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Christmas Carols That Lie

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  1. I agree with this post. I am studying to preach on December 25th and I realized that the Bible never says Christ was born in a stable either. Simply that he was laid “in a manger.” It never mentions “a stable full of animals.” I think our nativity scenes are based on imagination rather than the Word of God as well. I’m not trying to be snarky at all, just thought I might add that for your consideration on your “Silent Night” comments.

    Also, I don’t know if it’s acceptable or practical to comment on a post from 2015. I’ve just found this site recently and so as I come across things I have thoughts to give, then I realize the post is very old.

    • Brother Ross,

      I want to thank you for your gospel presentation article. My wife and I both read it and I sent it to my family to read. For years I’ve been asking the question, “How much should we give lost sinners up front about what the Lordship of Christ will mean to them?” I was encouraged to see how you say you deal with people. I was dealing with a drug addict and had people tell me, “Just tell him to get saved and worry about the drugs later.” But I told them it was the drugs that were keeping him from Christ and they said I was teaching works salvation (which I realize you’ve dealt with and anyone who preaches repentance will deal with).

      Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you.

      As far as the stable. A few more thoughts I found in my study, and if I’m wrong I’m willing to be corrected. The Bible says Mary was accomplished “while they were there” so it may have been a day or a week, we don’t know, but I don’t think Joseph was the kind of man to make his expecting wife sleep in a stable. Also, the shepherds, who likely lived in that area, left Mary and Joseph to go out and proclaim the Good News. It doesn’t seem that any man worth his salt would just leave them if they were sleeping in a barn/stable. I’ve never thought through that before but your article got me thinking about how much has been added to the story of Christ’s birth.

      I pray the Lord will bless both of you in this writing ministry that I am certain has not been easy for both time and the stands you’ve taken. Amen!

  2. Thank you! I’m glad the studies have been a blessing to you.

    Good thoughts on the fact that we don’t know how long they were in the stable or not in the stable. Scripture never says they left–that is just speculation, and Scripture does say the inn, at least, was full–but so is much else on this topic. We should sing to the Lord what He told us and what we know is truth, not speculation.

  3. Well yes. Of course we know that carols are often theologically incorrect etc. But Christmas is made up of various traditions which are enjoyed by millions. It’s probably the only time of year you’ll get someone to church to hear the Word of God, because they like singing carols. As a born again Christian of nearly 50 years I feel that the message behind it is important. Oh, and I LOVE christmas trees……..

  4. Hi Laura!

    If people won’t go to church because Jesus Christ is there, but will go because they like singing carols that have lies in them, are they sincerely seeking Christ?

    Does the book of Acts model singing lies to God in order to get unsaved people to visit a church building to hear preaching?

    What did Baptists do for the first 95% of their history when they universally or almost universally rejected Christmas because of the Regulative Principle of worship? Were people still able to be saved?


  5. Thank you for your answer. Interesting point and you’re probably right. However, I think what I’m saying is that Christmas is probably about the only time people will even think of going to church. And maybe churches need to ask themselves ‘why’, but that’s another story. But, they also hear the Word of God preached. In my opinion wrongly or rightly, Christmas is the only time christianity is at the fore in my country (UK); it’s the most beautiful festival ever – not to be outdone by any other religion. And beautiful carols have a lot to do with it. They are made up of traditions; and traditions are important to a society. I went to a church once where the pastor cancelled Christmas for the reason that he felt the date was wrong. People felt totally abandoned – a bad thing at Christmas time. Of course I would never advocate lying, but it’s hardly that, singing a carol. I mean they don’t quote the words as the Bible. I think we might have to agree to disagree on this one, Pastor. Have a very blessed New Year!

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