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Consider Fighting Inflation with Safe 7.12% and 9.62% Interest Rate I-Bonds

Because of our current high rates of inflation, Inflation-protected Treasury Bonds (I-Bonds) are set to earn 7.12% interest for the next sixth months, followed by 9.62% interest the six months after that. In addition to mutual funds with Christian values, which tend to adjust to inflation in the longer-term, but, as with all mutual funds, can have big swings in the shorter term, someone who wanted a guaranteed rate of return might find these US treasury bonds attractive.  I view their security as comparable to FDIC insurance. If you have confidence your money in your checking account is not going to disappear, the money in the I-bonds is not going to disappear unless the US government defaults on its debt, which is probably not going to happen in the short term, at least (and, while the high rate of inflation is terrible, it reduces the real value of our national debt, and so actually is a debt-fighting strategy–devalue the currency to devalue the debt–albeit an immoral one that repays lenders with currency worth less than what they lent out).


You can purchase up to $10,000 in I-bonds a year, per person (corporations can buy $10,000 each as well) and get up to $5,000 back on your tax return in I-bonds.  Whenever you sell them, you lose the last three months of interest if you have held them for under five years–after five years you don’t lose any interest.  So if inflation suddenly comes under control and their rate of return declines correspondingly (I’m not super hopeful), it would be wise to hold them for at least 15 months so you don’t lose out on the 12 months of high interest. You also can’t sell them before holding them for a year, so only tie up money you won’t need for at least a year.


I believe that churches, as charitable organizations, can also buy up to $10,000 a year, and a church school, as a separate entity, could do so as well.  There may be ways for individuals to buy $10,000 worth and donate them or get refunded for them by a church that wanted to get a lot of these instead of having inflation eat up their savings account, but I have not extensively looked into this possibility (feel free to post anything useful in the comment section of this post in this regard).


You do not pay federal taxes on I bonds, but you do pay state and local taxes, I believe. (I am not a tax advisor.)


To lock in the 7.12% and 9.68% rates, you need to buy them before the end of April.  So you might want to look into doing this soon.  The interest rate is very attractive.


Get more information or buy I-bonds online here.  I am thankful for Doctor of Credit for bringing this opportunity to my attention.


By the way, while I believe Biden is doing a terrible job, high inflation was just about inevitable after the insane increase in the money supply and crazily low rates of interest that we have had for years. If Trump had won, we would still have had high inflation right now, in all likelihood, although perhaps not quite as high, if Trump and Congress had not spent so much money this last year (by Trump not helping two Republicans lose in Georgia, flipping the Senate to the Democrats, and giving the Democrats a unified government so they could spend even more recklessly). Trump was “lucky” to lose and not be the one who gets the blame for the foolish money policy the USA has been pursuing for years.



Christianity: Pro-Racism, Pro-Slavery White Man’s Religion–Reject it for Atheism!

I have written a pamphlet dealing with attacks upon the Bible and Christianity from its (alleged) racism and (alleged) support of chattel slavery, compared with the (alleged) anti-racism and anti-slavery position of atheism.  It deals with the objection that “Christianity is the racist white man’s religion” and, as the Freedom From Religion Foundation claims, “[W]hite supremacy [is] interwoven with Christianity … inextricably intertwined.” (Sources for all quotes are in the pamphlet.)

Click here to read the pamphlet Biblical Christianity vs. Atheism on Racism and Slavery


You may think that such claims are so ridiculous that they do not deserve a refutation.  You are correct about them being ridiculous—and, as Bethel Baptist Church, where I serve the Lord, is not majority white now and has not been for a very long time, reflecting the ethnic diversity of the area, it is indeed a very foolish claim.  However, sadly, in secular college campuses and in liberal media these egregious falsehoods are regularly propounded.  Not that long ago a very angry black man at a place where I was passing out gospel literature said that all white Christians were supporters of white nationalism.  (He also said, ironically, that they all denied it when he said that to them.  Hmm… ).  He said he had a degree in religious studies. (Perhaps they should give him his money back.)  In any case, the attack on Christianity from its alleged racism and pro-slavery position is very much out there.


Christianity white man's religion


The pamphlet demonstrates that:


1.) The Bible rejects racism.


