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I love the bald eagle among other bald things. You don’t like hair growing out of your cue ball, do you? Some things are definitely better without hair, like leftovers in the refrigerator for one. Do you like hair sprouting on your cottage cheese? Perhaps I digress.

I guess I’ll just tell you that I’m bald. You can stop giggling. And you, get that smirk off your face. Actually, I’m not completely bald. I have an island of hair near my forehead that is about done fooling anyone about coverage on the top. That I’m 6’3″ has aided in keeping the charade going. Dwarfs know better now. I do warn anyone, however, wanting to check it out, that for their own safety they please wear some kind of eye protection against the reflected sunlight bouncing off its surface. I don’t know why these two words just entered my head: Humpty Dumpty. You can park at the before-the-great-fall portion of his life.

I just read that bald is the new hair. Do you think so? Is someone with a weeble-like tuft of hair on the top better off cropping it, shaving it, buzzing it, clipping it, or hasta-la-vista-ing it? Is bald truly the new hair? Is the boldness of ridding myself of almost all of it better than keeping those crude reminders of days gone by? For trekkies, should I Picard my head? Or Jean Luc it? Or go Michael Jordan or Charles Barkley? Are there advantages to a blanket of hair wrapping around the sides with the fancy chrome bumper on top?

Remember Elisha. Remember the bears.


  1. Now, let me get this straight..You are bald, but have “an island” of tuft? Then that would mean you are not completely bald and there is a difference. Personally for a womans point of view…It is either “HAIR OR NOT TO HAIR”…there is no question. Men shave their face, women shave their legs and armpits!! That is the rule.Now about that island thingy. It didn’t look good during the debate DVD’s so I am sure it is not any better now…
    So…with a show of hands from the feminine side of the audience…Yes.it’s a hands down issue .Off with the island. Keep the face clean, work out daily..(play basketball if necessary)..and don’t look a dowdy 45…..
    Good job ,Pastor B. I almost thought you had lost your sense of humor and was hung on the serious side. Boy, am I feeling better.


  2. Don’t you remember that I told you to lose the “tuft on top” when we were at camp? I recall that your wife agreed!

  3. Well, I just tested my last comment and I now see that it won’t work. So I hope you delete both of them.


  4. Bald is definitely in. Lots of young guys with lots of hair are shaving their heads…just to fit in.

    Go for it. Then post a new pic…that book is a little boring.

  5. Ed, sun screen would give a sort of shine, but who needs that kind of glow up there, afro-sheen in reverse. And Happy Birthday. 67 right?

    Everyone else, I’m feeling unanimity on the shaven thing. 1 Corinthians 11 does say I’m supposed to be uncovered, shorn, shaven, or else it is a shame to me, right?

    ILA, I still have the sense of humor, but it is difficult to bring it out when I’m really serious about an issue.

  6. ….and I quote..”I still have the sense of humor, but it is difficult to bring it out when I’m really serious about an issue.”
    So does that mean you are not so serious about the “little island tuft”?

    “Good humor isn’t a trait of character, it’s an art that requires practice”.
    ……..David Seabury

    Again….it was refreshing..and I leave you to your “tuft”.


  7. Ah, the boldness of baldness…

    Some people have “Hair-Dos”, and some certainly have “Hair-Don’t”!

  8. The question is if you do remove the last bit of hair, will your head look like your neck is blowing a bubble? 🙂

  9. As my loving husband often says “Bald is beautiful, God only made so many perfect heads, the rest He covered with hair”. This comes from a man that really started losing hair at age 17, 4-5 years before I met him, so there is no way, I made him go bald :0).

    I personally think bald men are handsome, but I guess I am bias after being married 12 years to a bald man. ;o).

    Be proud of what God has given you, or in this case taken from you, show your head and don’t hide it with a combover, or I will laugh at you like I do Pastor Jeff Voegtlin.

    J/K PV

  10. hey pastor, well I really hope that God doesnt get blinded by the sunlight reflected off your bald head!

    i think rogain will work or even hair pluggs!

    ok well see ya at church


  11. Christopher, aha, there you are. I love my head. My son tells me it is nice shaped. We’re glad you are here and with us, Christopher, keep plugging away, and I don’t mean hair plugs.

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