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My Take on the Complicated World Scene That Includes Ukraine, Russia, and Israel (part four)

Part One     Part Two     Part Three

What Is the Greatest Danger?

A good question to ask when evaluating United States domestic and foreign policy is “what is the greatest danger to the country?”  When I grew up during the Cold War, the Soviet Union was a monumental threat to the security of the United States.  If you are close to my age, maybe you remember the power of the Soviet military.

I remember hearing the idea that the Soviets would fly the hammer and sickle over the U. S. capital in 1976.  At that time, almost half of the world’s land mass was communist.  It was an amazing time when the government changed in Eastern bloc countries and they opened up in the late 1980s.  With the fall of the iron curtain, suddenly the United States became the sole superpower. Communist dictators were everywhere all over the world from the moment of my birth in 1962 to the tearing down of the Berlin wall on November 9, 1989.  Putin and Xi are barely dictators today compared to those in the Cold War.


A transition began in the 1980s from international communism to Islamic terrorism.  Terrorists would not defeat and take over the United States, but they would cause terror and chaos to free countries.  My earliest inkling was the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979, the bombing of a Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983,then the bomb under the World Trade center in 1993, and finally the culmination with terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

Terrorist attacks are still a threat, especially as long as someone could deliver a nuclear device into a major U. S. city.  Conventional deterrence will not stop nuclear attack motivated by jihad, like the stalemate of mutually assured destruction.  One of these random nuclear attacks still poses great danger, especially crossing the Southern border.  From a sheer military risk, I still see this as the single greatest, immediate peril to national security.


Besides another major terrorist attack, I don’t see any great danger to the United States from a foreign country.  China is the biggest threat, but in my opinion China shows no short term aspirations to invade our shores.  The biggest danger by far isn’t foreign, but domestic.  Every failing foreign policy relates to the internal corruption of the United States.  I’m not saying Putin is better than the Democrat Party, but the latter is far worse for the United States than him.

In my childhood, Democrats supported Communists in Latin America.  Bernie Sanders took his honeymoon in Cuba.  They still lean socialist, even as seen in their support of the Palestinians and leftists in Israel.

The Left, the Democrat Party, and “Democracy”

In 2008 California passed Proposition 8, changing the California constitution on marriage, defining it between a man and a woman.  Immediately upon it becoming law, San Francisco mayor (now governor) Gavin Newsome ramped up same sex marriage in city hall.  No one said anything about democracy.  No Democrat says anything about democracy with violations of immigration law and sanctuary cities.  When they challenge elections, they say nothing about threats to democracy.  Much more could be said about who really opposes democracy and freedom in the United States.

I don’t support the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  I believe, however, that Russia saw the expansion of NATO as an existential threat.  This was part of its agreement at the end of the Cold War.  Will funding Ukraine end the war against Russia and will it turn Russia into a kind of long term partner, no longer a threat to American security?  American meddling all over the world looks like it does more to hurt than help.  The present government opposes truly democratic movements, such as what we have seen in Argentina, the Netherlands, and Italy most recently.  Meanwhile, the United States is spread so thin that it hurts the American economy and security at home.

Changes are occurring elsewhere, difficult to interpret.  They are framed by the establishment, mainstream media in the United States as anti-democratic.  This is in the same spirit that antifa is anti-fascist, and antiracism is anti-racism.  These are propaganda tools, it seems.  Changes have occurred in Poland and Hungary that are called anti-democratic.  California would call Florida, “anti-democratic,” because of decreasing abortion and banning pornography in the schools.  The present administration pressures African countries to legalize same sex marriage.

Our Own House In Order

A stronger, more cohesive alliance with Russia, China, and Iran also supports an anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian coalition in the Middle East.  This hearkens to possible future events in fulfillment of prophecy unlike what I’ve seen in my lifetime.

Many Americans do not trust the Democrat apparatchiks at work in Ukraine or in Israel.  These are the same characters who supported billions of dollars to Iran.  The Biden family also received millions of dollars for peddling influence in Ukraine.  The United States needs to get its own house in order.  Then it will be better prepared to exert itself elsewhere.

My Take on the Complicated World Scene That Includes Ukraine, Russia, and Israel (part two)

Part One

Israel-Palestinian Conflict

From a biblical viewpoint, the Israel-Palestinian conflict started when Abraham sinned with Hagar, who bore Ishmael.  Ishmael fathers the Arab people and Isaac the Jewish.  Complicating this further, 93% of Arabs are Muslim of some kind.  Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook in “Kill a Jew – Go to Heaven: The Perception of the Jew in Palestinian Society,” published in Jewish Political Studies Review 17:3-4 (Fall 2005), write:

The Palestinian religious, academic, and political elites teach an ideology of virulent hatred of Jews. The killing of Jews is presented both as a religious obligation and as necessary self-defense for all humankind.

This assessment of the Jews among Arabs or Muslims goes back centuries before the Zionist movement ever began.

No Jews live in Gaza.  Two sides dispute Jewish settlement in the West Bank.  There are 144 Jewish settlements in the West Bank.  Neither a majority of Palestinians or Jews back a two state solution with the addition of the creation of a separate Palestinian state.  Half of Jews desire complete expelling of Palestinians from Israel — that doesn’t include Gaza or the West Bank.  75% of Palestinians want the annihilation of Israel.  A large majority of all Palestinians support Hamas.

Having traveled to Israel and in the Jewish and Palestinian territories, it’s very tense there.  It cannot work like it is.  The Jews need a place of their own.  A two state solution will never succeed for obvious reasons.  Very good arguments say that Israel should have all the land and the Palestinians find someplace else to live with Arab people.  Jews should have their own, safe country.

Israel and the Land

Americans would never tolerate what the Jews do in Israel.  A certain psychology for the Jews not only allows them to concede to their conditions, but also causes many Jews to advocate for the Palestinians.  Many Jews lay a lot of blame on their own people for their problems.  I do feel for Israel because of the deep hatred from so many across the world for the Jews.

God still has a plan for Israel.  Even if Israel does not own the whole Holy Land, they continue possessing a right to it, based upon scripture.  God gave Israel the land, which is why it is called, “the Promised Land.”  This supports Israel’s statehood, its formal establishment, and perpetuation.  Palestine never had statehood.  It didn’t announce it’s own statehood until 1988.  The Palestinian territories are not recognized by the US, France, or the UK as a state.  At least four Palestinian organizations are designated as terrorist on the United States list, including Hamas.

My assessment of Israel is not some carte blanch acceptance of the policies of Israel.  I still pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States with its rampant ungodliness.  Support for Israel acknowledges God and the truth of scripture.

Two Wars

Because of world politics, the war in Israel associates with the one in Ukraine.  Some of the same characters appear in different roles in both conflicts.  I attribute both wars to the Biden administration in the United States.  Neither would have occurred with Trump as president of the United States.  Many would agree with that, less that would say it in public, but I also want to explain why I think it’s true.

More to Come


  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
