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“It’s Alive!” — The Modern Creation of a FrankenText

Mary Shelley and Frankenstein

Mary Shelley, born in 1797 in London, completed her novel, Frankenstein, in 1818.   The lead character in her novel, Victor Frankenstein, succeeds at piecing together parts from dead corpses.  He sews them together and brings them to life with electricity.

In the original novel by Shelley, the words, “It’s alive!”, don’t appear.  They came into the public consciousness in the 1931 film adaptation of the novel.  In the book, when Victor first animates his creature, he is horrified by its appearance and immediately flees from it.  The scene is described with a sense of dread and regret rather than excitement or triumph.

Frankenstein was a fictional monster built from parts from various dead bodies.  The pieces don’t fit because they come from all different bodies.  In the same way, a Frankentext constructs a brand new text, using words plucked out from many different manuscripts.

Thomas Ross, Dwayne Greene, and the Frankentext

On a few different occasions, people used the term “Frankentext” to describe a brand new, diverse text from many varied sources.  In recent days, I’ve heard a man, Dwayne Greene, use it in a podcast.  He titled some of his episodes with the word.  Greene refers to a practice that Thomas Ross earlier pointed out in his debate with James White about the modern critical text of the New Testament.  The fifth of United Bible Society’s edition of the Greek New Testament, the same as the Nestle-Aland 28th edition, is a Frankentext.

I wrote in a post about Ross’s debate with White:

In his debate with White, Ross dismantled White’s position with evidence, point by point. White himself resorted to ad hominem style arguments by regularly pointing out how fast Ross talked and judged his motives. He never answered Ross’s primary argument against the underlying text of the LSB and other modern versions of the Bible. Ross showed plainly how that in hundreds of places, lines of underlying Greek text behind the LSB had zero manuscript evidence.

Talk about the Frankentext

I talk about this again in something else about the debate:

In every place the USB/NA has no extant manuscript support for its lines of readings (again, over 100), the TR has manuscript support. This should end White’s manuscript argument. Ross pointed this out in the debate in a very clear fashion. White would not recant of his position.

In a post to review the debate and explain how Ross won, I wrote:

White asserts no manuscript evidence for one NT reading, the one in Revelation 16:5. He says there is light evidence for one word in Ephesians 3:9 and the Comma Johanneum in 1 John 5:7. Ross shows there is no manuscript evidence for at least 41 separate lines of text in the NA, evidenced by Swanson in his New Testament Greek Manuscripts: Variant Readings Arranged in Horizontal Lines against Codex Vaticanus. None of this occurs in the TR. Based on the ratio of Matthew and Mark text to the rest of the New Testament, that would result in 191 total for the NT.

A Further Description from Me

In another post, referring to this, I wrote to describe this:

The other side, the critical text and multiple modern version position, does not follow scriptural presuppositions. It proceeds from naturalistic and relativistic ones. This is especially seen in the hundreds of lines of Greek text for its New Testament with no manuscript evidence. Critics pieced together lines of text that never existed in any copy anywhere and anytime.

The above is what I (and others) mean by a FrankenText.  Mark Ward in one of his recent podcasts interviews a friend of his getting his PhD in textual criticism, and he asks the man about this Frankentext problem, referring to Dwayne Greene.  He uses the term with the man.  In answer to the question, Ward’s friend says that all Greek New Testament texts are Frankentexts, including the Textus Receptus.  This is an outright, utter falsehood.  It isn’t true and it deceives or misleads people.

Lies Including the Textus Receptus As a Frankentext

The Textus Receptus does not contain hundreds of lines of text with absolutely zero manuscript evidence.  Those lines in the critical text of the New Testament (the UBS and NA) have no manuscript support in any manuscript.  That doesn’t occur with the received text of the New Testament, the basis of the King James Version.  Manuscripts actually have those readings.  There is minority support for certain words, but lines of text are found in manuscripts for the Textus Receptus.

