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The Relationship of the 2024 Total Eclipse to the End Times

Eclipse and Path of Totality

My wife and I live in the path of totality.  Yes, that’s right.  We live in the path where for three or four minutes we will see a total eclipse.  For that reason, this rural area with a relatively small population will grow in population over the next few days with people who want to be here too.  For those coming into our parking lot, our church will offer eclipse glasses through which to look at the eclipse when it shows itself in the most significant fashion.

Many people think the eclipse is an eschatological sign.  Even unbelievers around this area speak in a wary way about what’s happening in the sky and what it means for their future.  I’m happy that it has them thinking about their lives.

Signs of the Times Are Everywhere?

I grew up in a small Baptist church in rural Indiana, and I’m not endorsing the song, but I have the words in my mind of one we sang then:

Signs of the times are everywhere,

There’s a brand new feeling in the air,

Keep your eyes upon the eastern sky,

Lift up your eyes, redemption draweth nigh.

For many, that sounds about right.  Signs of the times are everywhere.  Except they’re not.  Signs won’t appear until after the Antichrist reveals himself (2 Thessalonians 2:3-10).  On April 8, if you keep your eyes upon the eastern sky, you better at least be wearing your eclipse glasses.

I know people are writing and producing youtube presentations about the eclipse as a sign of the end times.  I have not read any of these works but just have heard people asking and talking about it as such.  So here goes.  The total eclipse on April 8 is not a sign of the end times.  It isn’t.

Seeking After Signs

What gets people’s attention, I believe, is the weird or earie astronomical nature of the eclipse.  It’s obvious and odd.  Jesus’ own birth provided a star, a sign in the sky for that event.  People who followed Him around also wanted astronomical signs from Him, but He said He wouldn’t give them.  He said in Matthew 16:4:

A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas.

The sign of the prophet Jonas was Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.  So He says, besides that, He would give no more signs to that generation.  The message of Jesus was that scripture was sufficient.  “But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it” (Luke 11:28).  Blessing came to those who believe the word of God without having or seeing signs.  Signs are not for them who believe, but believe not.  Believers don’t need signs.  They believe, and faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17), not from signs.

Era of Astronomical Signs

Jesus in Luke 21:25 says that during the Tribulation period on earth, Revelation chapters six through sixteen, God will give astronomical signs:

And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.

Peter references these occurrences in Acts 2:20 on the Day of Pentecost:

The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come:

This references Joel 2:31, which also also says this is when “the great and terrible day of the LORD come(s).”  These signs mark the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ when He opens the seals of His judgment.  People on earth will know they have little time for salvation at that point.

None of us need signs, because nothing needs to occur for the rapture of the saints (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).  Neither do unbelievers need signs for sufficiently knowing they’ll be left behind for God’s judgment.  Not just that, but it is already appointed unto man once to die (Hebrews 9:27), and no man knows when that will occur (Proverbs 27:1, James 4:14).  In the next second, eclipse or no eclipse coming, the Lord could descend through the clouds to meet true believers in the air.

Signifying Nothing

This total eclipse signifies nothing.  Eclipses happen.  The fact that we could predict this one indicates that God created astronomical bodies with mathematical precision.  Ships navigate by the movements of celestial bodies.  This testifies already to the glory of God, eclipse or no eclipse.

Eclipses testify to man’s helplessness and the immensity of God’s creation.  The sun is just one star of many, not even the largest.  It is a fiery, hot mass that God created just the right distance away for enough heat without burning up men.  It’s not always going to be this way though.  Everything in the future will burn with a fervent heat (2 Peter 3:10), annihilating everything, and God will create a new heaven and a new earth.  Only those who believe in Jesus Christ will make it to the other side and a whole new and eternal and blessed era.

Reminder of Opportunities

Man does not have interminable opportunities for salvation.  If the eclipse helps him remember this, the eclipse offers a great blessing to him.  No doubt an eclipse gets people’s attention and makes them think.  If men continue in their sin, never listening to God’s Word, then the eclipse serves very little purpose for them.  Perhaps it just makes men more proud, because they saw it with their special glasses.  Now they can say they’ve done another thing that makes them more special.

The total eclipse does provide an opportunity.  It parallels with future astronomical events that will be signs.  They provoke men to think about the last times.  On April 8, 2024 and even before and after that day, let everyone consider what Jesus warned in Matthew 24:44:

Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

The eclipse is not a sign, but Jesus said always to be ready.  Be ready for His return.  Paul says that it will occur in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye (1 Corinthians 15:52-54).  Behold now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2).

Are These Really Uniquely Dark Times Today?

A Debate About Whether Times Really Are Dark

A very high percentage of people with whom I speak agree with deep decline of the United States.  I ask many people the question, “Do you think the country is in decline?”  Very few say “no.”  Two different men touched on this subject in recent days, and I want to comment on their conclusions.

First, Kevin Schaal, president of the FBFI, wrote, “Wars and Rumors of Wars,” beginning the post with “we live in dark days.”  Second, Aaron Blumer, owner of fundamentalist website SharperIron, wrote in criticism of Schaal’s introduction with “Do We Live In Dark Times?”  First, Kevin Schaal, second, Aaron Blumer, and now I will write my thoughts addressing the question, “Are these really uniquely dark times?”