2.) Christian churches in Bible times rejected racism—for example, the church at Antioch had a leader in the category of “prophet and teacher” whose name was “Simon the Black” and another born in Africa, while the rest were all from Asia; an African whose family became close to the Apostle Paul helped Christ carry His cross; etc.


3.) Christian churches and the wider realm of Christendom were profoundly impacted by Africa.  Did you ever think about the fact that possibly the two most influential people in the history of Western Christendom were from Africa—namely, Tertullian and Augustine?  Furthermore, the ancient Anabaptist movements, the Novatians and Donatists, were both led by African Anabaptists.  Did you know that the Baptists were the first group of churches in the American South to come out against slavery?


4.) Christianity very rapidly spread from Israel to Africa to China to India to Britain.


5.) Ancient paganism was pro-slavery while Christianity was pro-slave (since it taught that “All Lives Matter,” and therefore the lives of slaves, people of darker and lighter skin, etc. all matter), and Christian influence, unique among world religions, led to the abolition of slavery.


Am I Not a Man and a Brother: The Official Medallion of the British anti-slavery society has a black man in chains kneeling in prayer for help


6.) Modern racism actually stems from the Enlightenment and its rejection of Biblical Christianity, combined with the anti-creation philosophy of biological evolution.  (This fact should be taught in all public schools, and at the very least every student in Christian schools needs to know this.  Did you know it?)


7.) Slavery exists today in atheist countries such as North Korea and China, in accordance with the racism of people like Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, Hegel, and David Hume.  Everyone should know that Darwin anticipated genocide by whites of “lower races”:


“The … Caucasian races have beaten … [others] in the struggle for existence. … [At] no very distant date … the lower races will have been eliminated by the higher civilized races throughout the world.”


Everyone should know Marx said:


“Let us … speak of the beautiful side … of the slavery of the blacks in the East, in Brazil, in the Southern States of North America. … [S]lavery is an economic category of the highest importance. Without slavery … you would have … the complete decadence of modern commerce and civilization. … [S]ave slavery … [c]onserve the good side of this economic category.”


8.) The pamphlet then explains how spiritual slavery is the worst problem people suffer today.  It illustrates that the root causes of racism (pride) and slavery (covetousness) are sins that the reader has been guilty of, and how, through the ransom payment of Christ, they can become spiritually free from the control of the sins that lead to racism and slavery now and eternal hell fire in eternity.


I would suggest reading the pamphlet yourself, keeping the link or a few copies on hand for people who run into this objection when preaching the gospel.  I would also suggest that Christian schools, in history class, when they teach the Enlightenment and the impact of evolution and its pre-and post-Darwinian influence in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, make sure students know that modern racism came from these movements.  Missionaries in Africa, the Caribbean, and, frankly, on most of the globe should know these things and share them with those to whom they minister.


Cancel culture should cancel Darwin, cancel Marx, cancel Biblical skepticism, cancel evolution, cancel atheism, and cancel agnosticism.


Everyone should recognize Christianity is the best friend of those who are against racism and slavery.


Click here to read the pamphlet Biblical Christianity vs. Atheism on Racism and Slavery



The Globalist and Leftist Institution and Media Use of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Many reading know President Trump’s expressing genius to Putin is his way of playing American leftists.  He is also fond in calling those in power, “our stupid leaders.”  Those on the left turn this into Trump and his supporters advocating for Putin and Russia.  When the media calls Trump a Putin supporter, he doesn’t back away from his “genius” language, because he won’t submit to their lie. This works nicely with the Russia narrative invented by the left between 2016 even until today.  They conform that narrative, which is a lie, to the Russian invasion.  The globalist left supports the Ukraine, which makes the invasion difficult to sort.

The left didn’t support Ukraine.  President Obama gave them blankets.  Trump gave them javelins, perhaps the most effective weapon against Russian conventional warfare.  Ukraine did not gain NATO membership under any president.  The country became useful in the Obama years for Vice President Biden to benefit through its corruption.  Ukraine did not gain membership because of a malfeasance utilized by Biden and his son, Hunter.  Trump dug into the corruption by asking Zelensky for help with the investigation, attempting to tie U.S. aid to elimination of criminal crookedness.  The left impeached Trump for that.

