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Embracing An Unstoppable Advantage For Guaranteed Longstanding Victory

Supply Chains and Tripping Hazards

Something I never heard before 2020 were the two words, “supply chain.”  I looked into those two words and didn’t find them used together before the last half of the twentieth century.  Google books gives just one page of examples for the whole century and none in the nineteenth century.  Examples explode in the last twenty years.

Now that people use “supply chain,” historians provide supply chain advantage as the primary reason for victory in World War Two.  It was easier for the United States to get its supplies in Europe than for Germany to get theirs.  The Americans, over two thousand miles from home, had more and better supplies than the Germans, only hundreds of miles away.

The success of the Viet Cong in the Vietnam War were short supply chains, essentially tunnels, jungle trails, and near limitless volunteers.  Among an assortment of lesser causes, this led to their victory over a superior foe.

To achieve success in life requires eliminating as many possible factors that impede that success.  Next week Monday, I’m supposed to have a hip replacement.  The booklet to prepare for it explains certain fundamentals like removing threats of tripping from the walking surface of your floors.  As you read that, it seems a bit of a “duh” moment.  And yet, people leave tripping hazards all over their lives.

Supply Chain Dysfunction

Life became more difficult for many people beginning in 2020 because of “supply chain” dysfunction.  The price of homes increased because it’s harder to get the supplies.  It’s also more difficult to find the people to build the homes.

God in scripture points out factors comparable to a broken supply chain and a tripping hazard.  Peter expresses one in 1 Peter 2:11:

Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.

Paul begs and commands those traversing their life’s path on earth, “Abstain from fleshly lusts.”  He didn’t say, “Stop sinning.”  Saying “stop sinning” is like saying, “Win the war.”  You want to win the war, but more basic than that is “build and sustain a supply chain.”  Remove tripping hazards.

Professing Christianity today acts like an industrial complex for fleshly lusts.  It isn’t abstaining.  It riddles the floor with tripping hazards.  If the goal is winning the war, not abstaining is a losing strategy.  It creates a disadvantage so large that it guarantees failure.  Fleshly lusts destroy the supply chain.

Winning the War

People might say they want to win the war.  They might publish multitudes of magnificent war victory posters.  Until they want to abstain from fleshly lusts and then abstain, they won’t.  In fact, professing Christianity today campaigns for feeding fleshly lusts.  It thinks its worst enemy is the command.  Professing Christianity reacts most harsh to the threat of abstaining from fleshly lusts than the fleshly lusts.

A popular phrase, reaching cliche status, I will still use because of its appropriateness.  Professing Christians shoot themselves in the foot when they do not abstain from fleshly lusts.  They might not like the idea, but they are in a war, a war they should desire to win.  Instead, they provide the way for their own defeat.  They have multiple bullet holes in both feet.  I think we should say that they want to lose.  Losing must in fact be their goal.  They are going to get tired of losing, they’ll lose so much.

“Dearly beloved” or “strangers and pilgrims” in this world find their interests in the world to come, not this one.  They instead plan their lives around a future kingdom and a heavenly city.  They invest for eternity.

Still, 1 Peter 2:11 expresses a command to believers, an unpopular mode of communication.  True Christians still participate in fleshly lusts, so Peter commands them to abstain from them.  Commands are not options.  He also provides the consequence of not abstaining.  Psychological problems, soul problems, are the worst ones people have.  They obliterate people and families like Sherman’s march tore through the South at the end of the Civil War.

Fleshly Lusts and True Christianity

Fleshly lusts cannot characterize true Christianity.  If fleshly lusts do, it isn’t Christianity.  It’s something else, not Christianity.  Someone who laps up fleshly lusts is not a Christian.

Biblical Christianity, true Christianity, is more than just a series of things someone doesn’t get to do that he might want to do.  It is wanting to do what Christ wants Him to do and liking it.  Loving it.

The soul that will operate in a godly manner will unhitch itself from fleshly lusts.  A soul that continues in its pursuit of worldly pleasure is not “converted” or “restored” (Psalms 19:7, 23:3).  God does not possess that soul.  It remains in the realm of the wicked one.  This is not a person who has lost his life (psuche, his soul) for Christ’s sake.  He still loves the world and the love of the Father is not in Him.

