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Dipping Now Into Application Of American Fundamentalism And British Evangelicalism

Part One


The Quality of Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism

What Justifies Separation?

The recent Alistair Begg story provides a teaching moment for comparison between American Fundamentalism and British Evangelicalism.  It also gives pause for judging the credibility or quality of these movements.  Were the participants believing and practicing scripture?

Many evangelicals consequently gave their take on attending a same-sex or transgender wedding ceremony.  The circumstance gave rise to some right teaching on the scriptural and true nature of marriage.  Some usually weaker men offered strong reasons for not attending the wedding, grandma or not.  They exposed Begg with their words.

Begg justified his bad counsel with the context of British evangelicalism.  British evangelicalism does “nuance.”  Actually, American evangelicalism and fundamentalism also both do and have done nuance in the same spirit.  However, something is happening or changing in American evangelicalism for these evangelical men to turn against Begg in the manner they are.  Perhaps they foresee the demise of evangelicalism without their putting a stake in the ground on more of these issues.  I don’t see the dust as having settled yet either on further strong stands on cultural issues.

Fundamentals of the Faith

Earliest fundamentalism, what some call paleo-fundamentalism, did not separate over cultural issues.  It did separate over gospel-oriented ones, especially what became the five fundamentals of the faith:

(1) the literal inerrancy and infallibility of the Bible, (2) the virgin birth and full deity of Christ, (3) the physical Resurrection of Christ, (4) the atoning sacrifice of His death for the sins of the world, and (5) His second coming in bodily form to preside at the Last Judgment.

The fundamentals really are an arbitrary list of beliefs.  Nothing in scripture says these are fundamental.  Yet, fundamentalists believed they should not fellowship, that is, separate from institutions that deny one of the fundamentals.

On the other hand, evangelicals might believe the five fundamentals, but they would not separate over them.  Fundamentalists separated over five more issues than evangelicals would.  With greater degradation of doctrine and practice across the United States, a greater gap grew between evangelicalism and fundamentalism.  Even though fundamentalism started with separation over just the fundamentals, the list of reasons for separation grew.  Fundamentalists chose to grow that list and also began to separate over cultural issues.  They didn’t separate over everything, but they separated over much more than five fundamentals.

New Separation

Not Biblical

Evangelicals who never practiced separation now will do that.  They do not teach biblical separation.  However, they now separate.  You can see that with the cancellation of Alistair Begg from the 2024 Shepherds Conference in Southern California.  This separation does not follow the various formulas of separation of the New Testament.  Scripture explains why and how to separate (2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1, ! Corinthians 5, 2 Thessalonians 3, 2 Timothy 2, Titus 3).

Scripture explains that a church can keep or preserve biblical doctrine and practice through separation.  Without separation, false teaching and practice will profane or corrupt the true.  True doctrine and practice goes by the wayside.  The false teaching and practice destroys institutions.  This is a strong reason why God says not to allow false doctrine into your house nor to bid it Godspeed (2 John).  Those who will not separate are not standing with God.

No Mention of Doctrine of Separation

Right now conservative evangelicals will separate, but they will not mention the doctrine of separation.  Begg preached at the Shepherd’s Conference in 2015 and 2023.  He was slated again this year, 2024.  Christian Headlines reports the following:

A spokesperson for Grace To You, the ministry led by Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, told Religion News Service that Begg has been dropped from this year’s Shepherds Conference, which is slated to take place in March.

“After Begg’s comments became public, he and MacArthur talked and decided the controversy would be “an unnecessary distraction,” the spokesman said.

“Pastor MacArthur’s counsel on that issue would be completely different from the counsel Alistair Begg said he gave an inquiring grandmother,” Phil Johnson, executive director of Grace to You, told Religion News Service in an email. “So both agreed that it was necessary for Pastor Begg to withdraw.”

This is not the biblical method of separation.  Separation is right, but adherents should practice it according to scripture.  Grace Community Church does not treat it as separation.  It’s a “distraction.”  That’s it.  This continues to show a reticence for evangelicals to separate.  It actually fits more with a model of what people today call, the cancel culture.  Shepherd’s Conference cancelled Begg.

Separation and Cultural Issues

Same sex marriage rises to the level of a fundamental, worthy of separation.  Furthermore, it’s not just participation in a same sex marriage, but attending the wedding and even encouraging someone else to go to one.  As a kind of thought experiment, what about a cultural issue like nudity?  Is it permissible for Christians to get naked in public?  At what point is someone practicing nudity?