A common line of argument today, people term, “Whataboutism?”  It is defined:

Whataboutism or whataboutery (as in “what about….?”) is a pejorative for the strategy of responding to an accusation with a counter-accusation instead of a defense against the original accusation.

Ward’s friend does this.  Instead of dealing with the problem of these lines of text with no manuscript evidence, he uses whataboutism.   In fact, even his whataboutism isn’t true, which sometimes is the case with this sort of argumentation.


More Frankentexts are bound to arise because of a new method of modern textual criticism, given the shorthand CBGM.  It’s going to sound impossibly technical, but it means, “Coherence Based Genealogical Method.”  To try to put it simply, someone wrote this:

The computer application itself aggregates relationships between readings based on agreement with other readings as well as based on their disagreements. Basically, it compares Greek manuscripts, finds the similarities and differences, and then uses an algorithm to decide which is “probably” the right reading.

This same article said this about CBGM:

CBGM is a relatively new approach to textual criticism using a computer program in order to determine the validity of a reading (somewhere between 1997 and 2000). By “reading”, we are referring to anything from a single word of Scripture to a phrase, or even a more substantial section of the Scriptures. In this method, the computer becomes a tool in determining which readings are “most likely authentic”. Having said that, it should be noted that it still requires much interaction from the users.

Frankentexts will increase.  Is that a concern?  It looks like, not so much.  That criticism that your line of text has zero manuscript evidence doesn’t matter as much as it once did.  All of this sadly departs from a supernatural, divine presupposition about preservation of scripture, embracing instead a naturalistic, humanistic viewpoint about lost scripture in need of restoration.


Wallace’s Remarkable Erroneous Paper On The Doctrine Of Preservation

Daniel Wallace

Certain names represent the biggest evangelical challengers to the biblical and historical doctrine of the preservation of scripture.  They have written journal articles or books against preservation of scripture.

The Bible version issue starts with scriptural teaching on preservation.  When you believe what God said, you come to perfect preservation.  Then you have to deal with what that looks like in the real world.  The teaching of the Bible presupposes the outcome.

One of the biggest names is Daniel Wallace, longtime professor of Greek at Dallas Theological Seminary.  Any evangelical who takes Greek knows who Dan Wallace is.  Second or third year Greek students use his Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics.  It is a very helpful book to own and use.

Manuscript Evidence

In recent years Wallace turned his attention to The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts.  A major stated mission of CSNTM is the following:

To provide digital photographs of extant Greek New Testament manuscripts so that such images can be preserved, duplicated without deterioration, and accessed by scholars doing textual research.

Wallace considers their task to continue the restoration of a lost text of the New Testament.

Denial of Preservation

When anyone asks Wallace about the preservation of scripture, he sends them back to a journal article he wrote in the 1990s, entitled, “Inspiration, Preservation, and New Testament Textual Criticism.”  Rather than interact on the subject, Wallace points to that article.  He doesn’t need to talk about it.  Wallace wrote the article and that ends the conversation.  He wrote it, that settles it.

With Wallace’s demand, I acquiesced and read his article with an open mind and great interest.  I didn’t assume he was wrong.  I welcomed the possibility he was right.  What he wrote, however, was very disappointing.  It was filled with errors.  Wallace and I had a brief back and forth on an evangelical blog in the comment section, since deleted.  He claimed that I cherry picked the points I made about his article.  I ask you to consider if that’s true with the below links to my analysis of his article.

First Post.  Criticizing Professor Wallace     part one

Second Post.  Criticizing Professor Wallace     part two

Third Post.  Criticizing Professor Wallace     part three

Fourth Post.  Criticizing Professor Wallace     part four

For a man of such renowned, his article denying the preservation of scripture is very, very poor.  It’s still right there all over the internet though, remarkable multiple errors and all.

The White-Ross Debate: Who Won?