More to Come


Israel & Hamas: Just War vs. Pure Evil & the United States

As blog readers surely know, on October 7 thousands of Hamas terrorists invaded Israel and butchered and tortured many helpless Israeli citizens.  On the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, they did things like the following:

A young boy and girl, 6 and 8 years old, and their parents were around the breakfast table. The father’s eye was gouged out in front of his kids. The mother’s breast was cut off, the girl’s foot amputated, and the boy’s fingers cut off before they were executed. And then their executioners sat down and had a meal.

In total, around 1,400 Israelis have been murdered by Hamas, and more than 4,500 injured. It was Israel’s 9-11.

In response, Israel invaded Gaza, intending to overthrow Hamas.  Israel told civilians to leave the northern area ahead of time–but Hamas told them not to leave, and was turning people back into the war zone.  (Did Hamas give early warning to Jewish civilians before launching their unprovoked attack? Hmm.)  Hamas deliberately puts people in Gaza in harms way so that they can be killed, and then Israel can be blamed.  Hamas’ main headquarters is underneath Gaza’s main hospital because Hamas knows that Israel respects human life, while they do not.

What are some things we can learn from this war?

1.) It is a just war for Israel.  Anyone who recognizes that God blesses those who bless Israel (Genesis 12:3) should automatically be biased in Israel’s favor in a situation like this one, but even if one very foolishly rejects God’s Word, anyone with half a brain can see which side is right in this war.

2.) Hamas is acting like faithful Muslims should act.  They are obeying the god of Islam, who told them: “slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush” (Quran 9:5).  The Quran is full of open-ended commands to violently kill people, and Muhammad was a bloodthirsty murderer, as one can clearly see if one reads his biography.

3.) Not just Hamas, but Muslims in general have an anti-Jew problem, because of their religion.  Is every Muslim anti-Jewish? No–many Muslims do not care about their religion, just like many Roman Catholics don’t care what the Bible says or the Pope decrees.  But the Muslims that do care about their religion are anti-Israel.  Why is Rashida Tliab advocating and defending genocide of the Jews? Her district is full of Muslim immigrants.  Islam in America–like Islam everywhere that it is true Islam–is violent and bloodthirsty, which is why the most dangerous evangelistic endeavour I ever had, where I was closest to being killed, was not at various Gay Pride parades, but in the American heartland politely and respectfully passing out the evangelistic work The Testimony of the Quran to Muslims. A majority of American Muslims are at least partially in favor of the brutal murders that Hamas committed on October 7, and around 40% of them approve the terrorist leader of Hamas.  Imagine if 40% of any other demographic were in favor of terrorism.  The people in Gaza voted in Hamas.  Now since that vote there have been no other elections, since Islam is against democracy and in favor of dictatorship.  There are no free and fair elections under Sharia law.  But when the Muslims in Gaza had a chance to vote, Hamas won.

4.) Because the left is anti-Bible, and because Joe Biden needs Muslim votes in swing states like Michigan to win reelection, the Democrat party is becoming more and more anti-Jewish. Calling on Israel for a ceasefire is absolutely bonkers.  More Jews were killed in a single day than at any time since the Holocaust, but Biden calling on $100 million in aid to the Muslims in Gaza and the West Bank for “humanitarian” purposes is about what the Babylon Bee described it as, and the money is certain to be diverted to support terrorism.  Would we have been fine with calling for a ceasefire after 9-11 and then giving “humanitarian” aid to the Taliban and Al Qaeda?  Biden should be calling on Israel to utterly obliterate Hamas.  Hamas should immediately release all American hostages and all other hostages.  Anyone who actually cares about the people in Gaza not getting killed should want Hamas overthrown as soon as possible.

5.) Because the mainstream media is dominated by the left, all kinds of false equivalencies are made between Israel’s just war and Hamas’s unjust murders.  Inflated numbers of casualties in Gaza are repeated by major press organizations from figures spoon-fed to them by Hamas itself.  Of course, Islam allows Muslims to lie.  Reporters in Gaza can either repeat what Hamas tells them to report or they can get tortured and killed themselves, or at the very least get kicked out of the territory.  How many Jewish reporters do you think are on the ground in Gaza getting information? Oh yes, the same number as the number of Jews who live in Gaza–zero–while in Israel Muslims are around 20% of the population and have equal rights (yes, the freest place for Muslims in the Middle East is in Israel).  And even though Israel is the freest place in the Middle East for Muslim Arabs, usually only around 33% of Arab Israeli citizens oppose Hamas, and the large majority oppose Israel’s defending itself; immediately after this butchery of Israelis–including Arab Muslim ones–23% of Arab Israelis still do not oppose Hamas, while 33% oppose Israel defending itself even while the blood of their murdered and tortured fellow citizens is barely dry.  Israel is pressured to stop fighting because its terrorist, true Muslim opponents in Hamas want as many of their own civilians killed as possible. (If you want information about Israel that is free from anti-Jewish bias, please check out FLAME: Facts and Logic about the Middle East, and consider their newsletter. They are a Jewish, not a Christian organization.)  The mainstream media are very, very worried about the the three Nazis that are left joining with the 17 KKK members in the country holding a demonstration somewhere that has thousands of counter-protesters, but a blind eye is turned to the vast multitude of American Muslims who are actually in favor of killing the Jews.

