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The Relationship Between Truth and Reality

Collapse of Western Civilization

Many people are asking whether the West or the Western world, once mostly called Western civilization, is on the verge of collapse.  I believe people stopped using “Western civilization,” because they question the civilization now of the West.  Maybe the West isn’t civilized any more.  But why?  What happened to the West?  It relates to God and the Bible for sure, but in a more rudimentary form, truth and reality.

For many decades the leading intelligentsia of the West called Western civilization bad, because of its origins, they would say, in colonialism, racism, exploitation, and having white skin.  They treat these ironically as even the sins of the West.  This necessitated a kind of repentance and transformation, led by the elites of the West into something vastly different than what it once was.

The changes in the West from what it once was, from its foundational and fundamental values, resulted now in an inability to defend itself.  It has no basis for its own existence, giving a good argument for those who wish to destroy it.  The military defenses of the West also withered away because it spent its money on globalism, welfare programs, egalitarianism, and diversity, equity, and inclusion.  They sucked up revenues like quick sand.

Inclusion or Exclusion

Someone recently said that the West embraced John Lennon’s song like an anthem, that there is nothing to live or to die for, the world that they imagine.  They prefer the world of their imagination, rather than the real world, the actual one in which we and they live.

The attack on nationalism combats exclusion.  Nations by nature exclude, not include.  This is the cause of division that gives people something to live or to die for.  An irony of it is of course that it caused the rise of various groups that receive their identity from victimization.  They are oppressed in many various ways by a sundry of oppressors.  What proceeded is instead a fight for power all of the time.

Objective Truth or Feelings and Opinions

Powerful intellectual elites of the West started telling us decades ago, and this has only become worse, that there is no objective truth.  To get there, they had to eliminate God, the supernatural origin of heaven and earth, a first cause.  The belief in God was unsophisticated and again of course resulted in exclusion.  The truly sophisticated said, there is only opinion.  Everything is relative or only opinion.  What I feel is what is.

Feeling in the new and deteriorating West trumps all facts.  This is to say that the subjective is superior to the objective.  If no objective truth, then also no lie, so you can’t know the difference between truth and lies.  You can’t know, so you also then become very gullible to lies.  Not knowing the difference between truth and lies means you also have no reason.  Everything becomes irrational.  A hyper-rational society, an intellectual one, becomes irrational, which is a paradox.

Reality and Truth

What really happens, happened, and will happen is reality.  That is also truth.  Denying reality is also denying the truth.  I like to refer to the reality of the world represented in the hymn, This Is My Father’s World.  The world really is the Father’s and He also wrote the Bible.  The Bible, which is the truth, matches with reality.  Scripture is a guide to reality.

Reality is the state of things as they actually exist. It refers to the actual state of affairs, facts, or conditions that are present in the world, independent of our perceptions or beliefs about them.  A statement or belief that is true will however correspond to a fact in reality.  When we deal with the truth, we are also dealing with reality.  The two do not separate from one another.

Today truth and reality seem, and I say “seem,” not to correlate with one another.  They diverge in this world in which we live.  In that sense and in others, we live in a post-truth world.  That should not surprise someone, when he reads the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 4:4, when he calls Satan, “the god of this world.”  Jesus had said in John 8:44 that Satan is the father of lies.  What Satan says does not correspond to reality.  He lies about reality.  For instance, he told Eve, “Ye shall not surely die.”

Both heaven and earth, everything there is, operate on absolute truth.  You can test if it is true, like defying the law of gravity, and find out.  Whether you believe it or not, it still holds true.  It’s as simple as falling from a cliff and then hitting the ground.

Truth and Power

The chief enemies of the truth today lead a pervasive population that holds to, promotes, and even enforces the unreal and false.  Sometimes they defend their cause by saying that truth, which is reality, is a mere construct of power.  With truth as a construct, they reconstruct a different reality and call it their truth.

Today the most consequential governing authority, the education system between kindergarten and postgraduate in the United States. won’t allow the teaching or propagation of the truth or reality.  That’s not the primary interest any more if not any interest.  Many other authoritative and influential institutions or entities cooperate with the bias against the truth and reality, including the legal system (courts) and the mainstream media.  One entire political party is against truth or reality, the Democrat Party.

