but it doesn’t make any difference.  This as a section could be a very long explanation and discussion, almost an entire book.

I don’t think theology figures the degree of hatred that explains the present reaction to Israel and the Jews.  Those who see Israel replaced by the church, called supercessionists, don’t hate Israel because of that usually.  They aren’t still blaming the Jews for crucifying Jesus.  Some Jews may think this engenders hot passion, but most people, even if they’re supercessionists, don’t care about this.  They aren’t going to do what we see happening, just because of this theology.  These people haven’t even heard of supercessionism.

Supercessionism could describe a theological position that forms a premise for violent activity against the Jews, but it doesn’t provide the main impetus for hostile activity against them.  It can provide a kind of positional justification, but not the reason.  I remember getting slapped in the face by a Sophomore, when I was a Freshman in high school, while on a field trip, looking at leaves for Biology class.  When I asked him why, he said, “Because I wanted to.”  Several reasons contributed to the slap I took from him.


The supercessionist allegorizes scripture.  He can twist scripture by not taking it literally.  Dozens or hundreds of positions arise from spiritualizing what God’s Words say.

A moderated form of supercessionism exists that supports Israel and the Jews.  Those who take the attenuated position will support Israel, despite their Roman Catholic or Protestant ecclesiology.  If someone is going to allegorize scripture, then he can take the direction of supporting Israel, despite thinking that God replaced Israel with the church.


Two, many unbelievers are flat-out envious of the Jews.  They see Jews and Israel as a privileged caste.  They’re jealous.  On average they’re rich and successful by the world’s standard.  Jealousy likes people losing what they have.  Few to none are jealous of the Palestinians.

Satan’s Hate

Three, Satan hates Israel.  This hatred manifests itself in Genesis 3 with the serpent bruising the seed of the woman.  Sure, the seed is Jesus, but one cannot separate Jesus from the descendants of the woman and of Abraham.  Satan gladly attempts sticking his thumb in God’s eye with the crushing of Israel and the Jews.

End Times

Four, we’re getting closer to the end.  Let’s say that the future time when enemy nations surround Israel is December.  The rising hatred of nations against the Jews is August.  You’ve got to get to August to get to December.  I’m not saying actual August and December, but a metaphor, like Thanksgiving coming before Christmas.

God’s Judgment

Five, God will bring more judgment on Israel.  This goes back to Daniel 11-12.  Israel didn’t want to go back to the land to rebuild the temple and the walls.  They felt comfortable staying in captivity   Yes, those people cried for the blame for Jesus’ death.  The rest of history would give regular chastisement to Israel and the Jews.  It would never be easy.

God is working His plan.with Israel to get the nation to the place where the enemies surround them.  Now supportive nations like the United States hold back natural and supernatural world rejection of the Jews and Israel.  More of that protection disappears, emboldening the opposition.

Woke Philosophy

Six, a woke philosophy dominates the education system.  It’s a kind of zero sum game.  Israel grabs and gets, and because it does, these other nations starve and diminish.  It’s got a racial component to the darker skinned Palestinians.  And there is a class warfare piece to it.  Israel is upper class, getting favored status.

The idea too is that an international money cabal, led by the Jews, money grubbing and hungry, leaves other people without the privilege.  The university types see themselves as with some revelatory enlightenment.  They see through the deceit into the Jews.  Jewish people join these in this, feeling ashamed to be a Jew.  This is the main narrative being pushed to result in the widespread Jew and Israel hating.

A religious component enters from the Palestinian or Hamas, that accompanies the class envy.  What they think is a true religion, Islam, Judaism discredits it.  Their anger becomes its own self-fulfilling prophecy.  And yet it hasn’t worked.  Powerful nations try to annihilate the Jews and yet they go down in flames.

God Still Has a Plan for Israel

The Abraham and Davidic Covenants are still intact.  They are operational.  God still has a plan for Israel.  Those who attack Israel do so against a warning from God.  These nations haven’t been blessed and won’t, because they won’t accept these promises God made.  They should favor God with favor for Israel, even if they don’t like what Israel believes and does.

Israel is not a threat to the world.  Overall Israel provides great blessing to the world.  I’m not saying Israel is saved.  They will be.  God will save Israel.  In the meantime, we should hope Israel thrives.