Maybe Not Any Darker?

From what I read, the older people in succeeding generations in the past complained about decline from a previous generation to theirs.  The new generation changes.  The former generation interprets this as decline.  Some would say this happens again and again.  Some would say what’s happening right now is just more of the same.  Is this true?  Blumer says it’s not much different and maybe better based on certain data.  At least in his introduction, Schaal says, No, these are uniquely bad times, enough to call them “dark.”

Blumer contends there have always been bad times.  He says this trend goes back to the beginning.  Job, Jesus, Paul, and Peter talk about dark days then and into the future, Blumer writes.  He also bemoans how leaders feed the anxieties already inundating the news media.

Preliminary to Christ’s Return?

I don’t think Kevin Schaal was feeding anxiety.  He was saying recent world events seemed tell-tale as something preliminary to the coming of Jesus Christ.  For a Christian, that doesn’t cause anxiety, but joy or happiness.

Mainly Schaal pointed to wars:  Ukraine, Israel, rumors of possible war in Taiwan, and maybe something bigger in the Middle East with Iran.  These are the dark times to which he referred, pointing to them as a warm-up for the seven year tribulation on earth.  Maybe Blumer totally missed Schaal’s point.  I believe Schaal thinks the catching up of the saints with Christ in the clouds, the rapture, precedes the second coming of Christ by seven years.

Yes, Darker Than Ever

When I talk to people out in the world, I too talk about uniquely dark times.  Based on the way true Christians judge the world, this world is darker than ever.  The United States, the greatest light for the Lord in recent world history, is as spiritually and morally bankrupt as ever.  It is the worst by far based on every way you can judge.

In the 1980s William Bennett published his Index of Leading Cultural Indicators.  Using accurate data, he reported the measurement of the downgrade in every cultural area.  At that time, there was little to no positive presentation of homosexuality in the media.  Now it is rampant and normalized.  It’s worse than that.  Conservative homosexuals now stand as leading spokesman against woke transgenderism.  There is a steep decline in this country and nothing indicating that we’re coming back.

Apatheism and the Start of a Turnaround

I’ve never seen greater ignorance of the gospel in places once considered the Bible belt.  Atheism has grown, but it’s not just that.  It’s what someone rightfully calls “apatheism.”  Apatheism might be worse than atheism.  It’s at least atheism from the neck down but in greater numbers by far than actual atheism.

When I preach and serve, I don’t act like we can’t come out of the present cold or lukewarm spiritual condition today.  I behave like we can see this all turn around.  Do I think it will turn around?  No.  But if it is, it will start with me, then my church, then my community and my county.  I’m not thinking of something as big as a nation changing.  Let’s start with our church and then our neighborhood.

Signs of the Times?

I believe in imminency, which means Christ could return any moment.  That’s enough for me to be as ready as I can be ready.  You can’t get more expectant than possibly right now.  However, I believe God allows us to see more to get us even more ready for His appearing.  Any moment is difficult to sustain and everyone reading here knows that.  Are these signs of the times?

In a technical sense, the signs of the times are all related to the second coming of Jesus Christ, not the rapture.  The sign that Christ’s coming is near is a sign for His return to the earth, not believers being caught up to meet the Lord in the air (1 Thess 4:16-17).  Nothing has to happen on earth for the rapture to occur, no signs needed.  No signs have to occur before the rapture.  So are these events and circumstances  to occur before the catching up of the saints?  Are they signs?

Let me illustrate.  The coronavirus might be at least pestilence-light.  It’s not on the level of what we see in the tribulation period as a sign of the second coming of Christ, but it hearkens to that event.  If this level of disease does what it has done, what will something much worse be like?

For a long time, I have thought that disease would be the factor that starts bringing the whole world together.  It won’t all be together until later, but what we see occurring today could be moving us closer to the final event.  Every country has this common cause of fighting disease.  Physical life takes prominence.  Health becomes more important than national interests.  Citizens show willingness to give up personal autonomy for purposes of safety.  It’s easier to control the many with only a few.

All the forms of media cause people to be more vulnerable to deceit.  Temporal interests become preeminent and break down resistance to lust.  This puts apostasy in the fast lane.  Anyone who knows the Bible can see how evil this world has become.

As a sign during the tribulation, Israel will be saved.  Well, Israel exists now, when it didn’t between 70 and 1948 AD.  The rise of the nation Israel isn’t a sign, but it is an occurrence that makes way for several signs in the future.

We don’t live in an age of signs.  They have occurred in the past during certain periods.  Signs will arise to confirm to the Jewish people that the Messianic age, His kingdom on earth, is soon to come.  These will authenticate another baptism of the Holy Spirit during that future age.

Events and circumstances today remind us of signs which are to come.  They aren’t here yet, but we could say that this increasing knowledge relates to what Daniel prophesied in Daniel 12:4.  Prophetic knowledge will increase as mankind gets closer to the end.


  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
