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Free Logos & Accordance Books!

Free books with Logos and Accordance Bible software–great!  I own–and use regularly–both Logos and Accordance Bible software.  I believe Accordance has superior resources for detailed exegetical study of Scripture in the original languages, so I use mainly Accordance for my study of the Bible itself, whether for my own devotional reading, for sermons and for teaching, and so on.  I also use Accordance in case I need to look a word up while hearing the great expository preaching at Bethel Baptist Church. I use Logos for most of my commentaries and reference tools, because, in my opinion, the books are easier to read and reference in Logos.  Logos also has a superior read-aloud feature, so I can listen to practically every book I have in my Logos library read aloud to me while I am doing errands, driving, and so on.

You can regularly get free books with both Accordance and Logos.  To get free books on Accordance, sign up here for their mailing list where they tell you about their free books.  Make sure you read down or at least scroll down to the end of their emails, as they sometimes put the free books at the bottom, to get you to read the whole thing.  There are several free books you can get from Logos each month.  Click here to find out about the Logos free book of the month.  You can also get on their mailing list so that they tell you each month about the free book.  Logos has a Catholic division called Verbum which also offers a free book every month; you can get this month’s free book and sign up to get notified each month here.  Sometimes the Catholic free books are idolatrous garbage, since Catholicism is an evil false religion, but other times they are useful works by patristic writers or some other worthwhile volume (at least for free!).  Logos also offer free e-books that are not searchable in the same way their Logos and Verbum resources are; I sometimes get those for free as well, although I have not found them especially helpful.

Maybe you say, “I don’t own Accordance or Logos. Why should I get free books from them?”  You can get the free books and use them even if you never buy anything with Accordance or Logos.  For example, sometimes Logos has given away expensive and very useful commentaries as their free book of the month.  (Other months the books are not as useful, but the price is still right.) You can open and read the free books within the Accordance or Logos laptop/desktop or phone apps even if you never buy a Logos or Accordance base package.  What is more, if you ever do buy an Accordance or Logos base package, you don’t have to pay for what you already own, so if you have gotten a lot of books for free already, then you are also getting a discount on whatever base package you eventually purchase.  (That’s another reason I take the free Catholic book each month as well as the free Christian/non-Catholic one; if they throw the Catholic book into a base package I end up buying later, I am paying less for the base package.)

Why do Accordance and Logos give away free books?  They do it because they think you will eventually buy something from them if you sign up.  With the free books, they also tell you about discounts on other books in order to get you to buy them.  It probably works, too; if you get enough free books, you probably will eventually buy a base package.  But that wouldn’t be too bad–both Accordance and Logos Bible software base packages are very useful for studying God’s holy Word.  There are definitely worse things to spend money on.



  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