Watch the Debate

White and Ross Arguments

White’s Presentation

In mid-February, James White debated Thomas Ross about which was better, the Legacy Standard Bible (LSB) or the King James Version (KJV).  White argues with an entirely naturalistic presupposition, saying that only manuscript evidence shows the underlying text of the KJV, the Textus Receptus (TR), is worse than that of the LSB, the Nestles Aland critical text (NA).  Furthermore, he says the KJV uses archaic words and has less information for an accurate translation of certain technical words.  He also tries to demonstrate some translation errors in the KJV, not in the LSB.

Ross’s Scriptural Presuppositions

Ross argues with a scriptural presupposition.  The TR is superior to the NA based on the doctrine of preservation. The TR meets God’s promises of preservation in His Word.  Ross asserts and then proves that scripture teaches verbal plenary original language preservation by means of true churches for every generation of believers.  He also shows this identical teaching is the historical position clearly believed by the church, relying on the same passages.  The NA is absent from its confessions or published materials.  The TR only fits a scriptural and historical presupposition.

On the other hand, Ross shows that we know that the NA text was not in use for at least 1000 years.  That isn’t preservation.  Founders and proponents of the critical text, such as Wescott and Hort, deny the scriptural and historical doctrine of preservation.  Like White, they take an only naturalistic presupposition and method.  This alone is enough to say the TR/KJV is superior to the NA/LSB, because the latter does not proceed from biblical presuppositions or methods.

Naturalistic, Manuscript Evidence

Conjectural Emendations

In addition, even using naturalistic means, the sole criteria of White, Ross shows the NA is inferior to the TR.  Ross gives evidence that the editors of the NA 27th edition, the underlying text for the LSB, used over 100 “explicit conjectural emendations.”  He provides two examples of this in Acts 16:12 and 2 Peter 3:10.  This debunks the one apparent example of conjectural emendation in the TR in Revelation 16:5.

Over 100 conjectural emendations is worse than the one example of White.  Reader, do you understand the truth here?  It’s a hypocritical argument that doesn’t work.  Please do not give a blind eye to this out of sheer loyalty to White and his winning a debate.  This is the truth.  It shouldn’t matter how fast Thomas Ross said it.  Speaking fast is a red herring as an argument.

No Manuscript Evidence

White asserts no manuscript evidence for one NT reading, the one in Revelation 16:5.  He says there is light evidence for one word in Ephesians 3:9 and the Comma Johanneum in 1 John 5:7.  Ross shows there is no manuscript evidence for at least 41 separate lines of text in the NA, evidenced by Swanson in his New Testament Greek Manuscripts:  Variant Readings Arranged in Horizontal Lines against Codex Vaticanus.  None of this occurs in the TR.  Based on the ratio of Matthew and Mark text to the rest of the New Testament, that would result in 191 total for the NT.

How could textual critics publish a text like described?  Even as a so-called science, textual critics don’t see their work as a science at all.  Ross quotes this from Metzger and Ehrman in their foremost book on textual criticism.  They don’t see anyone able to refer to the text as an original text.  This strongly contradicts the position of the church based on biblical presuppositions.  Ross quotes White himself in his debate with Douglas Wilson, that we will never have a certain text.

On the issue of the text alone, Ross blows away White.  The TR is by far a superior text.  When White mentions the papyri, Ross shows him the earliest, P52, a piece of the gospel of John that is identical to the TR.  After praising the papyri, White changes tunes and says that it was a very small fragment, attempting to have it both ways.  Relying on Pickering and Hoskier, Ross shows how that there are long sections of identical readings of the TR in the manuscripts.  He includes photos of these.

White Attacks on Ross

White tries to attack the KJV by bringing up one possible conjectural emendation, one for which apparently Beza says he had a manuscript.  One word in Ephesians 3:9 has limited manuscript support.  He attacks the TR reading in 1 John 5:7.  White doesn’t rely on scriptural presuppositions.  Counting manuscripts and their age, that’s what he’s got.  This is not how believers approached this issue.  White himself says that the NA wasn’t available for hundreds of years.  He speaks like this is a good thing.  It is an obvious admittance, that Ross pointed out, that God did not preserve his text.