Democrats Most Astonishing Hate of Democracy

The Symbol of the Reichstag in Germany

A pivotal moment in Hitler’s rise in Germany came from the Nazi burning of the Reichstag.  They started the fire, put it out, and then blamed it on the Communists.  Democrats in the United States steal this act in a campaign to destroy democracy.  The Nazis convinced a large portion of the German population that the Communists burned down their Parliament building.  Even their courts wouldn’t disagree.

The Democrats, which have the related word “democracy” imbedded in their name, similarly point the finger at Trump as an authoritarian or totalitarian.  His policies looked and still look exponentially more democratic than the finger pointers.  He would like the government out of most of the business of Americans.  Evidence abounds for this, but let me first take a small step back.


The United States isn’t a democracy.  James Madison in Numbers 10 and 14 of the Federalist Papers makes this point quite well.  But let’s set that aside for now.

For the sake of argument, let’s say that a Constitutional Republic is a form of democracy.  A website called “Principles of Democracy” writes:

Freedom of speech and expression, especially about political and other public issues, is the lifeblood of any democracy. Democratic governments do not control the content of most written and verbal speech. Thus democracies are usually filled with many voices expressing different or even contrary ideas and opinions.

Citizens and their elected representatives recognize that democracy depends upon the widest possible access to uncensored ideas, data, and opinions. For a free people to govern themselves, they must be free to express themselves — openly, publicly, and repeatedly; in speech and in writing.

Freedom of Speech and Democracy

Wikipedia for “Freedom of Speech” reads:

Freedom of speech is understood to be fundamental in a democracy.

Democrats censor their opposition more than anyone and with unending examples.  They are similar to the presence of Islam in any country.  While Moslems are in a small minority, they cry for human rights, but the moment they take charge with less than a majority, they eliminate unfavorable voices.

Oligarchy followed democracy in Greece.  Democrats control a vast majority of the public square in America.  I include in that schools, media, and even government.  They gladly censor opposing viewpoints.  The Democrat controlled institutions don’t allow the truth of the Bible.  Unless Christians privately fund their own museum, you won’t see a creation account in public.  Democrats label many biblical truths, “hate speech.”


Democrats use both hard and soft censorship.  By hard censorship, I mean official and legal disallowance of a place and opportunity to speak.  It may be the loss of a job, because the Democrats don’t hear a statement of support for same sex activity.  That turns the non-speaker, who would like to say something against the activity but doesn’t, into enemy status.

By soft censorship, I mean an avalanche of public repudiation and ridicule until speakers do not receive opportunities to speak.  It’s also moderating who speaks.  The establishment offers a phony, a fraud, as the representative of the alternative point of view, who goes along with the official or permitted position.  Very little to nothing comes in a way of supporting the alternative position.

A historic label for soft censorship is the “kangaroo court.”  The J6 Committee is a good example of this, but they abound in every state in either blue states, districts, or regions.  They also exist in red areas with blue strongholds.  The committee cherry picks their own rubber stamps to represent opposition.  Opposition is actually major support with a fake label of opposition.  I would hope everyone knows this, but I’m afraid it fools just enough of the disengaged.

Other Examples

The J6 Committee parallels with the internet.  You read about the “algorhythms.”  The oligarchs of the tech industry force opposition or non-supportive speech into an uninhabited hinterland.  They are whole national forests of trees that fall and no one hears, so they don’t make a noise.  Only approved speech moves into a hearing zone.  Yes, people published something, but no one is reading, because no one is seeing.

The Hunter Biden laptop is a good example too.  I say these are just examples of what is now normal.  Any supportive tweet or internet entry of the laptop goes unseen, censored as disinformation.  The censorship itself is the disinformation, much like the Russian collusion operation.  I think this is the least of it though.  It’s a censorship industry.

The industry removes the bad news about the favored issue or person.  Right now, it has the ability to project a pro-Hamas experience, despite a relatively powerful coalition for Israel.  Pro-Palestinian protestors crowd the White House and knock down a protective fence with little coverage from the media.  The industry does not parallel or hearken to anything insurrectionist.

