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In 1987 my wife and I, having been married for two weeks, took a U-Haul truck to the San Francisco Bay Area, and we started a church in the San Francisco Bay Area.  I pastored it thirty-three plus years.   In 2009, I started the Word of Truth (WOT) Conference.

Besides helpful edification of our church, Bethel Baptist, a plan for the conference from the morning sessions was the writing and publication of books.  A Pure Church came from the first three years of the conference.  A short book on apostasy, Lying Vanities, is coming soon from the next three years.  From the following four years will come a book, The One True Gospel, not yet published.  We covered the doctrine of sanctification the last three years, and a book, Lord-willing, is also forthcoming, which will be titled, Salvation That Keeps On Saving.

Past conference audio is still available at the Word of Truth Conference website.  You can also watch video.  The church is the pillar and ground of the truth, and the church is local only.  It was our goal with the conference to propagate and preserve the truth.  God has given churches this responsibility.

This year will be the first every WOT conference I will miss.  It’s occurring this year again and you can watch it on livestream through the links below.  I’m sure it will be very helpful.  I believe the sessions could be watched later as well upon its completion.  The theme of this years conference is Why Is The Bible True?  Here is the schedule.  You can also click on each one of the links to get to the location of the livestream at youtube.

Wednesday Evening Service, November 10, 7:00pm—Preaching (One Sermon)

Thursday Morning, November 11, 9:30am-12:00pm—Two Sessions

First Session:  “The Testimony of the Spirit through the Scriptures and through the Saints”—There is the witness and self- attestation of the Bible being the truth, by the witness of the Spirit in the words of Scripture and in the heart of believers.  This session will also address the notion of circular reasoning and of its failed application to the Bible.

Second Session:  “The Attack from Satan and Sinners”—Satan seeks to discredit the authority of God’s words; and sinners, in boldness against God’s rule, receive Satan’s lies and play along his cryptic plan.

Thursday Evening, November 11, 7:00pm—Preaching (Two Sermons)

Friday Morning, November 12, 9:30am-12:00pm—Two Sessions

First Session:  “The Issue of Biblical Manuscripts”—This will address the argument of manuscript apparent disparities, not only behind the entirety of the text issue, but also behind the manuscripts of the Textus Receptus.

Second Session:  “Archaeology of the Old Testament”—This will cover the general proof of archaeology, as well as hone in on a particular, factual, archaeological proof regarding the Old Testament Scriptures.

Friday Evening, November 12, 7:00pm—Preaching (Two Sermons)

Saturday Morning, November 13, 9:30am-12:00pm—Two Sessions

First Session:  “Archaeology of the New Testament”—This will cover the general proof of archaeology, as well as hone in on a particular, factual, archaeological proof regarding the New Testament Scriptures.

Second Session:  “The Proof of Prophecy”—An unfailing proof to the truth of the Bible being of the mouth of God is the voice of biblical prophecy and its harmony with the real past and the real present.  This session will show biblical prophecy to be of God alone.

Sunday School, November 14, 9:45am

“The Realness about the Bible”—This session will walk through the stories and facts of the Bible and expose the simple fact of its realness to our world, rejecting and abandoning the notion that the Bible is mere myth, legend, fable, fantasy, or a compilation of moral stories.  It will also include final exhortations to believers and unbelievers, considering the instruction and impact of all the previous sessions.

Sunday Morning Service, November 14, 11:00am—Preaching

Sunday Evening Service, November 14, 6:00pm—Preaching

Doing the sessions and preaching will be Pastors Jerad Stager, David Warner, David Sutton, Chris Teale, and also Brother Thomas Ross.


  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