6.) The fact that this is a just war for Israel does not mean that Israel is a righteous country. The vast majority of Jews reject and hate their Messiah, the Lord Jesus. Jews from all over the world are allowed to immigrate to Israel, but Jews who believe Jesus is the Messiah are not allowed in.  Tel Aviv is considered one of the most gay friendly cities in the world, despite the clear statements in the Old Testament about the abomination of sodomy. Moses in Deuteronomy 28 describes exactly what Israel has faced for the last 2,000 years since “all the people … said, His blood be on us, and on our children” (Matthew 27:25):


And thy life shall hang in doubt before thee; and thou shalt fear day and night, and shalt have none assurance of thy life: In the morning thou shalt say, Would God it were even! and at even thou shalt say, Would God it were morning! for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear, and for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see. (Deuteronomy 28:66-67)


Israel is not going to have peace, not only because the nation is surrounded by Muslims who hate Jews like the Quran tells them to do, but because the curses of Deuteronomy are upon them, and will continue on them until they repent and believe on their Messiah, the Lord Jesus.


7.) As individual Christians and churches, the best thing we can do is preach the gospel to every creature.  Love and preach the gospel to the Jews and send evangelists to them.  Love and preach the gospel to the Muslims and send evangelists to them. How well equipped are you to evangelize Jews?  How about Muslims?  Do you have tracts for these two specific false religions?  Love your neighbor as yourself.  How well would you want a Christian to be equipped to speak to you if you were lost in one of these false beliefs?


8.) From a public policy perspective, the United States should support Israel because God has sworn in the Abrahamic Covenant that He would bless those that bless Israel, something repeated throughout the Old Testament.  God used Babylon to punish His rebellious people centuries ago, and He uses Islam to punish them today, but woe to the Babylonians and to the Muslims who attacked the Jews!  If someone says we give Israel too much foreign aid and we can’t afford it, he is consistent if he is also aware that foreign aid to all countries is less than 1% of the federal budget and is also in favor of the kind of drastic entitlement reform that could actually save us from defaulting on our national debt.  If he doesn’t want to either abolish or drastically reform Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, but is very indignant about foreign aid to Israel (most of which, for weapons, goes to American companies), his position is not very consistent.  Once someone is a citizen here, he has freedom of religion and speech.  He is free to be a fool and put on a white hoodie and burn crosses.  He is free to be a fool and chant “From the river to the sea” and so call for genocide of Jews. But we should let as few of these people immigrate here as possible.  Muslims who actually believe in Islam should not be let into the country, and those non-citizens who believe in Islam’s teachings about jihad should be deported.  Furthermore, we need to recognize that, like Muhammad, modern faithful Muslims respect power, not truth.  When Muhammad was powerful, he killed the non-Muslims; when he was weak, he advocated religious tolerance.  If we want to deter terrorism and want there to be more peace, and less war, then Israel should be allowed to enact a ferocious response on Hamas that will discourage the Muslims who surround Israel from acting upon their religion’s murderous and anti-Jewish teachings.


By the way, Russia is also guilty of awful war crimes in Ukraine. (Did you know Ukraine has the second largest number of Baptists of any European country–only less than the UK?)  Deterring Russia means letting the Ukrainians defend themselves.  Ronald Reagan, in God’s good providence, won the Cold War by helping to arm those who fought the Russians when they were invading.  We should balance the budget and pay off our national debt by fixing entitlements, and that can be done while, without putting any Americans on the front lines to fight, we send weapons to an imperfect but pro-Western nation with freedom of religion that the Russians decided to butcher the citizens of in their cruel, unjustified, barbaric, and wicked invasion.


  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
