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Two Approaches to Reality, One of Which Is True: Either Construing or Constructing Reality, Pt. 2

Part One

Only one reality exists.  That reality is transcendent.  It proceeds from God.  Men must receive that reality by faith, that is, they must receive what God says.  This does not ever contradict science.

The one reality is the truth, the goodness, and the beauty.  God wants men to construe that reality and receive it.  God’s truth is the truth, His goodness is the goodness, and His beauty is the beauty.

In his rebellion against God, man, speaking of mankind, constructs an alternative reality.  It isn’t reality.  As a noun, it’s a construct of reality.

Today people say that man constructs his own reality.  If man constructs all reality, then anyone can construct his own reality.  His truth is his truth, his goodness is his goodness, and his beauty is his beauty.

The rebellion of man proceeding from his sin nature authors a new reality.  He becomes God.  Rather than construing reality and receiving it, he constructs his own in rebellion against God.

As part of a growing rebellion against God others must receive a construction of reality and at least tolerate it.  This rejects the truth, goodness, and beauty for a human construct.  It validates man’s pride and lust.

Man will find out his constructions of realities  are all lies, as part of “the lie.”  The lie is the Satanic lie in rebellion against God, that takes on different forms or vessels, but with the same contents.  When I was young, Avon sold perfume in a variety of containers, all the same scent.

In the end, God will unveil or unmask the lie and all the individual lies.  They will all stand naked before His judgment.  God will not receive them.  He will say, Depart from me, and into eternal separation from Him.

Churches should bring God’s light to reality.  They should manifest reality, the truth, goodness, and beauty.  Instead, today churches associate with and accommodate the lie by receiving man’s construction of reality.  They even call this love, corrupting the love of God and their neighbor.

People today use the terminology, “alternative reality,” which speaks of fiction.  No one wants to hear that he believes in fiction, but he still assigns to his fiction a designation of reality.  He wants what he wants, so he calls it reality, when it isn’t.  This is a construct of reality.

Because in postmodernism all reality is a construct, then every reality should be tolerated.  This toleration is now love.  All reality is tolerated except for objective reality that has objective meaning.  This is transcendent reality.  All truth, goodness, and beauty comes from God, who is transcendent.  You can’t receive God and reject transcendent reality, which is to say, reject reality itself.

One of the lies of the lie is that someone has his reality in the gospel, while rejecting reality.  Does someone who rejects reality receive the gospel?  Can a gospel extricated from reality be the gospel?  Is its God, the God?  Is a God removed from reality the God of the gospel, the God who saves?

More To Come

Not Knowing What You With Certainty Can Know Is True and Knowing What You Can’t Know Is True

What you can know with certainty is anything that God says.  You know the Bible is true.  God said it.  It’s true and you can know it with certainty.  More than ever, what God says, people don’t know.  They treat what God said like they can’t know it.

Scripture talks about treating what you can know like you can’t know it.  It’s not about knowing.  It’s about wanting.  Someone doesn’t want to do it, so he eliminates it by not knowing it.  He can know it and he does know it.  He says he doesn’t know it.

What I’m writing about is like a little child who “forgets.”  A parent asks if the child knows.  The child nods, “No,” shaking his head back and forth, when the child knows.  Not knowing is an excuse for not doing.  He does know.  With a very large sample size, I can say that children know more than what they act like they do.

Very often, for what people can know, they stay ignorant.  They could know, but they don’t want to know.  They like what they’re doing.  If they don’t try to find out, then they won’t know.  If they don’t know, they won’t have to do.

Knowing what you can know with certainty very often isn’t popular.  It’s easier just to say that you don’t know.

On the other hand, people treat the Bible like it can’t be known.  It’s just opinion.  It is a story book of preferences.  If it makes you feel good, sure, go ahead with it, but don’t treat it like something you can know.

An example of not knowing what you can know occurred recently in the Senate hearings for confirming the Supreme Court justice, when a Senator asked her to define a woman.  She said she didn’t know that.  She could know, but wasn’t willing to know.

Very often what the world knows is that it can’t know.  It knows with certainty that it can’t know.  The unknowability provides freedom.  You’re not to judge what you can’t know, so you must not know.  That way no one can judge.  Then you get to live like you want.

Unwillingness to know becomes a basis of toleration.  You’re in trouble if you judge something wrong, because you’re saying you can know, when you can’t.  You’re left with tolerating wrong things.  It’s required.  The judgment itself becomes what’s wrong.  An irony is that you can know when someone else can’t know.

I’m not saying, however, that people don’t say they know things.  They know what’s wrong with their meal at a restaurant.  These people write a bad review with complete conviction of their own knowledge.  They know if they got bad service from someone.  They know when someone offends them because it’s what they feel.