To be honest, White should accede to the Ross argument about no manuscript evidence for NA readings in 41 places in Matthew and Mark.  Instead, he starts talking like they don’t matter for the translation.  This shows a double standard.  He attacks the TR in Revelation 16:5, one place, and excuses 41 places.  He even apologizes for the NA27, the basis of the LSB, what he’s trying to defend in the debate.  White says he doesn’t trust the editors, but he does his own textual criticism.

The Translation Issue

White spends some time on the translation issue.  Ross answered him.  The Granville Sharp rule doesn’t hurt the translation of the KJV in Titus 2:13.  The LSB is fine there.  Ross makes the point that Jude 1:4 fits the Granville Sharp in the KJV, while in the LSB, it does not.  That point received crickets from White.  Relating to the lexical issue of technical terms, Ross says that they’re still difficult to understand for identifying what those animals and minerals were.  The lexical aids can help in understanding, but they do not resolve this issue in either the KJV and LSB.

Ross and White spent time discussing the translation of the Hebrew of Yawheh or Jehovah (or LORD) in the Old Testament.  Ross referred to the pronunciation of the vowel points, a fine argument.  Ross also gave a good answer on “servant” or “slave.”  The Hebrew word is not always our modern understanding of “slave.”

Other Problems for White

White said he believed we have all the words in all of the manuscript evidence, and yet he contradicts himself in 1 Samuel 13:1, pointed out by Ross.  White doesn’t believe there is a manuscript with the wording of that verse.  I guess people don’t care about that contradiction.  He doesn’t believe in preservation, we know that from his Douglas Wilson answer, exposed by Ross in the debate.

As well, White referred to a Hebrews reference to the prophet Jeremiah.  He said the author quoted the Greek Septuagint, essentially arguing that the author of Hebrews and then Jesus in the Gospels used a corrupt text.  Modern critical text advocates use this Septuagint argument as a kind of scriptural presupposition.

Ross gave White a good answer on the Septuagint question, referring to the theology of John Owen.  Owen answered this point in his writings.  He also quoted the introduction of a standard academic text on the Septuagint by Jobes and Silva, taking the same position as Owen espoused.  This debunks the false view that Jesus and other NT authors would have quoted a terribly corrupted text and translation of the Old Testament.

Style Points?

In the end, White had to attack Thomas Ross for his style, reading too fast and having too many slides.  Come on.  Keep it to the subject at hand.  Easily, someone could attack White for style.  White broad brushes TR and King James supporters with inflammatory language all the time.  When Ross shook his hand at the end and gave him a book, White sat there looking disdainful.  White attacked his character after the debate, saying he was showing off.  He almost always name-drops and mentions his debate of Bart Ehrman and his 180 debates as automatic winning credentials.

In the comment section of the videos, people attack Ross for mentioning winning the debate.  They are debating.  If White won, his followers would say this again and again.  It’s a picky criticism.  There is criteria for a debate.  Ross negates the affirmative of White and puts him on the defensive.  That’s the definition of winning a debate.

Answering Questions

Some people have said that Ross didn’t answer White’s questions.  I ask them, which did he not answer?  They are silent.  White, attacking Ross for perfect preservation, something the debate wasn’t about, tries to catch Ross in a gotcha moment by asking about Revelation 16:5.  Ross says that he sympathizes with Beza’s having a manuscript with the word there.  That is an answer.

White asks Ross if the King James translators could have done a better job in Acts 5:30.  Ross said they were both fine, but KJV wasn’t wrong.  That is an answer too.  Like Ross, I believe the KJV is an accurate translation.  That doesn’t mean I or he wouldn’t translate it differently.

On sheer content alone, Ross crushed White in this debate.  He wins because of his scriptural presuppositions.  The Bible is the truth.  Where the Bible speaks, that is reality.  Anything that contradicts it is false.  Even on the evidence, Ross won, because based on White criteria, he showed the NA had weak to no manuscript evidence.  White tried to avoid this, just by saying that Ross misrepresented the evidence.  Ross didn’t.  White was not prepared for this argument. It’s not going to change either, because that evidence is still true.



  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