Massive Scale Elimination of Democratic Values

As I write on this subject, the most massive scale about which I speak is in education, where for years, the Bible, God, righteousness, and creation and the like are kept out of the massive state school complex even in red states.  No one can take a male headship position in anything close to a public square.  Can you imagine a professor at a major university who takes open biblical views?  It doesn’t happen except in private.  You must pay to hear the truth told.

I would agree that the Bill of Rights and especially the first amendment is the essence of democratic values.  When do you read anything from the left defending free speech anymore?  Democrats don’t write about their love for the first amendment. The closest is a totalitarian support of smut for small children in public schools and genderless bathrooms.  These are not about the protection of speech or opportunity to have a voice.

Pent-Up Voices

The J6 crowd came to a rally and then walked to the capital out of a long pent-up frustration of censorship.  Yes, better means of expression exist.  The high percentage of silencing from the left came to a logger head.  That group that day did wrong things.  This is not what-aboutism.  I see that day as the equivalent of throwing snow balls at the Old State House in Boston in 1770.  The censorship industry, I’m afraid, because of its reaction, has not seen the worst.

We could hope that people care enough to do something about the actual attack on democracy from the Democrat Party.  So far, I see it as a peaceful embrace of those who would allow free speech.  It seems most represented by an ability to oppose masks and vaccinations.  Still, do positions exist for scientists with an opposing view?  Are there safe places of employment in hospitals and in medical schools with an alternate view?  I’m saying this is just representative, because the worst relates to far more important issues of truth.

Democrats have a burning Reichstag type hatred of democracy.  The Nazis opposed burning the Reichstag.  But they burned it.  The Democrats don’t mind burning everything down to get their way.  They don’t care if you vote or not.  They don’t even want you able to say what they don’t want to hear.

My Take on the Complicated World Scene That Includes Ukraine, Russia, and Israel (part four)

Part One     Part Two     Part Three

What Is the Greatest Danger?

A good question to ask when evaluating United States domestic and foreign policy is “what is the greatest danger to the country?”  When I grew up during the Cold War, the Soviet Union was a monumental threat to the security of the United States.  If you are close to my age, maybe you remember the power of the Soviet military.

I remember hearing the idea that the Soviets would fly the hammer and sickle over the U. S. capital in 1976.  At that time, almost half of the world’s land mass was communist.  It was an amazing time when the government changed in Eastern bloc countries and they opened up in the late 1980s.  With the fall of the iron curtain, suddenly the United States became the sole superpower. Communist dictators were everywhere all over the world from the moment of my birth in 1962 to the tearing down of the Berlin wall on November 9, 1989.  Putin and Xi are barely dictators today compared to those in the Cold War.


A transition began in the 1980s from international communism to Islamic terrorism.  Terrorists would not defeat and take over the United States, but they would cause terror and chaos to free countries.  My earliest inkling was the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979, the bombing of a Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983,then the bomb under the World Trade center in 1993, and finally the culmination with terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

Terrorist attacks are still a threat, especially as long as someone could deliver a nuclear device into a major U. S. city.  Conventional deterrence will not stop nuclear attack motivated by jihad, like the stalemate of mutually assured destruction.  One of these random nuclear attacks still poses great danger, especially crossing the Southern border.  From a sheer military risk, I still see this as the single greatest, immediate peril to national security.


Besides another major terrorist attack, I don’t see any great danger to the United States from a foreign country.  China is the biggest threat, but in my opinion China shows no short term aspirations to invade our shores.  The biggest danger by far isn’t foreign, but domestic.  Every failing foreign policy relates to the internal corruption of the United States.  I’m not saying Putin is better than the Democrat Party, but the latter is far worse for the United States than him.

In my childhood, Democrats supported Communists in Latin America.  Bernie Sanders took his honeymoon in Cuba.  They still lean socialist, even as seen in their support of the Palestinians and leftists in Israel.

The Left, the Democrat Party, and “Democracy”

In 2008 California passed Proposition 8, changing the California constitution on marriage, defining it between a man and a woman.  Immediately upon it becoming law, San Francisco mayor (now governor) Gavin Newsome ramped up same sex marriage in city hall.  No one said anything about democracy.  No Democrat says anything about democracy with violations of immigration law and sanctuary cities.  When they challenge elections, they say nothing about threats to democracy.  Much more could be said about who really opposes democracy and freedom in the United States.