People know evolution is true.  Evolution is still a theory.  That status hasn’t changed, but men now know men evolved.  This theory promotes naturalism.  Knowing it frees men from their accountability to God, when they don’t know it.  It’s a theory.  It’s a theory that we actually know is not true.

Critical theory poses as knowledge.  People know your motives.  They know you’re racist.  Climate science says it knows the world will end by global warming.  Man causes the end of the world through natural means.  God tells man how the world will end.  That we know.

Churches are more and more worldly because of more and more preference, a lack of knowledge about scriptural things that were once known.  They are still known, but treated like they are not.  What distinguishes the roles of men and women, what were once known, now not known.  The psychology behind overturning scripture, creating victims, who are not victims, this is now known.  People are sure of this.

What I’m describing is leaning on man’s understanding and not on God’s.  God is always right.  Man is rarely to never.  Living by faith, which pleases God, is living by what man can and should know, not by what he knows, but that he really cannot.

How should someone treat willful not knowing or rebellious knowing?  He should tell the truth.  He should embrace knowing what he can and should know.  As the psalmist wrote in Psalm 118:6, “The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?”  He should also stand against what he knows men cannot know.

What Is Atheism?

According to the Bible, no one is an atheist.   Proverbs 14:1 reports that a fool says in his heart that there is no God, but that doesn’t mean he believes it.  Romans 1:18 says he knows God and suppresses that knowledge.  So atheism is not someone believing there isn’t a God.  Atheism is living like there isn’t a God.  Many more people do that than the typical polls show.  In other words, on the atheist front, we’re in worse shape than you think.

Someone just wrote about this at the Big Think, entitled, “Atheism is not as rare or as rational as you think.”  Will Gervais in the article makes at least the point in my first paragraph here, and even more.  The Bible says this, so it must be true, but I find it by experience.

As I write this on a Saturday after out evangelizing for a couple of hours, I talked to an “atheist” today, who graduated from Vanderbilt, and he is affiliated with Weber State here.  He announced he was not interested, because he is an atheist.   He also said he did not want to argue at his door, but he did talk awhile, which is very often the case with “atheists.”

I asked the “atheist” if he thought, all this around us came about by accident.  I find no one wants to say, yes, to that, because they know it isn’t true, which means they aren’t atheists.  Then he said with a bit of a smirk, that after the Big Bang happened, everything came out of that.

The Big Bang is apparently a throw-down, trumping all else.  In fact, a Big Bang says there is a beginning.  It doesn’t help an atheist to stay that way, if he believes in a beginning.  Some kind of explosion though still will not explain the amazing complexity all around.  I didn’t bring that up, because I assessed that it would end the conversation.  I took the tack, as I often do, that air, plants growing, all these did not come by accident, but people take these, and as Romans 1:21 says, are unthankful.  These are atheists.  God exists.  They’re just unthankful He does.

An atheist is someone who doesn’t want a God.  He has one.  He just denies it.  An atheist tries to block God out in part by saying he’s an atheist.  He knows he’s wrong.

Gervais portrays many atheists, and it’s true, as appraising themselves as intellectually gifted individuals.  Their position is intellectually bankrupt.  They reject the truth based on their own lust (2 Peter 2-3).

Many atheists will say that those who carefully weigh things do it with science, all natural criteria, which is very intellectual, really Ivy League.  No.  The world did not appear and has not been sustained by merely natural means.

In his piece, Gervais uses science to show how professing atheists are stupid.  Stupid is another word for “fool,” which bring us back to Psalm 14:1 again.  The fool says he’s an atheist.  He’s not being smart.

Since every atheist just denies God against his own knowledge, who are the real atheists?  They live like God doesn’t exist.  I think we could go further than that.  They form a god, which allows them to live like that want.  Evangelicalism is full of atheism.  They deny the true God because they don’t like His requirements or expectations, which are against how they want to live.  They’re worshiping themselves as Romans 1:25 says, and yet they say they worship God or follow God’s ways.

If atheism is denying the one, true God, there are far, far more atheists than any of us can give a percentage.

Symbols and Identity

My wife and I worked hard for several months on various things without much of a break and we could get away for a day or so.  Utah is a beautiful state.  Little did Brigham Young know, when he said, “This is the place,” that it meant five national parks, two of which are thirty minutes apart, Arches and Canyonlands.  They both deserve national park status.

Arches especially means hiking, because you’ve got to hike to see the greatest scenes.  They laid these out with well done trails.  My wife and I walked miles, people passing us, we passing people, people walking along side of us, and crowds of people together with us looking at amazing views.