As another example of a cultural issue, for a long time, evangelical churches accept nudity to some degree.  They would deny it   They show little to no inclination to define the boundaries of nudity.  They will not separate over it.  It’s a non-essential.  You can lay in public on the sand wearing something less than underwear without any repercussions. Evangelicals won’t cancel pastors of churches that allow for nudity.

The determining factor for an evangelical church on cultural issues is not scripture.  Evangelicals now latch on to the definition of marriage and practice a crude, non-biblical form of separation over it.  They cherry pick this one issue.  Many others they give almost complete liberty to practice however people want.

Confusion Over Separation

In the last few years, John MacArthur did a Q and A with seminary students of his seminary.  Someone asked about this very subject, trying to figure out when and when not to cooperate with someone else in ministry for God.  MacArthur was very ambiguous in that he pointed to one qualification of true faith in Christ, yet also someone shouldn’t accept woman preachers.  On the other hand, baby baptism is not a deal breaker.  Someone, like R. C. Sproul, can sprinkle infants — no line drawn there.

God is not a God of confusion (1 Cor 14:33).  No.  Does scripture give the guidelines necessary for biblical separation?  It does.  American evangelicals and even fundamentalists offer confusion.  Begg defers to British evangelicalism, which brings even greater confusion.  He references John Stott and Martyn Lloyd-Jones, who separated from each other.

Stott continued in the Church of England his whole life.  The Church of England helps explain the difference between American and British evangelicalism.  Stott saw leaving the Church of England as an institutional loss.  Separation meant losing all of the infrastructure and resources to the large majority liberal faction.  It is sheer, unscriptural pragmatism, also explained as compassion.

More to Come

Are These Really Uniquely Dark Times Today?

A Debate About Whether Times Really Are Dark

A very high percentage of people with whom I speak agree with deep decline of the United States.  I ask many people the question, “Do you think the country is in decline?”  Very few say “no.”  Two different men touched on this subject in recent days, and I want to comment on their conclusions.

First, Kevin Schaal, president of the FBFI, wrote, “Wars and Rumors of Wars,” beginning the post with “we live in dark days.”  Second, Aaron Blumer, owner of fundamentalist website SharperIron, wrote in criticism of Schaal’s introduction with “Do We Live In Dark Times?”  First, Kevin Schaal, second, Aaron Blumer, and now I will write my thoughts addressing the question, “Are these really uniquely dark times?”

Maybe Not Any Darker?

From what I read, the older people in succeeding generations in the past complained about decline from a previous generation to theirs.  The new generation changes.  The former generation interprets this as decline.  Some would say this happens again and again.  Some would say what’s happening right now is just more of the same.  Is this true?  Blumer says it’s not much different and maybe better based on certain data.  At least in his introduction, Schaal says, No, these are uniquely bad times, enough to call them “dark.”

Blumer contends there have always been bad times.  He says this trend goes back to the beginning.  Job, Jesus, Paul, and Peter talk about dark days then and into the future, Blumer writes.  He also bemoans how leaders feed the anxieties already inundating the news media.

Preliminary to Christ’s Return?

I don’t think Kevin Schaal was feeding anxiety.  He was saying recent world events seemed tell-tale as something preliminary to the coming of Jesus Christ.  For a Christian, that doesn’t cause anxiety, but joy or happiness.

Mainly Schaal pointed to wars:  Ukraine, Israel, rumors of possible war in Taiwan, and maybe something bigger in the Middle East with Iran.  These are the dark times to which he referred, pointing to them as a warm-up for the seven year tribulation on earth.  Maybe Blumer totally missed Schaal’s point.  I believe Schaal thinks the catching up of the saints with Christ in the clouds, the rapture, precedes the second coming of Christ by seven years.

Yes, Darker Than Ever

When I talk to people out in the world, I too talk about uniquely dark times.  Based on the way true Christians judge the world, this world is darker than ever.  The United States, the greatest light for the Lord in recent world history, is as spiritually and morally bankrupt as ever.  It is the worst by far based on every way you can judge.

In the 1980s William Bennett published his Index of Leading Cultural Indicators.  Using accurate data, he reported the measurement of the downgrade in every cultural area.  At that time, there was little to no positive presentation of homosexuality in the media.  Now it is rampant and normalized.  It’s worse than that.  Conservative homosexuals now stand as leading spokesman against woke transgenderism.  There is a steep decline in this country and nothing indicating that we’re coming back.

Apatheism and the Start of a Turnaround

I’ve never seen greater ignorance of the gospel in places once considered the Bible belt.  Atheism has grown, but it’s not just that.  It’s what someone rightfully calls “apatheism.”  Apatheism might be worse than atheism.  It’s at least atheism from the neck down but in greater numbers by far than actual atheism.