I don’t support the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  I believe, however, that Russia saw the expansion of NATO as an existential threat.  This was part of its agreement at the end of the Cold War.  Will funding Ukraine end the war against Russia and will it turn Russia into a kind of long term partner, no longer a threat to American security?  American meddling all over the world looks like it does more to hurt than help.  The present government opposes truly democratic movements, such as what we have seen in Argentina, the Netherlands, and Italy most recently.  Meanwhile, the United States is spread so thin that it hurts the American economy and security at home.

Changes are occurring elsewhere, difficult to interpret.  They are framed by the establishment, mainstream media in the United States as anti-democratic.  This is in the same spirit that antifa is anti-fascist, and antiracism is anti-racism.  These are propaganda tools, it seems.  Changes have occurred in Poland and Hungary that are called anti-democratic.  California would call Florida, “anti-democratic,” because of decreasing abortion and banning pornography in the schools.  The present administration pressures African countries to legalize same sex marriage.

Our Own House In Order

A stronger, more cohesive alliance with Russia, China, and Iran also supports an anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian coalition in the Middle East.  This hearkens to possible future events in fulfillment of prophecy unlike what I’ve seen in my lifetime.

Many Americans do not trust the Democrat apparatchiks at work in Ukraine or in Israel.  These are the same characters who supported billions of dollars to Iran.  The Biden family also received millions of dollars for peddling influence in Ukraine.  The United States needs to get its own house in order.  Then it will be better prepared to exert itself elsewhere.

My Take on the Complicated World Scene That Includes Ukraine, Russia, and Israel (part two)

Part One

Israel-Palestinian Conflict

From a biblical viewpoint, the Israel-Palestinian conflict started when Abraham sinned with Hagar, who bore Ishmael.  Ishmael fathers the Arab people and Isaac the Jewish.  Complicating this further, 93% of Arabs are Muslim of some kind.  Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook in “Kill a Jew – Go to Heaven: The Perception of the Jew in Palestinian Society,” published in Jewish Political Studies Review 17:3-4 (Fall 2005), write:

The Palestinian religious, academic, and political elites teach an ideology of virulent hatred of Jews. The killing of Jews is presented both as a religious obligation and as necessary self-defense for all humankind.

This assessment of the Jews among Arabs or Muslims goes back centuries before the Zionist movement ever began.

No Jews live in Gaza.  Two sides dispute Jewish settlement in the West Bank.  There are 144 Jewish settlements in the West Bank.  Neither a majority of Palestinians or Jews back a two state solution with the addition of the creation of a separate Palestinian state.  Half of Jews desire complete expelling of Palestinians from Israel — that doesn’t include Gaza or the West Bank.  75% of Palestinians want the annihilation of Israel.  A large majority of all Palestinians support Hamas.

Having traveled to Israel and in the Jewish and Palestinian territories, it’s very tense there.  It cannot work like it is.  The Jews need a place of their own.  A two state solution will never succeed for obvious reasons.  Very good arguments say that Israel should have all the land and the Palestinians find someplace else to live with Arab people.  Jews should have their own, safe country.

Israel and the Land

Americans would never tolerate what the Jews do in Israel.  A certain psychology for the Jews not only allows them to concede to their conditions, but also causes many Jews to advocate for the Palestinians.  Many Jews lay a lot of blame on their own people for their problems.  I do feel for Israel because of the deep hatred from so many across the world for the Jews.

God still has a plan for Israel.  Even if Israel does not own the whole Holy Land, they continue possessing a right to it, based upon scripture.  God gave Israel the land, which is why it is called, “the Promised Land.”  This supports Israel’s statehood, its formal establishment, and perpetuation.  Palestine never had statehood.  It didn’t announce it’s own statehood until 1988.  The Palestinian territories are not recognized by the US, France, or the UK as a state.  At least four Palestinian organizations are designated as terrorist on the United States list, including Hamas.