Effect on Churches

Churches succumb to this death of truth and reality.  They do it mainly by questioning their own authority.  The churches and their leaders undermine scripture and its interpretation, and call it humility or a basis for unity.  In part this is a fear of power.

Without truth, everything becomes about who has power.  Truth is not objective, so one must have power to assert his own opinions.  Nothing is truth, it is only the construction of power.  This goes back to the victim and oppressor narrative.  Empowerment is the ability or freedom to assert ones self.

The premier institution of truth, the church, literally the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15), acceded to power over fear.  Churches don’t want to victimize anyone with the truth, or even just most truths, so they acquiesce to lies, which, yes, distort reality.  People do not know the truth about the world God created, because of churches that fear man more than they do God.

A True View of the World: Inside or Outside?

Anthony Kennedy and Casey

In the Supreme Court decision “Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania V. Robert P. Casey” in 1992, Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in his opinion:

At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.

Is that statement by a Supreme Court justice true?  Can someone define his own concept of existence, of meaning?  Everyone defines his own meaning?  I say “no” to that, but it relates to how anyone obtains an accurate understanding of the world.

Anthony Kennedy wrote that personal preference, which originates from a person’s feelings or opinions, arising from the inside and not the outside, would override objective meaning.  Therefore, objective truth contradicted freedom and essentially then America itself.  Something is true as long as it corresponds to someone’s desires.

Authenticity and Relativism

Even more so, when truth is your truth, then it’s also authentic.  Count that for goodness and beauty too.  Stephen Presser writes about Kennedy’s line:

It undoubtedly owes a lot to Freudian psychology, to Rousseau’s notion that civilization places us in chains, and, most of all, to the concept usually associated with Abraham Maslow, “self-actualization.” The core of this philosophy seems to be that each of us has an authentic “self,” and the goal of life ought to be to maximize individual opportunities to express and develop it.

I read someone, who called the statement, “the epitome of relativistic thought.”  Obviously, when applied to abortion, to which the Casey law was written, a baby is anything the person feels it to be, who wants the abortion.  It is an invader of the mother or just a clump of cells or cancer.

Outside, Not the Inside

Before the 19th century in the United States, almost everyone saw truth as received from the outside, not the inside.  God was separate from His creation.  Truth, goodness, and beauty, which came from Him, outside of His creation, were transcendent.  Hence, people called them the transcendentals.

On the outside was evidence.  Revelation is the declaration of God.  This is premodernism.  Everything starts with God.  But even modernism said evidence on the outside was necessary.  As Ben Shapiro very often says, “Facts don’t care about your feelings.”  Man’s observation falls below revelation though.  Modernism assumed that absolutes existed, but their testing came through man’s reasoning.

Predmodern, Modern, Romanticism, Postmodern

Between Christ and the 19th century, this very long period is premodern.  Sure, 1500 to 1800 is an early modern period.  I don’t want to get into when modernism started.  It depends on how you define it.  Theological modernism started in the 19th century.  That’s the time of the worldview shift reflected also in the Romantic Movement of the 19th century.

Modernism connected truth to man’s experience, his observation.  Romanticism moved modernism all the way to the inside, where truth, goodness, and beauty were not longer transcendent, but completely immanent.  New religions exploded in the 19th century.  Truth lost objectivity.  People’s opinion, their feelings, increasingly become more important to decide truth, goodness, and beauty.  The movement toward truth is your truth is postmodernism.

God’s Word is the final arbiter of truth, but it isn’t the only one.  1 Timothy 3:15 calls the church the pillar and ground for the truth.  Still, however, that’s outside of your opinion, your thinking, and your feelings.

Even modernism depends on man’s thinking or reasoning.  This continues to influence even conservatism in the world.  Modernists confirm God’s revelation to man’s thinking, what one could call, rationalism.  Scripture stands above man’s reasoning, what Peter calls the pure mother’s milk (1 Pet 2:2).  It circumvents man’s observation and reasoning, coming directly from God, that is, from the outside.  What it says is true, good, and beautiful.


  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
