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My Take on the Disappointing Results of Tuesday’s Mid-Term Elections

Monday Pre Mid-Term Post

Many of you have heard the terminology, “gag reflex.”  Certain behavior once merited a gag reflex.  You saw it and something rose in your throat that caused you to gag.  It was a good response.

Then after awhile you saw the same behavior become so common that it was normal.  You didn’t gag anymore.  No reflexive reaction occurred at all.  When you see something all the time and all over, you might become desensitized to it.

As the gag reflex became insensitive to one bad behavior, it required even worse behavior to bring it.  Gagging necessitated a more extreme action.  Don’t get me wrong, I care about John Fetterman as a candidate for the gospel.  I would love him as a person.  God can and will save him if he turns to the Lord.  However, I gag at his Senatorial election win.  I’m glad that some things can still boggle my mind.  If he showed up to flip burgers, I wouldn’t hire him.  I’d help him to the door and then watch to make sure he walked away.

Something happened on Tuesday night that was new.  I always expect the polls are wrong.  They were wrong again, except for ones usually wrong.  Now they were right on this one.  The left was wrong in 2016.  The right was wrong in 2022.  You can’t reliably predict these things any more.  I thought John Fetterman could never win as a candidate.  He did.

I thought a red wave would occur.  Almost nothing went well in the last two years.  Everyone suffered from Democrat control.  I won’t list all the ways things have gone wrong.  Republicans may still control the House and Senate, but it felt like a loss.  It looks like one.  What happened?

I just read Mike Pence’s personal account of January 6 from the Wall Street Journal.  It’s an excerpt from his upcoming book.  I haven’t read an analysis of it, but it seems like his attempt to sink Donald Trump.  I wouldn’t call it retaliation.  I don’t think Pence works that way.  However, I do see it as purposeful to help someone else clear away Trump for 2024.  Could someone?  Maybe, maybe not.

A large group of people in the United States —  I’m going to estimate thirty percent at least — are loyal to President Trump.  He stood up for them and us and took unprecedented opposition for four years.  2020 was rigged.  Whoever beats Trump in a 2024 primary will need those people.

In many ways, Trump created Ron DeSantis.  No one operated like DeSantis until Trump.  And as a result, something happened in Florida as never before.  You remember the hanging chads in the Bush-Gore election of 2000?  DeSantis wins by 20 points a little over 20 years later.

Two major points appeared Tuesday.  Someone like Trump can still win an election, but he would do it like Ron DeSantis.  DeSantis has everything good about Trump without most of what’s bad about Trump.  Donald Trump will not back down.  Someone will need to peel off some of that thirty percent.  It’s not going to be easy.  That’s one point.

What else?  The country is even in worse shape than what it was.  Way worse.  I’m not talking about damage caused by President Joe Biden.  He’s just a symptom.  They voted for John Fetterman.  Katie Hobbs is ahead in Arizona and she ran a near basement campaign.  Even if Lake comes back to win big after they finish the count, why did the counting stop for over 24 hours at 66 percent?  This wouldn’t happen to a Democrat.  The final result won’t occur until Monday.  This itself is a level of either corruption or incompetence that has become the new normal.  And those in charge can still get away with this, just like those who spawned the Russia collusion hoax.

A majority of people may not like wokeness, but they will still do little to none to defeat it.  It’s not going to change through elections.  People must change in their natures to affect the downward trajectory.  That will come only through the gospel of Jesus Christ.  And that won’t happen unless churches, the individual professing believers of churches, commit themselves wholesale to the only true gospel.


Interesting Report from John Solomon on the Republicans Winning the Popular Vote on Tuesday, 53-47.


  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