My assessment of Israel is not some carte blanch acceptance of the policies of Israel.  I still pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States with its rampant ungodliness.  Support for Israel acknowledges God and the truth of scripture.

Two Wars

Because of world politics, the war in Israel associates with the one in Ukraine.  Some of the same characters appear in different roles in both conflicts.  I attribute both wars to the Biden administration in the United States.  Neither would have occurred with Trump as president of the United States.  Many would agree with that, less that would say it in public, but I also want to explain why I think it’s true.

More to Come

My Take on the Complicated World Scene That Includes Ukraine, Russia, and Israel

Division Over Israel

What’s going on in foreign policy in the world is one of the most interesting variations of division that I’ve seen in my lifetime.  Positions divide normal allies and unify former enemies.  It’s a challenge even in theological circles with diverse interpretations of biblical prophecy.  The event of October 7, 2023 with the brutal attack by Hamas on Israel also ratchets up emotions, making it more difficult to discuss.

When someone becomes settled, what I like to call “concrete,” in his position, he might take disagreement personally.  Maybe very personally.  It’s tough to talk issues when emotions run so high.  Maybe you’ve seen various podcasts with arguments between an Israeli and a Palestinian.  Heated doesn’t represent how hot the temperature gets.  I’ve noticed very often, between school yard taunts and name calls, the same repeated accusations from both sides.

Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, and the Democrat Party

Perhaps you heard about the skirmish now between Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens.  The co-founder of Daily Wire called his employee an “absolute disgrace,” caught on video in a private meeting and went viral.  She then sits down to comment to Tucker Carlson in an explosive interview.  Shapiro has done very angry high energy rants about the expressed position of Carlson.  I couldn’t possibly list every prominent ongoing debate, there are so many.

One can witness the variated division between the remaining Republican presidential candidates.  A divide also exists among Democrats between university-type leftists, Pro-Palestinian, and traditional Democrat Pro-Israel stances, especially represented by Senator Chuck Schumer and others.

The Animosity Toward Israel

Hatred of Israel across the world validates biblical prophecy.  Despite propaganda-like support from Hollywood and in the mainstream media for the Jews and against genocidal treatment, hatred reaches a recent high everywhere.  Based on its mere size, Israel would not deserve or receive this animosity, yet it does.  Why and how?   Two reasons.

One, Satan opposes Israel still.  He wants to throw a wrench into the ongoing plan of God in the world.  He has strong influence on the easily manipulated lost nations and their leaders.  Two, God still fulfills prophecy with chastisement of Israel.  Israel does not have a statute of limitations on God’s reprimands.  I wish for open eyes for Israel, although I don’t expect it.  Yet, God still isn’t done with Israel; hence the continued discipline.

As an example of division, many reading this nod “no” in strong opposition to what I write here.  Many both amillennialists and postmillennialists see God done with Israel, replaced by the church.  When I say “church,” I mean their version of God’s kingdom on earth, made up of Christendom.  They see Israel as an unbelieving, rebellious people, who deserves no special favor against the Arabs in Palestine.

Candace Owens, who professes Christianity, married a Roman Catholic.  Maybe she leans that way now.  She can find support from Reformed evangelicals with a similar view of the world.  You look at the history of Roman Catholicism and even the European Protestant state churches, and you see historical anti-semitism.  Tucker Carlson grew up Episcopalian and he seems right now to return to some version of Christian nationalism, as seen in his interviews of foreign Christian nationalists.  I see Vladimir Putin himself a kind of Christian nationalist, more interested in the survival of his nation and culture.

Jewish Anger toward Hamas and Palestine

What I’m writing in this post would require book or dissertation level analysis.  I’m not going to write that, even though it’s an interest.

I understand Shapiro’s anger.  Hamas killed 1,500 Israelites and took 240 hostages.  The United States is 33 times the population of Israel and had 3,000 killed on 9-11.  That means this is at least fifteen times worse, and it’s almost immeasurable with the way Hamas did it.

Remove the religious and ethnic component, and even as an international incident, if Israel acts like any other nation, it would react more harsh than it even is acting.  When I hear Shapiro defend Israel’s reaction, I agree with him.  I’ve heard both sides of the argument in all their iterations and I support Israel’s argument.  The United States should just let Israel do its thing and not get in the way.  I would advocate for U.S. backing and support if international escalation occurred from prominent Israeli enemies like Iran.

