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Grace Yields a Higher Standard Than Pharisees

The following recent articles and in this chronological order relate to this post.  One    Two   Three   Four   Five


The Pharisees

“The Pharisees” are those historical and biblical characters with whom Jesus interacted in the Gospels.  Pharisees are those taking up the mantel of “the Pharisees” since then.  The Pharisees inundated the Israel into which Jesus came.

I like to say, “The inside of a barrel looks like the barrel.”  If you live inside the barrel, your whole world looks like the barrel.  The Pharisees so saturated the thinking of Israel during the life of Jesus that Israel looked like the Pharisees.  The world of the audience to whom Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount also looked like or literally was the Pharisees.

The most common viewpoint of the Pharisees is that they added a whole bunch of strict standards to the preexisting rules of scripture.  This popular notion says the Pharisees multiplied an immense number of added regulations that burdened down the Israelite people.  This idea leaves the impression that Jesus came to relieve people of standards.  He came to save them from the imposition of written rules.  This is a deadly lie about Jesus and what He did and taught that generation.

Jesus and Matthew 5

I return to Matthew 5 to see what Jesus said at the beginning of His Sermon on the Mount.  He said in verse 17:

Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

The Pharisees and thus the people of that audience suspected Jesus would destroy the law or the prophets.  He debunked that speculation and added, “I am come to fulfill the law or the prophets.”  “The law or the prophets” in 5:17 is all of the Old Testament scripture.

“To fulfill” the Old Testament at least was keeping the Old Testament, but further transcending it.  Jesus’ standard was not the minimized, reduced standard of the Pharisees.  It went above theirs; it transcended theirs.  His righteousness exceeded theirs.  In no way, as He says in verse 19, was He teaching people not to keep everything in the Old Testament.  No, just the opposite.  Then Jesus illustrates that in six different sections between 5:21 and 5:48.

The purpose of Jesus was showing the sinfulness of the Pharisees and the audience they spawned.  Their viewpoint was not God’s.  They did not represent God.  This would take someone back to the first thing He said in the sermon in verse 3: “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”  His audience needed to understand their spiritual poverty to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Saving Grace

Saving grace as an outcome of conversion, which proceeds from God — the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, does not lower the standard for righteousness of the Pharisees.  It exceeds it.  As a first illustration, Jesus uses one of the ten commandments, “Thou shalt not kill,” in verse 21.  Pharisaical thinking justified itself by saying it had not physically killed anyone.  That still occurs today.  People still think they’re fine because of something they haven’t done.  This indicates they lack spiritual poverty.

Using four different examples in verse 21 to verse 26, Jesus shows that His or God’s standard exceeds or transcends the letter of scripture.  It is more than just physically killing someone.  They’ve murdered someone in their hearts if they even showed contempt toward them.  Jesus goes so far to say that they’ve murdered the person with whom they would not initiate reconciliation.  Not reconciling is showing contempt.  God would not accept their worship as long as they would not try to reconcile.

The Pharisees were not about strict standards.  They were about diminishing God’s standards with their own, designed to be more easily kept.  They tried to keep these on their own without the grace of God.  Jesus was not following their example or trajectory.  He taught a different way than theirs.

Evangelicals and Jesus and the Pharisees and Grace

Most evangelicals today take an opposite message from Jesus than the one He told in His sermon.  They teach that Jesus came to relieve the people of standards.  I use the word “standards,” but you could use laws, regulations, or the like.  Jesus kept everything and in verse 19, He said that the greatest in His kingdom would teach others to do the same.

Jesus went further with adultery too.  It wasn’t just the physical act, but looking at a woman to lust after her in your heart (verse 28).  Jesus is explaining what He meant by fulfilling the law or the prophets.  Keeping the standards was never the means of salvation.  Yes, the addition of works was a burden on the people reckoned by the Pharisees.  People could not escape whatever shortcomings they had with the Pharisee approach.

If salvation came by keeping the rules, no one could do that.  This is why the Pharisees minimized or reduced the law or the prophets.  They tried to concoct a way of salvation through works.  The Pharisees developed their own handbook of sorts to accompany scripture to explain the procedures for keeping scripture.  This was not internalizing what God said out of love and obeying it from the heart.  Again, this is the burden they created.

The Pharisees made doing suitable good works impossible.  This was an exhausting, never ceasing burden.  Their system complicated the obedience to actual scripture.  It put them, the Pharisees, ahead of God, while claiming credit for God.

The Repercussions of Botching the Pharisees

People like the idea of not having to keep moral standards.  This is a very popular view of grace today.  This mirrors the Pharisees in that it minimizes or reduces scripture.  Pharisees did it to make a way for salvation by works.  Evangelicals do it in a way to change the nature of the grace of God.  I say that they treat grace as a garbage can, when scripture treats it as a cleansing agent.  Grace instead enables the keeping of the standards, rules, or laws of scripture.  Unlike the perversion of grace, grace saves from the violations of the law and the salvation changes the life.