I want to take this moment to announce a trigger warning.  Trigger warning to women.  I’m preparing to talk about women wearing skirts or dresses.  In all of those hours, besides my wife, I never saw another skirt.  Not a single other woman in the entire time we were at those two national parks did I see a woman in a skirt or a dress.

I did see many women in skin tight leggings or pants.  Loose ones too.  The temperatures were cool, so there weren’t so many shorts, but there were even some of those worn only by women, none by men.

A big occurrence this Sunday night before my wife and I left on our trip was the Academy Awards in Hollywood.  My phone notified me that Will Smith punched Chris Rock.  It came with an unedited video.

The comedian Chris Rock, who apparently hosted the show, added an ad lib joke about Smith’s wife, Jada, an actress sitting with Will Smith, who suffers from a hair loss disease.  She’s essentially bald, and Rock sarcastically joked about her upcoming appearance in G. I. Jane, making fun of her hairless state.  Some might call this joke, tasteless, because it made fun of a woman’s medical condition over which she has no control.  In other words, it’s not funny to joke about that, or it shouldn’t be.  It’s off limits.

Whether you think it was right for Smith to walk to slap Rock onstage in what some might think a chivalrous manner, it’s an issue of women’s hair length.  Someone in Hollywood slapped someone else for making fun of a woman’s hair length.  Being called a “G. I. Jane” was insulting.  None of this means anything if hair length on a woman isn’t a symbol of identity, like a skirt or dress is a symbol of identity.

The Bible mentions visible symbols as they relate to identity.  People know they matter.  It’s why you see a transgender “woman,” biological male, wearing a dress.  The dress is a symbol, as is hair.  “Look at me, I’m a woman.”

The girl, who wants to be a boy or thinks of herself as a boy, wants to get rid of her breasts.  Or she prevents them with hormone blockers.  The boy, who wants to be a girl or thinks of himself as a girl, wants those breasts.  Breasts are symbols, even if they don’t function except as a symbol.  The Bible treats any kind of reversal of these symbols as an abomination and against nature.  It’s also the view held by professing Christians through their entire history until very recently, and one never rescinded by God.

The symbols that speak of identity are not arbitrary symbols.  They aren’t a social construct.  They are the “laws of nature and nature’s God” of the Declaration of Independence.  Writing about this in 1762, Abraham Williams of Boston said:

The law of nature (or those rules of behavior which the Nature God has given men, . . . fit and necessary to the welfare of mankind) is the law and will of the God of nature, which all men are obliged to obey. . . . The law of nature, which is the Constitution of the God of nature, is universally obliging. It varies not with men’s humors or interests, but is immutable as the relations of things.

Rebellion against the laws of nature is rebellion against God in a fundamental or root manner.  The person violating these laws involves himself in a personal offense against the nature of God.  In many of these instances, especially the ones I’m describing, they become an abomination to Him.  You can deny that, but you’ll still face God.

Our world reacts to symbols.  The Swastika.  The Hammer and Sickle.  The Gay Flag.  Men wearing skirts.  The symbols mark identity in an elemental way.

The downfall on identity began first with the abdication and then the repudiation of symbols.  Identity confusion and chaos starts with renouncing the symbols.  If you think they’re meaningless, then why do they trigger such strong reactions?

Is God Not Being Obvious Enough, Proof That There Is No God?

I’m not saying that God isn’t obvious, but that is a major reason in what I’ve read and heard of and for professing atheism and agnosticism.  It’s also something I’ve thought about myself.  God doesn’t go around announcing Himself in the ways people think He would if He existed.  God doesn’t show Himself in a manner that people expect.

Outside of earth’s atmosphere, space does not befriend life.  Space combats, resists, or repels life, everywhere but on planet earth.  No proof exists of any life beyond what is on earth.  Scientists have not found another planet that they know could support life, even if life could occur somewhere else.

No one knows the immensity of space.  We can see that all of space is very big, and of course exponentially times larger than the square footage of earth.  Incalculable numbers of very hot and large suns or stars are shining upon uninhabited planets.  Numbers beyond our comprehension of astronomical objects fly on trajectories and in paths everywhere in space.  That is a very, very large amount of space with nothing alive and apparently serving very little to no purpose.  To many, they seem pointless and could not serve as depictions of God’s beauty and power and precision for such a tiny audience.

Another angle I hear relates to suffering.  God doesn’t show up to alleviate suffering to the extent people expect from a loving God.  Suffering comes in many different fashions, not just disease but also crime and war.  The periods of clear direct intervention from God to stop suffering are few and far between and long ago.  Essentially the Bible documents those events and circumstances, which are not normative for today.

