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Two Approaches to Reality, One of Which Is True: Either Construing or Constructing Reality, Pt. 2
Only one reality exists. That reality is transcendent. It proceeds from God. Men must receive that reality by faith, that is, they must receive what God says. This does not ever contradict science.
The one reality is the truth, the goodness, and the beauty. God wants men to construe that reality and receive it. God’s truth is the truth, His goodness is the goodness, and His beauty is the beauty.
In his rebellion against God, man, speaking of mankind, constructs an alternative reality. It isn’t reality. As a noun, it’s a construct of reality.
Today people say that man constructs his own reality. If man constructs all reality, then anyone can construct his own reality. His truth is his truth, his goodness is his goodness, and his beauty is his beauty.
The rebellion of man proceeding from his sin nature authors a new reality. He becomes God. Rather than construing reality and receiving it, he constructs his own in rebellion against God.
As part of a growing rebellion against God others must receive a construction of reality and at least tolerate it. This rejects the truth, goodness, and beauty for a human construct. It validates man’s pride and lust.
Man will find out his constructions of realities are all lies, as part of “the lie.” The lie is the Satanic lie in rebellion against God, that takes on different forms or vessels, but with the same contents. When I was young, Avon sold perfume in a variety of containers, all the same scent.
In the end, God will unveil or unmask the lie and all the individual lies. They will all stand naked before His judgment. God will not receive them. He will say, Depart from me, and into eternal separation from Him.
Churches should bring God’s light to reality. They should manifest reality, the truth, goodness, and beauty. Instead, today churches associate with and accommodate the lie by receiving man’s construction of reality. They even call this love, corrupting the love of God and their neighbor.
People today use the terminology, “alternative reality,” which speaks of fiction. No one wants to hear that he believes in fiction, but he still assigns to his fiction a designation of reality. He wants what he wants, so he calls it reality, when it isn’t. This is a construct of reality.
Because in postmodernism all reality is a construct, then every reality should be tolerated. This toleration is now love. All reality is tolerated except for objective reality that has objective meaning. This is transcendent reality. All truth, goodness, and beauty comes from God, who is transcendent. You can’t receive God and reject transcendent reality, which is to say, reject reality itself.
One of the lies of the lie is that someone has his reality in the gospel, while rejecting reality. Does someone who rejects reality receive the gospel? Can a gospel extricated from reality be the gospel? Is its God, the God? Is a God removed from reality the God of the gospel, the God who saves?
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