When I preach and serve, I don’t act like we can’t come out of the present cold or lukewarm spiritual condition today.  I behave like we can see this all turn around.  Do I think it will turn around?  No.  But if it is, it will start with me, then my church, then my community and my county.  I’m not thinking of something as big as a nation changing.  Let’s start with our church and then our neighborhood.

The Watershed Moment in the Decline of the American Church: Distinction Between the Sexes

The Beginning of the Bible

When you open your Bible to the first chapter of Genesis, you read in verse 27:

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

As if that mattered, God repeats this in Genesis 5:1-2:

1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; 2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

Male and female.  That’s it.  God created male and female, two different sexes.  When I read scripture I notice also two different genders for mankind, communicated by he, him, his and she, her, and hers.  “It” never refers to a member of mankind, only the masculine or feminine genders.

God Designed

Furthermore, God designed distinction between the sexes.  He gave each a distinct kind or type of body and emotional make-up.  God also differentiated a separate, distinct role for each sex.  Each role complements the other.  According to this truth, God forbade same sex coital activity and marriage.

God also mandated the preservation or keeping of the designed distinctions between male and female.  He banned or outlawed masculinity for women and effeminacy for men.  God never rescinded any of that.  He repeated the regulation in both the Old and New Testaments.  God also instructed on it with varied statements intended for compliant application.

The fall of mankind in Genesis 3 resulted from abrogation of the male and female roles.  The curse of sin on mankind then instructs also in Genesis 3 concerning the future disorientation of sexual roles.  God prohibits men and women from changing or exchanging roles.  He also requires them to preserve clear symbols or marks of distinction in appearance.


The rebellion against God starts with the man abrogating headship.  It continues with the woman usurping male authority.  Mankind perverts the God designed and created hierarchy.

Mankind follows role rebellion with role and then sex confusion.  A person becomes his sex at conception.  God ordains parents to train the conceived and then born male to continue a man in every way; likewise the female to be a woman in all manners.

The animus between male and female in Genesis 3 continues.  People must support God’s design.  They must also oppose all manner of role confusion.  God especially demands this of true churches.

Long ago churches began relinquishing their responsibility to distinguish between sexes.  The world started this decline, but churches followed.  Churches accommodate role rebellion now in numbers of ways.  Some churches take some stand against the decline, but nearly every church capitulates in some manner out of fear, convenience, or pragmatism.

Rick Warren and Southern Baptist Convention

In a very obvious, public way, the Southern Baptist Convention battles right now who can lead their churches.  Will they be men or men and women?  So-called “America’s pastor,” Rick Warren, fights for the egalitarian, role confusion in the Convention.  He threatens the departure of thousands of “purpose-driven” churches from the convention over the issue.

Transgenderism, surgical sex changes, and gender neutral bathrooms make the headlines.  This ship started sailing long ago.  Conservative evangelical John MacArthur preached a standard exposition of Ephesian 5 on the two distinct marriage roles.  Women in mass rose and left the auditorium in protest.

Sixty to seventy years ago, every woman wore a dress or skirt in church, let alone at home.  Of course, every man wore pants.  This was (and still is) the only symbol of sexual distinction.  It’s why transgender “women” wear dresses like Kaitlyn Jenner.  It’s also why transgender “men” wear short hair and pants.


In the first month after my wife and I moved to Indiana, I went to a junior boys basketball game at the elementary school.  A blue jean wearing woman coached the boys team.  She stomped and yelled like Bobby Knight on the sideline.  No one flinched at her antics.  Just another day in rural, red-state Indiana.  This, my friends, is the new normal.

The next night my wife and I went to an ice cream place and started up a conversation with some professing Christians there.  We continued in pleasant interaction.  Then I told the story of the junior boys game, its four overtimes, ending with sudden death.  I described the coach something like in the previous paragraph. They met my story with no response.  They went mute silent with pained expressions on their faces.  After an awkward moment of hearing the crickets in the background and feet shuffling, subject changed.

For the Future of Churches and America

Maybe at one time in the United States, leadership fires a woman for behaving like a man.  Today, leadership, maybe even female leadership, fires a man for criticizing the woman.  This fits into the contemporary battle of first amendment rights.  According to the Declaration of Independence, these inalienable rights come from God.  The country banishes God from public conversation.  Government and society in general prevent speech from and about God.

If you visit a business promoting transgenderism today, you could say the following.  “I will be back when you stop pushing your left wing religion on me.”  It is a very dogmatic religion established by the state today.