Varied Points of View, Yet Still Supporting Israel

Support without Foreign Aid

On the other hand, I like the idea of not sending money to Israel.  I’m in the proto-Republican anti-intervention, quasi-isolationist camp.  This is more in the realm of a fresh realization of the Monroe doctrine.  The United States solidifies its own security and borders, solves its own very serious problems first.  It follows the Pauline view of bearing your own burdens before you bear those of others.

As a companion to everything else, I like firming up freedom of speech.  Some of this relates to a reaction to January 6 compared to Antifa and BLM riots and the denial of a rigged 2020 election and the denial of 2016 election seen in the Russian Hoax and Hunter Biden laptop.  I understand the concerns over any even questioning of Israel policy as anti-semitic.  White people in the United States, Israel supporters, have felt left out of the concern over racism from American Jews in comparison with silence over Antifa and BLM.  Apparent first amendment supporters should allow free expression of these inconsistencies without pulling an anti-semitism card.

Democrat support of Israel comes with obvious strings attached.  American money brings American supervision or control.  When  America attacked Iraq after 911, relatively little criticism came for collateral damage, death of innocent civilians.  This is the cost of war for American retaliation.  Hamas uses children as human shields and Israel must pause its offensive, perhaps leaving Hamas intact.  The United States should consider not sending monetary support and just allowing Israel free reign on its own security.  American Democrat politics affect Israeli security, bouncing Israel around like a political volleyball.

Hatred from Jews for their Own Supporters

It is tough to bridge historical support of Israel with the typical woke politics among Jews in the United States and Israel.  Almost 50% of Jews in Israel self-identify as secular.  They support same sex marriage and other forms of moral perversion, not operating according to objective truth.  62 percent of the 7.6 million Jews in the United States are secular.  79% voted Democrat in the 2018 midterm elections.

Pew Research did a study on American Jews in 2020 and 81 percent of Orthodox Jews supported Trump.  On the other hand, the same study said 73% of all Jews opposed Trump.  This describes the difference between a secular and religious Jew in the United States.  Recently, secular Jew Barbara Streisand complained that she would not live in the United States if Donald Trump became president again.  She would move to England — you know, the place where 300,000 pro-Hamas protestors recently gathered on the streets of London against Israel.

Shapiro himself sometimes plays, I believe, to the secular Jew.  Perhaps a form of self-preservation innate from hundreds of years of persecution explains.  As a professing Orthodox Jew, attaching himself to the Old Testament in a prominent way, he uses profane language and tells dirty jokes in public. Then when an Owens or Tucker, whom I would see as supporters of Israel, albeit in a lesser way, he reacts in a ballistic manner.  When questioned on Trump in a secular crowd, he throws Trump under the bus in a harsher way than he would George Soros or Bill Maher.

Support of Israel and Milquetoast Response

Part of the Abrahamic Covenant, which is still intact, is that God promised He would bless people that bless Israel.  Among other reasons, that explains a strong support of Israel in the United States, including welcoming those 7.6 million Jews in the United States.  A majority of those Jews have been sharply antagonistic with their chief supporters, many expressing intense hatred for them.  This communicates the peculiar situation this issue provides.  You can greatly dislike the Jewish worldview while really loving and bestowing support for Jews and Israel.

No group provides as sharp and hateful rhetoric toward Christians in the United States like Jews do.  Israel’s protection in the Middle East greatly depends on this group of people mainly hated by Jews in the United States.  In a personal way, I’ve received no greater disrespect than I have from Jews and on many different occasions.  I’ve never treated a Jew in a bad way, always in a loving way.  A small percentage of the Jews I’ve known return that favor.  Of course, they might explain that they don’t like the reason why we love them so much.

Many forms of contradiction occur over the issue of Israel and Palestine.  A Jew easily can confuse a Catholic from a Protestant from an Evangelical.  Even on this blog, in the comment section some attack Israel for Christian reasons while we defend Israel for Christian reasons.  They both can’t be right, yet they both exist.

More to Come


  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