Russia took Crimea under Obama and Biden.  Russia invades Ukraine under Biden.  Putin does nothing against Trump.  Trump hurts Putin, because he increased oil production until the United States became energy independent.  The lowered prices hurt Putin more than anything.  Look at the gas prices now.  This helps Putin, and President Biden does not ban Russian oil exports.  The United States then looks to Venezuelan oil production instead of increasing U. S. generation.

Putin in a religious manner sees the Ukraine as Russian.  Russian history started with Kiev, the Rus emerging there in the 10th century AD.  Vladimir I adopted a unique Russian Orthodoxy in 988.  When a cynical Putin became mistrustful of a Communism and a secular state, he embraced his version of religious nationalism, somewhat like a leader of a Moslem nation.  Like conservative Jews see Palestine as Israel, Putin sees Ukraine as Russian.  His version of Russian Orthodoxy plays a role in his aggression, irrationality, and brutality, much like a grand inquisitor burns heretics at the stake.

Trump understood the nationalistic instinct of Putin.  Yes, Putin wants to make Russia great again and with a religious fervor.  I’m sure he saw men like Putin in business.  He could respect his opposition in the business world and on the world scene without supporting them.  He states recognition of their toughness, a trait missing in those who allow homeless to defecate in our streets.

If the media and the Democrat Party cared about Zelensky and Ukraine, why did they not urge Obama or Biden to do more before the invasion?  They care now, because they see an opportunity to blame on inflation and the related high gas prices.  If they care about border security in the Ukraine, why not in our own country?

The underdog Ukrainians stand against Putin.  By nature, Americans reject imperialism.  The United States fought an imperialistic power for its own freedom.  Americans want a free Ukraine.  The left commandeers Zelensky like they did during the impeachment.

The left doesn’t represent freedom.  Their wokeness didn’t stand for Hong Kong against China.  President Biden and his son Hunter took money from China.  The left rejects freedom of speech.  They’re for allowing perversion, a college male swimmer winning medals against women in the name of transgenderism.  They elevate a transgender general wearing a dress in the United States military.  The left doesn’t want the freedom of adversarial speech.  They shut-down and cancel political opposition to vaccines, vaccine mandates, Covid origination, Covid restrictions, religious freedom, the Russian conspiracy, critical race theory, and voter fraud.  They don’t allow creation in the school system.

First amendment freedom originates for political speech.  The left shuts down speech.  They control the public schools like Putin puts down his protestors.  Theirs and Putins are a religious fervor each with their own totalitarian values.

The United States has its own religion that sacrifices babies to abortion, defunds the police, and stops energy production for their apocalyptic eschatology.  When they pose to support the Ukraine, they calculate this for opposition to Trump.  They see a political opportunity.

I support the Ukraine.  Some doctrine consistent with true American values should guide our present and future involvement.  I’m against Putin.  However, everyone should understand the left’s intentions of using this war for furthering its own agenda.  I don’t know if Putin is worse than the leftists who appropriate the Ukraine to further their insidious causes.

Conspiracy Theory: Biblical Methods of Evaluation, part 7 of 7


In summary, before encouraging anyone to adopt a conspiracy theory, please consider:

Have I followed Biblical principles for evaluating data? 

These principles include:

Have the best arguments both for and against the conspiracy been carefully examined?

Is the conspiracy logical?

Are there conflicts of interest in those promoting the conspiracy?

Does the conspiracy theory produce extraordinary evidence for its extraordinary claims?

Does the conspiracy require me to think more highly of myself than I ought to think?

Is looking into this conspiracy redeeming the time?

Are Biblical patterns of authority followed by those spreading the conspiracy?

If the conspiracy passes these evaluative tests, then there may be something to it.  If it fails these tests, it should be ignored.  If the person promoting the conspiracy to you has not taken the time to follow these Biblical tests, kindly ask him or her to follow Scripture before promoting conspiracies to you, and tell him that after Scripture is followed we may have time to talk, but we won’t before then.  Then instead of watching the video on the conspiracy, behold the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, by the illumination of the Spirit, in the infallible Word (2 Corinthians 3:18).

This entire series can be viewed online at “Conspiracy Theory: Biblical Methods of Evaluation” by clicking here.


Conspiracy Theory: Biblical Methods of Evaluation, part 6 of 7

The text of this post started from the sentence: “Is looking into this conspiracy redeeming the time?”

and ended with:  “We should follow God’s example in Genesis 18, not Satan’s pattern in Genesis 3.”