Churches will die with concession on sexual distinction.  The Democrats famously booed including the name of God in their political platform in 2012.  Will churches boo sexual distinction?  Have we reached a moment when this is even an unwelcome subject matter?

To stop American decline, judgment must begin in the house of God.  Churches must stand on the designed distinctions between male and female.  They may say they support supernaturalism and young earth creationism.  Will they worship and serve the creature rather than the Creator?  If creation means anything in a practical way, it means male and female created He them.

John MacArthur: “Men Dressed Like Women”

Not many days ago, well-known evangelical pastor, John MacArthur, went public, perhaps worldwide, by calling on pastors today to stand with Canadian evangelical pastors by preaching for biblical sexual morality.  I noticed that he himself preached “Such Were Some of You but You Have Been Washed” from 1 Corinthians 6:9–11 on January 16, 2022, Sunday morning.  I’m sure that they will make that available soon on the Grace To You website.  In late December, Phil Johnson did an interview with John MacArthur and asked him what he thought about various issues in the news, including Covid, Totalitarianism, and the Antichrist.

MacArthur also said this in the interview:

Totalitarianism that is going to come will basically be imposed on us by Godless, Christ-hating, Bible hating, anti-Christian forces.  They may not be overt about that, but if you want to make sure that we are free to murder babies, and you want homosexuality to be acceptable, and you want to appoint people into high positions, who are men dressed like women, and if you want to protect transgenders and all of that, then you have a Godless agenda, you have a God-hating agenda. . . . They’re not even trying to be hypocrites.  They are not trying to cover up.  I mean, how insane are you when you introduce someone called Rachel Levine and turn that guy into a four star general, who’s acting like a woman, who’s actually a man?  . . . How perverse is this culture, it’s so far gone.

And he said more.  I agree with what he said, however, I want to talk about the root cause of such a result that MacArthur describes.

What was the start of the gender identity crisis, gender fluidity, and then transgenderism, what MacArthur describes as “men dressed like women” and “a guy who’s acting like a woman”?  MacArthur assumes that we understand what it means to dress like a woman.  Do we understand?  Where does scripture show this?  What is the verse that tells us how women dress?

For decades, almost his entire time as a pastor, John MacArthur often referred to 1 Corinthians 4:6, “not to think of men above that which is written.”  In a recent question and answer, he said:

I have no authority. I don’t have authority beyond the Scripture. I can never exceed what is written, 1 Corinthians 4:6. To do that is to become, Paul says, arrogant, and to regard yourself as superior. I have nothing to say to you that puts any demand on you if it isn’t from the Word of God.

MacArthur’s interviewer, Phil Johnson, wrote the following:

Let me say this plainly: It is a sin to impose on others any “spiritual” standard that has no biblical basis. When God gave the law to Israel, He told them, “You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God that I command you” (Deuteronomy 4:2). And, “Everything that I command you, you shall be careful to do. You shall not add to it or take from it” (Deuteronomy 12:32).

The same principle is repeated in the New Testament. In 1 Corinthians 4, Paul was rebuking the Corinthians for their sectarianism, saying “I am of Paul”; “I am of Apollos,” and so on. His rebuke to them includes these words in 1 Corinthians 4:6: “I have applied all these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, brothers, that you may learn by us not to go beyond what is written.”

That is a good guideline for how we should exercise our Christian liberty: Don’t go beyond what is written in Scripture.

Does the Word of God say what effeminate behavior is?  Does it tell us what is transgender?  In his interview with Johnson, MacArthur says that men dressed like women.  This is where the downfall of the nation is.  This is why totalitarians will rise up to control Christians — in order to protect the practice of men dressing like women.

Do women dress like men?  Men dress like women, when they do what?  Wear dresses.  That is female dress.  What do men wear?  They wear pants.

MacArthur wants a stand for gender distinctions.  That ship sailed a long time ago, when he capitulated on women’s dress.  He’s just now saying anything about it.  Why?  Because men are now wearing dresses.

I guess it’s a strong stand against men in dresses.  I guess.  Does that seem strong to you?  Most men are still against that.  What is a strong stand in actuality is against women dressing like men.  You won’t hear that ever from John MacArthur,  because that very selectively, as the NASV says in 1 Corinthians 4:6, “exceeds what is written.”  Since scripture doesn’t say what female dress is, then women can dress however they want.

Does it say what male dress is?

Evangelicals like MacArthur are way too late on the issue of gender distinction.  They gave up on it long ago.  Transgenderism directly relates to their capitulation and compromise with the world a long time ago.  Judgment begins with the house of God.


  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