You probably notice that churches have gone downhill.  They have changed in nature.  Part of it is this very interpretation of the Pharisees.  Evangelicals use the Pharisees as a reason to reduce standards.  They don’t get rid of all of them, which should send up a red flag.  If the Pharisees were all about having standards, then why don’t we eliminate all of them?  Quite commonly evangelical keep the ones still convenient, very much like the Pharisees did.  With this system, you still get credit for doing good works without obedience to everything that God said.

Scripture shows God wants everything He said kept.  It’s not grace not to keep what God said.  That’s an impostor grace.  It claims grace, but it’s a placebo or a poser of grace.  God does not accept not believing and not doing what He said, even in the so-called non-essentials.  Man’s adaptations, innovations, and modifications do not please God.  They are not of faith.

In scripture, God killed people for changing the recipe for the incense at the altar of incense.  He killed tens of thousands when David numbered the people against His will.  Grace tends toward keeping what God said, not squirming out of it.  Grace yields a higher standard than the Pharisees, not a lesser one.

An Analysis of Supreme Court Overturn of Roe and the Lie of the Dissenting Opinion

Early Friday my phone notified me the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.  It brought great happiness, comparable to the 2016 election.  I knew it was happening, but it got off my radar, so when I saw it, it was adulation.  Praise God!  I looked for a copy of the decision, downloaded the pdf, and started to read.  My mind gobbled Alito’s text with delight and refreshment.  Outside of the Bible, this doesn’t happen much.

I celebrate Samuel Alito and the four other justices.  They showed great courage.  They did something that I will never forget, a highlight of my life.  I was eleven years old at the Roe v. Wade decision and did not even know it happened.  I’ve lived almost my entire life under its evil effects.

Even as I say that, the most courageous was Clarence Thomas.  I separate him from the entire group with his concurring opinion.  Same sex marriage is not in the constitution either.  He wrote (p. 119):

For that reason, in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell. Because any substantive due process decision is “demonstrably erroneous.”

Obergefell decided same sex marriage.  The court passed that on the same basis as Roe.  On the other hand, Kavanaugh in his concurring opinion, to distinguish himself, wrote:

First is the question of how this decision will affect other precedents involving issues such as contraception and marriage—in particular, the decisions in . . . . Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U. S. 644 (2015). I emphasize what the Court today states: Overruling Roe does not mean the overruling of those precedents, and does not threaten or cast doubt on those precedents.

I hope he reconsiders this point if same sex marriage comes to the court again.

The decision showed three basic opinions, represented by a majority of five, minority of three, and then Chief Justice Roberts alone.  The majority said nothing personal about the morality of abortion.  The five wrote the Constitution says nothing about abortion and contains no right to abortion therein.  The Constitution neither commends or condemns abortion.  Roe v. Wade found a right where there was none.  It was unconstitutional.

Roberts upheld the Mississippi law as constitutional based upon a generous interpretation of Casey.  Even though the arguments required to choose one way or the other, he chose silence on an abortion right.  Roberts kicked the abortion can down the road, siding neither way on its constitutionality, attempting, it seems, to please both sides.

The minority of three wrote:

Today, The Court . . . says that from the very moment of fertilization, a woman has no rights to speak of. A State can force her to bring a pregnancy to term, even at the steepest personal and familial costs.

The Court did not say that.  These three Supreme Court justices lied.  The Court said nothing about whether a woman has a right to abortion.  It said the Constitution does not say anything about a right to abortion.  The Supreme Court does not decide what rights people have or do not have.  It does decide constitutional rights.  Is a constitutional right to abortion in the constitution?  The majority said, no.

Right now a state cannot force a woman to bring her pregnancy to term.  She can travel to another state with legal abortion and get one.  Everyone knows this.  The governor of California says it will give sanctuary to pregnant women who want to kill their babies.

As you and I read opinions such as written by the minority, perhaps you ask, “What is a woman?”  Or, “Who is ‘her’?” The three liberal judges function according to outdated language and meaning.  Doesn’t the patriarchy force its bias and its meaning of existence and reality through gendered language?

Feminists could support the Dobbs decision.  It establishes the existence of women.  For the court to force women to have their babies, there must be women.  What does that mean for transgender rights?  The Casey decision argued in 1992 a constitutional “right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.”  These words followed Justice Anthony Kennedy’s now very famous sentence from the Casey opinion:

At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.

Yes, Kennedy was apparently one of the conservative faction of justices, seen as a moderate, appointed by Ronald Reagan.  Kennedy was no conservative in the spirit of William Buckley.

Donald Trump did a better job choosing justices than Ronald Reagan, who also chose Sandra Day O’Connor.  Take a moment to thank Donald J. Trump. He picked three of these justices in the majority.  Three for threeLet’s hear it for Trump. True conservatives should give Trump credit, but many won’t.