The complete 7 part series is now available at the link below. Please view the series there. Feel free to comment below on this sixth part, however. Thank you.


This entire series can be viewed online at “Conspiracy Theory: Biblical Methods of Evaluation” by clicking here.



Conspiracy Theory: Biblical Methods of Evaluation, part 5 of 7

Does the conspiracy require me to think more highly of myself than I ought to think?


The Bible’s “love chapter” indicates that “charity vaunteth not itself” and “is not puffed up.”  Scripture warns a man must “not … think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly” (Romans 12:3), a principle applicable to all areas of life.  If a conspiracy requires us to believe something that the overwhelming majority of scientists or experts in the relevant field say is impossible, we need to have very strong evidence before we adopt this conclusion.  If we think that a conspiracy-backed mechanism for causing disease is correct, although mainstream science strongly affirms the opposite, we need to remember that, unless we are experts, we know far less about biology and medicine than those do with whom we disagree.  If we are going to adopt assertions about biology when we would fail an introductory biology course unless we spent lots of time reviewing, we need to be humble enough to recognize that biologists, medical doctors, and others with vast expertise are much more likely than us to avoid mistakes and make correct evaluations in their fields of knowledge.  It is not logically impossible for the vast majority of airplane engineers to be wrong about something while we are right about it, even though we know next to nothing about how to design airplanes, but it is highly unlikely, and it would be a much better idea to fly in a plane designed by the airplane engineers rather than one that we designed based on videos we watched on YouTube.  It is not logically impossible for the vast majority of cell biologists, professors in medical schools, and infectious disease researchers to be wrong about something pertaining to medicine, while we are right about it as non-experts, but it is likewise highly unlikely, and it is probably very wise and health-promoting to humbly recognize that fact as we evaluate conspiratorial claims about disease or the body, and place what a medical association or a health department advises on a higher level than what a body builder or a rapper on YouTube says is good for us.



This entire series can be viewed online at “Conspiracy Theory: Biblical Methods of Evaluation” by clicking here.



Conspiracy Theory: Biblical Methods of Evaluation, part 4 of 7

Part four of this series is now at the link below. This post originally covered from the sentence:  “Does the conspiracy theory produce extraordinary evidence for extraordinary claims?” to the sentence: “We cannot disprove the possibility that tiny green elephants float and dance waltzes on Jupiter’s moons, while using advanced technology to avoid detection by humans, but the person who asserts that the green elephants are doing this needs to positively prove his assertion before we can rationally believe it.”


This entire series can be viewed online at “Conspiracy Theory: Biblical Methods of Evaluation” by clicking here.





Conspiracy Theory: Biblical Methods of Evaluation, part 3 of 7

Part three of this series is now at the link below. This post originally covered from the sentence:  “If the conspiracy involves logical contradictions, it cannot be true” to the sentence: “If any and all real or even potential conflicts of interest are not openly and plainly disclosed by the person promoting the conspiracy, a significantly higher level of skepticism is required in evaluating what the proponent of the conspiracy is arguing for.”


This entire series can be viewed online at “Conspiracy Theory: Biblical Methods of Evaluation” by clicking here.



Conspiracy Theory: Biblical Methods of Evaluation, 2 of 7

Part two of this series is now at the link below. This post originally covered from the sentence:  “If we have adopted and are going to share a conspiratorial belief with someone else, we need to have answered these questions ourselves and be ready to explain our answers to the person whom we seek to convince” to the sentence: “They are people who are created in God’s image, and we don’t get to slander them, even if their political persuasions, cultural practices, and other ways of living are different—or objectively far more worse and far more sinful—than ours are, thanks to God’s unmerited grace to us.” Feel free to continue to comment below on this post, if you wish, after reading it at the link below.


This entire series can be viewed online at “Conspiracy Theory: Biblical Methods of Evaluation” by clicking here.



Conspiracy Theory: Biblical Methods of Evaluation, 1 of 7

Part one of this series is now at the link below. This post originally covered from the beginning of the article to the sentence:  “If we have adopted and are going to share a conspiratorial belief with someone else, we need to have answered these questions ourselves and be ready to explain our answers to the person whom we seek to convince.”


This entire series can be viewed online at “Conspiracy Theory: Biblical Methods of Evaluation” by clicking here.



  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