According to scripture, God is a Spirit (John 4:24), which means you can’t see Him.  John 1:18 and 1 John 4:12 say, “No man hath seen God at any time.”  One reason God isn’t obvious is that no one can see Him.  That does not mean He doesn’t reveal Himself, but it is not by appearing to us.  In human flesh, Jesus revealed God to us (John 1:18).  1 Samuel 3:21 says, “the LORD revealed himself.”  Romans 1:19 says, “Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.”

God reveals Himself now through providence in history, creation, conscience, and in scripture.  Those are not obvious to most people.  They want, what I like to call, the crown performance.  The King or Queen sit and someone comes to entertain in their presence.  People want more from God, but God doesn’t give that.  God deserves the crown performance.  He wears the crown.  He doesn’t give the crown performances.

Seek God

I believe there are four main reasons God isn’t as obvious as people want Him to be.  One, God wants to be sought after.  I often say that God doesn’t want the acknowledgement of His existence like we would acknowledge the existence of our right foot.  Five times scripture says, “Seek God,” twenty-seven times, “seek the Lord,” twice, “seek his face,” and thirteen times, “seek him,” speaking of God.  A good example of God’s desire here is Deuteronomy 4:29:

But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul.

God in His sovereignty chose to have us seek Him.  That is who He is.
The lesser seeks the greater.  Seeking God recognizes God’s greatness.  It is humble.  It is for us to say, “I want to know you,” rather than waiting on God to come to us.  I’m not saying He doesn’t come to us in the way He prescribes, but He wants us to seek Him and come to Him.  How obvious God is pertains to His wanting us to seek Him.
Pride and lust get in the way of not seeking God.  Those exalting themselves above God will not seek God.  They seek after what they exalt, which is their own lust.  Men walk after their own lust and this inhibits seeking after God.  Men serve the creature rather than the Creator.
God has done everything for us.  We’ve done nothing for Him.  It should be us seeking Him.  It must be.

Believe God

Faith pleases God.  The way God reveals Himself requires faith from men.  Faith is not be sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).  When we see God, it won’t be faith any more.  Paul wrote that faith wasn’t eternal (1 Corinthians 13).  Faith occurs in this age.  The way God reveals Himself is good enough for the one who believes.  Only the one who believes receives eternal life with God (John 3:15,16,36).
Far few believe than do not believe.  Most men operate by sight.  The degree and manner God reveals Himself is not good enough for them.  Out of pride and lust, they require more.  Even if they got more, it wouldn’t be good enough for them.  They are not willing to deny themselves (Luke 9:23).
The heroes of the faith, like those in Hebrews 11, obeyed not having seen.  Consider these verses in Hebrews 11 related to this matter of sight:
Hebrews 11:1, Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:7, By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.
Hebrews 11:13, These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
Abraham went to the Promised Land, not having seen it.  Hebrews 11:8 says “he went out, not knowing where he was going.”  This was blind obedience.
God wants us believing and obeying because He said it.  Jesus said in Matthew 12:39, “An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign.”  Signs are God showing more evidence.  People surmise that God isn’t being obvious enough.   They want more, so they hold Him hostage to giving more, or they won’t believe or obey.

Men Rebel

The third reason God isn’t as obvious as people expect corresponds to their sin and rebellion.  Man’s problem relates to how God gets him His message.  Man gets the understanding of God through revelation, because his problem is sin and rebellion.  Man can’t discover, which is a natural pursuit.  God reveals, which is a supernatural solution.
Romans 1:18 says that men “hold the truth in unrighteousness.”  Many of you know that “hold the truth” means “suppress the truth.”  Men’s unrighteousness makes them suppress the truth.  The problem is not an intellectual one, one that says it needs more proof.   The problem is a volitional one, men are rebellious, which requires a supernatural solution.  The Bible is that solution.  It is divine.  It is powerful (Hebrews 4:12).
Man’s problem of rebellion necessitates God’s revelation as the solution, not God being more obvious.  Men don’t know this without God telling them, but even if they got more evidence, the kind they thought they needed, they wouldn’t take it. They think they would take it, but God says they wouldn’t.
Scripture reveals eras of miracles.  When miracles were given, the “obvious proof,” the crown performance, men were not persuaded.  God uses the weak things of the world, Paul writes (1 Corinthians 1:27), which describes the gospel.  The gospel isn’t weak.  It’s just weak to men.  The gospel is the power of God unto salvation.  When it works to save men, God also gets the glory for it (1 Corinthians 1:31).

God’s Glory

I’m adding this fourth reason because the way God works results in His glory.  He uses a means that doesn’t glorify men, but glorifies Him.  Man is helpless, so God uses a means that man wouldn’t use.  Man would be more obvious.  God does what in the end will glorify Him.  No man will say he got saved because he was clever.  It requires no cleverness.  God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble (James 4:6).


  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