Mitt Romney tweeted out support of the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe.  Could we trust him to have made the choices Trump did?  I don’t think so, but he could impeach Trump for an appropriate call to the Ukrainian president.

The Supreme Court majority that overturned Roe was no thanks to Anti-Trumpers, who did not vote for Trump in 2016.  Most are further to blame for the horrific consequences of 2020.  This includes John Piper and David French.  I concur with this Mollie Hemingway answer to French.

George Bush selected David Souter and George W. Bush did Chief Justice Roberts.  Thankfully the latter also picked Samuel Alito, the author of Dobbs.  This decision would not have happened under Romney or McCain and didn’t under the Bushes.

Liberty Magazine writes the following about Anthony Kennedy’s words in Casey, the infamous abortion decision after Roe:

Though sounding more like a discourse on Spinozean metaphysics than on constitutional jurisprudence, this sentence has reached the level of notoriety among judicial and political conservatives that “separate but equal” once did among civil libertarians, or “material substratum” did among post-Enlightenment idealists.

No U.S. Supreme Court dictum in decades has faced such vilification as has poor Justice Kennedy’s 28 words. Robert Bork called the phrase indicative of “New Age jurisprudence”; William Bennett derided it as an “open-ended validation of subjectivism” that paves the way for drug abuse, assisted suicide, prostitution, and “virtually anything else”: George Will said it was “gaseously” written; Michael Uhlman labeled it a “thing of almost infinite plasticity”; the editors of First Things called it the “notorious mystery passage”; and on and on.

Kennedy’s take on liberty fits very nicely with a naturalist’s view of the world, turning language and meaning into one’s personal Gumby toy.

If I could brag about any one aspect of a reading of Dobbs by Samuel Alito, it’s the return to objective, plain writing.  He wrote like words meant something.  No one can follow that sentence by Kennedy, but it allowed for the perverseness we see in modern culture.  Your truth is your truth.  Your liberty is your liberty.  That’s not a baby, but a fetal, clump of cells.

The argument buttressing a right to abortion now undermines the definition of woman.  Most of those out there protesting the decision could and should protest both sides of the decision.  Both sides used oppressive and sexist language that uphold the patriarchy.  The liberal side does it in a more subtle and insidious way, thereby causing even worse damage to the LGBTQIA agenda.

The new, correct word for mother, or its replacement, abandoning the former meaning of woman, is gestator.  It’s obvious that this movement does not have everyone on the same page.  Their gender is fluid and the movement itself is too.  It’s changing and mutating so fast, it doesn’t have time to finish its handbook.  This forces liberal judges to use the outdated terms like “woman” and “her.”  You think I’m joking.

In a refreshing bit of honesty, unlike Roe and Casey, a gestator calling their self Sophie Lewis, in answer to Dobbs provides unmitigated clarity with her The Nation article:  “Abortion Involves Killing–and That’s OK!”  This entity (person, whatever) says:  “Dishonest sugar-coating did not work.  Let’s stop.  It didn’t work.  Let’s call it what it is, killing.”  Another word I would use, that Sophie did not, is “murder.”  So here we have it.  Samuel Alito was clear and so was Sophie Lewis.  Exhilarating truthfulness.

When you and I look at the protestors, they represent a profane culture.  They wear their piercings, falsely colored hair, and they speak streams of expletives and destroy private and public property.  This reflects the postmodern philosophy of Sartre, the French existentialist, who said that existence preceded essence.  Humans have no essential nature, thus no morality besides what every man makes for himself.  They don’t see themselves as accountable to God.  The appearance of Dobbs protestors mirrors this existential philosophy aligned with the Anthony Kennedy statement in Casey.  Their costumes are the uniform of their view of reality.  They define their own essence.

Not everyone will say it like Sophie Lewis, but the reason why an assassin could show up at Justice Kavanaugh’s house after the leak of the Dobbs opinion was because “killing is OK.”  That is also why a large majority of the media says little to nothing in opposition.  Their liberty allows for murder.  A baby may exist but cannot define his essence.  A critical theory justifies killing as the essence of liberty.

Since the Supreme Court announced the ruling on Friday, plain language came to the surface.  At a pro-abortion protest a man says, ala Sophie Lewis, he “loves killing babies.”  Many women call it the best decision they ever made.  Over ten years ago, I walked in a large pro-life march in San Francisco.  Those protesting the march on the side of the road were the most vile and lewd people I’ve ever seen in my life.  Their signs, language, and appearance were as bad as I’ve ever seen as an attempt to intimidate the march.

The overturning of Roe v. Wade is so good.  The war, however, is just begun.  Hopefully, it won’t be a real war with real bullets, one that the Supreme Court provided the previous day with its concealed carry decision.


  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
